
Ruthless Villainess Forced To Travel through Realms To Save Every FL

Popularly known as the Crimson Shadow, Nys Nightblade and The Devil’s Bride, Katarina has always been a villainess since she was born. Her parents were popular assassins, and their only daughter was brought up to follow their footsteps. Rina killed without hesitation, and her jobs were always quick, clean and smooth. Everything was going well for Rina until she got killed by the people she has always trusted… But, luckily for Rina, her story didn’t end there. Instead, her story has just begun! ~~~ [Yuri System]: Rina, you’ve been granted a second chance. Rina: Oh my god, thank you so much, oh merciful system. [Yuri System]: There’s a clause, dear favored Villainess. Rina: There is? What kind of clause? [Yuri System]: The God of vengeance has decided to put your great skills to good use first. Rina: ~ shocked & confused ~ Rina: What? How? [Yuri System]: The God of Vengeance has decided that you’d have to travel through multiple Realms, and defeat every enemy against each female lead in each Realm. [Yuri System]: After that, you’d be able to live the rest of your life however you want. Rina: Well, that sounds super easy! I’ll be done in no time. [Yuri System]: There’s a few more things, dear favored Villainess. ● You need to kill EVERY enemy against each female lead, until each female lead is completely safe. ● You need to TAME every female lead in every realm and make them fall for you. ● You’re gonna be granted a COMPANION, and you’d both have to face these missions together. Rina: WHAT? I ONLY WORK ALONE! [Yuri System] That is the only way. Rina: Who is this companion anyway? [Yuri System]: You’d see. Rina: … [Yuri System]: … Rina: … [Yuri System]: . . . GOOD LUCK, DEAR FAVORED VILLAINESS!

Bree_Airee · 奇幻
18 Chs



A dark laugh left Rina's lungs, causing Dax and Sara to stiffen even more before hastily separating from each other.

Rina closed the door after her and stepped deeper into the house. She looked from her cheating wife to her brother, and then she laughed again.

"Isn't this completely amusing?" Rina asked, but none of the two people in the sitting room responded. Rina scoffed before walking past them, straight for the bar where she retrieved a bottle of whiskey and downed the content directly from the bottle.

As the alcohol burned her throat, Rina wondered if this was currently happening to her because of how much she was such an evil person.

Rina has never bothered to delude herself. She knew she was no saint. She usually kills innocent and evil people, she sometimes kills children when needed. Rina knew she was quite evil, so she wondered if it's the reason why she had to come home tonight to witness a scene like this.


It was Sara, her timid voice drifting a few inches away from Rina. On a normal day, that voice would be enough to get Rina going, but right now, that voice and that word, grated on her nerves so fucking much.

She took her time to turn around before abruptly reaching for Sara's throat, unlike whenever she grabs her throat in thores of pleasure, this was completely different, Rina'a grip was very tight, cutting off Sara'a ability to breathe.

Sara's heart pounded against her chest and she heaved and gasped desperately, small hands desperately grasping Rina'a wrist as she tried to loosen the tight hold around her throat, but it was pointless because Rina was way stronger than her.

Rina stared down at the face of the choking woman in front of her. To think she had been eagerly returning home to this face about half an hour ago. Right now, the urge to snap the thin neck underneath her grip was very strong, and she was contemplating doing just that.

"Don't kill her please, sister." Dax, Rina's younger brother called out, a panicked looked on his face. He knew what his elder sister was capable of, and he didn't want Sara to be killed just like that.

When his sister's dark eyes panned in his direction, he stiffened at once.


It was a single word, but it made Dax flinch once again.

Rina ended up releasing her hold on Sara, watching as the smaller woman crumbled to the ground, sobbing as she sucked in desperate gusts of air. Rina scoffed as she took in the pathetic, irritating sight before walking past her.

She stopped in front of her brother and rolled her eyes at him before walk past him.

"Katarina." Dax called out, causing Rina to stop. She turned around and spoke coldly.

"It has always been blood before anything, Dax." Rina reminded him. It grated on her nerves how her brother appeared guilty, like he was unaware when he decided to sleep with her wife. For how long that has been happening, Rina wasn't interested in finding out.

Dax cleared his throat, unable to hold his sister's gaze because of how ashamed he felt. "I didn't know what came over me—"

"I don't care, Dax." Rina responded, cutting her brother off. She took a large gulp of the whiskey before continuing.

"Leave my house. We're no longer siblings. Never show your face here ever again." Rina spoke calmly, even though she was burning with anger from the inside.

"If you do, you'd get a taste of my dagger for the first time."

Dax tried to argue, but Rina already walked away. She stopped before climbing up the stairs.

"And take her with you. I don't want to see her face ever again. It's on sight when I do." She was referring to Sara this time, and once again, before Dax could respond, Rina was gone.


Rina soaked in a hot bath that night until her entire body became numb, then she sank into her bed. She wanted to go to the club to find a hookup partner and fuck the anger out of her mind, but she knew she couldn't because of her reputation.

As a top member of the society and also a well respected doctor, Rina's day to day life was picture perfect. She was able to build numerous hospitals around the country and buy shares in a lot of companies, thanks to the heavy load of money she makes from being an assassin. She was able to get into a lot of spaces as a doctor, and her occupation helps with finding a lot of dirts on people.

When her brother came along, she had been about six years of age. Her brother didn't have the mindset to become an assassin, chosing to become a spy instead. They usually work together most of the time and it was Rina's job to protect him like she protect herself. It was hard to believe a betrayal like this came from her only sibling.

At a point, Rina ended up drifting to sleep.

The next morning, she was getting ready to go to the hospital when a call from her brother came in. She was tempted to ignore it at first but ended up accepting the call.

Her brother chose to go straight to the point.

"I'm going to ruin your life, Katarina. For having the audacity to disown me, I'm gonna use my hands to completely ruin your life!"

Rina didn't let that phone call get to her. Despite how bizzare it sounded, she didn't believe her brother could actually do anything.

She sent the usual coded text to her agent, waiting for her job for the day.

However, Rina was shocked when her agent informed her that she has been dropped.

Her shock and disbelief only increased when all her long term clients began to drop her as well, one after the other.

Rina was amused at first, till she wasn't, till she became extremely furious, and that was when a call from Sara came in.

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