

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 45 Princess Felicia Arrival At Echancia Empire.

After twenty-four hours of flying on air, Princess Felicia's Private Jet landed at the Chadcia International Airport.

Princess Felicia came out of the Jet and immediately got into the limousine waiting for her at the tarmac.

"Where to Your Royal Highness??? The chauffeur asked Princess Felicia.

"Take me to the Echancian Royal Palace ASAP!! Princess Felicia replied coldly to the chauffeur.

And with that, the limousine immediately zoomed off away from the airport, heading towards the Royal Palace of Enchancia.

Princess Felicia actually thought that Prince Joffrey will be around at the Capital because the three months that were given to Prince Joffrey by the Emperor had elapsed.

Princess Felicia was busy fantasizing about her happy ending with Prince Joffrey when the limousine arrived at the large gate of the Echancian Royal Palace.

"Your Royal Highness! We are here," The chauffeur said to Princess Felicia, bringing her back from her reverie.

"What?? We are here??? Go inside the Palace already! Why tell me when you are still at the gate??? Princess Felicia said to the chauffeur arrogantly.

"Your Royal Highness.....how do we get through the gate??? The chauffeur fearfully asked Princess Felicia.

"Hey, you! What's your car doing here??? Who are you looking for??? One of the Echancian Army Officers asked Princess Felicia's chauffeur sternly.

"State Your business, Sir," Another Echancian Army Officer said to Princess Felicia's chauffeur sternly.

"How dare you refuse the Princess of Calpurnia entry??? Do you all want to lose your job?? Princess Felicia asked the Echancian Army Officers angrily while staring at them with cold eyes.

"Oh! Your Royal Highness! Please forgive us, we were never informed of your arrival, if we were, we wouldn't have prevented your limousine from entering the Palace gate," The Echancian Army Officers apologetically said to Princess Felicia.

"Hmmmphhhhh! Like I care, open the damn gate," Princess Felicia ordered the Echancian Army Officers coldly.

Immediately the large gate was opened for Princess Felicia to pass through.

Princess Felicia immediately came out of the limousine and walked straight to the throne room while holding her head high, belittling and snuffing at any servant who tried to approach or greet her.

"Excuse Me, Miss! You can't enter, there's a meeting going on and it doesn't need a distraction," The Echancian Royal guard officers guarding the double doors of the throne room said to Princess Felicia sternly.

"Do You know who I am??? I'm Princess Felicia of Calpurnia Kingdom and You dare to insult me???? A Princess??? Princess Felicia said arrogantly to the Echancian Royal guard officers who were guarding the double doors of the throne room.

"We don't care who you are Miss, we were instructed not to allow anyone passage into the throne room," The Echancian Royal guard officers said to Princess Felicia coldly, slightly irritated with Princess Felicia's attitude.

(Inside the throne room)

"What's going on out there??? Emperor Jethro asked one of the ministers while looking at him with inquisitive eyes.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesty! I think it's a lady causing the commotion outside, it seems she wants to disrupt our crucial meeting but the Royal Guards refused her access," A male minister answered Emperor Jethro.

"I think we should go outside and know what's happening! What do you think Your Imperial Royal Majesty??? Another male minister said to Emperor Jethro while looking inquisitively at Emperor Jethro.

"Nobody is leaving this throne room till we are done with this meeting!! Whoever is out there be damned, he or she should have known better to make an appointment, hmmph! Emperor Jethro said to the ministers sternly.

"Y.....Yes, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! The ministers replied chorously while stuttering.

(Back to the double doors of the throne room)

"Can't You just announce My presence huh??? Announce my presence and see if the Emperor won't grant me entry," Princess Felicia ordered the Royal guard officers coldly.

"What business do you have with the Emperor??? Tell us and maybe we can risk our necks for you," The Royal guard officers said to Princess Felicia sternly while looking inquisitively at her.

"I'm sorry...uh-huh can't do! Princess Felicia said to the Royal guard officers sternly.

"Then orders are orders, Princess! We can't grant you entry till the meeting is over," The Royal guard officers said to Princess Felicia sternly.

Princess Felicia had no choice but to wait for the meeting to end before she can be able to meet with Emperor Jethro.

Two hours later, Emperor Jethro came out of the throne room accompanied by eight Royal Guard officers alongside the ministers.

Princess Felicia immediately got up from her seat as soon as she saw Emperor Jethro, and walked gracefully towards the exiting Emperor.

"Greetings to Your Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lion of Echancia Empire! Princess Felicia greeted Emperor Jethro while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to you too Mi..... Princess Felicia! Is that you??? Emperor Jethro asked Princess Felicia in a surprised manner, upon turning his back as soon as he saw Princess Felicia greeting him.

"It's Me Your Imperial Royal Majesty," Princess Felicia replied Emperor Jethro while smiling brightly.

"Princess Felicia! Wow! It's so great to see you! Welcome to Chadcia," Emperor Jethro said to Princess Felicia warmly while taking her for a hug.

"It's so great to see you too, Your Imperial Royal Majesty," Princess Felicia replied warmly to Emperor Jethro while parting their hug.

"So when did you come?? Did you just arrive or.....

"I just arrived Your Imperial Royal Majesty! I was the one who wanted to see you but your Royal Guards stopped me from doing so," Princess Felicia said to Emperor Jethro, interrupting what he was going to say.

"Princess Felicia I'm sorry they stopped you, I apologize on their behalf, myself and my ministers were in a crucial meeting, one that we can't afford to be distracted, that's the reason you were stopped from coming to see me, they were only just following my orders," Emperor Jethro apologetically said to Princess Felicia.

"It's okay, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! I'm not mad, I was only just upset," Princess Felicia said to Emperor Jethro warmly.

"I'm glad to hear that, Princess Felicia! So let's go to the living room and catch up! Emperor Jethro said to Princess Felicia, smiling brightly while leading her towards the living room of the Palace, accompanied by the eight Royal Guards.

"So how are Your Father and Your brother??? Emperor Jethro asked Princess Felicia while walking slowly towards the living room.

"It's been long I last saw them," Emperor Jethro said further while looking at Princess Felicia inquisitively.

"They are fine....Your Imperial Royal Majesty," Princess Felicia answered Emperor Jethro warmly.

"Oh! I'm glad to hear that, please send my regards to them, especially Your Father," Emperor Jethro said to Princess Felicia warmly while smiling brightly.

"I'll be sure to do that, Your Imperial Royal Majesty," Princess Felicia replied Emperor Jethro warmly.

"So how is Prince Joffrey??? It's been a while since I last saw him....I hope he's doing okay with all this pressure of him getting a wife (Sighs) he must be really having a hard time now." Princess Felicia said to Emperor Jethro while sighing deeply, pretending to be sad.

"I guess he's doing great! He just sent a word two days ago saying he will be back soon with his bride-to-be," Emperor Jethro said to Princess Felicia as soon as they got inside the living room.

"Oh....I see! Good for him," Princess Felicia replied Emperor Jethro warmly but sadly.

"I'm sorry Your dream bubble just got popped Felicia, did you actually think my brother is going to marry a slut like you?? Huh?? Princess Annabelle asked Princess Felicia while smirking at her.

"What are You talking about Annabelle??? Princess Felicia asked Princess Annabelle while pretending to be ignorant of what Princess Annabelle was talking about.

"Yes! What are you talking about Annabelle?? Who told you Princess Felicia here has the intention of getting married to your brother?? Huh?? Emperor Jethro asked Princess Annabelle angrily, slightly irritated with what she said to Princess Felicia.

"I'm talking about the reason she showed up here, Dad! Felicia has always been in love with Joffrey and she's still in love with him. Princess Annabelle said to her father sternly.

"Dad! Before your decree, when has she ever visited us in broad daylight??? When?? Princess Annabelle asked her father further, with a pause.

"Dad can't you see what's all in front of you??? Felicia loves Joffrey! Princess Annabelle said further to her father.

"Do You?? Do You love My son Felicia??? Emperor Jethro asked Princess Felicia while looking at her inquisitively.

"Yes, I do, Your Imperial Royal Majesty." Princess Felicia answered shyly.

"I'm afraid My son has been taken, he's currently dating Kara Stewart, the Pop Princess and she's going to be my daughter-in-law," Empress Margareth said to Princess Felicia sternly while glaring at her coldly.

"Who said anything about that singer marrying my son??? She's not a noble! Emperor Jethro said to Empress Margareth while looking at her inquisitively.

"Jethro My love, I know she's not of noble birth but nevertheless, our son can still get married to her," Empress Margareth said to Emperor Jethro warmly, while caressing his face tenderly.

"How is that possible Margareth?? Emperor Jethro asked Empress Margareth while looking at her inquisitively.

"It's possible because there's a loophole to that sacred law which states and I quote:- "Never shall a prince of Echancia be joined in marriage to a non-noble lady lest he loses his life." Empress Margareth said to Emperor Jethro warmly.

"So what's the loophole??? Emperor Jethro asked Empress Margareth while looking at her anxiously.

"The loophole of that sacred law states that and I quote:- "If ever a Crown Prince of Echancia who is the only heir, happens to fall in love with a non-noble lady and he's not willing to be married to a noble lady, let him marry the non-noble lady, she will become noble through him," Empress Margareth said to Emperor Jethro warmly.

"So how did you know about this loophole, Margareth??? Emperor Jethro asked Empress Margareth, still not believing what Empress Margareth was telling him.

"She knew because I told her about it," The Echancian Priest said to Emperor Jethro as soon as he came inside the living room.

"Forgive Me Your Imperial Royal Majesty for barging in, but I had to come," The Echancian Priest apologetically said to Emperor Jethro.

"It's Okay, Holy one," Emperor Jethro said to the Echancian Priest warmly.

"Please take a seat," Emperor Jethro said to the Echancian Priest while gesturing him to sit down.

"Thank You very much Your Imperial Royal Majesty," The Echancian Priest thanked Emperor Jethro warmly while smiling gratefully at him.

"You are welcome! So tell me about this loophole, how come I didn't know of it?? Emperor Jethro said to the Echancian Priest while looking at him inquisitively.

"It's because it's written on the golden stone tablet, the original sacred laws that were written by Zeus himself, we were only following the translated version of it, instead of the original version," The Echancian Priest said to Emperor Jethro warmly in an explaining manner.

"So Joffrey doesn't want a noble lady because he has fallen in love with this Kara Stewart, Correct??? Emperor Jethro said to Empress Margareth and Princess Annabelle while looking inquisitively at them.

"Correct," Empress Margareth answered Emperor Jethro warmly.

"So when did this relationship start for Joffrey to fall in love with Kara this deeply?? I mean they just started dating not long ago according to the news," Emperor Jethro said to Empress Margareth while looking inquisitively at her.

"They have been dating long before the press knew, long before we his Parents knew, they have been dating since eight years now," Empress Margareth said to Emperor Jethro warmly while glaring coldly at Princess Felicia.

"Who told You You can take my friend's daughter's place?? Hmmph! Just look at her! What a slut! This girl isn't fit to be Queen of this Empire or any other Kingdom," Empress Margareth said to herself inwardly while glaring coldly at Princess Felicia.

"Now, I see the reason he was staring at her on stage at that concert eight years ago, so he was in love with her as at then?? I knew it! I knew there was something weird about the way he was looking at her that night of the concert, and I just couldn't put my fingers on it then! Emperor Jethro said to Empress Margareth.

"So what's your say, father?? You want her to marry Joffrey or not?? Princess Annabelle anxiously asked her father.

"Yes! What's your say, Jethro?? Empress Margareth asked Emperor Jethro, backing her daughter up.

"My say is since Joffrey and Kara have been courting each other for the past eight years now, there's no stopping their relationship now, there's no stopping a girl who accidentally fell for a Prince," Emperor Jethro answered with a pause

"She and Joffrey can get married as soon as they get here," Emperor Jethro said warmly to Empress Margareth and Princess Annabelle.

"Yay! Thank You very much, Father! Finally! I and Kara are going to be sisters! Oh My God! I can't wait for them to arrive here," Princess Annabelle said to her father while squeaking in happiness.

"Princess Felicia! I'm sorry, my son has only one heart! He can't share it with two women." Emperor Jethro apologetically said to Princess Felicia.

"It's Okay Your Imperial Royal Majesty! I understand, I wish for them, all the happiness in the world," Princess Felicia said to Emperor Jethro while smiling sadly.

"Good! I'm glad You understand." Emperor Jethro said to Princess Felicia warmly.

"Farewell Joffrey! I'll wait for you in hell! Hahahaha." Princess Felicia said to herself, laughing hysterically.

She swiftly took a sword belonging to a Royal guard officers and stabbed herself right in the heart.

"Cough! Cough! Cough! If I can't marry Joffrey then I won't marry anyone else," Princess Felicia said to no one in particular while coughing out blood.

Thud!! Princess Felicia''s body dropped down dead on the floor.

"What just happened??? Emperor Jethro asked no one in particular while rubbing his eyes vigorously, trying to see if he was dreaming.

"Princess Felicia just committed suicide," The Echancian Priest answered while shaking his head in pity.

"How could she do something like that??? Empress Margareth asked loudly in shock.

"That's because she's a spoilt princess, My Father spoilt her rotten." Prince Ronley answered as soon as he came inside the living room.

"Greetings to Your Imperial Royal Majesties! The Lion and Lioness of Echancia Empire! Prince Ronley greeted Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to You too, little one." Prince Ronley greeted Princess Annabelle.

"How did....When did You come?? Emperor Jethro asked Prince Ronley in a surprised manner.

"I followed my sister here, I wanted to know the reason she suddenly decided to come to Echancia! And I really did see a lot! Myself and My Father." Prince Ronley said to Emperor Jethro warmly.

"So you mean you have been here all along??? Empress Margareth asked Prince Ronley in shock.

"Yes! And I myself and My father heard and saw everything, it's such a relief that she's gone, the world is far better off without her in it." Prince Ronley said to Emperor Jethro sternly.

"So what do we do now?? Princess Annabelle asked Prince Ronley worriedly.

"We cremate her corpse and send it to Calpurnia! That is my father's order." Prince Ronley answered Princess Annabelle sternly.

"And it shall be done! Please send my condolences to your father." Emperor Jethro said to Prince Ronley sadly.

"He has heard You Your Imperial Royal Majesty." Prince Ronley replied Emperor Jethro warmly.

"Very well! Please do as he has ordered," Emperor Jethro ordered the Royal guard officers.

"Right away! Your Imperial Royal Majesty." The Royal guard officers chorously replied.

And with that, the Royal Guards went to carry out the order of Emperor Jethro.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

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Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky