

This is the story of a man name Vector Von Alver. Vector Von Alver is a member of a unique and strongest family of all. No matter where you go across all existence, the Family name Alver was well known and always appears in the history of all existence. Vector died in an Omniversesal War of the mortal realms and then he was reincarnated as the Ruler Of All Dungeon And King Of All. At this reincarnation, Vector’s race became God Of All. He will bring change to all and building the largest Organization that control and protect all. Follow Vector Von Alver in his adventure to a new life in the Otherworld. DICLAIMER- all my book cover are not my own, I all got the cover from Google, I don't know how to draw

Alfon_Soultan · 科幻
13 Chs


Early in the morning.

I woke up early in the morning and then get ready for school today, according to my present life memory I was enrolled in the Haganaka Academy the best Academy on this planet, I was a 4th-year junior high school there.

After taking a bath and eating my breakfast I leave the hotel and called a taxi, the taxi is a floating taxi with no wheels at all and use an antigravity drive to travel, after 30 minutes I arrive at the school.

The moment I enter the gates of the school I can feel countless unpleasant gazes looking at me, I can feel their contempt, disgust, and their malicious intent towards me from their eyes, I continue to walk leisurely and ignored them.

After a few minutes, I arrive at the room safely and without any problem, you're wondering why I said, I arrive safely like I was on a battlefield instead of a school. well, this is the answer when my memory is still not awakened I was always been bullied by a certain person from another class, this person has a similar age to me and every day I was beaten by him, but of course, I didn't let him beat me and fight back, but because of my weak physique and magic, my attacks were useless and ignored, despite this, I never yield to him.

The bell rang and the class was about to start, like always during the class I was ignored like the air, no one talk to me and the teacher never look at me at least once, I am an outcast.

Time passed and the bell rang for the launch break, I went to the cafeteria and fall in line, I look around the cafeteria and saw that every student was looking at me with disgust and contempt, I sigh and whisper, "Oh come on give me a break with those ugly look."

I ignored them again and wait for my turn when my turn arrived, the old lady who distribute the free launch looked at me and said, "Long time no see Ren."

"Hello grandma good to see you, by the way, I change my name so call me Vector."

The old lady laughs and gives me the launch, "Here eat well Vector."

I smiled and said, "Thank you, Grandma."

After getting my launch I manage to see someone familiar face, [Isn't that James] I said inwardly, James is the person that always bullied me along with his five lackeys, I want to eat my launch peace fully before beating them so I hide my presence and went to the empty table. with this, no one will manage to see and notice me even if they are in front of me they will never see me like I never exist at all.

I ate my launch peacefully and after eating it, I did not hide my presence anymore and let James and his Lackeys notice me they will be a good punching bag.

One of James's lackeys top his shoulder and pointed his hands towards me, even though my back was against them I can still see them clearly with my Observation Aura, James show a wicked smile on his face and approach me from behind with his Lackeys following him.

When they arrive behind me, James throws a punch on the back of my head, I tilted my head slightly to avoid his attack, grab his hands and throw him to the ground using the force of his punch. James's body slammed to the floor and a crack like a cobweb formed on the ground.

The five lackeys frost on the spot because of surprise while James lost consciousness on the ground, I want to beat him up with my fist until his face turn black and blue, but I didn't expect that he will be lost consciousness by just slamming him to the ground, I look at the Five lackeys behind and then smiled evilly, the five lackeys tremble and then they run away.

I look at them blankly and then, "shouted cowards." I don't have any will to beat them anymore after all they are just weakling who preys on weaker people than themselves, they are just trash.

After that event, I was kicked out of the school. I never regret what I did and just smile while living the school.

I was walking on that street and then stop at a bus station, Inwardly I was planning my future in this universe. While I was pondering my future I unconsciously boarded the bus and just sat on one of the sit, I look out the window of the bus while contemplating my future.

The bus started to move forward and the scenery on the window is constantly changing, I was still lost in thought to determine the path that I want to follow until I saw the branch building of the Space Mercenary Guild on this planet, My eyes shine and my face shows a smile, "I decided, I will become a Space Mercenary.