The buildings zoomed by while I was riding in the backseat of the SDC limo, another failure of running away. Mother didn't even look at me while we rode in the back, her entire focus was on the wine glass in her hands.
The scroll in my hands showed a live screen of a young Weiss singing in front of thousands of people. Her angelic voice seemed to make Mother more guilty as she stared into her glass of wine harder before sighing and looking up at me, the guilt prevalent in her eyes.
Willow:「Why do you continue to run, Whitley? 」
I stayed quiet as I continued to watch Weiss sing on my scroll, only glancing at the woman who was my Mother in this life.
Whitley:「Why do you drown yourself in alcohol? 」
Another sigh showed me she was tired of this looping questions thing we had going on, she took another sip of her wine, and we stayed in the uncomfortable silence until I started to get restless.
Whitley:「Esscape, we both do these things because we see it as the only escape from the hell that is the Schnee family no? 」
Mother's grip tightened on the glass she held at my scalding words.
Willow:「Our family is not a hell. 」
Whitley:「The look me in the eyes and promise you'll stop drinking and try to be there for your children! 」
Mother didn't look up at all, her grip loosened, and she just continued to stare at the floor in shame before downing the rest of her wine and put the glass away.
Whitley:「LOOK AT ME! 」
My hand slammed into the seat beside me, the impact slightly shaking the car.
She reluctantly looked at me, the tears streaming down my face causing her eyes to widen.
Whitley:「You left us at the mercy of Jacques, not just Winter but also Me and Weiss! 」
Mother looked down in shame at my words, all the time I spent with Mother even while she was drunk let us become closer to each other than anyone else in the family. Whenever Mother was drinking I made sure to be nearby, taking the bottle out of her hands and taking her to bed.
Mother didn't move to do anything, she just stared at the floor as tears left her eyes and dropped onto her hands.
Whitley:「Mother all I want from you is to put down the bottle, spend time with us as a family and stop wallowing in despair! I'm 8 for Oum-sake and I'm more capable of taking care of myself than you are of yourself! 」
I stood up and walked up to Mother while shouting at her as I stood in front of her berating her for how she let her life go, the stinging pain and resounding slap sound after I finished yelling froze me to my spot as I watched Mothers's eyes gain a cold fury in them.
I was shocked into silence as Mother had never shown me such cold eyes.
Mother froze after she finished yelling, she stared in horror at the handprint on my cheek. she slowly looked down at her hand in fear before her eyes shot up back to me.
Willow:「W-Whitley I-I... 」
She reached forward and I involuntarily flinched back from her hand.
Willow:「Whitley I'm sor- 」
Was all Mother could get out before I was slammed into the side of the Limo, the car rolled over as Mother was protected from the glass shards by her aura. I watched as it seems like everything slowed down, the glass shattered into large and small pieces and a large one hit me in the spine about halfway up.
Mother's head hit the hardwood of the top of the minifridge, knocking her out instantly as he body collided with mine pushing me in such as way my back was turned to the wall and shoving the glass shard further into my spine.
I passed out from the pain but when I awoke it was to the sound of gunfire, the car was upside down and Mother's still alive but unconscious body was on top of me. The pain made it almost unbearable to turn my head and look out the broken window to see what was happening.
Just outside the Limo was a bunch of Atlesian Knight-130s as they opened fire upon what I could only guess was the "White Fang" from the masks and uniforms, behind them all was Winter summoning Grimm she defeated and evacuating Civilians from the scene.
She was slowly coming over to the car with cover from the AK-130s.
Whitley:「Mother wake up! 」
Frantically I push Mother back and forth trying to wake her up, I wanted to move my legs but I couldn't feel them meaning I had lost that function of my body. Winter was stopped from moving towards the car as the WF pushed heavier fire onto her.
Whitley:「Mother wake up! I don't like this! Mother wake up!」
The frantic pushing and yelling combined with the gunfire seemed to slowly wake Mother up before she gasped as if waking from a nightmare, I smiled as she instantly got up from me crouching as she held her hands in front of her mouth in a scared fashion.
Whitley:「Hey mom, it's not as bad as it looks right? 」
The pain was coming back in full force as tears pooled in my eyes, my head felt light and I thought I was going to die again.
Mother moved to pick me up and hold me close, only to stop as she noticed I winced from being moved. She looked down to the floor to see a pool of blood seeping out of my body, she looked back up to me as I just kept a gentle smile on my face.
Whitley:「I'm getting pretty tired here... 」
It was the yelling that spurred Winter to move to the car faster than before, she rushed around and ripped the door off with an Alpha Beowulf summon. Winter Froze at the sight before her that just so happened to be me bleeding the fuck out and mother yelling at me to stay awake.
Whitley:「winter... 」
I was slowly losing strength, it appeared that my last words would be her name. Her scroll was out as she called a number and talked to the person on the other side, I stopped being able to hear just after I said her name so I was clueless about what she was saying.
I turned to look out the window, the White Fang long gone, as a ship landed with people rushing out. Mother tried to stay near me as an oxygen mask was put on my face, Winter had to hold mother back from me as she tried to rush to be by my side. The last thing I saw was the ugly clean shaven mug of Ironwood rushing out to them.
I closed my eyes as I accepted that I just wouldn't be with my love this life either, all I could do was hope that I would be with her in the next.
- Timeskip 3 weeks -
The insistent beeping was causing my head to pound, something that shouldn't be possible unless I was alive, my eyelids felt like they were made of lead as I opened them before quickly shutting them in pain.
I could hear someone shuffling beside me to my right, My throat was parched like the Sahara Dessert as I wheezed out my request.
Whitley:「wa... ter... wat... er... pl.. eas. 」
I heard frantic shuffling before a straw was put into my mouth, and a small sigh rang out as a smooth voice spoke.
???:「It seems that your brother is waking up Miss Schnee, as I said before the very best minds of Atlas are working on a fix for him. 」
???:「Thank you General Ironwood. 」
Ironwood:「It's nothing Miss Schnee, I wish for your bothers swift recovery. 」
The footsteps after Ironwood's words told me that he had just left the room leaving me and one of my sisters alone, slowly opening my eyes I was able to blink away the blurriness.
Standing to the left of me was Winter who relaxed after Ironwood had left, to the right was Mother. Weiss and Jacques were nowhere to be seen, Weiss was probably forbidden to go by Jacques as she was the Heiress.
Winter turned to look at me with a small smile on her face as mother was still sleeping she kept a quiet voice.
Winter:「How are you Whitley? 」
I didn't answer as I tried to sit up, seeing my struggle to sit up Winter moved to help. Once I was sitting up with my back against the pillows I looked back to Mother to see the bags under her eyes made my heart ache.
Winter:「Whitley? 」
Whitley:「How is Mother? 」
Winter looked over at Mother before looking back at me, she could tell I was trying to change the subject, yet she still obliged.
Winter:「Mother has been worried sick and numerous times I had to make sure she would take care of herself, I would say the most surprising thing is she cut back on the alcohol a little. 」
Whitley:「How long have I been out? 」
Winter:「3 weeks, now how are you feeling? 」
Whitley:「I can tell you what I'm not feeling... My legs! 」
I could tell my happy upbeat attitude put Winter off, but she still pressed to find out if I'm doing alright.
Winter:「Whitley, please. 」
I sighed and took a long look around my room, a couple of things like flowers and some cards on the table to my left.
Whitley:「Like shit winter, what more do you want out of me. 」
Winter:「You were in a major incident! 」
Whitley:「Shh. 」
Mother moved, before falling back asleep.
Whitley:「Winter... 」
Winter:「Yes, Whitley? 」
Whitley:「Can you get me books about medicine and anything to do with technology and prosthetics? 」
She paused at my odd request.
Whitley:「Winter, please just get me the books. 」
Winter sighed before turning away in thought, after a little bit she conceded.
Winter:「Fine I'll get you those books, but you have to tell me why. 」
Whitley:「Deal. 」
(1719 words)
Hey! so I'm writing this story because it is what I have motivation and ideas for, (Plus I'm watching the entirety of RWBY to write this.) and I'm enjoying the story so far there is another chapter in the works so I hope you'll like this!
Side note, the Image at the start of the chapter is what I imagine that my Whitley would look like but instead of the blue crop top, it's David's jacket with the Edgeruners logo on the back.
I didn't make the Art it (as far as I'm aware) is by RegalClaw on Devianart.