

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 40 Meeting Again.

(Kara's P.O.V)

Eight years have passed since I last saw Jeffrey, the love of my life, it felt like he disappeared, but I knew he was still somewhere, fighting his way back to me.

At least that got me through the eight years of not seeing him.

A lot has happened these eight years, I'm twenty years old now, a full-grown woman to be exact, and I'm done with my high school education under the tutelage of Mr. Phillip, and I just graduated recently from the prestigious Tagaryean University.

I and Anna have become very close these past eight years, she was now my new best friend, she's twenty years now, just like me and she's a free bird now.

I'm still the Pop Princess, but the press have been criticizing me lately, they felt I'm a lesbian, because of the countless guys I've turned down and because of the fact that I'm always seen with girls in public.

Deep down in my heart, I knew Jeffrey is the only guy for me and I'm willing to wait for him no matter how long it takes, to me I felt like, other guys be damned.

But the funny thing is that any of these rich guys who makes a move on trying to ask me out, always meet a horrible fate by my unknown hero.

They always cry bankruptcy the following day, some even lose their companies, while some careers just get ruined overnight.

Not that I care about them anyway, but somehow, I just felt Jeffrey might be connected to all of this, but I wasn't sure of it, it was just a feeling I had on my heart.


(Prince Joffrey's P.O.V)

Eight years have passed since I last saw Kara, the love of my life, I've been busy with the works of the company and the works of the Empire.

It wasn't easy for a Crown Prince like myself, who is also the CEO of a multi-trillion dollars Company to have time for personal issues.

My dad always expects a lot from me and also I needed to be that role model for my subjects, a lot of people look up to me to be their Crown Prince, and I needed to be there for them, like those less privileged Citizens of Echancia.

Well, I'm twenty-eight years old now, and a lot of pressure has been coming from my parents and the press.

My mom has been constantly setting me up with blind dates, with those spoilt princesses and I've always been turning them down, I always love making the dates the worst night of their lives.

I was this possessive guy who didn't want to see my girl with another guy, so I needed to be faithful on my part, and besides, I never had any feelings for this girls, except hate and disgust.

I, not being able to get back with the love of my life, didn't stop me from protecting her.

When you are a Crown Prince of a powerful Empire, you get a lot of resources at your disposal, in this case, I had a lot of shadow men oathfully bound to me.

They give me information about things I needed to know, by sending me video footage and photographs.

They have been sending me photographs of some filthy men, who have been trying to woo the Queen of my heart.

Tyler, on the other hand, has been keeping an eye on Kara for me, she was faithful at least, she was still waiting for my latter self to show up, but unfortunately, I was too busy being a Prince, to make her dreams come true, and I felt hurt, seeing that sad face of hers.

A lot of guys have been swarming around her like bees, and that alone pissed me off.

I was very jealous of the way they looked at her, and I always had the feeling of plucking their eyes out, so they wouldn't be able to look at my girl with such lustful eyes.

I felt I'm the only one who had the right to look at Kara with that kind of eyes, not anyone else, so I dealt severely with anyone who dared approach her or stared at her with those lustful eyes of theirs.

Getting frustrated with all the drama happening at the Palace, I decided to leave the Empire and go after my girl, it's been ages since I last saw her, and I was dying to see her again.

"Son where did you think you are going??? My Father asked me one morning while I was getting ready to head to the airport.

"Dad I'm tired of the whole drama happening in this Palace, I have to go somewhere else and clear my head," I replied him, ordering the servants to get my luggage ready.

"Tell me this is a joke! What drama are you talking about?? My Father asked me angrily, feeling confused.

"Should I start listing them??? I asked my father while smirking at him.

"What do you want to start listing??? My father asked me angrily.

"Dad! (Sighs) You and mom have been sending an umpteenth number of princesses and ladies my way, setting me up with blind dates and I'm tired of it! I said to my Father while sighing deeply.

"That's because you choosed to remain single, you are a Prince, Joffrey! a Crown Prince to be exact, you owe it to your Kingdom and her people to get married," My father said to me softly.

"Who is going to be the next heir of the throne of Echancia if you keep rejecting the princesses we send your way??...Why can't you just choose from any of them and father a child, giving me and your mother a grandchild??? My father asked further.

"But I don't want any of these girls you send my way! I replied My Father softly.

"But the sacred laws state that and I quote :- "Never shall a prince of Echancia be joined in marriage to a non-noble lady lest he loses his life." My Father said to me, reminding me of those annoying laws made by those gods of Olympus.

"Hmm! But....I have the girl I want to spend my life with, I don't need your help finding myself a wife," I muttered to my father.

"So is that lady of yours, perhaps a noble lady?? My Father asked me with an anxious tone while raising his eyebrows.

"What if she is??? I asked My father with a gritted tone.

"Then bring her here, you have to get married Son! My father said to me sternly.

"She isn't Okay with meeting with you and mom yet." I lied swiftly to my Father.

I felt bad lying to My Father's face, but I needed a way out or my dad will not give me a breathing space, he might even make a royal proclamation that I'm getting married soon, and I wasn't ready for that, not until I'm able to make Kara completely mine.

There's a lot I needed to tell her and me being here, is not helping me out, I needed to come clean with her, soon and fast.

"Then she isn't worthy of you." My father said to me after some minutes of silence between us.

"What??? I exclaimed at my father, feeling annoyed with what he just said.

"How can Kara not be worthy of me??? I asked him feeling frustrated with him, blurting out Kara's name in the process.

"Which Kara are you talking about???...I've never heard of that name before!! Which Kingdom is she from??? My father bombarded me with questions.

"Not that you know of," I said to My Father flatly.

"If she isn't from any Kingdom, Who is she then???...Is she perhaps a Lady??...Is she a noble Lady of this Empire??...What house is she from?? My Father bombarded me with questions, trying to know the Kara I was talking about.

"Dad! All I know is that, if she isn't worthy of me, then no woman is worthy of being my wife," I said to My Father firmly, ignoring his questions.

"I demand you bring this Kara lady of yours, to this Palace for proper identification and introduction! Since you said yourself that you want to spend the rest of your life with her!! Or.... My Father said to me with a pause.

"Or What??? I asked My Father, demanding to know what threat he might use on me this time.

"Or You shall get married to Princess Felicia of Calpurnia Kingdom and there's nothing you will do about it," My Father said to me firmly while summoning the Prime minister.

"You have three months to bring her here or you get married to Princess Felicia," My Father said further to me firmly.

"What??? Three months??? I asked My Father, my mouth wide open from shock.

"Yes, Son! Three months and nothing more!! Or You shall marry Princess Felicia," My Father said to me sternly.

"How am I suppose to make her marry me in three months??? I asked My Father feeling frustrated.

"I don't know Son!! You said yourself, You have a lady, I suggest you hurry up and bring her here for proper identification so you guys can get married in no time! My Father said to me flatly.

"That's if she is a noble!! Tik Tok!! Tik Tok!! Your time is running already," My Father said to me sternly.

"Greetings to Your Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lion of Echancia Empire! The Prime minister greeted My Father respectfully.

"Greetings to you too Prime minister! My Father responded warmly.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesty...I was told you sent for me! The Prime minister said to my father respectfully.

"Yes! I sent for you," My Father replied the Prime minister warmly.

"Let it be known throughout the whole Empire, that my son, Crown Prince Joffrey has an intended bride to marry, he is given three months to bring his intended bride for proper identification and introduction to the Empire, if he fails to bring her within these three months, he shall be joined in marriage to Calpurnia's Princess Felicia," This is my Royal decree!! My Father said to the Prime minister sternly.

And with that, the Prime minister left My Father's presence, to deliver My Father's decree to the court of Echancia, and the entire Empire, just as he was told.

Feeling frustrated and helpless with My dad's decree, I left the Palace and headed straight to the airport.

There was only one thing I had in my mind, and that was coming clean with Kara, I felt I needed to tell her about my identity soon and fast before she finds out herself.

Forty minutes later, I arrived at the Chadcia International Airport.

I came out of My Lamborghini Veneno Roadster series worth a whopping sum of 8.3 billion dollars and went straight into My 790 Trillion dollars Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet.

In no time, I was on air, flying towards Los Angeles to meet with my beloved.

A lot of questions were popping up in my head, maybe I was just been nervous about seeing Kara, it's been eight years since I last saw Kara.

"What if I tell her about my real identity and she hates me???

"What if I see her and I get speechless, not being able to tell her anything??

These were the questions popping in my head and I couldn't find a suitable answer for any of them.

After about ten hours of flying, My Private Jet landed at the Los Angeles International Airport.

I alighted the Jet in a hurry, not wanting to waste any more time in meeting with my beloved.

"Welcome Your Royal Highness! The limousine is waiting for You," Tyler respectfully said to me.

"It's Okay Tyler, I think we will be using a taxi today," I said to Tyler.

"Forgive Me, Your Royal Highness! But if I may ask, why will you want to use a taxi?? Tyler asked me feeling confused while raising his eyebrows.

"Tyler I'm going to see My beloved, and I don't have much time," I said to him while walking hastily towards the arrival gate of the airport terminal.

"Oh! You mean Kara Stewart, let's hurry then my sources told me hours earlier that she will be leaving the studio soon," Tyler said to me as soon as we came out of the arrival gate of the airport terminal while stopping a cab.

"Tyler do you have the Jeffrey wig with you?. I asked Tyler worriedly, I have forgotten my own wig back at the Palace.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! I have three with me, it's a good thing you gave me a couple of your Jeffrey wigs to keep for emergencies such as this," Tyler said to me while smiling brightly.

"Yeah, Tyler! It's really a good thing I left some with you," I replied warmly.

Getting into the cab, I asked the cab driver to take us to the K.S Records where Kara was recording a song currently.

Two hours later, the cab arrived at the lobby of the K.S Records, I hurriedly wore my Jeffrey wig and came out of the cab.

I walked fast into the K.S Records building, not wanting to waste any more time, I have endured the emptiness and loneliness for eight years, and to me, I was ending it today.

I quickly got into the locker room and changed into my laundry staff uniform, I got out of the locker room and headed towards the studio room.

Getting there, I ransacked the entire studio but I couldn't find any trace of Kara anywhere in the studio room.

"Damn it! I'm late," I cursed inwardly feeling frustrated.

"Hello Sir, this studio is restricted to laundry staffs, you are not supposed to be here," A male security guard said to me calmly.

"I'm sorry, I just thought I needed to check if they will be doing any laundry today," I lied swiftly to the male security guard.

"If they need anything dry cleaned they will contact your Chief!! I guess you are new here for you not to know this," The male security guard said to me sternly.

"I'm new here, so I didn't know of this before," I lied swiftly to the male security guard.

"Okay! Now you've known right?? So I suggest you leave now!! The male security guard said to me sternly.

"Okay! But do you perhaps know where I can find Kara Stewart?? I asked him anxiously.

"And why are you looking for her?? The male security asked me.

"I need to get some of my sister's toys signed," I lied to the male security guard flatly.

"Oh! You are one of her fans who need her autograph, you can find her on the management floor, but I suggest you wait for her to come out, so you don't lose your job," The male security guard said to me.

"Thank You very much, Sir," I said to him while smiling gratefully at him.

And with that, I came out of the studio room and went straight towards the management floor where I was told by the male security guard that Kara would be at.

Knowing I couldn't just barge into the office of the C.E.O which happens to be Kara's Mom Office, I decided to wait patiently for Kara, I didn't care how long she was going to be in the office, provided I see and meet with her today.

After thirty minutes of waiting, Kara finally came out of the C.E.O'S Office.

My heart raised in a flash the moment our eyes locked with each other.

"Jeffrey! Jeffrey!.....Is that You??? Is that really you?? Kara asked me with shock, still not believing what she was seeing.

"It's Me, Kara! How have you been?? I asked her, trying to see if she still has feelings for me like I was told by Tyler.

"How have I been??? You came to me and confessed your feelings for me and left me for good eight years! And now you show up all of a sudden, and all you could ask me is how have I been??? Kara yelled angrily at me.

"Did You even care how I felt when You just left Jeffrey???...Did You?? She yelled further.

"You stole My heart and You just left! Who does that??...Who does that Jeffrey??? Kara yelled at me angrily while tears were falling down from her eyes.

I felt a sharp pain right in My heart when I saw those tears falling down from her eyes.

I hurriedly brought out a handkerchief and wipe those tear strands flowing from her cheeks.

"It's Okay, Kara! I'm here now," I said to Kara warmly, amidst my cleaning of her tears.

I just couldn't blame her for yelling at me, because I knew I deserved it, she might have been so upset and lonely these eight years, and it was all my fault! I could have been there for her but my status didn't let me.

"I'm so sorry, Kara! I have no excuse to say to you, I'm such a fool to leave you like that! If there's a bigger word for sorry, then I'd use that, I can't express with words Kara, how very sorry I am for leaving like that," I apologetically said to Kara.

"I just didn't know how you felt about me, because you were very hostile to me...the day I told you about my feelings," I said to Kara, trying to back up my apology.

"Fine! (Sighs) I guess it was My fault for being hostile to you in the first place, but I was a twelve years old girl, I didn't know what it meant to have feelings for someone Jeffrey! Kara said to me while sighing deeply.

"I'm just glad you are back now Jeffrey! You have no idea how excited I am, to finally see you after eight good years," Kara said to me while taking me for a hug.

"Me too Kara! You have no idea how much I wanted to see you badly...but I wasn't able to because of what I needed to do first, in order to get back with you," I said to Kara while tightening our hug.

"So, where have you been all these years???...I tried looking for you with Private Investigators but none of them were able to find you," Kara said to me warmly while parting our hug.

"Don't tell me You were sick Mister! Kara said to me further.

"I didn't want to say that, Kara they were people who needed my help, so I had to be there for them," I said to her warmly while caressing her cheek.

"Hmmmm! I see! So, My boyfriend left because he wanted to be a humanitarian," Kara playfully said to me blushing while giggling.

"So, You considered me your boyfriend??? I asked Kara feeling shocked, not believing what I just heard.

"Who said anything about you being my boyfriend?? Kara denied swiftly.

"But You just said.......

"Fine! I said that! Come to think of it, we fell in love with each other eight years back, what do they normally call people who are in love with each other, but not yet married???? Kara seriously asked me.

"Couples! Boyfriends and girlfriends!! I replied her while raising my eyebrows.

"Good! Kara said to me softly while entwining my arms in hers, dragging me towards the exit door.

"So were you in love with me?? I asked Kara anxiously.

"I'm not telling you that today Jeffrey, leave it for another day, we've got a lot to catch up on! Kara replied me firmly.

"Oh! Okay! I guess another time is great," I replied warmly, but deep down I felt sad looking at Kara, there's actually a lot we really needed to catch up on, and I'm going to start with my real identity, I don't care if she's going to hate me for lying to her, provided she knows who she's in love with because deep down in my heart, I knew she is in love with me, seeing the way her eyes sparkled when she confirmed she was really seeing me, not a ghost, those were the eyes my mom looks at my dad with whenever he comes back from world leaders meeting.

I felt Joy in My heart knowing that Kara will be mine forever soon enough.

(Kara's P.O.V)

I was in My Mom's Office with Becca, we were discussing about some stuff, we discussed for hours and I was getting bored with what we were discussing about, so I excused myself and came out of my Mom's Office.

Coming out of My mom's office, My eyes fell on the guy I've been dying to see again these past eight years.

Staring at me was Jeffrey, the love of my life, the guy who stole my heart when I was still a young girl.

Our eyes locked with each other and my heart was beating fast like it was going to jump right out of my chest.

I felt this feeling of happiness, shock, and anger surging through my heart.

I looked at him, dazzled by his appearance, to me I felt like I was seeing a ghost, the last time I saw Jeffrey was the day we bumped into each other, and he left the Company with the excuse of being sick.

"Jeffrey! Jeffrey!.....Is that You??? Is that really you?? I asked Jeffrey with shock, still not believing what I was seeing.

"It's Me, Kara! How have you been?? Jeffrey asked me.

"How have I been??? You came to me and confessed your feelings for me and left me for good eight years! And now you show up all of a sudden, and all you could ask me is how have I been??? I yelled angrily at Jeffrey.

"Did You even care how I felt when You just left Jeffrey???...Did you?? I yelled further.

"You stole My heart and You just left! Who does that??...Who does that Jeffrey??? I yelled at Jeffrey angrily while tears were falling down from my eyes.

Jeffrey hurriedly brought out a handkerchief and wiped out my tear strands, flowing from my cheeks, that gesture alone made me smile inwardly.

"It's Okay, Kara! I'm here now," Jeffrey said to me warmly, amidst his cleaning of my tears.

I felt happy with those words he said to me, but still, I needed to play tough, I wanted to let him know how hurt I was when he left, so I pretended I wasn't moved with his gesture.

"I'm so sorry, Kara! I have no excuse to say to you, I'm such a fool to leave you like that! If there's a bigger word for sorry, then I'd use that, I can't express with words Kara, how very sorry I am for leaving like that," Jeffrey apologetically said to me.

"I just didn't know how you felt about me, because you were very hostile to me...the day I told you about my feelings," Jeffrey said further to me.

I felt touched by his apology, and besides, it was all my fault for being hostile to him, the first day we met.

I felt, if I hadn't been hostile to him as at then, then maybe he wouldn't have left.

But who could blame me? I was just a twelve years old girl then.

"How the hell was I supposed to know what to do or what to say to him when he confessed his feelings for me?? I asked myself inwardly.

"I didn't even know what it meant to have feelings for someone until he came.

"Fine! (Sighs) I guess it was My fault for being hostile to you in the first place, but I was a twelve years old girl, I didn't know what it meant to have feelings for someone Jeffrey! I said to Jeffrey, looking at him while sighing deeply.

"I'm just glad you are back now Jeffrey! You have no idea how excited I am, to finally see you after eight good years," I said further to Jeffrey while taking him for a hug.

"Me too Kara! You have no idea how much I wanted to see you badly...but I wasn't able to because of what I needed to do first, in order to get back with you," Jeffrey said to me while tightening our hug.

"So, where have you been all these years??? I tried looking for you with Private Investigators but none of them were able to find you," I said to Jeffrey warmly while parting our hug.

"Don't tell me You were sick Mister! I said to Jeffrey further, not wanting to hear a single lie from him.

"I didn't want to say that Kara! they were people who needed my help, so I had to be there for them," Jeffrey said to me warmly while caressing my cheek.

I felt startled for a minute with his sudden gesture, but I smiled inwardly seeing that Jeffrey's feelings for me, hadn't changed over the eight years we were apart.

I looked at him adorably, I wasn't hurt anymore by his absence but I was impressed with him, he left so he could help other people who needed his help, and that alone made My feelings for him more stronger than before.

"Hmmmm! I see! So, My boyfriend left because he wanted to be a humanitarian," I playfully said to Jeffrey blushing while giggling.

"So, You considered me your boyfriend??? Jeffrey asked me with shock.

"Oooops! I almost blurted out My feelings!! I said to Myself inwardly.

"Kara this is not the place you tell someone how you feel! Now he's going to want to know why you said that! I scolded myself inwardly.

"Who said anything about you being my boyfriend?? I denied swiftly.

"But You just said.......

"Fine! I said that! Come to think of it, we fell in love with each other eight years back, what do they normally call people who are in love with each other, but not yet married???? I seriously asked Jeffrey.

"Couples! Boyfriends and girlfriends!! Jeffrey replied me while raising his eyebrows.

"Good! I said to Jeffrey softly while entwining my arms in his, dragging him towards the exit door.

I felt the wall I put up to play tough on Jeffrey crumble down to pieces when he mentioned about being out there, helping people who needed his help.

"So, were you in love with me?? Jeffrey asked me anxiously.

I blushed hard hearing that question from his mouth, but what amused me was the fact that he wasn't getting a clue about my feelings for him from the way I was staring at him.

"I'm not telling You that today Jeffrey, leave it for another day, we've got a lot to catch up on! I replied Jeffrey firmly.

"Oh! Okay! I guess another time is great," Jeffrey replied warmly.

Deep down in my heart, I wanted to tell him about my feelings for him, right here and right now, but I just wanted to make it special for both of us.

I smiled inwardly, knowing that Jeffrey will be mine and mine alone soon.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky