

Mike is 30 years old Supreme Alpha of Blood moon park . The most powerful Alpha ever hear of . The Lycan who never meet his mate for many century_one day he mistook young beautiful girl for his Mate. "Your my mate, my life and the one I will spend the rest of my life" Said the cool man and looked at the cut delicate girl without shift his gaze away . The young girl widened her big green eyes in shook ;but soon she recover in her shock and said with calm voice "So is you who came in my dream?" "What do you mean? " A twenty_two you girl whose life was not that good her fiance left her because of her young sister; the one she loved and cherish, she left home two years back because of her evil young sister; Her life changed when supreme Alpha of the lycanthropes mistook her to be his mate and take her to his world. What will happen when her real mate came and wanted to take her away. And what will happen when Mike came and want the girl that he think to be his mate and loved her was not his mate. And what will he do when get to meet his real mate?

Charity_Tenga · 奇幻言情
51 Chs

I'll protect you.


The little guy on the bed, screaming as he was having a bad dream, he opened his eyes and sit up quickly in the fear as he didn't see June on the bed.

The fear in the little guy eyes only faded after he saw June. He shot over to her leg like an arrow.

The extreme fear in those eyes would make anyone's heart ache for him.

June hurriedly crouched down, "Baby, are you okay? You had a nightmare?"

The little guy buried his head into her embrace, his soft and tiny arms wrapped around her neck in a death grip.

"Shhhh! Mommy's is here." June patted his back lightly. The distinct sweet scent unique to children wafted up from his body . This threw June's emotional into turmoil.

She was so scared when she hear his screaming. June was thinking that maybe the person he was looking and followed them, come to his room without her knowing.

When she turn around and saw his blue eyes looked around in fear. She felt pang of pain in her heart; she blaming herself for left little bun alone on the bed.

Maybe he will not have a nightmare when she was beside him.

She take him to bed and put him in her embrace, hugging him tightly.

. . .

In the middle of the night.

Mike's return home with empty expression with cold air surrounded him. That will make someone to freeze to death when they passing same way.

He want to go to his mate who will keep him warm, he was dealing with some matter and put his phone in silent. Mike was planning to said goodbye to her before he go but the matter was so urgent that he didn't have chance to said goodbye to her.

He saw many missed call that come from her. He blamed himself for put his phone silent and make her worries. He decide not to call her and planning to fishing the matter he have in his hands and went 'home' to see her. Mike didn't felt at home in the castle but since he find her. She light and warm the entire castle with only her presence, and make him felt at home for the first time.

His cold heart felt warm when he saw her sweet smile. Mike's known that he falling deep in love with her and want to keep her beside him for the rest of his life.

Mike's walked to his room but didn't see her, and went to her room but still didn't see her. He felt like he will going crazy if he didn't see her right there. He went to his nephew room as he was sure that June will be there, he opened the door slow as he doesn't want to wake them up. His cold heart warm as he saw his mate sleeping sound with little bun in her arms as his small head was rest on June chest sleeping peacefully.

Its the first time Mike saw his nephew sleeping sound with little smile on his lips. His nephew was happy and warm and looks like a baby on his age because of his mate. whom lit little bun life and bring happiness just like she did to him, he will protect his Lily rose and keep her safe.

He walked and went to seat at the end of the bed without making any sound, and only looked at her delicate cute face. He can't get enough for looking to her face. The goodness blessing him with this cute and adorable girl who come and warm his life, bring sun and happiness to his life.

What did I do to deserve her.

Mike's ask himself but didn't get a answer to that. He knows that he is devil, cold and heartless that many people fear him; but still the goodness blessed him with this beautiful and charming girl. He felt like he didn't deserve her, she was supposed to be with someone like her whom will always bring warm, happiness and peaceful to her life. And not someone heartless, ruthless and cold like him.

But he was happy because June's accepting him and open her heart to love him, even to fight beside him and protect him with her life. Even if someone will laugh and told her that she was stupid; but his is the one whom will understand her and that makes his ruthless wolf to felt warm and happy.

He bent down and kiss her lips and caresses little bun forehead with small smile on his cool face.

I will protect you for any cost.

He walked out off the room and went to his study room as their was some matter that he must finish.




The next morning, June wake up and saw that she was alone on the bed. She sat up quickly thinking maybe something bad happen to little bun; when she want to got down the bed. She saw later at her side.

She take a later and read it. As she finish reading she smile sadly, her little bun return to continue his training. She known that he must be sad that why he left without wake her up.

I wish I could came and stayed with you both.

She take the later with her and left the room going to her room to fresh up.

In the afternoon, June was eating lunch alone with boredom on her face. She didn't see Mike since yesterday and he don't even answer her calls; she felt empty in her heart. How came she going to leave at this palace alone.

"Thank you." She thank the maid and Butler who's stand a little far from her.

They bowed their head to her as she leave dining room.

They smile as she walked away, they were glad that their future Luna was good person and lovely one. She always treated them good like her friends and not as the servant.

Sometimes she even went to the kitchen and want to helping them as was bored and don't have things to do. But they refused as they were afraid of their Supreme Alpha devil king; he will killing them if he come and saw his mate, his Queen was in the kitchen cooking food like a maid.

How came they allowed that, the think that will lead them to their death.

She return to her room and play with her phone for some time. She start to go tired and tried to call Mike but he didn't answer and decided to call Liam but still he didn't pick up his phone.

What happen to them?

Is their doing okay?

She wonder but didn't get proper answer. She went bathroom to take a bath as she planned to go out to refresh her mess mind. She wear white short high waist pants and pair it with yellow crop top as its a hot summer, she put her silver long hair in a bun and only put light-pink lipstick as she didn't want to put any makeup today.

She finish it with high black heels and yellow bag to match.

"'Luna'." Guards greeting her with respect as they low their head.

Mike still didn't mark her to make her his 'Luna' but they always called her 'Luna', and she already use to it.

"I want to go somewhere alone..."