

The explosion of divine energy caused reverberated throughout the worlds arousing the curiosity of all supernatural beings, the birth of a new God is not a matter that can be easily ignored, because depending on your intentions the balance of power can destroy the tenuous balance among the multiple factions around the world, however, the sound of Gabriel's trumpet soothed the hearts of many as he related the new deity to Heaven, this being the most pacifist faction in the supernatural world, even before the death of its leader.

Kuoh City, an old man talks to some kids before being interrupted by the surge of power and having to withdraw, "Kids this is the wonder of breasts! I hope they take this knowledge into their lives!", he says, leaving, despite wanting to continue his lecture that was to reach the topic of Harem, but his duties sometimes take priority, "I hope they grow up and become men of culture" , thought the old man, taking one last look at the four children who were talking about breasts as if it were the most normal thing in the world, attracting the eyes of several mothers. The old man's name is Odin, a God, a Father and a Pervert, who was in Kuoh on vacation while traveling the world experiencing bars, brothels and other questionable forms of leisure, "Rossweisse, send an ambassador to the angels,

"Now I've remembered the reason for hiring her", thought the old man, straightening his strapless monocle, "I can play the boring and unimportant tasks for her, I pity those who become slaves to their own lackeys".

In the underworld there was Maou Lucifer surrounded by papers in his office, until he sneezed spreading the documents on the floor, "I think someone is talking bad about me", he said scratching his nose, only to feel a shiver down his spine and look at his wife and secretary Grafiya, "Master, you better get all these documents together quickly," she said with the sweetest smile a person could ever see, just to scare Maou, "She gets scarier when she's pregnant, thought Lucifer before starting to pick up the papers he had dropped on the floor.

"Going back to the previous topic, the recon team reported that the energy center is Yasaka's Kyoto residence," informed the maid, returning to her usual poker-face.

"This boy attracts trouble, doesn't he?", the redhead recalled the first strange event that took place on the day of the young demons' meeting, "any news about our mysterious guest?" On the day of the youth meeting, Ajuka noticed a small alteration in the barrier that covered the Gremory mansion, but even after a complete sweep of the place, it was not possible to find the invader.

"No, but we don't need to worry about anything, Ajuka-sama has already used his magic and said that the invader is an ally", Grafiya's words are correct, but the result of a 100% chance of the invader being an ally and not having bad intentions is unbelievable, even Ajuka still has her doubts and has tested it countless times to make sure there was no outside interference altering the result.

O Maou finalmente havia terminado seu trabalho e poderia ver sua linda irmãzinha depois de uma semana longe dela, porém Grafiya não compartilhava de seus sentimentos e deu mais alguns documentos para ele continuar seu serviço mais um pouco, a final demônios são mais forte e têm mais resistência que humanos, Lúcifer como o topo entre os demônios poderia trabalhar cerca de duas semanas seguidas sem dormir e ainda assim estaria muito bem disposto, isso deixa a empregada orgulhosa, graças a essa estamina quase infinita muito problemas podem ser prevenidos rapidamente.

Back in Kyoto, in the meeting room there was a room with his gaze petrified on Yan and Serafina, mainly in it that reached the power level of a Seraphim in just a few moments and in addition emanated divine energy from his body. Before anyone could ask any questions a solemn and calm voice sounded from Serafina's chest, "My daughter, I'm sorry I can't guide you and your brothers, with the last fragment of my will I give to you, the one who is closest to my children , humans, demons and angels than I have ever been, the right to succeed me, Miguel will explain the rest, Yan please help my children...", the voice disappeared as quickly as it appeared and the divine aura that covered the body of the angel retracted along with its wings.

The angel fell to his knees with tears in his eyes, the last created angel, the weakest and most disposable in heaven was chosen by his father, she could never understand what he saw in her to deliver the throne of heaven to a girl of errands, however she would never doubt her creator's words, clenching her fists and wiping the tears that ran down her arm she swore to herself, "I will not shame you and I will bring prosperity to Earth, Heaven and even the Underworld", no one heard the thoughts hers, but the determination in her eyes was visible to all present.

"I Serafina, in the name of God, announce the desire for peace between Heaven and the Underworld", normally in making such a declaration it would be courtesy to bow her head in respect to the other side, yet now she was no longer a mere ambassador, in a few minutes she reached the top of the celestial hierarchy and therefore bowing her head would be seen as weakness as the unofficial ruler of the angels, so a handshake would be appropriate for the occasion.

Unexpectedly for those present, Yan gave a pass forward and ignored the girl's outstretched hand and hugged her warmly and Serafina reciprocated while stroking the boy's back, the energy that makes up the boy's body came into synergy and a golden aura covered both and few spread around the room, but unlike the sacred power that is bad for demons, because its origin is light, the perfect balance between Light and darkness that will one day unite everyone raises a single banner.

The meeting continued a little longer with Serafall and Serafina working out the details of the peace between the Factions, now that she had the creator's consent to be her successor and needed only to wait for her coronation, Chloe and Koneko returned to Avalon to try to see if anything was there. changed after shaking hands, Griselda and Yan left the room to talk in peace.

"So today was a day full of surprises, wasn't it?", said Yan as he led the way towards the garden being followed by Griselda who despite having a neutral opinion about the demons after all the events that occurred in less than a day changed for positive her relationship with the boy who almost killed her, she knew of God's death and on top of it is the Sacred Gear receptacle that holds the power of creation, "Yes, many surprises happened in a very short period of time", sighed the nun.

There weren't many exchanges between them on the way to the garden, arousing Griselda's curiosity, who thought about how many more things the boy was hiding seeing that he is very mature at an early age. Arriving in the garden Yan designed a set of European-style tables and chairs and placed them next to a shade, "So you must be wondering what I would like to talk to you about right?" the nun nodded confirmation to the the boy asks, sitting in the chair across from the boy.

"Does the name Aura Zollen bring back any memories?" Yan asked with a raised eyebrow, depending on the nun's answer there could be more and more questions to be asked, "I don't remember anyone with that name, but I remember before my parents die and be sent to an orphanage at the church my neighbor was surnamed Zollen, I think", she put her hand to her chin as she digs deep into her memories, when she was a child her parents were often working and she spent the day at the her neighbor's house, who had a daughter a little older than her, but they didn't talk much despite the difference of only three or four years of age, which makes a lot of difference when you're young.

Upon hearing the details Yan put all the pieces together and started laughing without holding back how funny the situation was, now it all made sense, the similarity between Aura and Griselda was because of her father's affair with the neighbor or maybe her husband's. neighbor with the nun's mother, but it didn't matter, all of Yan's possible relatives who were alive were killed by vampires, whether their grandparents, uncles or even cousins, for some unknown reason the vampire race heartily hates their family and only stopped chasing him after the Sitri Clan declared its protection to the young Dhampir.

A thin tear ran down Yan's face as he looked at the face of the girl in front of him and got up from the table and went to caress her face, leaving the nun surprised by the boy's strange actions around her, but the calm followed when she pulled the young man to an instinctive hug tight, "Maybe I want to be a mother", she thought as she tried to justify her attitude, "I'll let you let go of me now", grumbled the boy who was being suffocated by soft and majestic hills.

After releasing Yan the conversation went on as it should have from the beginning, with him informing of his relationship to the nun being his nephew, son of his half sister with a vampire, to the stupor of Griselda who did not know he had a sister and a lot minus one nephew, the atmosphere that surrounded the two was similar to that of a mother who had not seen her child in years and wanted to know everything that she had lived so far, whether the Sitri treated him well and his relationship with the girls, especially her master Sona, "So Yan-kun went the harem route didn't you?" was one of the few comments she made other than talking about her pupil Xenovia and how she would be his successor in the future, despite her lack of talent in handling the sword and relying only on raw power, following a conversation about types of training,proving that they both had something in common in their desire to train others, sharing training routines and training experiences.

Even after many hours of chatting Yan hasn't gotten permission to call Griselda Tia with her saying something like, "I'm too young to be Tia, I haven't even dated yet", she has a grim expression, she really regrets having turned a nun and planned to leave her duties after Xenovia became strong enough to protect herself, receiving an offer from Yan to enter her nobility when that occurred, but she denied saying that she didn't plan to stop following the church, but he noticed that despite everything she did. there was still a certain prejudice, which wasn't wrong about demonic society, they both said goodbye and decided to talk a little more before leaving the next day.

Yan immediately went to Avalon, his mansion, where he found Chloe and Koneko lying asleep in the garden, which like all the land on this continent was covered with swords. The tan was the first to feel her master come through the spatial distortions followed by the kitten who trusted her nose to sniff him, "So any changes?" the few words made Chloe smile and say, "So you want to make a trip?" she said smiling and Yan reciprocated by understanding the lines, although Koneko was very trustworthy and had promised to keep Avalon a secret, he wouldn't say anything else to her, at least not yet.

"Koneko, I need to talk to Chloe alone, do you want to go back to Urakyoto or are you going to take a walk in Avalon?" Yan never liked to hide his intentions by making them clear enough so that there would be no misunderstandings, as in the case of Rias that he treats her politely and without ulterior motives making it clear that they are not friends and if not for Sona, Akeno and now Koneko she would have abandoned her to her fate for her dispute against Rise, but if Rias for some reason ends up marrying Rise , Yan will make sure he doesn't touch her nobility.

Koneko chose to explore Avalon a little more, after several months in this world she mastered the teleport, however after testing in Urakyoto it was clear that the effectiveness was drastically reduced, and in Avalon she could easily jump between continents.

"Before I continue I want to say that now the amount we have is enough to go to other worlds and in addition now the energy is being stored five times faster after we have a superior connection with the Heaven system!", the words of Chloe made Yan very happy that he stole the girl's lips while hugging her, finally he could travel to other worlds!

automatic google translation.

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