
Being fake



"Eden is sleeping already" Mai announced to Granny who just entered the room.

"Poor boy is asking about his parents especially his mom. He feels something isnt right." Mai muttered as he covered Eden with the blanket.

"My Grand child has gone through alot. But i can't tell him anything. I hope all this ends soon but i feel it wont. Oh God" Grandma whimpered.

"That lady is bad. For what you told me all this wouldnt have happened if your husband haven't gotten involved with a mistress. Your family was separated because of a mistress. People are bad" Mai said.

"If you ever get to see the mistress that seperated your home Granny don't you ever forgive her. I will make sure we teach her a lesson. Your children suffered. Your grand child suffered too. She's wicked. God will punish her" She cursed.