
Prologue: death






"Well today I died it seems... Well I'm betting your expecting some grand death saving the president or stopping some evil mastermind who could destroy the world or even something simple like saving a little girl from truck-kun. Unfortunately I have no such heroic tale to tell.

I was a 8 year old girl living with an alcoholic mother, a bastard of a politician I dread to call a father and a 3 years older brother Ryan who was a carbon copy of his father. Slick black hair sickening pride that radiates from his very pores and eyes like a preditor despising those beneath him. My mother tge saving grace of the shithole of a family. She was once kind,caring and loving. everything a good mother should have been. She loved me and Ryan equally but soon things changed.

I was diagnosed as a 'psychopath' it broke my mother's fragile heart. My brother began avoiding me speaking more to our 'father' slowly but surely becoming milder into the perfect political weapon. My mothers still damaged heart couldn't take this her heart if it was broken before then now it was ground into the fucking dirt and pissed on by my father and brother. This was when I was 6.

I began drowning myself in books novels and series. If there was an up side to being a psychopath being smart and seeing things u seen by others is second nature almost. So i memorised all books in the house off by heart in 6 months. One of my both least favour yet strangely relatable characterwould be Weiss Schnee. With an alcoholic mother and a Bastard of a father it hit close to home.

Over the years I grew up my hair like my mothers an incredibly light brown flew down to my knees not for fashion sake. Simply because no one remembers my existence hell I could've died any day and people would have been none the wiser about it.

This all lead up to today I have known for quite some time my mother had been inviting some men to 'talk to'. More often than not they never come back more than once it wasn't exactly hard to guess what was going on.

Today my mother invited a new 'friend' over bald with a snake tattoo across his head and a bulky exterior. As one could phrase it a 'stereotypical gangster archetype' ugly,tall and bulky. He had had too much to drink as did my mother and out of nowhere a flying glass bottle collided with my head. I collapsed to the floor with my head facing the direction the projectile came from. As I moved ever so slightly I could feel glass shards digging deeper and deeper into my skull.

Looking where it came from I saw my mother and her 'friend' just staring at me the gangster had some concern on his face and even tried to help me. My mother however kicked me in the temple my last thoughts were something along the lines of 'hell a man I never met loved me more than my parents hell... now that's weird' and that's how I got here isn't that right miss shady figure"

The figure before her was simply looking at her with many emotions visible in her eyes. Pity, sadness, pain and even some regret for some reason. The figure sighed half heartedly. "I'm sorry young one for the horrid life you lived... I truly am"

A strange thought flew through the girls head before she asked a strange question "why did all that happen to me? Why was my life so... shit?"

"Well that's a hard question to answer but the simplest answer is 'luck'." The girl showing a puzzled expression the figure continued "luck can affect even fate and reality itself your fate was supposed to be different. You were supposed to grow up and become a scientist who dragged the world into W mew era of prosperity ending global warming hell even curing all cancer. But due to some tragic circumstances you were born with a rare curse that defies fate itself the 'curse of the Martyr' his curse essentially ensures your life will live and end horribly however in exchange your death will do something important."

The girl looked at him seemingly pissed by the horrid fickle game fate and luck played her with. "So what happened after my death exactly?"

The figure continued "well after your death your father and also brother who were connected with some.. 'unsavoury' blokes got investigated and exposed eventually discovering several thousand sex rings, child smugglers and drug chains. Because of this 3/4 of the worlds organised crime was destroyed they even managed to immortalised you as a Martyr for your heroic sacrifice as a hero of justice."

The girl grit her teeth "so my whole life was nothing more than a stepping stone to benefit the cancerous race called humanity. The same race that kills their own children, R@pes and pillages the innocent and are slowly destroying their own planet? Oh yeah I'm So~ fucking happy to help them." Said the young girl in a highly sarcastic manner. "So what happens now? Heaven or hell give it to me straight man how bad we talking? I don't think I'm a good person so why would something like you think so?"

The figure looked down on the poor girl and gave a sad, cynical, self deprecating smile. "Kid you may not have been what some could consider a good person but nor were you an evil one you were merely put in horrid circumstances. Heaven and hell is based on karma something gained throughout your life... well that's the official answer but in reality it determines your next life. For example the worlds richest man if he was unforgivably evil could be reincarnated as a rodent and a poor man who is the kindest soul you ever meet could be reincarnated into the lap of luxury with a loving mother, doting father and a hot sister the whole shabang."

"Your karma is to put it simply 'high as fuck' you were honestly incredibly smart to survive to the age of 8 with your luck there was a 99.8% chance of death before the age of 4 and well let's not even imagine the following years doing that with your luck you gained a horridly large amount of karma. To top that off your death inadvertently eliminated 3/4 of all organised crime syndicates. To put that to scale like in a novel if you save a girl by pushing her away from a truck you get reincarnated. Now the amount of people you inadvertently save was... Carry the one... multiply by the number of births.... divide by... you saved 82.3 billion people and that included their future victims of the syndicates yup now try to imagine your karma."

That number was mind boggling for the poor girl. 87,000,000,000 people saved because of her death but still she snorted. "So what I saved a few people all I ever wanted was to live MY life the way that I wanted to. I died for a bunch of assholes called humanity who are slowly killing themselves... for fucks sake l. so what happens now with all this 'karma' as you call it?"

The figure still seemingly cloaked in darkness smirked. "Well that's up to you actually, usually I just reincarnate people into random worlds and say fuck it have a cheat skill or something like that it's pretty funny seeing them get all arrogant like that hahaha.... well maybe except that one she's pretty interesting how about if I... Fufufu hey kid!"

The little girl with a still bitter expression responded "yes?"

"I'm going to reincarnate you into an anime world of your choice with a system and 3 wishes with whatever you want with almost no limitations. since seriously your karma is BS you've broken a record for those below the age of 2000 I think."


Well 3 wishes and a system all for me huehuehue so many ideas. I even had a small book full of 3 wishes too choose from. But first... "what kind of system do I have"

"Tch damn there goes my future pranks *ahem* your system is a regular system with a dating sim sub section so you can view affection, loyalty etc when you reach a certain amount of affection with them they can gain their own system essentially allowing you to build an army of sexy system users. It has a shop function where you can buy things from any anime or novel worlds, stat window and all the classics in there now now please tell me your wishes I'm dying to know!"

Well 3 wishes with a system that can view affection perfect for manipulating people if used correctly. A shop function aswell probably using some sort of system currency. I don't want to be way too OP so I'll just ask for some basic stuff and as for my world...

"I want my world to be RWBY on Remnant born at the same time as Yang that way I can if I feel like it join Beacon. As for my birth circumstances make it random."

"For my first wish it's rather simple I want a feature to my system added so I can travel between worlds freely and at will once I reach a certain level this includes novels, manga, etc"

"For my second wish I want the highest affinity/compatibility/talent possible for all forms of power. Like being able to use ki, HP magic, aura etc. Essentially meaning I can use all power systems of different worlds."

"And finally I want a rapid growth/ broken limits type: ability so I can grow stronger faster with no barrier limiting my growth like no bottlenecks or some shit also add the ability to evolve please."

"As I favour to me though could you make me a none human species anything but a god damn human is good in my books."

The figure nodded sagely and said "indeed I hope you enjoy your new adventure child" the next thing I saw was a flash of light before I shouted back "thanks man what's your name" I heard a shrill chuckle "I am Melancholy" my eyes abruptly shut awaiting my awakening with eagerness.