
Runaway Coffee

DarkSider_096 · 现实
9 Chs


Friday 4:30 16 April 2017

Beep beep beep

I groaned as I switched off the alarm.I should really not wake up this early huh?Well who cares right?I get up from my bed and then walk over to the mirror.

I am greeted with a kid with blue eyes and rough dark hair and a nice little shiner.Great look Will great look.

I then walked across the dark hall to the bathroom and took a nice cold shower.

I finish about 20 minutes later and got ready for another day at hell,Whoops I meant Greendale high,well not much of a difference place is there?I wonder how Zane will ruin my day today?I then walked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

It was now 6:00am and I had made a nice cup of coffee and some bacon and eggs,Gordon Ramsey would be proud.I then left a plate of bacon and eggs next to my father who was probably passed out drunk from last night.I then walked back to the kitchen,grabbed my car keys and continued to the front door.Another day of misery awaits.I locked the front door and proceeded to my car.