
Runners Survivors

After waking up with a vague recollection of the past, our MC finds himself as a humanoid tester in a corporation. He doesn't know who he was, or why he was there, the only thing he knew is that he has to test the humanoids sent to them or death awaits him. The only way to escape this predicament is to participate in the annual freeing of workers: Runners Survivors. Run or Be Captured. Fight or Be Killed Welcome to the Runners Survivors! Run for your life! Ready!!! Start!!! *DISCLAIMER* Personally edited book cover but image does not belong to me.

DaisukiDayoSenpai · 科幻
311 Chs


Wilder Barnes tilted his head and smiled at Ms. Croft. She smiled back after hearing the good news that Red told them. All in all, she was just glad that the son of Claude Genesys was still alive after all this time, and it's all thanks to the entirety of Block-16 that it was so. Of course, Lily being alive also made everyone ecstatic, but her survival solely depends on Red and the Block. As long as Red's alive, the entire block has pretty much escaped the Outside.

Or so, that's what everyone thinks.

"Wilder Barnes, can you attempt to contact Kiria and Itsuki as well? They should be here by now." Ms. Croft continued. "And also, I know they're not in the best of places but please inform them about the state of Ciranaric Resistance. That way, they won't be surprised when they arrive here."