

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 49 The Wedding Day.

It is Friday morning, the day of Kara and Joffrey's wedding.

It is 10 am, the time for the wedding to commence.

The Tagaryean Resorts were jam-packed with lots of guests from all over the world, the security of the Resort was guaranteed because they were lots of Echancian Armies at the Resort.

Guests were seated on their seats according to their status, the dignitaries like the U.S President Alex Bryan, his daughter Miranda Bryan and other high-profiled individuals were seated at the front row.

The three prestigious families of the world were also present and they were seated at the front row.

Ten thousand reporters alongside TV stations from all over the world were present to cover the wedding.

(In one side of the dressing room)

Joffrey was standing at the full view mirror while his tie was being fixed by Sebastin who was to be his best man.

"Sebastin! I can't believe it," Joffrey said to Sebastin while smiling brightly.

"You can't believe what Joffrey??? Sebastin asked Joffrey in a confused manner.

"I can't believe after eight years of being apart from the love of my life, we will be getting married today," Joffrey said to Sebastin while smiling brightly.

"Same here! You guys love is really something, for You both love to be strong for eight good years without seeing each other, without even fading a little bit, I must say you both were destined for each other," Sebastin said to Joffrey while tightening the knot of the tie slowly and drawing it up to the collar.

"I totally agree with you on this one Sebastin," Tyler said to Joffrey while backing up Sebastin's words.

"I Myself know we were destined for each other," Joffrey said to Sebastin and Tyler.

"Shut the hell up, Joffrey! You knew nothing, You just found Yourself drawn to her, we both know about Your love story asshole," Sebastin and Tyler said to Joffrey while glaring at him.

"Fine! You guys are just jealous, you....

"Joffrey put on the damn suit let's get the hell outta here, you don't want to keep your girl waiting, do you?? Sebastin said to Joffrey, interrupting what Joffrey was going to say while helping him to put on his suit.

"Your Royal Highness! Remember you are the one who would be waiting at the altar, while Kara walks down the aisle," Tyler reminded Joffrey.

"I haven't forgotten how a wedding works fellas, I'm just too excited," Joffrey said to Sebastin and Tyler while defending himself.

"Who knows?? She might be waiting for you already," Sebastin said to Joffrey while combing his hair.

"Look at who's talking! He ain't even prepared! He's still combing his hair," Joffrey said to Sebastin while smirking at him.

"Well I'm not the one who is the groom here, if I am, I'd be ready on time, not stand there like a log of wood, lazying around, it's your freaking wedding, not mine," Sebastin said to Joffrey while smirking devilishly at him.

"You sure don't like to lose, do you??? Joffrey said to Sebastin while looking at him inquisitively.

"Yeap! I hate losing," Sebastin replied Joffrey nonchalantly.

"Alright! Enough joking around! Let's move out, I don't want to keep My love waiting," Joffrey said to Sebastin and Tyler while coming out of the dressing room.

"I'm glad someone remembered today is the happiest day of the love of his life," Sebastin said to Joffrey, smirking devilishly at him while accompanying Joffrey out of the dressing room.

"Guys!! Wait for me," Tyler said out while running after Joffrey and Sebastin.

Tyler caught up with Joffrey and Sebastin and they both walked towards the hall where the wedding was to be held together.

Five minutes later, Joffrey arrived at the wedding hall, the door was immediately opened from inside.

Joffrey took a deep breath and walked straight to the stage to be used as the altar, where the priest was already waiting.

The aisle was decorated with lilies, while the chairs close to the aisle, was also decorated with lilies making the aisle to have a romantic aura.

(In another side of the dressing room)

Kara is seated on a chair, she was facing the full view mirror while her beauticians were making her up.

"I can't believe it's finally happening! I'm getting married to the love of my life," Kara squeaked happily while the beauticians were still making her up.

"It's finally happening, Kara! The long-awaited day is finally here," Mrs.Katherine replied Kara warmly.

"Mom! I'm too excited that I can barely even catch my breath," Kara squeaked happily totally excited.

"That was the same way I felt, the day I was getting married to your father, I felt so excited that I dismissed my beauticians and dashed towards the altar," Mrs.Katherine said out while the girls laughed.

"We are all done," Kara's beauticians said to Kara.

"Wow! Rebecca said out, totally dazzled.

"You look stunning, Kara," Mrs.Katherine said to Kara warmly.

"Thanks, Mom! Kara replied her mom warmly.

"Shall we??? Mrs.Katherine asked Kara while extending her hands towards Kara.

"Yes, we shall! Kara replied excitedly while taking her mom's hands.

And with that, they left the dressing room and walked straight to the wedding hall.

Five minutes later, Kara, Rebecca, and her mom arrived at the wedding hall, the door was immediately opened from inside.

All eyes fell on Kara as soon as the door opened, Kara was looking astoundingly gorgeous in her white wedding gown designed with plain diamonds.

Joffrey on the other hand was standing close to the priest with a bright smile, he was putting on a matching white suit with a Lily-colored handkerchief on his breast pocket.

The wedding music started playing and Kara took a deep breath and started walking slowly towards the stage.

Kara was holding an attractive and eye-catching bouquet while Mrs.Katherine was leading her towards the stage.

Rebecca, her chief bridesmaid was accompanying Kara, holding the hem of Kara's wedding gown alongside other bridal maids.

Kara was looking at Joffrey while smiling and blushing deeply.

After three minutes of walking down the aisle, they arrived at the stage where Joffrey and the priest were standing, without further delay Mrs.Katherine handed Kara over to Joffrey.

"I welcome all of You to the Holy Solemnization between Prince Joffrey and Kara Stewart," The Priest welcomed the guests with a pause.

"I welcome all of You who have come from far and near to share the joy in this important moment, in the lives of the bride and groom," The Priest said further to the guests.

The Priest then prayed a short prayer and ask the guests to be seated.

"Who gives the bride to be married to the groom??? The Priest asked while looking inquisitively at the guests.

"I do! Mrs.Katherine answered warmly while smiling brightly.

"For it is written, when a boy grows up into a man, he leaves his parents and be with his wife and they shall become one body and flesh," The Priest said out, reading a scripture from the book of the gods of Olympus.

A hym was immediately sung by the cathedral choir, while it was recited by the congregation.

"When I look at You, Joffrey, and see the fine man you've become, the love you have for Kara here, I feel blessed and thank you for that," The Priest said to Joffrey warmly.

"When I also look at You Kara, I remember the day you had your concert here, how you changed and blessed lives with your song, and looking at how you change lives with your song, I feel the zeal to keep on inspiring and changing people's lives," The Priest said to Kara warmly.

"Where are the rings??? The Priest asked Joffrey further warmly.

"Here they are," Sebastin replied the Priest warmly while presenting the diamond rings to the Priest.

The rings were blessed by the Priest immediately.

"Please make your vows, the ones you might have written," The Priest said to Joffrey and Kara warmly.

"From the first day I saw you at that magazine cover and looked into your eyes, I knew you were the only one for me, I knew you were special and that's why I had to get you.

"Kara, you are a rare gem to me, one that's very special, scarce, and hard to find.

"We both know that I'm not perfect, but for you Kara, I'll be the guy you want me to be.

"Kara you constantly drive, encourage and motivate me to be a better person than I could be on my own.

"Your smile fills me with joy and your kiss brings me excitement.

"Your kindness and warm heart ways are infectious and you truly bring out the best in people.

"Kara! I love you with all of my heart, with this ring I give you a promise.

"I promise to invest my time in you.

"I promise to trust you.

"And I promise to put you before others, and above all to love you more than how the gods of Olympus wants me to, and without conditions," Joffrey said to Kara solemnly while looking at her with eyes filled with love.

Kara was in tears when Joffrey was saying those words to her, Joffrey's words were so special to her more than any word she had ever heard, not even her mom's words could touch her the way Joffrey's words touched her, she couldn't help but shed tears of joy.

"My dearest Joffrey! I have dreamed of the day I'll marry My Prince charming since I was a little girl, I never imagined that my reality could be any better than my fantasy, till I met you, more like till you came for me.

"Our meeting was brief, I fell in love with you right at that spot on my bed when you came to confess your feelings for me.

"I thought you were strange since I wasn't able to get any clue of who you were as at then.

"I kept fantasizing about the strange guy that came to my bedroom and confessed his feelings to me, not knowing I was fantasizing about my future husband until I bumped into him at the E.M.T area of my mom's Company and felt the spark surrounding all over us.

"You left all of a sudden but I never stopped waiting for you and I never stopped loving you.

"During the time you left Joffrey, I was lonely but your smile and words of love, kept me going till the day you came back to me and gave me joy and happiness, one that I never want to lose again.

"When you proposed to me I was on pins and needles.

"When you got down on your knee and asked me to be yours forever, I was positive no fairy tale was talking that moment

"Joffrey you are the love of my existence, my hero, and also My Prince.

"I vow to stand by your side through thick and thin no matter how hard, life may get.

"I vow to communicate with you about my wants, needs, and feelings and to listen when you need to do the same.

"I vow to respect and cherish you by putting you first before others.

"I vow to fight on our marriage, when others say give up, I'll never give up on you.

"I vow to make God the center of our whole lives and our family.

"I give my whole heart to you and I vow to love you till the day the Lord calls me home, and forever after that," Kara said to Joffrey solemnly while looking at him with eyes filled with love.

Joffrey was feeling overwhelmed with joy because of the words Kara just sincerely and solemnly said to him.

He couldn't help but shed tears of joy from his eyes.

He took his handkerchief and wiped his tears, he looked at Kara lovingly and mouthed:-

"I love you so much Kara, I love you more than anything in the world,"

"I love you too," Kara mouthed back to Joffrey while smiling brightly.

"I will say those words you just spoke towards each other, are actually the words you have been feeling for each other deep in your hearts for a very long time, and today you've said it," The Priest said to Kara and Joffrey with a pause.

"I must say, in a wedding, words said to each other as couples take time to reflect, but by what I'm seeing now, I know it's already reflecting," The Priest said further to Kara and Joffrey.

"As you both take the ring and insert it to each other, as another sign of your commitment to each other, I want you to think through the words that I'm going to ask you to repeat after me.

"So Joffrey I'm going to start with you, take the ring and as you place it on Kara's finger, I want you to repeat after me," The Priest said to Joffrey while reading out the traditional vow for Joffrey to repeat after.

"I Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean, take you Kara Stewart to be my wedded wife. I promise to stand by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of my days until death do us part," Joffrey said to Kara, inserting the diamond ring on her ring finger while looking at her lovingly.

"So Kara! Take the ring and as you place it on Joffrey's finger, I want you to repeat after me," The Priest said to Kara while reading out the traditional vow for Kara to repeat after.

"I Kara Stewart, take you Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean to be my wedded husband. I promise to stand by your side through good and bad times, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health. I vow to stay true to you and love you unconditionally for the rest of my days until death do us part," Kara said to Joffrey, inserting the diamond ring on his ring finger while looking at him lovingly.

"I want to tell you that these rings you just placed on each other fingers serve as a reminder, so that when you look at the ring, it reminds you of the commitment and dedication you vowed to each other under the eyes of Zeus and all the gods of Olympus, and also under our eyes as witnesses," The Priest said to Kara and Joffrey warmly.

"By the power vested on me by the gods of Olympus, I pronounce you husband and wife," The Priest said to Joffrey and Kara warmly.

"Whoooooo!!! The guests clapped while cheering happily.

"You may now kiss the bride," The Priest said to Joffrey and Kara while smiling brightly.

And with that, Kara and Joffrey shared a passionate kiss.

"Whoooooo!!! The guests clapped while cheering happily.

"Knee down! The Priest ordered Joffrey and Kara.

Kara and Joffrey knelt down while the Priest prayed for them and blessed them.

"Rise! He ordered Joffrey and Kara warmly.

Kara and Joffrey stood up immediately.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I present to you, Mr. and Mrs.Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean," The Priest presented the newlyweds to the congregation.

"Whoooooo!!! The guests clapped while cheering happily.

Kara slowly turned her back on the congregation and toss her bouquet over her shoulder into a group of single women.

The single women rushed to catch the bouquet but were outsmarted by Rebecca who jumped to catch the bouquet.

"Yes! It's gonna be my turn soon," Rebecca said out as soon as she caught the bouquet while the rest single women cheered her happily.

Kara and Joffrey walked down the aisle while the guests cheered them happily, they walked to the table where the marriage certificate was kept and signed it.

After signing the marriage certificate, they walked to the spot designed for photograph and posed for some photographs alongside Emperor Jethro, Empress Margareth, Princess Annabelle, Mrs.Katherine, and Rebecca.

After the photograph session, Kara and Joffrey walked towards the dressing room to get changed for the reception.

It is 2 pm, the time for the wedding reception to commence.

The reception ground was already filled with guests from all over the world.

The guests were all wearing the JOFFKARA T-shirt and they were seated according to their status.

The dignitaries like the U.S President Alex Bryan, his daughter Miranda Bryan and other high profiled individuals were seated at the front row.

The three prestigious families of the world were also present and they were seated at the front row.

The VIP guests were seated in the middle row while the other normal guests were seated in the back row.

The M.C was cracking jokes to while away time and the guests were laughing heartily at his jokes.

A few minutes later, Kara and Joffrey came out of the dressing room and walked into the reception ground wearing a red matching outfit as a couple.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Please welcome the latest couples in Chadcia! Mr. and Mrs. Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean!!! The M.C welcomed Joffrey and Kara as soon as he spotted Kara and Joffrey entering the reception ground.

Kara and Joffrey walked hand in hand towards the seat reserved for them and sat down.

The M.C cracked some jokes to make the atmosphere lively, before giving the microphone to an advanced-looking woman who turned out to be Camella Forbes, the Queen of Pop.

"Honey! Camella Forbes is here! She's here! How is she here??? Oh My God! I can't believe she's actually here," Kara squeaked happily while pointing at Camella Forbes like a young girl who just saw Santa Claus.

"Honey! She's here to sing for us," Joffrey said warmly to Kara.

"You brought her here??? Kara asked Joffrey in disbelief.

"Yes, I did," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"Thanks, Honey! You are such a darling," Kara said happily while giving Joffrey a passionate kiss.

"Anything for you honey! Joffrey said to Kara in between the kiss.

"Will you just stop throwing dog food everywhere with your public display of affection??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara and Joffrey in a teasing manner.

"Go away, Annabelle!! Just pretend you didn't see us kissing," Joffrey replied Princess Annabelle while deepening the kiss.

Meanwhile, Camella Forbes started singing a song that was talking about love.

A few minutes later, she was done with the song, she thanked Kara and Joffrey for giving her the opportunity to perform for them before she came down from the stage and walked back to her seat.

After Camella Forbes was done with her song, the guests had a sumptuous meal of various continental dishes.

They were allowed to serve themselves, and each guest ate and drank till they were overfilled.

Rebecca, Mrs.Katherine, Princess Annabelle, Sebastin, Emperor Jethro, and Empress Margareth both made a toast to Joffrey and Kara's happiness as they had just stepped into marriage life.

Kara and Joffrey were given lots of gifts by the guests and they received them with Joy.

Two minutes later, after the guests were done giving Kara and Joffrey gifts, Kara then signed the thank you cards that were going to be given to the guests, to appreciate them for their presence.

Five hours later, the wedding reception came to an end, one by one, the guests slowly dispersed the Resort with bright smiles etching on their faces.

Joffrey and Kara got into their Ferrari FXX-K and zoomed off into the streets heading towards the airport to begin their honeymoon.

The wedding of Kara and Joffrey went viral quickly and it was trending on all news and social media platforms.

In just two hours the wedding of Kara and Joffrey was posted on YouTube and social media, it broke record and became the most-watched video on YouTube, and also the most viewed and liked video on Instagram.

"So where to honey??? Kara asked Joffrey anxiously as their Ferrari FXX-K was driving through the streets of Chadcia heading to the airport.

"We go to the airport, board our Private Jet, and head for somewhere new," Joffrey replied Kara warmly while stealing a kiss.

"Pervert! Why did you steal a kiss?? You could have just asked," Kara said to Joffrey while smacking his arms.

"Ouch! That hurts," Joffrey replied Kara while pretending to be hurt.

"I can't wait to make you pay in bed when we get to the island," Joffrey said to Kara while smirking at her.

"No! It's you who's gonna beg for mercy," Kara replied Joffrey while smirking at him.

"Fine! Whatever! Let's get there first and then, we will see who's gonna beg for mercy," Joffrey said to Kara warmly while increasing his speed.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky