
RWBY: The Rose Dragon

A young man died to the mighty truck-sama and you know the rest. Wishes, rebirth, and a crazy time. Join the MC as he hunts Monsters, Demons, prowler of the night. Zzzzzzzz ah I fell asleep oh is that a bird or a giant nevermore. Yes that right welcome to remnant.

D1ablo_5016 · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Finishing Training

(Right so first things first I want to apologise for the short of abrupt hurried ending to the last chapter. It was meant to cover all of MC's training but I decided to make it chapters with a timeskip between them.

Second my friend read this and made a good point about my characters mental age as such I would like explain my view. My character was a 19 year socially awkward introvert as such his social skills are practically not existent and due to the change in age his lack of hormones will make him act more like a five year old just a bit quieter than normal and quiet a bit smarter.

With that done on with the story)

(5 and 18 days later. Two days till grandfathers death)

Daemon was in the clearing where he had spent almost the past half a year training. His grandfather was no longer able to join after last week. The old man had, had a heart attack and his health had only continued to deteriorate over the days. Daemon however knew his grandfather only had three days left. Over the past week Daemon had also noticed he had less control over his emotions and would act more childishly, he suspected it was a consequence of his personality slightly changing to match his psychical age.

During this time Daemon had been taught by his grandfather to wield every weapon imaginable from swords and daggers to kamas and scythes to maces, hammers, spears, guns and a multitude of other different weapons that he had never even heard of before his grandfather had introduced them to him. This was not to say however that he was unhappy about this. No rather the opposite Daemon had discovered that he had two new favourite weapons a pair of kamas and a two ended scythe. Now this was not to say that he mastered any of these weapons after all he was only five and only had a limited amount of time but he could use each with a basic level of proficiency

He had also been instructed in how to properly maintain and use mecha-shift weaponry with grandfather letting him use his old lance and semi-automatic sniper rifle to teach him. He had learnt relatively quickly how to construct and use all the different mechanisms and how to maintain each one although some such as the spring loader were rather finicky.

His grandfather had admittedly found it rather amusing watching his grandson attempt to take it apart and almost shooting himself in the foot tearing a hole through his favourite pair of trainers. Before then throwing the weapons across the room only for it shoot another bullet than ricocheted off a tree before his sandwich that he had just been about to pick up leaving him covered in crumbs, mayo, little tiny pieces of ham and liquidated tomato with a light shower of shredded lettuce. It was agreed that, that day would never be mentioned again.

Although completely unrelated his grandfather was never fully successful in suppressing his laughter every time, he shot the lance a dirty look. Oh, what he was still a bit salty over what happened. Sue him.

Daemon had also trained with weapons that he familiar with due to his memories and the abilities passed on to him by his Skyrim character although he had to refine them to work with his current size and ingrained them into his muscle memory. This was also made awkward as some of the techniques he had learnt relied on having a frame and weight he did not yet have, granted he could use his ridiculous strength to substitute for this short coming in some cases but this wasn't always doable leading to him having to learn so new moves.

Daemon was currently practicing with his stalheim bow aiming at a target attached to a tree on the otherwise of the clearing and found that the skill he had gotten from his character were insane, he had not missed a single shot and his bow was almost as powerful as a sniper round. Now he knew the real reason sneak archer was so overpowered in the game, in the hands of a dragon born the bow was really a 50 Cal sniper rifle. Bah! Who needed a stinking lance sniper monstrosity.

Daemon had practiced moving while shooting and found that he did still need to practice running and aiming but otherwise was still pretty accurate. He had also practiced throwing his daggers as he thought it could be useful in future if he needed to make an opening during a fight. He was also able to do this easily in a fight due to his inventory making it so that he didn't have to worry about being left unarmed.

Daemon had also come a bit further in being able to channel his aura, he was now able to channel it into individual muscles but due to age couldn't channel it into his bones for fear of damaging his growth. He could how ever use it to enhance his perception and vision slightly by channelling aura into his eyes, it also gave him the ability to see when other people channelled aura,. Apparently it was an ability taught to senior and elite huntsman to help them when they had to fight human or faunus criminals as it made it easier to predict their actions. Of course, his grandfather was surprised when he found out that he learnt the skill all by himself but said nothing else about it having become immune to the surprise that type of thing brought by now.

He had also began to channel aura into his weapons and other items to enhance the durability and other properties of the items. It also made weapons more damaging to grimm as it acted as antithesis to them and made it easier for weapons to damage them. He learnt this only a few weeks ago when his grandfather took him to hunt his first grimm.

(Flashback 3 weeks)

Daemon had woken up at his normal time ready to continue his training much he had everyday for the last few months. As such he quickly got up and put on all his training gear that now consisted of black combat trousers, a formfitting black combat top that was under a black with red trimming and silver inside lining cloak and a pair of black steel toe cap combat boots. He quickly picked up his metal practice sword, kamas and his bow and some arrows and went to leave.

As he approached the front door his grandfather called out from behind him. "Wait a moment my boy. There no need for you to do normal training today. Today we are going to hunt a small pack of grimm that been spotted about a mile east from the village. Its mean to be a pack of 3 alpha beowolves and 13 normal beowolves."

As Daemon had turned around he realised that his grandfather was dressed differently to normal. Wearing a black kevlar top with black combat bottoms and brown leather combat boots. Over top of this an open black duster jacket. In his hand his lance, his godforsaken lance. A serious look on his face. His grandfathers silver eyes hard as their eyes met.

"Listen Daemon. Today you must follow every instruction I give you as I will give them to you for a reason. Unlike your normal training where I am happy to just watch and offer some guidance or someone to spar with when you need this requires you to do exactly as I say as otherwise there is a chance that you could die. Do you Understand Daemon?"

With this Daemon gave a firm nod of his head and said "Yes I understand Grandfather".

His grandfather then went out of the front door and gestured for Daemon to follow him as he slowly began to eastward. The journey was made in silence before they came up to a thick bush about ten minutes later and his grandfather held up a hand to stop him before gently parting the bush to look through it. As he did so Daemon was able to catch his first glimpse at a real grimm.

This grimm was an alpha beowolf, he recognised it from the description in his mothers journal. It was around 10 foot tall and stood on its two back legs. The normal beowolve being only 7 foot. It had inky black fur that seemed to shifted and darken in different places and from it back, shoulders, arms and legs thick jagged spikes of enamel coloured bone stuck out a different angles while some formed in what looked like large scales or plates. There was something deeply unsettling about its mere presence, like it gave off an invisible pressure then he saw its mask.

The creatures mask was somewhat lupine in shape no doubt what led to it name. It was thick and pure white with vicious deep red that seemed to almost glow with a sinister light. Its eyes glowed with an eerie red light. It was like staring into an abyss and as it has always been said if you stare into the abyss long enough the abyss will stare back.

He looked at his grandfather with nodded at him gesturing for him to stay put and watch as he suddenly launched forward and skewered the alpha beowolf in one clean thrust, his lance going clean through its neck and up through its skull. Before he turned to his grandson and winked saying "This is a trick I will teach you tomorrow" before he blurred and five seconds later all but two of the beowolf fell to the ground riddled with holes, through their skulls , bodies, arms.

His grandfather reappeared in front of him and smiled and said "I've still got it. Now my boy that was a family technique made by a distant ancestor called flash step. It works by channelling aura into your feet. Then using the least number of steps possible to reach where you are moving. Anyhow you will learn tomorrow for now those last to grimm are yours.'

His grandfather then nodded at one of remaining two beowolves. Daemon approached the beowolf that his grandfather had nodded to and began to think. 'I am confident in my ability to deal with these creatures but I have never thought one before so it may pay to be cautious." With this thought in mind Daemon drew his sword and took a tentative slash at the creature only it to bat aside his slash with with one paw and then swing the other paw at his head. In response to this Daemon quickly leapt back before then with all strength swung the sword down on the creatures arm.

The arm severed from the beasts arm and began to let out a small black mist as dissolved. With this Daemon realised that due to his age his reach and power were extremely limited to due to his small size. So with this in mind he enhanced his arms with aura and quickly closed the distance and kicked off the creatures knee before performing upward slash decapitation the creature.

He then looked back at his grandfather in aura for quickly he had taken care of those grimm. He then laughed and said "You do realise if not for my age I would likely be the strongest huntsman in Remnant, right? Even now I likely fall within the top three due to the amount of knowledge and our unique family secrets. Anyhow I want to fight the next one but use less force and channel your aura through your blade."

Daemon nodded at his grandfather as he began to fill his blade with aura before then guiding it to the edge of the blade still pumping aura into it as charged at the beowolf. Daemon then dropped down as he stopped in front of the grim slashing up diagonally up at the creature throat. As he did so a huge blue crescent of blue energy flew from the edge of the causing a huge slash to cut into the ground and the clouds themselves to have parted. Suddenly a tiredness that Daemon had felt rushed through. The last thing that he rendered before he fell unconscious was his grandfather catching him.

(End Flashback)

The next day he had explained that Daemon had actually skipped 3 steps and arrived at what could be considered one of their families ultimate techniques. His grandfather had explained that he was only meant to channel a small amount of aura into his blade as whole. The next step was to do so continuously. The third step was to channel a bit of aura into the blade and the channel it into the edge so you could launch a small blade arc. The final step was to funnel a huge amount of aura into the edge of the blade continuously leading to the massive giga-slash.

His grandfather also explained that the reason that he fell unconscious was that he with realising it used 90% of his aura in that single move and that despite the fact he still had aura remaining his body was unaccustomed to him using that aura so quickly. His grandfather did however explain that he could train his body to become accustom to it. He also explained that the same technique could be used by funnelling his aura into an arrow head but also explained that he would have to reinforce the bow string with aura as well. It was what had actually led him to practicing his archery so much recently.

His grandfather had also spent three days teaching him how to use to flash step. It was hard to describe the process with doing it. But it seemed that the technique relied on using aura to cause a warp in space between steps to make the speed faster while the aura around the body seemed to somehow slow down the users perception so that they could move and react at the speed they moved. Yeah a bit hard to explain. The simpler version- aura when channelled correctly makes you whoosh swoosh whoosh ta-da!

Daemon had also begun to train using his magic. His grandfather knew about magic and had told him that he got it from his father. Apparently, his father came from a long line of warriors that were related to the first king of Vale, the magician King, Ozma. Apparently, no one in his family had been born with enough magical power to perform anything other than a basic glamour spell or produce a candlelight sized flame so the amount he possessed shocked even his grandfather who thought he had already become numb to the surprises his grandson brought him but even he shocked by this and advised him to keep he secret as he was a big enough target with just his silver eyes. His grandfather hadn't yet explained the significance of him having silver eyes but had stated that he suspected that the two traits had enhanced each others potency.

He was currently able to use the basic flame and frost spells from Skyrim and 5he basic ice shard and fireball spell. Lightning however could only be used as bolts or short blasts of electricity that was able to be used to cause muscle spasms or muscle contractions. His favourite use lightning magic however was his recreated chidori. His other favourite ability was the ability to coat arrows in lightning increasing their piercing power and the speed at which the arrow would travel so it was like shooting a lightning bolt.

His fire and frost magic were significantly less powerful only being to cause slight changes in temperature. You may thing a flamethrower is strong but against someone with aura it was almost useless at it current strength, his frost spells was not much better. However, with enough time and focus he could freeze and shatter even steel or heat to the point it melts. He could also if he had the time and focus condense his flames to make even hotter and cause a small explosion. His favourite ability however was the ability to supercharge dust crystals so even a tiny shard of fire dust could a massive explosion.

Daemon had also learnt how to make mage lights and use illusions. Illusions were a bit different to what to would appear in the games falling into what he categorised as light-based illusions which were what would be considered the traditional illusions which was manipulating lightning to make see things that weren't there. He felt this could be taken further to the level of Neo's or Emerald's semblance. The other category was a less illusion and more the ability to subtly manipulate emotions or the directions someone's thoughts would go.

Finally, his healing magic. It seemed that he hadn't been able to use it. However his grandfather did comment that his aura seemed to heal faster than anyone else he had every seen without a healing or regeneration semblance so he assumed this was what he got due magic working differently in this world than to Skyrim.

It had also been a month since he had unlocked both his semblances. He had just finished sparring with his grandfather when he felt a change occur, like something deep inside him had just clicked into place. His grandfather had been forced to leap back as a huge torrent of flame emerged as a huge western dragoon made of a silvery-blue fire overlapped his figure. His grandfather had be in awe at the power of his semblance.

Through training and experimentation Daemon had learnt how to control the temperature of flames and there were far more effective than his magic as it was made of his aura and would if used against someone else with aura consume theirs while replenishing his own. He wonders if this was what Merlin meant by a gift to him. He had yet to be able to find out if he could replenish energy when fighting grimm with it. He had also learnt to manifest just his wings or claws of fire by themselves. Sadly, he could only hover with them right not outright fly but he knew that would change with time.

The other great thing about his fire semblance was he could maintain the semblance out of combat for almost four hours as the drain to maintain it was minimal. However, it did chew his aura up when actually used it to attack. He also found that he could manipulate and use his flames with manifesting any of the dragon parts but it was significantly weaker. It was maybe a fifth of the strength yet tit would still be considering a powerful semblance it also came with the advantage of causing about a quarter of the aura.

Daemon also found out that he could make simple constructs like arrows or lances out of his fire with the transformation or maybe rather manifestation of his full semblance. He could also make his flame heat less making it so he could play with them without worry about them causing harm or lighting things on fire. Of course, all of these things were not learnt without accidents for example about 2 miles from the village the was now an almost mile wide clearing where nothing remained but ashes and burnt ground. Of course, he would deny he had any involvement in said clearing and that it even existed if he was asked.

His other semblance however was both easy and extremely difficult to use. To explain he would break it down into the three abilities that made up the semblance first the dragon shouts. Currently try he was only able to use the unrelenting force and surprisingly the soul tear shout that let him instantly shattered anyone's aura however this would use up almost 60% of his aura but to make to effect more than one person it would use 90% of his aura making it a last resort. It would form a ring in front of him where a ripple would spread out like a shout. The ring was made up of the three words that made up a shout. His unrelenting force shout was capable of launching his grandfather around the clearing.

Oh yeah his grandfather's reaction to him having a second semblance was hilarious he stood jaw hanging before slapping him self a few times before choking out a strangled "WHAT!" and the hyperventilating. After he just face palmed before murmuring about 'Impossible little bustards being 5o much trouble." Some times he wonders if it was his fault his grandfather had, had a heart attack.

Anyway, the dragon shouts were ridiculously easy to use just really energy consuming and of course limited as he could use two shouts but that wasn't really a problem in his mind as he could subconsciously feel he would learn more in time.

The next part that made up his symbolic archive semblance as he had taken to calling it was the finest aspect. He learnt that at the state he was currently at it was necessary for him to use a medium like ink, ash or engraving the seals into something. At a later date he would be use his aura to just imprint his seals on something. He also had the Uzumaki training guides for his fun that allowed him to quickly progress as he could make storage, explosion and paralysis tags. He would continue to study but he wasn't in any particular hurry he was only 5. He had however made a bracelet with a massive storage seal that had been made permanent and enhanced by the third aspect of my semblance the enchant.

Now the enchantment aspect of his semblance was perhaps the most powerful but also the most difficult to use. The enchant worked by supplying the item with aura while attempting to envision a clear image of what the end result should be such as an item being unbreakable. Or an effect being unending or a weapon being sharp. It could also be used for more complex enchantment such as making a weapon or item repair itself by taking in the necessary components from the air or rewind time in a small area or it could amplify an effect like the storage seal making able to contain more.

He had used it to enchant his sword to be sharper and to better channel his aura with less wastage. He also gave it the ability to absorb other material to make it stronger like from poison the blade would become poisonous. Despite experimenting with it he was still unsure as to its full potential and capabilities. He did however know that he could use to make his seal permanent which was useful. He was even able to make it so that other people could use seals he made and key them to their aura.

Daemon finished his archery practice his arms slightly sire from the hours of drawing back the bow string and firing for hours on end. He slowly channelled aura into his limbs in order to numb and heal the slight soreness he felt. Over the past few months Daemon had learned a lot from his grandfather in his new. He had also learnt a lot about his new world about its history and its people. It felt like his grandfather knew everything. Suddenly he fell still, he realised his grandfather would die in two day. To think that he had already been here 5months and 21 days.

Daemon decided then and there that he wouldn't train for the next two day and would instead spend them with his grandfather. At some point in the last few months, he had come to truly consider the man as his own grandfather. As he had stopped considering this as someone else's life but his. His life, his world, his family. His family that would soon be gone. He held back his tears at the thought. Daemon then walked home so that he could have dinner with his grandfather.

As soon as he got in he went straight up to him and hugged him letting out a small sob. His grandfather however looked at him surprise knowing the boy was never overly keen on psychical contact or affection but instead just hugged him back in silence. His grandfather then gently looked at him still hugging him and asking "Are you okay my boy?" Daemon just responded by hugging tighter and whispering "I love you grandpa." After a few minutes the boy finally let go and his grandfather just ruffled his hair and said "Come on let's eat I cooked rabbit stew, it was one of your grandmothers' old recipes"

The two sat in a comfortable silence as they ate before his grandfather stood and took the plates. Unlike normal however Daemon followed after started drying the items he washed before putting them away. After they had finished his grandfather stood and took out two beers from a cupboard before raising an eyebrow and asking "Can you do your frost magic thing to chill them?" Daemon simply focused and waved his hand making feel ice cold. Before his grandfather picked both up and gestured for Daemon to follow him.

His grandfather had led him to their small garden where with a smirk he pulled a picnic blanket out of one of the seals he had given him when testing making them usable for other people. His grandfather sat down on the mat and gestured for Daemon to join him before passing one of the beers.

"Your a bit young but you have aura and it is a tradition in Remnant for anyone who want to be a hunter to share a drink with their teacher or trainer at the time. Some however do wait for the trainee to mature and age before sharing a drink. Normally I would do the same but I fear I won't live that long, so we will do it now. To you my boy, for all you have learnt and achieved in the last 5 months." With this he cracked open his can and tilted it towards him before Daemon did the same.

"Its thanks you to your Grandfather. I couldn't have done it without you." And then they clicked their cans together and took a swig before Daemon pulled a face at the taste causing his grandfather to laugh. Daemon had never actually drunk in his past life while his character had never had beer in Skyrim so he was unprepared for the taste.

After this his grandfather smiled as he laid day and looked up at the stars and the broken moon and Daemon joined him. They laid there together for most the night talking and laughing, his grandfather telling tales about his days as a hunter and raising his mother. They spoke of the past, the future and everything they could thing of. Daemon beer remaining largely untouched with him taking only a few more sips from.

Eventually his grandfather decided to call it a night and both went inside to sleep. His grandfather wrapped him in a tight hug before whispering "Good night my boy." And proceeded to go to bed and curl up his blankets and thinking of the time had just spent with his grandfather with a warm smile as he slowly fell asleep.

(So thought I should add at least a bit fluff and bonding between Daemon and his grandfather. Anyway hope you all enjoy.)

So guys slightly longer chapter I really enjoyed writing this one so I hope you all enjoy it

D1ablo_5016creators' thoughts