

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 57 One Big Happy Family.

It is December 30th, the day of Echancia Empire's Thanksgiving day.

The sun has risen perfectly in the clouds, illuminating its light on the entire Echancia Empire.

The entire Echancia Empire took this day as a very special day as a day families come together and say what they are thankful for after a long year.

In this case, The Royal Family of Echancia Empire didn't miss out on this special day.

(In The Royal Palace of Echancia Empire)

It is Friday morning, the sun has risen perfectly in the clouds, illuminating its light on Empress Kara and Emperor Joffrey's bedroom.

Emperor Joffrey and Empress Kara were still sleeping due to the night exercise they engaged themselves in the previous night.

They were knocked out badly due to the night exercise they engaged themselves in.

Though Emperor Joffrey and Empress Kara have been married for twelve years, they still looked like couples who just got married.

Their love for each other never got tired of blooming.

"Dad! Mom! Are you guys still sleeping??? It's morning already," Crown Prince Jeffrey and Princess Jasmine alongside Princess Alita chorously called out their parents from outside the bedroom.

"Your Royal Highnesses! Please leave your parents to continue sleeping, we've got a lot of things to do," Susan said to Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita.

"Things like what??? Don't we have servants for that??? Crown Prince Jeffrey asked Susan, feeling spoiled.

"Well...actually.....you...do..have...servants...for....that," Susan replied Crown Prince Jeffrey while stuttering.

"Son! You have servants to attend to your needs, but never you take advantage of them," Emperor Joffrey said to Crown Prince Jeffrey as soon as he came out of the bedroom.

"I'm sorry, Dad! I won't do it again." Crown Prince Jeffrey apologetically said to his father feeling remorseful.

"It's Okay, Son! I hope you learn your lesson," Emperor Joffrey said to Crown Prince Jeffrey while hugging him, ruffling his hair.

"Dad! You are awake," Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita squeaked happily as soon as they spotted their Father.

"Yes, I'm awake," Emperor Joffrey replied softly while taking the triplets for a hug.

"And so am I," Empress Kara said out while taking her little angels for a hug.

"Good morning My angels! How did you sleep??? Empress Kara asked Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita warmly while looking at them with love-filled eyes.

"I slept well, I slept like a baby," Crown Prince Jeffrey answered Empress Kara warmly.

"Hahaha! "Isn't it obvious that you are a baby??? Only babies have night drool all over their mouth without realizing it," Princess Jasmine said to Crown Prince Jeffrey in a teasing manner while giggling.

"No, I don't drool," Crown Prince Jeffrey denied curtly.

"Hahaha! Then how can you explain your saliva-formed beard??? Princess Alita asked Crown Prince Jeffrey in a teasing manner while giggling.

"Here! Take a mirror and see for yourself," Princess Alita said further to Crown Prince Jeffrey while handing him a mirror.

"Oh, No! Crown Prince Jeffrey exclaimed as soon as he saw his saliva-formed beard.

"Alright, children!! Enough teasing!! Jeffrey come here let me clean it up for you," Empress Kara said to Crown Prince Jeffrey while taking a clean handkerchief from Emperor Joffrey's breast pocket.

"Here done!! Empress Kara said to Crown Prince Jeffrey as soon as she was done cleaning his face up.

"Jeffrey how come you didn't have your shower before coming to bang on our door??? Emperor Joffrey asked Crown Prince Jeffrey sternly.

"Honey! Leave him alone! He's going to go and get his shower now," Empress Kara said to Emperor Joffrey while caressing his face tenderly.

"Mom! Dad! Can you both tell me why you call yourselves "Honey?? Last time I checked, it's a sweet drink made by bees," Princess Alita said to her mother and father while looking at them inquisitively.

"I'm sorry, angel! But we can't tell you that now, you will figure it out on your own when you meet your special someone," Empress Kara said to Princess Alita while ruffling her hair.

"Hahaha, Mom!! Please stop, I'm not a kid anymore," Princess Alita protested while giggling.

"I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but you three are still My little angels, all grown up or not all grown up, you three will always be My little angels," Empress Kara said to Princess Alita while looking at Crown Prince Jeffrey and Princess Jasmine with love-filled eyes.

"Your Royal Highnesses! It's time to have your bath," Susan said to Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita.

"Okay, Miss Susan," Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita replied Susan warmly.

"Mom! Is Granny coming for Thanksgiving??? Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita asked their mom.

"Yes! And her Private Jet will be arriving at the airport soon," Empress Kara replied Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita warmly.

"Can we accompany You and Dad to the airport??? Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita asked their Mom anxiously.

"I'm afraid you can't follow us today, you are not yet ready to face the mob of your mom's fans," Emperor Joffrey replied Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita warmly.

"Okay, Father! But we were looking forward to seeing Chadcia International Airport," Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita chorously said to their Father.

"And You will when the time is right," Empress Kara replied Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita warmly.

"Alright! Go and have your shower," Emperor Joffrey said to Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita sternly.

"Okay, Father!! Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita replied chorously while following Susan, heading towards their bathroom.

Meanwhile, Emperor Joffrey and Empress Kara walked towards their bathroom to have their shower.

Inside the bathroom, Emperor Joffrey's sex demon came out, and he ended up taking Empress Kara for a pleasure ride.

(Meanwhile, inside the Private Jet of Mrs.Katherine)

Mrs.Katherine was constantly looking at the window of the Jet, trying to see if they have reached Echancia Empire yet.

"Gosh! This Jet is lazy today! Mrs.Katherine said to herself while gritting her teeth.

She was getting impatient with the way the Jet was flying slowly but fastly.

"Hey! You two! Can you speed this up??? I can't wait to see My Grandkids," Mrs.Katherine said out to the pilots.

"Ma'am we are going on the maximum speed required of a Jet to fly, if we go faster than this, then they are chances of......

"I don't wanna know the chances! Just speed this Jet now," Mrs.Katherine ordered the pilots sternly while interrupting what the pilots were going to say.

After three hours of flying, Mrs.Katherine's Private Jet landed at the Chadcia International Airport.

They were ten thousand Echancian Army Officers and five thousand Echancian Royal Guards, lined neatly and orderly on the tarmac, waiting for Mrs.Katherine to alight the Jet.

At the sight of Mrs.Katherine alighting the jet, they immediately saluted, and Mrs.Katherine nodded in acknowledgment.

"Lady Katherine! Welcome to Chadcia! It's great to have you back at Chadcia," General Agravain welcomed Mrs.Katherine with a bright smile.

"Thank you very much, General! Mrs.Katherine replied General Agravain warmly.

"I trust You had a very comfortable flight, Mother," Empress Kara said to Mrs.Katherine warmly while smiling brightly.

"Of course I did! Where are My Grandkids??? They didn't come with you??? Mrs.Katherine asked Empress Kara while surveying the environment with her eyes, trying to find the triplets.

"No Mother! They didn't come with us because we ask them not to," Emperor Joffrey answered Mrs.Katherine on Kara's behalf.

"Mother! Let's start going, the limousines are parked over there waiting for us to arrive," Empress Kara said to her mother while dragging her towards the spot where the limousines were parked.

"So how is the Empire??? Mrs.Katherine asked Emperor Joffrey while looking at him inquisitively.

"The Empire is great, the economy has skyrocketed," Emperor Joffrey replied Mrs.Katherine warmly.

Getting to the spot where the limousines were parked, Mrs.Katherine greeted the Royal Guards while the Royal Guards responded with a wry smile.

They were eleven limousines parked neatly at the tarmac.

The Royal Guards immediately opened the passenger back door of the limousines, so Mrs.Katherine and Empress Kara alongside Emperor Joffrey could enter.

Without wasting more time, Mrs.Katherine and Empress Kara alongside Emperor Joffrey got into the limousines and in no time, the limousines zoomed off away from the airport into the streets of Chadcia, heading towards the Royal Palace of Echancia Empire with ten other limousines containing the other Royal Guards, accompanying them as convoys.

They were being greeted and cheered by the Enchancian Citizens while passing along the way to the Royal Palace.

After one hour of driving, the royal family's convoys arrived at the Echancian Royal Palace.

The gates were opened immediately by the Echancian Army Officers and they were tons of Echancian Royal Guards lined neatly standing upright in a salutation manner.

They drove through the center of the Royal Guards and parked at the lobby of the Royal Palace.

Emperor Joffrey and Empress Kara alongside Mrs.Katherine came out of the limousine while the rest of the Royal Guards were standing behind Emperor Joffrey and Empress Kara protectively.

"Grandma! You are back!! Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita said to Mrs.Katherine happily while running towards her to hug her.

"Hoh Hoh Hoh! How I missed You guys," Mrs.Katherine said out happily while hugging the triplets tightly.

"We missed you more Grandma!! Crown Prince Jeffrey, Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita said to their Grandma while tightening their hug.

Parting her hug with the triplets, Mrs.Katherine hugged Susan tightly and said:-

"Thank You for being part of My Grandkids life,"

"No worries! Lady Katherine! I see them as My younger brother and sisters," Susan replied Mrs.Katherine warmly.

"Thank You very much for assisting in taking care of them, I really appreciate it," Mrs.Katherine thanked Susan while smiling gratefully.

"Grandma! Did you buy us presents for Thanksgiving??? Princess Alita asked Mrs.Katherine anxiously.

"Hahahaha!!! Oh Yes! I did buy the three of you some presents," Mrs.Katherine answered Princess Alita cheerfully.

"Mom! You must be tired, let's go inside so you can get some rest," Emperor Joffrey said to Mrs.Katherine in a suggesting manner.

"Oh Yes! I am really tired and Jetlagged," Mrs.Katherine replied Emperor Joffrey while smiling weakly.

"Then let's get you freshened up, so you can rest properly," Empress Kara said to Mrs.Katherine warmly.

"Okay! Lead the way," Mrs.Katherine replied Empress Kara warmly.

And with that, Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita went inside the Royal Palace.

(Somewhere in Chadcia)

Sebastin and Rebecca were cruising down the highway in their Ferrari.

"Sweetheart can this car go any faster??? We are going to be late for Thanksgiving at the Palace," Rebecca impatiently said to Sebastin while looking at him anxiously.

"Hold on Babe! We are almost there," Sebastin replied Rebecca warmly while increasing his speed.

After one hour thirty minutes of driving, Sebastin, and Rebecca arrived at the Royal Palace of Echancia Empire.

The gates were opened immediately by the Echancian Army Officers upon recognizing the car of their Prime minister, and they were tons of Echancian Royal Guards lined neatly standing upright in a salutation manner.

They drove through the center of the Royal Guards and parked at the lobby of the Royal Palace.

Rebecca hastily came out of their Ferrari as soon as Sebastin drove in and parked at the driveway of the Palace.

"Wait up, Babe! Sebastin said to the running Rebecca while running after her.

(In the Dining Room Of The Echancia Palace)

Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita were seated on their respective seats when Rebecca came in and said:-

"I'm sorry for being late! Someone was driving like an old lady," Rebecca apologetically said out while trying to catch her breath from the marathon race she ran.

"It's okay, Becca! Come and join us! Where's Sebastin??? Empress Kara said to Rebecca while gesturing for her to sit down.

"Sebastin is on his way, turns out he runs like an old lady too," Rebecca replied Empress Kara while taking her seat.

"Hahahaha!!! Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita laughed, hearing what Rebecca said about Sebastin.

"What's with the laughter??? Sebastin asked out as soon as he arrived at the dining table.

"Hahahahaha!!! You are the one we are laughing at!! Aunty Becca said You drive and run like an old lady," Princess Jasmine answered Sebastin while laughing.

"That isn't true! Joffrey, please tell them that it isn't true," Sebastin denied swiftly while looking at Emperor Joffrey to help him out.

"Erhm... I don't think so," Emperor Joffrey replied Sebastin while smirking at him, making Empress Kara, Mrs.Katherine, Rebecca, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita to laugh heartily.

"This isn't fair! I don't drive like an old lady neither do I run like them," Sebastin protested while pouting.

"Sit down, Sebastin! The food is getting cold and it won't eat itself," Mrs.Katherine said to Sebastin, gesturing him to sit down.

And with that, Sebastin immediately sat down on his seat.

In no time, they started to enjoy their Thanksgiving meal while saying what they were thankful for.

They were having a sumptuous meal of marshed potatoes, candle yams, cranberry sauce, and roasted turkey.

While eating, Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Rebecca, Sebastin, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita were busy teasing themselves happily.

After about thirty minutes, Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Rebecca, Sebastin, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita were done eating.

They left the dining room and went straight to the living room.

Getting to the living room, they turned on the TV, so they could watch some TV shows.

"Alita! This is for you," Mrs.Katherine said to Princess Alita happily while handing her a new guitar she bought on her way to the Palace.

"Oh My God!!! Thanks, Grandma! You are the best," Princess Alita squeaked happily while accepting the guitar.

"It's so beautiful! Mom! Dad! Look what Grandma got me," Princess Alita squeaked happily while showing her Parents the guitar.

"I had a guitar just like this one, it was my very first guitar and it was given to me by your Grandma," Empress Kara said to Princess Alita while admiring the guitar in her hands.

"I remember seeing you sleeping with it like it was some kind of teddy bear," Mrs.Katherine said to Empress Kara emotionally while smiling brightly.

"Yeah! I remember that guitar being my sleeping companion and my very first friend," Empress Kara replied Mrs.Katherine warmly.

"Jasmine! Look what I got you." Mrs.Katherine said happily to Princess Jasmine while handing her a diamond necklace.

"Thanks, Grandma! I love it," Princess Jasmine thanked Mrs.Katherine warmly, accepting the necklace while smiling gratefully.

"Jeffrey! This is yours," Mrs.Katherine said happily to Crown Prince Jeffrey while handling him a video game console.

"Wow! I've been wanting to own this very game console! Thanks, Grandma, I appreciate," Crown Prince Jeffrey thanked Mrs.Katherine warmly while smiling gratefully.

"How about mine??? Mother didn't you get me a Present??? Emperor Joffrey asked Mrs.Katherine while pouting.

"Hahahaha!! I'm sorry! Maybe next time," Mrs.Katherine replied Emperor Joffrey while laughing.

This isn't fair," Emperor Joffrey pouted, making Empress Kara, Mrs.Katherine, Rebecca, Sebastin, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita to laugh heartily.

"Okay! It's enough! The TV show is about to start," Empress Kara said to Emperor Joffrey.

And with that, Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Mrs.Katherine, Rebecca, Sebastin, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine, and Princess Alita started watching the TV show while chattering and laughing happily.

"Look at us gathered here together at the living room as one big happy family," Emperor Joffrey said out emotionally while smiling brightly.

"We wouldn't be here together right now, if I hadn't accidentally fell in love with a Prince who turned out to be the most loving husband, father, and friend," Empress Kara replied Emperor Joffrey emotionally while kissing him passionately.

"Thank You for coming to My life Kara," Emperor Joffrey emotionally said to Kara in between their kiss.

"Awwnn!! Look at them! Who would have thought that Joffrey who was described as a log of wood with no emotions will eventually fall in love with the most amazing woman," Sebastin emotionally said out while tears of joy were flowing down his eyes.

"Mom! Can we get our own kiss now?? Crown Prince Jeffrey and Princess Jasmine alongside Princess Alita asked their mom while looking at her with puppy eyes.

"Yeah! Sure! Come here, my angels," Empress Kara emotionally said to her triplets.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! Empress Kara kissed her triplets one by one.

"I want us to be happy like this always till death do us part," Mrs.Katherine said out while raising a glass of wine up, trying to make a toast.

"Happy always! Till death do us part," Empress Kara, Emperor Joffrey, Rebecca, Sebastin, Susan, and Crown Prince Jeffrey alongside Princess Jasmine and Princess Alita replied to Mrs.Katherine's toast while clinging their glasses in the air.

The End

(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

I want to sincerely thank My readers who have been following me on Kara and Joffrey's adventure.

You guys are all awesome and I love y'all so much!

I have a supernatural Contemporary romance story that Is out already.

The Novel is titled "ANGELUS THE TRIBRID.

And I also have a romance story that is out already.

The Novel is titled "LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT.

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky