
RWBY: System

So i reincarnated in RWBY, it looks like im still fine after my death... Everything seems to be okay but... I have a system... ...And a stand? / / / / / Cover picture not mine. Though I edited it.

Toist_New_Moon · 漫画同人
6 Chs

Chapter 4: Treasure hunt(1)

A/TN: Guess I'll make it slightly slower pace then.

/ / / / /

~Day 2~


"My head hurts." My Hamon and the Gamer skill doesn't seem to help even with 2 hours of rest "*Sigh* Goddamit... I feel like throwing up or getting knocked out anytime..."

[Host is experiencing 'Burnout']

- - -

[Condition] [Burnout]

The system has let the user use the max level of the {Swordsmanship} skill due to the host's mental awakening, however the soul of the host is experiencing a backlash due to the {Soul eat} skill and mental drainage.

Expect for the burnout to last for 3 days and your stand awakening delayed.

- - -

"I'm too tired... guess I'll skip Grimm hunting and just rest for today."


My head still feels heavy, but I can feel my body recovering, and I think I have a good enough condition to at least forage for food...


- - -

[Shop] Level: 1

-Status point- 100L

-Semblance- 1500L

-Random title- 500L

-Random weapon- 200L

-Food/water- 50L

- - -

I didn't check out the shop interface that much after buying my claymore "But I never would've thought about buying food and water here."

[Purchase successful]

[Purchase successful]

- - -

[Chocolate Cake]

[Mountain Dew]

- - -



- - -

I clenched my ass and took one of the brownies inside of my inventory.

"System... would the gamer skill... perhaps let me take on this physique without the need to worry about the calories I'm about to intake?"

I was too worried about getting fat I turned back into a British person.

- - -

[Help] [Physique]

The gamer skill does not let the host change their physique, however as compensation the system gave the host the appearance of a handsome man named Joseph Joestar from the JJBA series.

- - -

'No, fucking way.' I didn't get a chance to look at myself in a mirror so I didn't know.

"I now look like the second most handsome man."

Second only to Ryan Reynolds.

"It's a shame in more into a monogamous relationship, or else I'll be building a harem by the second." It's a shame, really.

Now... It's time to suppress myself to not use up all of my money to buy a fuck ton of food.

'The dark side is calling... and they have cake.'

/ / / / /


I lived in London, the worst place imaginable.

Those pesky rubbing scallywags always...

I meant... British bullies were a tough life and probably the most fabolous and spoiled ones.

So we moved to Ohio in the united states...

Bad choice.

We got a pretty nice coupon for a flight there and my grandparents (dad side) were also in Ohio.

I learned how to use a gun, repair slightly damaged guns, and gunned down muggers.

Fortunately we didn't live there for long...

And when we were in Florida...

I went to a Anime convention

Went back home, but got hit by a truck and died instead.

(End of Backstory No.1)

[Purchase successful]

- - -


[Pistol Ammunition(100)]

- - -

[Lien: 2650]

"This reminded me a lot of my life... probably a little to much." I'll definitely miss Paul for teaching me how to use and repair the Pistol,

and... a ton more guns.

"Guess I'll need to put some aura, or Hamon into this. Getting some kills while doing a 360 no scope would be kinda fun, but I did too much before, so I'll do it more professionally this time." Yep John Wick style, just how Paul liked it.

But I'm in no condition to do that yet so I'll be a little bit of a wuss and shoot from afar.

"Better safe than sorry when you're hungover."

- - -


HP: 200/200

Type: Boar

Size: 1.7 meters

Abilities: [Charge] [Tusk] [Body roll]



- - -


I first tried to stretch my arms a little bit but it hurts and I got another cramp.


My accuracy with the pistol wasn't bad at my previous life but I'm obviously not good at it

"Full auto and snipers are easier."

[Inventory: Pistol: Pistol Ammo]

I grabbed my pistol and some ammunition and got into a position, I sat on a small carved stool that I made and shot the pistol across the window.

I forgot to put Aura or Hamon into it...


It spotted me and started to walk slowly towards me since I was just slightly hidden because of a window.

"Dammit... well I guess it's okay."


I shot a fingernail at the Boarbatusk making it shake around like an epileptic dinosaur.

"It's looks like a stage five seizure."

Jokes aside I was able to put some Hamon into my fingernail so I wouldn't worry about the Grimm surviving.

"They're like vampires, though they're just allergic to Hamon not sunlight."

And they would probably not have sons to three or probably four different women, or dress gay.

And sure enough they Boarbatusks withered away into a black dust.

"I should train with the pistol, but I don't want to waste any bullets."

I'm not gonna be able to hide my powers anyway like an emo so I guess I'm going straight to Vale!

After my burnout...

And after getting a map feature...

'I got excited for nothing.'


I guess I still need some time to get into the main story.

/ / / / /

I rested for the rest of the day and only bought some foods *when I really needed it*

[Lien: 2000]


I... can explain...

The food was just too good.

. . .

~Day 3~

My hangover/burnout is almost over after a good night's rest and some sweet chocolate cake in my inventory, after only having 2000

Lien I only ate slightly above average this time.

It sucks but saving money was one of the things my father told me to always do.

"Being a cheapskate wouldn't be so bad in this world."

So after just sitting and eating in my base I was able to unlock my daily quest interface.

- - -

<<Daily quest>>

Treasure hunt!

Find a treasure chest in the forest, be careful though because it's guarded by a Goliath.

The location will be given in the home interface.

Clear condition: Open the treasure chest

Failure: None

Reward: [Lien] [EXP] [Music Feature{Max}]

- - -


HP: 4960/4960

Type: Elephant

Size: 9 meters

Abilities: [Stomp] [Roar] [Tusk]

Goliaths are giant elephant-like Creatures of Grimm, It has black skin and large tusks that makes it hard to kill easily it is also quite powerful, depending on it size it might be the cause of a minor or mild earthquake.

- - -

"First of all, I'm still quite weakened by the damn burnout, Second why the hell would I want to fight a Goliath and lastly...

why does the music feature have {Max} behind it?"

*Sigh* guess I'll do it... later, because I'm still in a damn burnout.

/ / / / /

~Day 3~


And I guess I have no reason to procrastinate now... "I wanted to be super powerful and all but I don't want a death wish already."

I've been avoiding conflicts with Grimms unless I would 100% win or that I couldn't help it, but in not in both of those situations right now so I need to make a decision sooner or later.


"Fuck it, I'll go." I just need to get that treasure chest and I'll be fine... but could I really do it?

probably not.

"I'm not power hungry I'm just hungry in general."

- - -


The home feature is temporarily altered to let the host locate the treasure chest instead of the host's base.

[West North]

- - -

"Welp... West North it is."

The journey will be unparalleled to it's stupidity and difficulty...

But at least I'm getting my Music into max level, if that's gonna do anything.

So I step foot outside of my base,

touched some grass, got some D...

Vitamin D, and walked into danger.

"If I don't regret this later I'll regret not doing this earlier."

And if I do regret this later I'll regret not doing this later.

Makes sense? Great!

Let's go poach an elephant!

/ / / / /

I 'fixed' my pistol and added a sniper scope to it "Why not and it's basically just a telescope on my gun."

I found glass shards all over abandoned buildings and managed to cut then with my claymore with some spin energy added to it.

I forgot about that.

"Turns out living like a caveman will give you dementia and all sorts of things."

And the base of the sniper scope was made out of metal from more abandoned houses and some Grimm item drops.

Yeah... I was just unlucky that I didn't find any Grimm item drops.

So I spent 10 status points into my luck to hopefully get a skill book or maybe something that could prove useful.

[Sniper scope]

It wasn't as big as an actual sniper scope,

but it was definitely a pistol sized long scope.

I tried it out but it wasn't really a big difference since I could easily break a tree with a few punches now "It didn't get me more accuracy but this is totally fine as well."

I practiced my dodges and maneuveres while I was fighting weak Grimms like Boarbatusks and Beowolves, and sometimes there would be injured nevermores and creeps but I tended to not fight them with my pistol and just slashed them down with my claymore and Hamon.

Though I didn't slacked using my Spin and Taunt either, it was actually the battle starter and ender because of it's ridiculously long stuns on Grimms and Taunting does give me the advantage when I tried to sperate a group of Beowolves.

Though most of my stats didn't rise naturally so I needed to actually spend point on them now.

And my skills hit a wall too, though the most important thing I learned was that my bloodline abilities were REALLY hard to level up.

- - -

Name: Rey Nights

HP: 270/340(270/410)

AP: 230/540(230/610)

Race: Human

Class: None

Title: None

Semblance: [Locked]

Bloodline: Joestar {Hamon} {Spin}

Condition: Neutral

LVL: 7

VIT: 37(43)

STR: 32(35)

AGI: 34(37)

INT: 16(25)

WIS: 14(26)

LUCK: 1(11)

Points: 25(15)(25)

- - -

<<Skill list>>

[Gamer: Max] [Taunt: LVL 5] [Dash: LVL 5]

[Swordsmanship: LVL 6]

[Hamon: LVL 2] [Spin: LVL 1]

- - -

Only my Hamon leveled up because I was using it a ton and my swordsmanship was the only thing that got past level five.

"Ah, so that's the catch of letting my stats reach an absurd amount so easily."

"Yeah... come to think of it I could only probably karate chop someone into a concussion but my strength is triple the amount already after three days, so it's only fair that it wouldn't rise so quickly."

All of that aside, I was able to reach about half of the distance of where the treasure chest is located already after 4 hours of walking.

I was also able to get a load of Lien by killing Grimms so...

"I'm hungry~"

/ / / / /

[Lien: 3050]

Now, now I wouldn't spend it all already I still want to escape from poverty of only 3000 dollars.

But I probably ate too much already...


I am on a pretty cool cliff near outside of the forest when I see something peculiar...

Two people was also there with me,

A blond tall one and a short red hooded one.


Wait... PEOPLE! Finally! I'm not alone.

The blonde one spoke "Huh? no we're just here for our mother's funeral, so what's your business here stranger?"

They're... Ruby and Yang, two of the main of the show "Nothing really, I'm here to hunt something down, and I guess you already know what I'm hunting."

It's an elephant but I hope they think it's a nevermore.

The short one says "Is it a Grimm mister?"

"Uh... yes? I don't mean to rude miss but of course it's a Grimm, I don't look too shady to hunt something else right?"

At this point I'm starting to doubt my hygiene,

I blame this on London.

"Well you do stand out with your plain shirt and black jogging pants." Yang said.

"I don't have a terrible sense of fashion Yang I'm literally just don't have another option."

I covered my mouth with my two hands.

And with that I got into a trouble... already...

"... Raise your hands up if you want to get the easy way out, Ruby pull out your weapon too."

Yang grabbed her gauntlets Ember Celica and got into a stance.


"Can you explain yourself Mr Stranger?"

Ruby pulled out her scythe Crescent Rose and pointed it at me.

"You'll think I'm crazy if I tell the truth, but I'll give it a shot..."

I opened the system interface-

"Hey! What are you doing? typing in the air and what not." Yang interrupted my monologue as she activated her aura.

"Just wait."

What she did was reasonable, I could've launched a Bio nuclear weapon by typing in the air as my semblance so of course she was cautious.

"And... done."

[RYR: Party]

I sent them a team invite using the system's party feature "My semblance makes me into a video game character, I can see your names and stuff."

"What the fuck"

"Don't swear yang!"

"I'm kinda busy so will you excuse me? there's a giant elephant on the loose-"

*Elephant noises*

"No... way..."

'I can't swear in front of ruby.'


"Soo... what's the plan?" Yang asked

"I seriously don't have any for this situation."

I clearly didn't plan on saving a house right now.


/ / / / /

Filler chapter? Yes.

Plot going too fast?

Just wait it's not even a week yet.(Still day 3)

Also thanks so much to the 200+ people supporting this fanfiction.

See you next time.