
RWBY - Red The Champion

Red lost everything thanks to one mistake. Now he must suffer the consequences that beyond his imagination. Who knew losing led to another world? Although called Remnant, the place holds much more than he ever bargained for. Even the traces of the person he owes the most to. She took those steps aeons ago and long turned into a myth. How can he ever repay her? After all, he might not have the ability to save himself. To add salt to injury, perhaps the thing that brought him to the peak in his old world isn’t as black and white as he thought. Can it haunt him even in the alternative universe? And to top it all off. The first to find her traces wasn't even him. It was someone that might bring ruin to the world and now has the means to do so... RWBY AU fanfic with Red the champion (Power stone ranking - Monthly) Top 1 - 10 chapters/week Top 3 - 9 chapters/week Top 5 - 8 chapters/week Normal update rate 1/day [Disclaimer: I am aware that some things do not line up with Red's OG team or the exact story-line, if it did he wouldn't appear in Remnant. PS: Some Grimm are overhauled to resemble their Mythology better. In some instances SCP foundation lore is used as an inspiration. Further future Grimm not shown in the canon series will be based on Mythology folklore and SCP foundation beings.] Cover photo: Kimmy77

Xouldrion · 漫画同人
24 Chs

Chapter 7 - Light up the flames!

"After five years of research. I finally cracked the code of the book." Said a young woman to herself in a dark room.

One candle prevented the room from being engulfed by darkness.

Roars of agony could be heard through the walls as the ground sometimes trembled as if it wanted to welcome something.

Even the candle shivered, threatening to kill its feeble fire.

She opened the book and removed dozens of small notes.

[Notes for - RWBY: Volume 1-9]

- Author Lyra aka Emmy

The story of fours girls not prepared at all for the tribulations to come.

It all began with a girl whose eyes shone silver, Ruby Rose...

... ...

She dived into the story book as she used an ancient book as a reference whenever she forgot the words next to her.

In three hours she managed to decipher the story from volume 1-3.

What she saw there shook her entire mind.

Even if the book wasn't true at all, just the fact alone of her name appearing on it made her dizzy.

Salem herself confirmed that the book didn't have anything to do with the extraordinary.

If it wasn't for the gnawing feeling and accidental findings in one of the explored caves that hold incredible secrets, she wouldn't have bothered with this book at all.

Pages began to turn once again as she ignored everything.

Dozen hours later...


She clutched her head and thought of the things she just read about. Her body was exhausted and on the verge of collapse, but she didn't care.

Those four girls, along with their little friends. She didn't care about them at all, however, the truth that later came out.

Salem and Ozpin used to be a couple???

The image Salem had built inside her mind broke into shards of glass. Story about another world and the tree that created the Twin Gods.

It got heavier and heavier until she couldn't take it anymore.

Maybe a prank by someone? She looked at every option available and decided not to rush too quickly.

However, if even one fifth of the news proves to be true. Then she might not need Salem anymore...

Cursed by Gods? She just had to become a God herself!

Should they exist, then she can become one too! That's her pride and confidence she built across the years.

"Salem did send me to Vale for a very long mission, didn't she?" She said under her breath and decided to move everything forward.

In the darkness, of course.

Her eyes shone in a new dangerous light. If Roman Torchwick existed, and those two dogs that betrayed her did too.

Then she had enough time to play around with.

A day later, thanks to the help of a certain scientist. She managed to collect preliminary data of the Vale city.

Along with it, a name popped up and her lips curled up.

Roman Torchwick, a criminal veteran along with his new associate, began to create chaos in Vale.

"Raven, this time we'll see who uses who." She said with a bright smile.

Right now, the world itself was hers for taking.

The future laid at her feet! She just had to prepare in the darkness and wait for the opportunity to strike first.

Since she decided to embark on this journey to godhood.

Then Salem would become a hindrance at one point or another, which she didn't like at all.

Moreover, the Grimm that ensured her safety could become a bomb at any moment. Perhaps she might be able to use the 'protagonists'.

After all, they were literally created to defeat or at least seal Salem if stories were any kind of indication. And if she lived in a fiction right now, then she'd treat it like one.

Thanks to her being next to Salem. She knew many things that hadn't been revealed in the book.

Exact location of Salem's castle. Her approximate forces and possible power she wielded.

Recruiting Emerald early wouldn't hurt, but it would take a long time. Moreover, she had to take her sweet time in taming her emotions and especially her body.

The most honest one of them all.

And while Mercury had his uses. She had to wait after he killed his own father before she made a move.

Nothing could go wrong. As such, Roman became the perfect target.

An unfortunate soul that died whilst fighting in volume 3. What he left behind was an unstable weapon that had many uses.

If she properly tamed Roman, then she'd take ownership of Neo.

It would have been better if she found Neo before Roman did, but she wouldn't cry over spilt milk.

Either way, they won't be able to escape her grasp.

She turned her attention to the upcoming team RWBY and JNPR. If she could kill some of them off before they entered Beacon, then it would be good for her.

Or not…

She had to be careful with the future 'deaths' of the so-called protagonists. If even one dies too early, then the rest might crumble, creating a power gap between Salem and Ozpin.

Of them all, she had one potential target in mind in case they became dangerous or the story deviated even before the 'story' began.

Ruby and Yang still had the protection of veteran huntsmen, and killing them in an instant would be hard. Not to mention that they represented the book.

Blake, Nora and Ren toured the continents and already possessed a certain amount of combat experience and again possessed a certain level of importance.

To touch Weiss Schnee would be even more impossible.

Same with Pyrrha, as her status granted a high level of protection as well.

The only person could be the ordinary little Jauney boy. Little man wearing bunny pajamas, weakling without any substantial backing.

With the fame of the Arc family. She found them in no time and launched an investigation.

News that they brought disturbed her, though.

"Sure enough, this book isn't word to word accurate." She said whilst examining the reports.

The Arc family had quite a different story. Story of the 2 arc knights entered her sight.

"Did Jaune travel further back in time and somehow cut off the connection with his current family? A rusted knight appearing in that era... dubious."

She couldn't deny their prowess, though. If she had to face the rusted knight in his prime, then he might win.

Of course, that's before she attained her full maiden form.

She considered taking maiden's life early, however it would directly put her under watch of Salem's careful eyes.

After all, after so many years of being under her. All she got were snippets and potential showcases of power she could attain.

Identity and the powers of respective Maidens remained a mystery for the 'current' her.

Months passed by as she finally sorted everything out.

Riding on a giant nevermore, she soon felt the fishy smell hit her nose as she embarked on her journey...


Ding Ding Ding

Sounds of metal clashing alongside with quick sizzling sound got accompanied with a satisfied huff.

After many trials and errors, Red thought of the weapon he'd specialize in when fighting a huge Grimm.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that small weapons like long swords, small axes and such. Could, at most, be useful against medium-sized Grimm. Against giants like Goliath, they'd do a minimal amount of damage.

So, he put his eyes on a certain weapon. Spear.

At first, he didn't know what to do with it, but then an idea hit him.

Thanks to the transformative technology. He created his first prototype of a spear. Able to split in half at any moment and turn into a smaller dagger and a staff.

Perfect weapon in a close fight against humanoid opponents or in closed spaces.

His ideas didn't stop there, and he wanted to create something like a Gun as well. However, many problems came along with it and he considered something else.

He could create some kind of pea shooter weapon that could barely kill low sized and weak Grimm.

Or he could make it human powered. This time, he had to get help from the old man.

Even then, it became a month long endeavor that began before he even started hanging out with Ruby.

The prototype satisfied his needs.

Grey and red spear with a two sided sharp blade 55 cm long.

Inside, he added an option to show small rows teeth that would shred organs easily. Though he had to reconsider its usability and transformation later, but that would be decided after further testing.

He could also throw it like a javelin with a small chain in his hands.

Once he got an aura, he'd be easily able to recall it back without suffering any injuries. And the most complicated and also probably the most useful part.

A mechanism that turned his spear into a sort of sword and a staff.

It could be longer, but he made it thicker instead.

The style felt weird in the beginning. Fighting with a long weapon and then switching to the shorter weapons seemed to be almost fatal if it didn't connect properly.

Many times he lost when trying to switch when sparring against the old man.

Aside from a lot of training he needed.

Last hurdle remained before him.

To complete the weapon himself, smelt the metals into perfect alloys and perfect it even further.

Red's mind got filled with endless amounts of opportunities.

One of which became his next goal in the prototype series. The ability for the spear to use gravity dust.

If he could use gravity dust, then his strikes would become absolutely devastating.

But with the upcoming birthday. The entire month long work turned into an easy assignment compared to the challenge ahead…