
Ruler's POV (DxD FanFic)

A Ruler died and his soul transmigrated to the world of DxD. What journey will his second life be? Should he pursue greatness again or be an ordinary person in this second life? AN: I do not own the original High School DxD story. Cover photo is not mine. I just want to write a version of my own MC. I am new to writing and English is not my primary language so bear with me.

ZyC0 · 漫画同人
23 Chs

Chapter 7: Chess Game

(Lucas POV)


Its the 4th day of school and it seems I have been in this town for more than a week now. I also familiarize some places in this town like the mall, hospital, police station, temple and etc. It seems there was also an abandoned church. I went to school after my morning routine and surely I did not forget the sweet snacks for the cute little one. It seems Koneko is not that cold to me now. I also felt that someone is always spying on us but can't tell where.

I arrived at school earlier than usual. I directly went to class and take a nap as I got addicted to reading novels after studying lately. I also remembered that today is the appointment with Shitori Senpai and I informed Koneko yesterday that I will not come to the Old building site today. Shitori Senpai seems to like chess as she asked me if I played. Honestly, I did not play that much. The bell rang and the class starts as usual. 

Time Skip Lunch time

Lucas: "Koneko wait" I hurriedly stopped Koneko as she going out already. "Take these snacks, I will not be there for today, so" I took out the snacks and gave it to her. She looks like somewhat hesitant to say something but in the end she just nodded in response and took the snacks and left. I was confused by her look but I did not dwell on it.

I can hear voices around me gossiping. May be because I approached Koneko and directly address her name. Well yesterday I told her to call me "Lucas", "Even though she never said my name from her mouth". And I will also call her "Koneko" and she seems to give a silent approval. My goal was achieved, I successfully abducted a Loli *cough2x*. I mean made friends with Koneko. I actually don't have any perverted thoughts about her, *cough2x* the tree incident is an exception. I just want to have a little sister as I did not have any even in my past life. I want to pat her head and call me "Big Brother". When she is in trouble I would come to her rescue and say "Don't worry sister, Big Brother is here.". Ahem "Okay that's enough, too much reading of novel gives me weird ideas". I was shaking my head from thinking weird stuff.

I did not bother the people whispering to each other and went back to fix my things first before leaving the class. I actually already had an answer to what may Shitori Senpai would propose to me. Or let us see first if its different from what I think.


(Sona's POV)

I was getting myself ready to welcome Agawa kun. I fixed the documents on the table and took out the chess board. "knock knock" I was surprise that he came a little too early but I was stunned when I saw the person who came.

Rias: "Hello Sona, it seems I just disturb you from doing something?" She said with a teasing smile.

I saw her smiled at me sarcastically. I frowned and asked her: "What are you doing here?" 

Rias: "If I was not told by Koneko, you would have already recruited some people before our agreement is even finished." She seems a little angry with her tone.

Sona: *cough2x* "Calm down Rias, I just want to see his talent. Its not that I will recruit him immediately." I explained. I looked at her knowingly: "Besides, I think you already have your choice in mind is not it?" 

Rias was silent for a moment. After awhile she sat on the sofa. 

My eyebrows twitched: "What do you mean by this Rias?" I questioned her.

Rias: "I also wants to know his talent. Don't mind me here. May be I can also find a thing or two." She said smiling at me.

My mouth twitch and my head hurts a little. This friend of mine is really a little mischievous. My plan seems to be disrupted by her appearance. I guess I can't help it.

Sona: "Then make yourself comfortable." I said

Rias: "Don't worry, I will." she said while smiling at me.

I rolled my eyes on her. We discuss some topics regarding some fallen angels lurking in Kuoh Town while waiting for Lucas.


(Lucas POV)

hum hum

I was walking to the direction of the Student Council office and saw Tsubaki San waiting at the closed door. 

Tsubaki: "Hello Agawa Kun, please wait for a moment." She bowed then turned to knock on the door. "President Sama, Agawa Kun is here."

Sona: "Let him come in" Sona's voice was heard behind the door.

Tsubaki opened the door for me and I went in. Tsubaki did not followed and just closed the door.

When I look around I saw 2 figures sitting on the Sofa. It seems they were playing chess. What surprise me is I met an unexpected acquaintance. The stood up and approached me while I was walking to them.

Rias: "Hello Agawa Kun, long time no see?" She greeted me with a smile.

Lucas: *Chuckle* I chuckled as it seems she is the type to tease like Akeno. "Well, long time no see Gremory Senpai." I said with a gentle smile.

Rias: "Just call me Rias, I am not really into formality." She said.

Sona: "So you two met already?" She was surprised that we knew each other.

Lucas: "Yes, we met at the convenience store where I was working part time." I nodded and said.

Sona nodded and invited me to sit on the chair. "Do you like some tea?" she asked as she was preparing some tea.

Lucas: "Please" i gestured with a nod. I look at Rias "Are you also part of the Student Council."

Rias look at me and said "Sadly, No" 

Lucas: "Oh" I did not further questioned her and just sat back.

Rias saw me did not further ask but she still answered. "I am friends with So-- Shitori so I came to visit her."

I nodded in response. I saw Souna Senpai came and served me tea. She sat on the opposite side of the chair. "I guess you already know why I invited you hear?" She said as she glance with her eyes at Rias on the side. Rias seems not to react on what she said.

I nodded but before I could say anything Sona continued: "But before that, lets play first." she smiled as she pointed out the chessboard on the table.

I paused for a moment and nodded: "Sure. I also want to refresh my memory." I accepted the challenge as its been awhile since I played this kind of game. I am not really a fan of it.

I look at Rias from the side: "How about you Rias Senpai?".

Rias: "I will just watch you guys play. Don't mind me." she answered with a smile.

I just nodded and fixed the pieces of the chess board. We started the game and I played the game casually. While we are playing, I can see that Sona has some talent in calculation and strategy. We had a draw and she seems not satisfied with it. Rias on the side did not react, she just watched.

Sona: "Lets do round 2" She said while fixing the chessboard.

I *chuckled* upon seeing this. She seems the type of person who did not yet experience some set backs and failure. "Let's teach her a lesson a little bit" I said inwardly.

I fixed my posture with cross arms, sat properly, stopped smiling and gave an aura of indifference: "You go first." I said in a cold tone.

Rias and Sona were stunned on my transformation. they actually felt like they were facing a leader. Although there is no real pressure emanating from him, but his temperament is like of a King.

Rias: "Do you need to act like a chuunibyou" Rias inwardly complain.

Sona actually took a deep breath and nodded. She made her first move.

I noticed their reaction but ignored it. 

2nd round, Sona Loss but did not give up. 3rd round she still lost. For the whole 2 games, I maintained my character. She took a deep breath and said "Again". 

I raised my hands and look at the time. "I am going to be late for class" I said.

Sona: "Don't worry I will just say that you helped me with something." She replied eagerly.

I raised my eyebrows and frowned as I look at her. I thought of something and said: "Actually, its not interesting with out some stakes involved."

Sona frowned a little "What do you want?" she asked.

Lucas: "Money" I just said one word. "I just__"

Sona: "Ok I will give you 100,000 yen for every game win or lose including the 3 games before."

*cough3x* I choked up the words that I am going say and almost lost my composure. I was just gonna ask for 10,000 yen but she offered 10x the price. I have a new understanding of this girl "She is rich!!" 

Sona notice that I was silent and thought that it is not enough. "Okay if it is not enough, how about 200,000 yen per game."

"Critical Hit!!!!" I almost had a heart failure. *cough* I composed myself "Its enough 2x. Let us start then"

While we are preparing for the next game. Rias from the side watch all of this. I don't know what is on her mind right now.
