

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 46 Kara And Prince Joffrey Arrival At Echancia.

It is Monday morning, the sun has risen perfectly in the clouds, illuminating its light on Kara and Joffrey's bedroom.

Joffrey and Kara were still sleeping due to the night exercise they engaged themselves in, the previous night.

They were knocked out badly due to the night exercise they engaged themselves in, but after about thirty minutes, Joffrey woke up.

"Shit! Dammit! I overslept, I have to wake her up, today is the day I promised Dad and Mom I'll be arriving at Echancia," Joffrey said to himself as soon as he woke up.

Putting on his trousers, he proceeded in waking up Kara.

"Babe! Babe! Babe! Wake up sleepyhead," Joffrey called out, trying to wake her up while tapping her softly on her back.

"Hmmm! Good Morning Honey! What time is it??? Kara asked Joffrey while stretching herself because she is still exhausted.

"Good Morning My love! It's past ten in the morning, what a beautiful day for beautiful things," Joffrey replied happily while caressing Kara's face.

"It seems you are still exhausted from yesternight deed, let me massage your body, so you can look fresh after having your bath," Joffrey said to Kara, grinning happily while massaging Kara's body.

A few minutes later, Joffrey was done with Kara's body massage.

Joffrey took Kara to the bathroom and they both had their bath together, while they were bathing, Joffrey on the other hand was aroused, seeing Kara's naked body.

But because Kara was exhausted, he stopped himself from doing what he had on his mind, and hurriedly had his bath while stealing kisses to suppress his excruciating sex hunger.

A few minutes later, Joffrey and Kara came out of the bathroom and went straight to their dressing room.

Kara and Joffrey have started doing a lot of things together since their relationship started.

Ten minutes later, Joffrey got dressed in his red tuxedo while Kara wore a matching red gown.

This two were not yet married couples but they act like one.

"Babe! I'm going to cook us some breakfast, you rest and watch some TV shows while I'm in the Kitchen, Okay?? Joffrey said to Kara.

"Okay! But are you sure you don't want me to help you??? Kara asked Joffrey in a concerned manner.

"No Babe! I've got this! My angel shall not be seen doing things in the Kitchen," Joffrey answered Kara sternly.

"Okay! Then I'll just be here watching some TV shows, while you are in the Kitchen." Kara replied Joffrey warmly.

"Muah! Muah! Muah! They both shared a passionate Kiss.

Joffrey turned towards the Kitchen, proceeding to go inside but turned his back and went straight to Kara, he took Kara for another passionate kiss, sucking Kara's lower lips while biting it slowly.

The kiss started as a slow and passionate Kiss but turned into a hot and demanding one.

Kara and Joffrey's tongues tangled but they were in a war, battling for dominance.

"Hmmm! Your lips taste like honey," Joffrey moaned in between his kiss.

"It's...it's okay, Joffrey...it's....enough, go and cook us breakfast or I'll go do it," Kara moaned in between her kiss, she was already aroused and she couldn't take it anymore.

"No, I'll do it okay?? Joffrey said to Kara, reluctantly parting his lips from Kara's lip.

"I'll go to the kitchen now and prepare us breakfast, damn! Babe I can't seem to get enough of you," Joffrey said to Kara, pecking her while walking towards the Kitchen.

Kara turned on the TV and breaking news started displaying on the TV.

The Newscaster was casting news about Princess Felicia and it was as thus:-

"Princess Felicia Dadario Baratheon, Princess of Calpurnia committed suicide a week ago at the Royal Palace of Enchancia Empire.

"Her brother, Prince Ronley said that her suicidal act was that of a senseless act,"

"He further said his sister was known as the demon queen, but deep down inside, she was a loving soul."

"Please stay tuned for more news after this commercial break," The Newscaster said.

And with that, the commercial video started displaying.

Fifteen minutes later, Joffrey came out of the Kitchen holding trays in his hands, he brought the trays to the dining table and dished out the cooked meal.

"Babe! Breakfast is ready," Joffrey called out from the dining room.

"In a minute," Kara replied, dropping the TV remote control while walking towards the dining room.

"Wow! You really are a darling! Look at the way you overworked yourself preparing our breakfast! For this, you deserve a reward," Kara said to Joffrey sweetly while taking her seat on the dining table.

"Like which reward are you talking about??? Joffrey asked Kara seductively.

"Muah! Kara immediately kissed Joffrey.

"That's your reward for now," Kara said to Joffrey after kissing him.

"Wow! Such a smart girl, you know that would have eaten you, instead of this meal, if I knew you were going for a kiss," Joffrey said to Kara.

"Yeap! And I ain't ready for that! Kara replied.

"Let's eat before the food gets cold," Kara said to Joffrey further while picking up her fork and knife.

And with that, they started enjoying their breakfast.

Ten minutes later, Joffrey and Kara finished eating their breakfast.

Joffrey and Kara came out of the Mansion and went straight to the driveway where Joffrey's Bugatti La Voiture Noire was parked neatly.

Joffrey opened the front passenger door for Kara to enter.

"Thanks, babe! Kara said to Joffrey warmly while entering the Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"My pleasure! Joffrey replied sweetly while closing the front passenger door.

Joffrey got into the Bugatti La Voiture Noire, turned on the ignition, and zoomed off into the streets of Beverly Hills.

"Where are we going to babe?? Kara asked Joffrey anxiously while looking at him inquisitively.

"Shopping," Joffrey answered Kara warmly

"Okay! Kara replied warmly while picking up her apple phone.

After one hour of driving, Joffrey arrived at the Mall.

The Mall was a busy one, people were seen entering and coming out of the Mall.

Joffrey came out of his Bugatti La Voiture Noire and immediately opened the front passenger door for Kara to come out.

He strapped his hands on Kara's waist while Kara cuddled her head on his chest.

They both entered the VIP part of the Mall and came to the luxurious Jewelry section of the Mall.

"Welcome! Please come in Sir and Madam," A female staff greeted Joffrey and Kara kindly.

"Why are we in the Jewelry section??? You said we were going shopping, this isn't.....

"I know," Joffrey said to Kara interrupting what Kara was going to say.

"I'm Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean," Joffrey said loudly.

"Oh! Welcome, Your Royal Highness!! please we have a special room for you," The manager said to Joffrey respectfully as soon as he realized who the guest in front of him was.

With bold steps, Joffrey walked into the special room prepared for him while Kara was still clinging to him.

"Have you prepared it??? Joffrey asked the Manager, his eyebrows raised.

"Of course, Your Royal Highness! We've tried our best to prepare it according to your order and preference," The manager replied quickly to Joffrey.

"Well, I just hope your best was enough, bring it let me see," Joffrey replied the Manager sternly.

"Right away Your Royal Highness!! The manager replied quickly while ordering one of his staff to bring the item that was being ordered by Prince Joffrey.

After about two minutes, the staff came in while carrying a white shirt containing a small red box in it.

Joffrey quickly grabbed the box and opened it slowly, a big smile appeared on his face when he saw what was inside the box.

"Kara!! Joffrey called out.

"What is It, babe?? Kara asked Joffrey in a concerned manner.

Dropping down on his knees, Joffrey said:-

"Kara Stewart! Since I met you, you've been my light in the dark, you gave meaning to my life, because of you I have a purpose," Joffrey said to Kara solemnly with a pause.

"Will You Marry Me Kara Stewart and make me the happiest man in the world??? Joffrey asked Kara while opening the red box containing a diamond ring.

All the shop attendants immediately screamed with Joy, hearing what Joffrey just said.

Kara was shocked, she couldn't help but shed tears of Joy.

"Y...Yes, Yes! I'll Marry You," Kara replied happily while stuttering.

Hearing Kara's answer, Joffrey smiled brightly, he then immediately inserted the diamond ring into Kara's ring finger while kissing her passionately.

As soon as Joffrey and Kara parted their lips, the shop attendants alongside the Manager immediately clapped their hands and congratulated Joffrey and Kara.

After thanking the Manager and shop attendants, Joffrey and Kara came out of the Mall and went straight to where Joffrey's Bugatti La Voiture Noire was parked.

Joffrey and Kara got into the Bugatti La Voiture Noire and zoomed off into the streets, heading towards the airport.

After driving for two hours, Joffrey and Kara arrived at the Los Angeles International Airport where Joffrey's Private Jet was parked at.

"Welcome, Your Royal Highness! Tyler greeted Joffrey warmly with a smile, as soon as Joffrey and Kara came out of the Bugatti.

"Tyler! It's good to see you," Joffrey replied warmly while strapping his hands on Kara's waist, leading her towards the tarmac.

A few minutes later, they got to the tarmac, Joffrey and Kara immediately boarded the Jet.

"Welcome, Your Royal Highness! The Jet crew greeted Joffrey warmly while curtsying respectfully.

"Your Royal Highness, please fasten your seatbelt, we will be taking off now," One of the air hostesses said to Joffrey respectfully.

"Alright, Thanks! Joffrey replied the air hostess warmly.

Two minutes later, the Jet took off into the air, flying towards the Echancian Empire.

"Where are we going to babe?? Kara asked Joffrey anxiously.

"We are going to see My Parents, Your Mom, Rebecca and Joshua should be there by now, they were to begin their journey yesterday," Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"So we are going to see my future parents-in-law?? Wow! I still can't believe we are engaged, it's like a beautiful dream," Kara said to Joffrey while cuddling her head on Joffrey's chest.

"Yeah, it's like a dream which I wouldn't want to wake up from....but Kara this is reality, we are going to get married soon and I can't wait to be at the altar, saying those vows with you by my side," Joffrey replied Kara warmly, kissing her softly with tears of Joy falling down from his eyes.

Ten hours later, Joffrey's Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet landed at the Chadcia International Airport.

Joffrey and Kara alongside Tyler came out from the Private Jet.

They were ten thousand Echancian Army Officers and five thousand Echancian Royal Guards, lined neatly and orderly on the tarmac, with their smart uniforms waiting for Joffrey and Kara to alight the jet.

At the sight of Joffrey and Kara alighting the jet, they immediately saluted, and Joffrey nodded in acknowledgment.

Frenzied fans of Kara were seen screaming Kara's name frantically with so much excitement while clicking their phone cameras in the process.

"Greetings, Your Royal Highness! The Future Lion of Echancia Empire! General Agravain greeted Joffrey while saluting.

"Greetings to you too General Agravain! Joffrey greeted back the General warmly.

"Miss Kara! Welcome to Chadcia! It's great to have you back at Chadcia," General Agravain welcomed Kara with a bright smile.

"Thank You very much, General! Kara replied warmly while admiring the five golden stars embroidered on General Agravain's uniform.

"It's great to have you back, Your Royal Highness!! General Agravain said to Joffrey respectfully.

"It's great to be back!! Joffrey replied warmly to General Agravain.

"Why are they so many people at the tarmac??? Joffrey asked General Agravain while looking at him inquisitively.

"That's because the news of Kara showing up here today, spread like fire in a grass....and congratulations on your engagement, Your Royal Highness!! General Agravain said to Joffrey warmly while shaking his hands.

"We just got engaged ten hours ago...How did you know??? Joffrey asked General Agravain in a surprised manner.

"News fly fast Your Royal Highness," General Agravain replied warmly to Joffrey.

"Your limousine is already waiting for you, I think we should use the VIP Private route to avoid the press and those screaming fans," General Agravain said to Joffrey in a suggesting manner.

"What do you say, Your Royal Highness?? General Agravain asked Joffrey anxiously while looking at him inquisitively.

"I think that's a great idea General! I'm not sure My Fiancee is ready for signing autographs for those numerous number of people or taking selfie photographs with them," Joffrey said warmly while looking at Kara for confirmation.

"I'm not ready Babe! I'm Jetlagged and I'm too tired, let's start going please," Kara said to Joffrey, her head still on his chest.

"Very well then! Let's go, Your Royal Highness," General Agravain said to Joffrey while leading Joffrey and Kara towards the parked limousines.

Ten minutes later, Joffrey, Kara, Tyler, and General Agravain came to the spot where the limousines were parked neatly, waiting for them.

They were forty limousines parked neatly alongside fifty military vehicles at the far end of the tarmac.

Joffrey and Kara alongside Tyler, got into one of the limousines, while Tyler turned on the ignition and drove through the VIP Private route of the airport, heading towards the Echancian Royal Palace with the rest thirty-nine limousines and fifty military vehicles accompanying them as convoys.

They were being greeted and cheered by the Enchancian Citizens while passing along the way to the Royal Palace.

After one hour of driving, Joffrey and Kara's convoys arrived at the Echancian Royal Palace.

The gates were opened immediately by the Echancian Army Officers and they were tons of Echancian Royal Guards lined neatly standing upright in a salutation manner.

They drove through the center of the Royal Guards and parked at the lobby of the Royal Palace.

Joffrey and Kara alongside Tyler came out of the limousine while the rest of the Royal Guards were protectively standing behind Joffrey and Kara

"Brother!! You are back!! Princess Annabelle said to Joffrey while taking him for a hug.

Parting her hug, Princess Annabelle hugged Kara tightly and said:-

"It's so good to see you, Kara!! How I missed you."

"I missed You too Anna! Oops, You are squashing the Popstar here," Kara replied warmly to Princess Annabelle.

"Oh My God! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to give you a bear hug," Princess Annabelle apologetically said to Kara.

"It's okay! I didn't say I didn't like it," Kara replied warmly to Princess Annabelle while giggling.

"Ahem Ahem!! Emperor Jethro cleared his throat on purpose trying to remember Joffrey and Kara that he was still standing there with them.

"Greetings to His Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lion of Echancia Empire!

"Greetings to Her Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lioness of Enchancia Empire! Joffrey and Kara greeted Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to You too son, and you also, Miss Kara," Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth responded warmly, opening their arms for a hug.

"I missed you all so much!! Joffrey exclaimed while accepting their hug.

"We missed You more!! Emperor Jethro replied warmly on behalf of the rest family.

"Congratulations on your engagement to Miss Kara," Emperor Jethro said further to Joffrey in a congratulating manner.

"Welcome to the family Miss Kara," Emperor Jethro said to Kara warmly while smiling brightly.

"Thank You very much Your Imperial Royal Majesty," Kara replied Emperor Jethro happily.

"We are family now, You should start calling me "Father" your wedding date has already been set by me, two weeks from now You and Joffrey will be officially married," Emperor Jethro said to Kara warmly.

"Thank You very much Your Imperial Roy....I mean Father," Kara replied Emperor Jethro while smiling gratefully.

"Come inside people! We've got a wedding to plan," Mrs.Katherine and Rebecca chorously said to Joffrey, Kara, Princess Annabelle, Empress Margareth, and Emperor Jethro.

"Mother! Becca! You are here! You are both here." Kara squeaked happily while running towards her Mom and Rebecca to give them the biggest hug of her life.

"How I missed You so much," Kara said happily as soon as she got to where her Mom and Rebecca were standing at.

"We missed You too Kara! And there's no way we will miss your wedding for the world," Mrs.Katherine and Rebecca chorously replied warmly to Kara.

"Let's go inside Kara, You must be tired from the flight," Emperor Jethro said to Kara warmly, totally shocking Joffrey.

And with that, Kara, Rebecca, Princess Annabelle, Emperor Jethro, and Empress Margareth went inside the Royal Palace.

"At least he has changed his mind about me marrying noble ladies and spoilt princesses like that bitch, Felicia," Joffrey said to himself inwardly while entering the Royal Palace.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky