

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 52 Kara's Pregnancy.

Three months had passed since Kara and Joffrey came back from their honeymoon.

Two weeks after Joffrey and Kara came back from their honeymoon, Emperor Jethro decided to hold a coronation ceremony, so Kara could be crowned Princess of Echancia Empire.

Before the coronation ceremony day, many noble ladies were instructed by Emperor Jethro, to teach Kara the etiquette of being a Princess.

In just four days, Kara being a sharp and smart woman learned the etiquette of being a Princess, surprising Emperor Jethro and the Royal court of Echancia Empire.

Finally, the day of Kara's coronation ceremony came, Kara wore a royal robe and she was asked by the Priest to kneel down and answer some oath-like questions.

Kara answered the questions and she was crowned the Crown Princess of Echancia Empire.

In just two days after the coronation ceremony, Kara's status changed from being a Pop Princess to being an actual Princess.

Kara's responsibilities as Crown Princess of Echancia were taking a toll on her, but she still spent most of her leisure time visiting orphanage homes and charity organizations.

Seeing the passion Kara had in taking care of the less privileged citizens of Echancia Empire, and her compassion for them, especially the children whose parents are no more made Emperor Jethro appoint her as the President of the "Cleaning The Streets Foundation."

One Monday afternoon, Kara was in her office, engrossed in signing the papers on her desk when her chief of staff, Mrs.Eve Tesschmacher entered her office.

"Your Royal Highness! You haven't eaten all day, please take a break and eat this meal I brought you, or better still, try to drink this tea, so it can refresh your mind," Mrs.Eve Tesschmacher said to Kara worriedly.

"Eve! I'll eat as soon as I'm done with this, my husband, Prince Joffrey is not in the country, he went to China for a business trip three days ago, and I don't think he will be back soon to work on this, so as his wife and also as the Crown Princess of Echancia Empire, I have to make sure this work gets done ASAP!! Kara said to Eve Tesschmacher, still not removing her eyes on the papers.

"I know as your subordinate, I have no right to order you to do things, but take a good look at yourself, you look pale and you don't look so good," Eve Tesschmacher said to Kara worriedly while showing her a mirror.

"You are right, I really don't look good, I was so engrossed in this work, that I forgot about taking care of myself," Kara said to Eve Tesschmacher in an agreeing manner while looking at her reflection in the mirror.

"Knock! Knock! Your Royal Highness! His Imperial Royal Majesty sends for you, he wants you to join them at the dining room for lunch," A male servant said to Kara from outside Kara's office.

"Tell His Imperial Royal Majesty I'll be there shortly," Kara replied warmly to the Male servant from inside her office.

(In the dining room)

"Your Imperial Royal Majesties! I have sent for her, and she said she will be here shortly," The male servant reported to Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth.

"Good! You may leave," Emperor Jethro replied the male servant sternly.

"Are you sure she's going to come??? she has been in that office for three days without coming out," Empress Margareth said out worriedly.

"I hope she comes," Emperor Jethro replied Empress Margareth warmly.

"Is she doing this because Joffrey left for China??? Princess Annabelle asked out.

"What if I say yes, Anna! Kara replied Princess Annabelle warmly as soon as she came to the dining room.

"Greetings! Your Imperial Royal Majesties, My wonderful Parents-in-law," Kara greeted Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth, curtsying respectfully while giggling.

"What's for lunch??? Kara asked respectfully while taking her seat.

"Fried pork, boiled potatoes, and parsley sauce, the food you've been craving lately," Emperor Jethro answered Kara warmly.

"Hmmm! My favorite, it's actually one of the best meals I've tasted in Echancia," Kara said to Emperor Jethro warmly while picking a knife and fork to start eating.

Inhaling the aroma of the meal, Kara started feeling nauseous, she ran away from the dining room and went straight to the bathroom to throw up.

"Kara!! What's it?? Kara!! Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle called out worriedly while chasing after her.

"Uack! Uack! Uack! Kara kept throwing up.

"Easy! Easy! Emperor Jethro said to Kara, caressing the back of her neck while taking her hair to one side, preventing her throw up from staining her hair.

"Kara are You feeling ill??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara worriedly.

"No! I...I don't....I don't think so, I'm just..... Thud!! Kara's body fell to the ground, preventing her from saying what she was about to say.

"Kara!!!! Empress Margareth screamed.

"Herald! Prepare the cars, let's take her to the hospital," Emperor Jethro panickly ordered the servant that was close by.

"Right away! Your Imperial Royal Majesty." The servant replied respectfully while dashing forward to the Royal Garage to get the cars prepared for taking Kara to the hospital.

Emperor Jethro quickly carried Kara in his arms, in a bridal manner and brought her to the living room.

Five minutes later, the servant came back and met with the Royal Family.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesties, the cars are ready," The servant said to Emperor Jethro as soon as he came to where the Royal Family was currently at.

"Very good! Please call the Royal Guards, let's take Kara to the hospital," Emperor Jethro replied the servant sternly.

A few minutes later, four Royal Guard officers came to the living room where the Royal Family was currently at.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesty! You sent for us?? The four Royal Guard officers chorously asked Emperor Jethro.

"Yes, I did, you guys should help me carry Princess Kara to the car, so we can take her to the hospital," Emperor Jethro said to the four Royal Guard officers sternly.

"Hurry! Princess Annabelle ordered the four Royal Guard officers sternly.

Without further delay, the four Royal Guard officers immediately took Kara out of the Royal Palace and brought her straight to where the limousines were parked.

In no time, the four Royal Guard officers placed Kara into one of the passenger seats of the limousines, they got into the limousine alongside Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle.

They immediately zoomed off away from the Royal Palace, into the streets of Chadcia, heading for the hospital, with four other limousines containing Royal Guards accompanying them as convoys.

After one hour thirty minutes of driving, the Royal Family convoys arrived at the lobby of the Amager Hospital.

"Emergency!! Emergency!! Princess Annabelle yelled at the nurses while opening the passenger door for the Royal Guards to bring Kara out.

The nurses immediately rolled out a stretcher and brought it to where the Royal Family's limousines were parked.

"What happened??? What's her status?? Is she breathing??? The nurses asked Princess Annabelle panickly.

"If You don't want this hospital to shut down, take My daughter-in-law into the Emergency ward now!!! Emperor Jethro roared angrily at the nurses, slightly irritated with the questions they were asking.

Without wasting more time, the nurses took Kara's body and laid her on the stretcher, they immediately rolled her in a hurry towards the Emergency ward.

After about five minutes, the nurses alongside Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle arrived at the VIP section of the Emergency ward.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesties! I'm sorry but you have to leave, so we can attend to Her Royal Highness," One of the nurses said to Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle respectfully.

"There's a special waiting room at your left, please wait there," Another nurse added.

"The Crown Princess of Echancia Empire is lying down there and we have to be here for her, she's My daughter-in-law, nurse," Emperor Jethro said to the nurses in an explaining manner.

"What if she looks for us when she wakes up??? Empress Margareth and Princess Annabelle asked the nurses worriedly.

"We understand Your Imperial Royal Majesties, we will let you know when she wakes up but for now please wait outside," The nurses replied Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle politely while gesturing for them to leave the ward.

"Rhamsis! Keep an eye on the Princess, don't allow anybody apart from the nurses and doctors into that room," Emperor Jethro said to the Captain of his Royal Guards in an ordering manner while leaving the VIP Emergency ward.

"Doctor! There's a patient here at the VIP Emergency ward who needs your urgent attention," One of the nurses called the doctor on call using the intercom.

"I'll be there shortly," A female voice replied the nurse warmly through the intercom conversation.

Five minutes later, the female doctor whose voice was heard through the intercom conversation arrived at the VIP Emergency ward.

"Doctor Tracy! Here's the patient," One of the nurses said to Doctor Tracy.

"What's the patient's name??? Doctor Tracy asked the nurses warmly.

"Doctor are You kidding me?? That's Crown Princess Kara!!! One of the nurses replied Doctor Tracy panickly.

"Crown Princess Kara?? As in Kara Stewart??? Doctor Tracy asked the nurses in shock.

"Yes, Doctor!! That's her and she needs your urgent attention," The nurses replied Doctor Tracy panickly.

"Oh My God!! That's my best friend lying down there, get me an IV bag," Doctor Tracy ordered the nurses while approaching Kara who was already lying on the bed.

"Here they are," The nurses said to Kara while giving her the IV bags.

Doctor Tracy immediately fixed the IV bags on Kara's veins, so Kara could gain her strength.

(Meanwhile in the VIP waiting room)

Emperor Jethro was pacing up and down, deep in thought while Empress Margareth and Princess Annabelle were sobbing softly.

Emperor Jethro was still pacing up and down when he suddenly remembered something, he quickly took his expensive Samsung mobile phone and dialed Joffrey's number.

"Tu Tu Tu, You've reached Prince Joffrey's personal mobile number but unable to pick your call at the moment, please leave a message," An automated voice said out.

"Joffrey Why are you always leaving your phone behind??? Never mind!! Your wife is at the Amager Hospital as we speak, you better hurry down here," Emperor Jethro said out while recording the voice mail.

"Did he pick up?? Did My brother pick his call?? Princess Annabelle asked her father hysterically.

"Nope! The bastard didn't pick his call, but I left him a voicemail," Emperor Jethro angrily answered Princess Annabelle.

(In the VIP Emergency ward)

"Her vitals are getting stable, she will be wanting to see her relatives as soon as she wakes up," Doctor Tracy said to the nurses.

"Okay Doctor!! Should we send for them now??? The nurses asked Doctor Tracy warmly while looking at her inquisitively.

"Yes! I need to speak with them, especially the husband," Doctor Tracy answered the nurses warmly while checking Kara's blood pressure.

"Okay Doctor!! Please send for His Imperial Royal Majesty and Her Imperial Royal Majesty," One of the nurses replied to Doctor Tracy warmly while ordering a junior nurse to bring the Royal Family in.

(In the VIP waiting room)

"Your Imperial Royal Majesties!! The Doctor wants to see you," The junior nurse said to Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth as soon as she entered inside the VIP waiting room.

"How's My daughter-in-law?? How is she?? Empress Margareth asked the junior nurse while griping the junior nurse's white gown.

"She's doing fine! Her Royal Highness is doing fine," The junior nurse answered Empress Margareth fearfully.

"Please take us to her!! We can see her now, right??? Emperor Jethro and Princess Annabelle said to the junior nurse while looking at her inquisitively.

"Please follow me, Your Imperial Royal Majesties," The junior nurse said to the Royal Family while leading them towards the VIP Emergency ward.

(In the VIP Emergency ward)

Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle alongside the junior nurse arrived at the VIP Emergency ward.

"Doctor Tracy!! They are here," The junior nurse said to Doctor Tracy.

"Thanks! You may go back to your duty post," Doctor Tracy said to the junior nurse while turning her attention to the Royal Family.

"Greetings Your Imperial Royal Majesties!!! Doctor Tracy greeted Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings Your Highness!! Doctor Tracy greeted Princess Annabelle while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to You too, Doctor!! How's our patient??? Emperor Jethro replied Doctor Tracy on behalf of the Royal Family while looking at her inquisitively.

"Please let's discuss in My office," Doctor Tracy answered Emperor Jethro respectfully.

And with that, Doctor Tracy led Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth alongside Princess Annabelle to her office.

(Meanwhile in XianX Corporation)

Joffrey had just come out from a crucial meeting with the Chairman of Xianx Corporation.

He was about to enter his Bugatti La Voiture Noire when he heard his phone vibrating in his pocket.

He picked up his phone from his pocket to check the cause of the vibration, unlocking his phone he saw a voicemail record, he played it and stood transfixed because of the voicemail he just heard.

"Your Royal Highness!! We are late for the meeting with the Chinese Prime minister," Sebastin said to Joffrey as soon as he came to where Joffrey was standing, still transfixed.

"Sebastin!! Call the Chinese Prime minister and send My apologies, we are going to Echancia ASAP!! Joffrey ordered Sebastin as soon as he was able to come back to his senses.

"Call the Chinese Prime Minister??? Apologize??? We are going to Echancia??? Can you hear yourself right now Joffrey??? We came here to secure a deal!! Sebastin said to Joffrey angrily.

"MY WIFE IS AT THE HOSPITAL AS WE SPEAK!!!! Joffrey yelled angrily at Sebastin.

"Oh My God!! The Crown Princess?? At the hospital?? What happened??? Sebastin asked Joffrey anxiously.

"I won't know if I don't get there ASAP!!! Get into the car or treck," Joffrey said to Sebastin while entering his Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"Let's hurry," Sebastin said to Joffrey worriedly.

Joffrey immediately turned on his car ignition and sped off into the streets of Hong Kong, heading towards the airport.

After two hours of driving, Joffrey arrived at the Hong Kong International Airport.

He hurriedly came down from the Bugatti La Voiture Noire and ran towards the tarmac, as if the devil was chasing him.

In no time, Joffrey arrived at the tarmac where his Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet was parked, waiting patiently for him to arrive.

"Bastard!! Wait up," Sebastin yelled at the running Joffrey while trying to catch his breath.

"I'm sorry! Can't do," Joffrey replied Sebastin while entering the Private Jet.

"Bastard!!! Did You want to leave me here??? Sebastin asked Joffrey angrily as soon as he entered the Private Jet.

"You were just too slow! What part of "My Wife is at the hospital as we speak," you didn't hear correctly or understand??? Joffrey replied Sebastin angrily.

"Sir Sebastin! Please fasten your seatbelt, we will be taking off now." One of the female air hostesses said to Sebastin respectfully.

"Here!! All done." Sebastin replied the female hostess warmly.

And with that, Joffrey's Private Jet took off into the air, flying towards Echancia Empire.

Three hours later, Joffrey's Private Jet arrived at Echancia but was yet to reach the Chadcia International Airport.

Joffrey who was getting impatient ordered the Jet door to be opened.

The Jet door was immediately opened for him, he immediately jumped down from the Private Jet using a parachute.

"Jeffrey!!! No!!! Sebastin yelled in fear as soon as Joffrey jumped.

Without hesitation, Sebastin immediately jumped after Joffrey while using a parachute.

"Whoo-hoo!!! Joffrey said out in the air while holding his parachute.

Forty minutes later, Joffrey and Sebastin landed at the roof of Amager Hospital.

"You are something else Joffrey," Sebastin said to Joffrey angrily.

"I didn't ask you to Jump after me, you did it on your own accord," Joffrey replied Sebastin while entering inside the hospital building.

"Hello, please excuse me!! Crown Princess Kara was rushed down here earlier, please point me in the right direction of her ward," Joffrey said to a passing nurse.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness!! Her Royal Highness is at the VIP Emergency ward as we speak, follow that passageway, turn left and enter the first room you see, that's the VIP Emergency ward, I'm sure you won't miss it, Your Royal Highness, because of the Royal Guards standing guard there at the ward entrance," The passing nurse said to Joffrey while pointing out the direction of the VIP Emergency ward.

"Thank You very much, here! that's two hundred thousand dollars, please get yourself something nice," Joffrey thanked the passing nurse while giving her some cash.

"Your Royal Highness!! You didn't have to, I'm sorry I can't take it," The passing nurse said to Joffrey, rejecting the money.

"Please take it! I insist! Consider it as a gift from someone who appreciated your help," Joffrey said to the passing nurse while leaving the money for her and running towards the VIP Emergency ward.

"Thanks, Your Royal Highness!! The passing nurse thanked the running Joffrey.

"You are welcome," Sebastin replied the passing nurse while running after Joffrey.

After running for thirty minutes, Joffrey and Sebastin arrived at the VIP Emergency ward.

Joffrey immediately ran to Kara's bed and touched her tenderly while saying:-

"I'm here Kara! I'm here now,"

"Joffrey! Kara called softly.

"Kara! Please be fine! Please be fine," Joffrey chanted to himself while holding Kara's hand tenderly.

"Joffrey!! Kara called again, bringing Joffrey from his reverie.

"Honey I'm here! I'm here," Joffrey answered Kara panickly.

"Are you hurt somewhere?? Tell me! Where does it hurt??? Joffrey panickly asked Kara further.

"Honey, I'm fine! Okay?? Kara said to the panicked Joffrey while caressing his face tenderly.

"That's a relief.....but wait let me call the Doctor," Joffrey said to Kara while leaving her and walking towards the exit door of the VIP Emergency ward.

After five minutes of walking about, Joffrey was finally able to locate the Doctor on call office, after entering so many wrong offices.

(Doctor Tracy's Office)

"Please take a seat," Doctor Tracy politely said to Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle while gesturing for them to seat down.

"So how's our patient?? How's Princess Kara?? Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth asked Doctor Tracy while looking at her inquisitively.

"How's My Sister??? Princess Annabelle asked Doctor Tracy, also looking at her inquisitively.

"She's fine! Princess Kara is fine," Doctor Tracy said to Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle in an assuring manner.

"Okay! (Sighs) that's a relief," Emperor Jethro said to Doctor Tracy while sighing deeply in relief.

"Tell us the reason she just collapsed! Is she perhaps suffering from any illness Doctor?? Empress Margareth and Princess Annabelle anxiously asked Doctor Tracy while looking at her inquisitively.

"I have to see His Royal Highness first before I can say anything further than she's okay," Doctor Tracy said to Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle.

"And why is that??? We are also her Relatives!!! Her Family!!! Why won't you tell us what's wrong with her??? Emperor Jethro yelled angrily.

"Knock! Knock! Doctor, please come! My wife is awake and I need you to check on her," Joffrey said out from outside the office.

"Is that not Joffrey??? Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle asked themselves.

"Which ward is that?? And which bed?? Doctor Tracy asked Joffrey from inside the office.

"VIP Emergency ward! She's in bed four," Joffrey answered from outside the office.

"Come in Your Royal Highness!! You are the one I actually wanted to see," Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey, asking him to come inside as soon as she realized it was Kara, Joffrey was talking about.

"Good day Doctor!! Joffrey greeted Doctor Tracy warmly as soon as he entered the office.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness!! Doctor Tracy immediately greeted Joffrey while curtsying respectfully as soon as she saw Joffrey entering the office.

"Greetings to You too Doctor!! Joffrey replied Doctor Tracy with a nod.

"Please sit down, Your Royal Highness!! Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey while gesturing for him to seat down.

As soon as Joffrey sat down, he realized his sister and parents were also in the office.

"Greetings! Your Imperial Royal Majesties! The Lion and Lioness of Echancia Empire," Joffrey immediately stood up from his chair and greeted his parents while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings, Sister! Joffrey greeted Princess Annabelle.

"Greetings to You too Son! At least You came just in time," Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth replied Joffrey warmly.

"Your Royal Highness!! According to the results we got from the tests we conducted....Princess Kara is.... Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey with a pause.

"My wife is what??? Joffrey anxiously asked Doctor Tracy.

"Princess Kara is what??? Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle anxiously asked Doctor Tracy chorously while looking at her inquisitively.

"Congratulations Your Royal Highness!! Princess Kara is two weeks pregnant," Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey in a congratulating manner, with a bright smile while shaking his hand.

"Kara My Wife is Pregnant??? I'm going to be a Father??? Joffrey asked Doctor Tracy in disbelief.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness!! You are going to be a father but be careful, she's still in her first trimester, so you both shouldn't have sex for now," Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey warmly while smiling brightly.

"Thank You very much, Doctor! I want to go and check up on her and tell her the good news," Joffrey said to Doctor Tracy while smiling gratefully.

"No need to thank me, Your Royal Highness!! Kara is My best friend," Doctor Tracy said to Joffrey while escorting Joffrey out of her office.

"I'm going to be a Grandpa soon," Emperor Jethro squeaked happily while dancing towards the VIP Emergency ward.

"I'm going to be a Grandma soon!! The gods of Olympus be praised," Empress Margareth said out excitedly.

"I'm gonna be an aunt!!! Princess Annabelle squeaked happily.

A few minutes later, Prince Joffrey, Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, and Princess Annabelle alongside Doctor Tracy arrived at the VIP Emergency ward.

"Hi, Kara! How are You feeling now?? Doctor Tracy asked Kara warmly, smiling brightly while checking her blood pressure.

"Doctor, I'm feeling okay!! Oh My God!! Tracy!! Tracy is that You?? Kara asked Doctor Tracy in shock.

"Yeah! It's me, Kara!! Live in the flesh and blood," Doctor Tracy replied Kara warmly while smiling brightly.

"It's been a long time Tracy!! I didn't think I'll see You again!! Look at You now, You are now a medical doctor!! I'm so proud of You, Tracy," Kara said to Doctor Tracy while pulling her closer for a hug.

"I missed You, Tracy!! I missed You so much," Kara said to Doctor Tracy while sobbing.

"I missed You too Kara," Doctor Tracy replied Kara warmly while sobbing softly.

Joffrey on the other hand just allowed them to cry their hearts out from the overwhelming emotions they were currently feeling, after being apart from each other for a long time.

"It's okay Kara! I'm here now! Don't be a cry baby now, I hate to see those tears of yours, it pains me to see them," Doctor Tracy said to Kara while cleaning her tears with a clean handkerchief.

"I'm not a cry baby!! I'm just overwhelmed, that's all," Kara said to Doctor Tracy while trying to defend herself.

"No one is calling you a cry baby Kara," Doctor Tracy said to Kara.

"Congratulations Kara!!! I'm so happy for you," Doctor Tracy said to Kara happily.

"Tracy are you congratulating me for being in a hospital bed?? Kara asked Doctor Tracy while glaring at her.

"No Honey, she's not! She's congratulating You because we are going to be parents soon," Joffrey said to Kara while smiling brightly.

"We are going to be parents soon?? What do you mean?? I only just collapsed because I was feeling nauseous," Kara said to Joffrey, still not believing what she was hearing.

"You were feeling nauseous because of your pregnancy Kara! And you collapsed because you were stressed out, your body broke down because it was engaged in work without rest," Doctor Tracy explained to Kara warmly.

Kara kept silent for some minutes before something dawned on her.

"Honey! I missed My period two weeks ago and within those two weeks, I felt dizzy, and most especially, I felt nauseous inhaling some certain smell," Kara said to Joffrey while wearing a shocked expression on her face.

"Yeah, Honey! This kind Doctor here who turned out to be your long-lost friend told us that you are two weeks pregnant," Joffrey said to Kara warmly with a bright smile while caressing her face.

"I'm two weeks pregnant??? I'm going to be a mother soon??? Kara asked Joffrey while crying tears of joy.

"Yes, Honey! We are going to be parents soon," Joffrey answered Kara while smiling brightly.

"Oh My God!!! I'm gonna be a mum," Kara squeaked happily.

"Congratulations Kara!!! Sebastin said to Kara while taking her for a hug.

"Thank You very much, Sebastin!!! Kara replied Sebastin, parting her hug with him while looking apologetically at Joffrey.

"It's okay," Joffrey said to Kara warmly, trying to let her know that he understand the reason for Sebastin's hug.

"But for now, You both have to abstain from sex, so you don't hurt the fetus," Doctor Tracy said to Kara and Joffrey sternly.

"We will do as you have just told us," Kara and Joffrey chorously replied Doctor Tracy.

"Good! Don't say I didn't warn you," Doctor Tracy replied Kara and Joffrey.

"Yeah, Honey! Don't say she didn't warn you!! Kara said to Joffrey while glaring at him.

"Doctor Tracy!! Can you please be My wife's personal doctor??? I'd love for you to be my wife's personal doctor," Joffrey said to Doctor Tracy while looking at her inquisitively.

"Your Royal Highness!! This is My best friend Kara we are talking about, You didn't need to ask before I'll agree to be her personal doctor," Kara replied Joffrey warmly.

"Thank You very much, Doctor Tracy!!! I really appreciate," Joffrey said to Doctor Tracy while smiling gratefully.

"Don't mention!! She's like a sister to me," Doctor Tracy replied Joffrey warmly.

Meanwhile, Empress Margareth was telling Mrs.Katherine about the good news.

"Katherine can you believe it?? We are going to be Grandmothers soon!!! Kara is two weeks pregnant," Empress Margareth squeaked happily through the phone conversation.

"Wow!! This is good news!! I wish I'm there with her now, I could have given her the biggest hug of her life!! But unfortunately, I'm not," Mrs.Katherine said to Empress Margareth through the phone conversation.

"Margareth! Please tell Joffrey to take good care of my daughter and also please send my regards and love to her," Mrs.Katherine said to Empress Margareth further, through the phone conversation.

"I'll surely send your love and regards to her Katherine!! Don't you bother yourself about that, but I hope you visit soon," Empress Margareth said to Mrs.Katherine through the phone conversation.

"Yes, Margareth!! I'll surely visit," Mrs.Katherine replied Empress Margareth warmly through the phone conversation.

"Okay, Katherine!! We will talk later! Bye!!! Empress Margareth said to Mrs.Katherine while disconnecting the call.

Thirty minutes later, Doctor Tracy checked Kara properly because she wanted to make sure Kara was okay before discharging her.

After Kara was checked properly and discharged, Joffrey took Kara in his arms in a bridal manner and carried her out of the hospital while grinning happily.

Coming out of the hospital, Joffrey with Kara in his arms alongside Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Sebastin, Doctor Tracy, and Princess Annabelle got into their limousines and zoomed off away from the hospital into the streets, heading towards the Royal Palace with four other limousines, containing the other Royal Guards accompanying them as convoys.

One hour thirty minutes later, Joffrey, Kara, Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Sebastin, Doctor Tracy, and Princess Annabelle arrived at the Royal Palace.

They got inside the Royal Palace and celebrated the good news of Kara's pregnancy.

Joffrey on the other hand was so excited that he posted the good news on his Instagram account.

Two days later, Mrs.Katherine and Rebecca arrived at the Royal Palace, surprising Kara.

Kara and Joffrey couldn't be more happier, what more do they need??? They were being surrounded by people who love them, and that alone made them one of the happiest couples in the world.

Kara on the other hand was very excited because of the fact that she's going to become a mother soon.

While Joffrey on the other hand was already fantasizing about the sex of the unborn baby in his head.

The news of Kara's pregnancy did not only become a thing of Joy for Joffrey, Kara, and the Royal Family, it also became a thing of Joy for the entire Empire.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky