
RWBY Omniversal Chatroom System

Chris had expected to wake up, haul his ass to his boring job, hop on a bus to get home and repeat this process for the foreseeable future. Through a random act of kindness towards a homeless but talented guitarist on the street and one too many cans of Monster, his routine was derailed.. drastically. [Welcome to the Multiversal Chat System, Neopolitan!] "Ugh.. what? Like the ice cream..?" [No!] "Oh.. Oh yeah.." [Open beginner gift box?] "Yeah just please don't give me anything bad, RNGesus.." [Ding!] [Acquired Rivers of blood katana] Minor Aura enhancement pill] [Body purification elixr] [Advanced swordsmanship] [Charm boost!]

Saeko_Kaburagi · 漫画同人
102 Chs

Getting to know Ruby and Yang II

"Alright, relax. We're all nude here. Though I do appreciate the reactions, your shampoo is running out, Ruby" Neo snickered in amusement as Ruby yelped, realizing the glob of shampoo she squeezed in her hand.

"Uh.. Hehe.. We can share? I don't wanna waste it" Ruby scratched her head and looked away in embarrassment.

"Sure. Noire, I'll scrub your hair while Ruby and Yang do theirs" Neo then scooped a good amount in her hand and started to wash Blake's hair.

Blake was fidgeting through it, feeling her naked lover's body so close. She bit down on her lip as Neo hummed and delicately rubbed her cat ears very thoroughly. Though her voice broke when Neo reached her split Nekoshou tail and stoked it carefully.

"Aah.. N..NeO.. I can do tha-Aahh-t part!" Blake protested as her ears stood up straight.

"Er.. You guys shower often..? You seem kinda experienced" Yang asked, trying to hide her own embarrassment as she cleaned her sister's red hair.

"Not that much, no. Why?" Neo asked, tilting her head as Yang and Ruby watched her expertly stroke Blake's tail while kneading her fingers through her ears. Effectively turning the Faunus to putty in her hands.

"So you're just.. Okay, do my hair next!" Yang proposed with a smile while both of them rinsed off Ruby and Blake.

~Oooh I get to touch Yang of all people's hair? Must have made a pretty good impact on her~ Neo thought, unaware how she looked while 'petting' Blake.

Neo walked over to Yang's shower stall and cracked her fingers with a growing grin as the Blonde nervously scratched her cheek. A little scared of her grin, Yang turned around to play it off as a joke when she felt Neo's hands grab her breasts. Her expression stiffened once she looked at the smaller girl, who had her eyebrow raised up at her action.

"YANG! Was that on purpose!?" Ruby yelled at her sister, whose face flushed as she vehemently denied it with rapid head shakes.

"Nononono! I swear I was just.. I thought that.." Yang tried to formulate a response as Neo chortled at her.

"Okay chill.. It's just a tit grab. I'm sure Yang was just worried about her hair anyway" Neo assured Ruby as she turned Yang around and began to wash her hair.

"I promise I'll be gentle" Yang heard her mischievously whisper as she felt Neo's hands thoroughly, but gently run through her long blonde hair.

Yang shivered and sighed in relief as she felt small hands on her scalp. Content to quietly enjoy her 'petting' until Neo spoke up.

"So at the risk of sounding a bit intrusive.. How'd you two get those cool robotic limbs?" Neo saw Yang look at Ruby's legs with a look of pain while Ruby looked at Yang's arm and sighed.

"Ahh.. it's fine. We're already naked, not much more awkward it can get, right?" Ruby joked, making Yang cough in surprise.

"Uh.. y-yeah I'll tell them, Rubes" Yang looked down at the floor and sighed, seeing her sister's uneasy expression.

"So a few years back. When Ruby and I were twelve, I took her out to look for my bio Mom. She uh.. left the family when we were seven all of a sudden and without saying anything. Summer, Dad and Qrow were still scrambling to try and find her and I heard them mention a safe house of hers on Patch. I wanted to help find her so I convinced Ruby to help me. We both were still in training so we grabbed our practice weapons and headed out without telling anyone.." Yang shivered a bit, making Neo's brow furrow as Blake focused on her more.

"I uh.. I messed up. When we got there, it was.. There was.." Yang grabbed her arm and shook, taking a deep breath before continuing.

"Yang.. if it's too hard.." Neo spoke up as she rubbed the back of the shaking Blonde and glanced at the saddened Ruby.

"No.. I'm fine. You should know anyway. You're gonna be a Huntress so you'll probably see them too" Yang stopped her shaking as her fists clenched.

"You mean the Grimm?" Blake asked, seeing the sister's faces scrunch up.

"Yes but.. different. There were Grimm there but.. a Human Grimm. It looked.. exactly like Ruby, too. She.. No, it was.. It acted like her too but.. so wrong.. Twisted, even. She insisted that we 'play' with her like her 'Yang' plays with her.. By brutally beating on us and trying to dismember us.." Yang scowled as Neo began to rinse her hair.

"She had this Grimm scythe and with the Beowolves there, she broke down our auras and took Ruby's legs after cutting off my arm. Forced me to watch it too. Luckily our Uncle Qrow got to us right then and drove her off or we would have bled to death" Yang's body untensed as she finished.

"That Ruby used to be just like me, too. I don't know the full details yet but someone or something forced that change on her. Uncle Qrow told us to expect there to be other Grimmified versions of people we know. Yang and I were in a really bad place after we lost our limbs but hearing that.. Such monstrous acts.. To force something like that on anyone.. It gave us the resolve to get back up and be Huntresses" Ruby finished, giving both Neo and Blake a look of pure determination.

Neo stayed silent for a few moments as her thoughts processed what she was just told. She has yet to meet the 'Grimmverse' versions of the people she came to know. But if what Ruby and Yang said was true? That they were forced into becoming Grimmified? Then she already knew her choice. Seeing Neo so silent made Ruby feel guilty for telling them. Ruby was about to open her mouth when Neo did it first.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you both. Something that traumatic on twelve year olds too.. You guys are incredibly strong to still fight on. To prevent that kind of thing from happening to others. Thank you for sharing that with us" Neo spoke gently and looked at them both with a thankful and sympathetic smile.

"You both deserve to be here. We'll do everything we can to help you succeed in your goal" Blake assured them with a small nod.

Yang and Ruby felt a smile grow on their faces before looking away. Though very touched by their words, they seemed too embarrassed to show it.

"Well! I kinda made it awkward eh? Let's fix that with my favorite shower passtime. Singing!" Neo declared with a quick spin as Yang began to wash her tri-colored hair.

"I'm not really a singer though.." Ruby quietly muttered.

"Don't worry about it. It's a shanty, you'll catch on. Plus, it'll be way more fun if you guys join in" Neo then cleared her throat as Blake smirked and Yang took an eager expression.

"I thoooought I heard the ooold man say.. 𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗥 𝗝𝗢𝗛𝗡𝗡𝗬, 𝗟𝗘𝗔𝗩𝗘 𝗛𝗘𝗥!" The rest of the time in the shower was spent singing the sea shanty Neo learned from her favorite Assassins Creed game.

After their shower, Neo and Ruby worked on their weapons in the workshop while Blake went back with Yang to talk to Weiss and Blake 3.0. For a good fifteen minutes they both worked in silence. Though Ruby often stole glances at Neo's weapons while Neo admired the more advanced looking Crescent Rose.

"Hey, Neo?" Ruby finally broke the silence and lowered Crescent Rose as Neo looked up while whetting Yamato.

"What's up, Ruby?" Neo noticed Ruby looked a little nervous as she gathered up the courage to ask her question.

"You don't.. mind the legs right? I had them look as human as I could but.. well.." Ruby looked at the seams in her legs that reminded her that her real legs were gone.

"Ruby? I'm not going to say something real profound here. It'd probably make me sound like a pretentious ass. Your legs are cool as hell, okay? Doesn't detract how attractive you are. Neither does Yang's arm. I get that it's a sore spot for you but rest assured that I think-" Neo was interrupted by a sudden hug by a smiling Ruby.

"Thanks.. I don't usually talk about stuff this fast but you know.. there's something about you" Ruby pulled away and looked at her.

"Yeah it's probably the charm.. heh" Neo gave her a wry smile.

"Mn..? No. You're real pretty. Like unnaturally so but this is different. I can just tell these things, you know? Like.. you get it? I guess you can say? Aha.. am I making any sense here? Sorry, I ramble on too much" Ruby rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly.

Neo blinked a few times and slowly smiled. Patting Ruby's shoulder, she stood up in an improved mood.

"I get it, Ruby. Thanks. Maybe I was a little self conscious about that charm thing? Mn, yeah. Thanks, Ruby"

Ruby returned her smile, though a little flustered. The rest of their time was spent geeking out over Huntsmen weapons. Luckily for Neo, Ruby was a master at improving weapons and taught her more about proper weapon maintainance. Once finished, Neo returned to hers and Blake's room where she saw Blake hold a copy of this world's 'Ninjas of love' series close to her face using her tails.

"I guess other Blake lent that to you? You look invested. What's in it? More Ninjas? Kunoichi love affairs? A blonde kid screaming about being Hokage?" Neo asked as she sat next to Blake on the bed.

"....Hm? Oh, welcome back. There's more drama and.. er.. you know? 'Those' scenes" Blake huffed as she finished, though Neo threw her a deadpan stare.

"It never ceases to amaze me what you and Pyrrha will get embarrassed at after what we did together" She joked, seeing Blake throw her a pout.

"It's different! It's.." Blake trailed off and glanced at her current page as Neo leaned in and read it.

"-Matsumoto was caught in the beasts' trap. Closing in on her were its multiple tentacles and it looked.. 'hungry'?" Blake reddened as she moved her book away.

"Ah I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going.." Neo joked as Blake's blush deepened.

"It's art, Neo! Art.." Blake protested as Neo nodded sagely and stood back up.

"Agreed, my fellow degenerate! I'll let you enjoy your tentac- Smut, yeah.. Smut- in peace. I'm making the 'choose sides' decision now" Neo declared and pulled up the system's screen.

"Yeah.. it makes sense. After hearing about Ruby's Grimm version.." Blake sighed just thinking about the Grimm versions of their teams.

"Yeah. Always chose 'Paragon' in those games anyway" Neo shrugged and heard a familiar 'ding'.

[You have chosen Remnant 3.0's side! Reincarnator detected!

Evil God's influence detected!

Updating mission parameters..]

Neo's brow furrowed as she stared at the text in front of her. Reincarnator? Evil God? It looked like the appearance of a main questline in an RPG. Just from these words alone, she decided to take this seriously.

[Mission updated!

Slay the Reincarnator connected to their Evil God! The death of the being connected to the Evil God will result in Evil God $%&$%^$'s destruction!

Optional quest: Save or kill off the infected Grimmverse counterparts!

Reward: Total bloodline and species change

Soul destroying blade technique]

Neo's eyes widened as she took it all in once more. Pursing her lips, she focused on the 'Evil God' part. Wondering exactly how strong this individual was based on the apparently deep connection they had to their Evil God. As far as she knew, no other reincarnator she killed had that connection. There was definitely more to consider now but she put those thoughts aside and glanced at the new window opening up.

[Side quest accomplished: Choose a side between the two universes! Remnant 3.0 chosen!

Reward: Mystic Gacha summon!]

She saw a ticket appear in her inventory that filled her with dread.

~Oh no.. Don't.. Don't pull me back in with that curse..~ Neo breathed heavily as she stared at the ticket.

"Neo..? Are you okay? You look... kinda crazy right now" Blake asked in concern.

"Blake.. I need a kiss for good luck, okay? I'm rolling a gacha.." Neo folded her hands and stared at Blake with an unstable-looking smile.

"O-Okay..?" Blake moved toward Neo and kissed her, though Neo deepened it for seven seconds before pulling away.

"Rolling what-" Blake was interrupted as Neo pulled out a golden ticket and activated it, drowning the room in a golden color.

"Give me that GOOD shit, RNGesus!" Neo shouted as the light began to die down.

On the ground was a small white creature with cute blue beady eyes. He was wearing a little cape and his white hair made it look even cuter.

It looked up at Neo.

Neo looked down at it.

"Fou..?" It made a noise that confused Blake.

Neo calmly smiled and lifted the creature up in her hands, raising it up high.

"We are gonna do great things together, my friend.." Neo promised with a smile that unsettled Blake.

"Who.. is that?" Blake asked, poking her head between them.

"Fou!" It seemed to answer her with a faux salute to its head.

"Scrungo, the Magnificent!" Neo had declared with the small creature raised high.