

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 39 Colliding With Each Other.

After two hours of driving, the convoys of the Imperial Royal Family arrived at the huge magnificent gate of the Royal Palace of Enchancia Empire.

The gate was immediately opened by the Echancian Royal Guards for the Imperial Royal Family to pass through.

"Greetings to Your Imperial Royal Majesties! The Lion and Lioness of the Echancia Empire! The Royal Guards saluted the Emperor and the Empress as soon as they came out of the limousine.

Emperor Jethro and Empress Margareth gracefully walked into the Royal Palace while Princess Annabelle was jogging happily, dragging Kara along with her.

"Kara come with me, you have to see the Grand Hall! Princess Annabelle said to Kara happily, as soon as they got inside the Palace.

Ten minutes later, Princess Annabelle brought Kara to the Grand Hall, the Grand Hall was magnificent in beauty, the grounds of the hall were made with pure solid gold, making it echanting and eye-catching.

"Wow! This place is an epitome of beauty, I've never seen such beauty in my life," Kara said to Princess Annabelle in a daze while admiring the Grand Hall.

"Don't look so perplexed Kara, the castle is centuries years old, but never loses its beauty because it was made by "ZEUS" himself, the King of the gods," Princess Annabelle explained to the dazzled Kara.

"Oh I see, no wonder it's so.......

"Divine? Princess Annabelle said, completing Kara's words.

"Yeah Divine! For a moment I thought the castle was built by man," Kara said to Princess Annabelle warmly.

"Don't be silly Kara! There's no way mankind can make a castle of gold like this Castle, it's impossible, only the gods of Olympus can do something like that," Princess Annabelle said to Kara in an explaining manner.

"Wow! I've not met these gods before but they are so cool! Kara squeaked happily, admiring the gods of Olympus.

"So you guys worship these gods??? Kara asked Princess Annabelle.

"Yeah, we do! Princess Annabelle said to Kara while smiling brightly.

"So Kara, will you like me to give you a tour of the Palace??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara while smiling brightly, looking at her with hopeful eyes.

"I'm sorry Princess! But I'll have to decline this one, I'm very tired and I need to rest, I'll be traveling back to the States tomorrow remember??? Kara said sadly to Princess Annabelle while placing her palm on Princess Annabelle's cheek.

"Okay, I forgot about you showing up at the airport on time, I just thought you'd stay longer, but I guess I was wrong," (Sighs) Princess Annabelle said to Kara sadly while sighing deeply.

With that, Princess Annabelle started leading Kara to the female guests' quarters, where Kara was going to pass the night.

Stopping halfway, Kara turned and faced Princess Annabelle with a somber look on her face.

"I'm sorry Princess Annabelle, but maybe next time, you'd get to give me a tour of the Royal Palace," Kara said warmly while caressing Princess Annabelle's cheek, trying to cheer her up.

"Oh My God! You are going to perform in Echancia again??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara with an exclaiming tone.

"Yeah, I'll perform in Echancia again, because I just made a friend here," Kara said warmly while smiling brightly at Princess Annabelle.

"Wow! So who could that be?? I swear he or she is going to be so lucky to be your friend?? Princess Annabelle said to Kara while smiling brightly.

"My new friend doesn't need luck to win my friendship, she's kind-hearted, she's caring, she's not the girl who looks down on people, just because they are beneath her," Kara said to Princess Annabelle while smiling brightly at her.

"Wow! I haven't met this new friend of yours, but she sounds nice by the way you described her, I'll love to have such a friend like her one day," Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"My new friend is standing here right now and she's looking at me! Kara said to Princess Annabelle warmly while looking at her adorably.

"Oh My God! She's here?? Where is she?? I can't find her?? Why can't I find her?? Princess Annabelle said to Kara while ransacking the entire hall with her eyes.

"Princess Annabelle! How can you see her when she's busy ransacking the entire hall with her eyes?? She looks so cute doing that?? Trying to find herself! Hahahaha! Kara said to Princess Annabelle while laughing softly.

"Oh My God! Were you talking about me the entire time??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara in a shocked manner.

"Yeap! And you just couldn't get my clues," Hahahahaha! Kara said to Princess Annabelle while laughing.

"Hmpph! I don't like it when someone laughs at me.....but since it's you, I guess I'll just let this one pass," Princess Annabelle said to Kara, folding her hands across her chest while pouting.

"It's Okay Anna! I can call you Anna right??? Kara asked Princess Annabelle still not sure if Princess Annabelle is ready for the friendship.

"Yeah! You can call me that, it sounds nice coming from you," Princess Annabelle said to Kara while smiling brightly.

"Now you are just flattering me! Kara said to Princess Annabelle while giggling softly.

"You deserved to be flattered, Kara! Princess Annabelle replied cheerfully while leading Kara into the female guests' quarters.

"But I must say you look cute when you are confused or anxious! Kara said to Princess Annabelle while giggling.

"Now you are just flattering me, Kara! But never mind, I enjoy being flattered," Princess Annabelle replied Kara cheerfully.

"Hahahahahahaha!!! Princess Annabelle and Kara both laughed happily.

"So when will you be performing at Echancia again??? Is it soon?? Will you be performing at the Capital again??? Princess Annabelle bombarded Kara with questions while looking at Kara with an anxious face.

"Slow down Princess, this is what I just said earlier, you look cute when confused or anxious, anyway I'll be performing at Echancia, when the time is right, for now, I gotta focus on my studies! Kara said to Princess Annabelle calmly.

And with that, Kara and Princess Annabelle continued walking slowly towards the female guests' quarters.

"Yeah! You are right, mother says I have to study hard, if I want to be able to impress my betrothed in the future when we meet again," Princess Annabelle said to Kara cheerfully.

"Hmmm! Your Mom is right about the education part! But the betrothed part....I'm not so sure about that one," Kara said to Princess Annabelle warmly.

"Well being betrothed or not, we have to study to be useful women in the society when we grow up," Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"So you are betrothed already at this young age? Interesting! Kara said to Princess Annabelle.

"Kara, Princesses don't marry for love, they marry for duty, but you never may know, you could end up falling in love with your betrothed without realizing it," Princess Annabelle said to Kara cheerfully.

"Hmmmm! Sounds like you are already in love with your betrothed! Kara said to Princess Annabelle in a teasing manner.

"Her Imperial Royal Majesty, my mother, married my father for duty, but in due time, they ended up falling for each other," Princess Annabelle said further to Kara.

"So have you met your betrothed, or you just hear stories about him??? Kara asked Princess Annabelle calmly.

"Yes Kara, I've met him and we still meet." Princess Annabelle replied Kara warmly.

"Can I tell you a secret Kara?? Princess Annabelle asked Kara while opening the door of the female guests' quarters.

"Yeah! You can tell me, I won't tell a soul," Kara said to Princess Annabelle solemnly.

"I think I'm in love with Prince Xavier," Princess Annabelle said to Kara happily while smiling brightly.

"Who is Prince Xavier to you?? Kara asked Princess Annabelle feeling confused.

"He's my betrothed Kara! he's a little older than me, but I fell for him not quite long ago," Princess Annabelle said to Kara happily

"Wow! am I hearing wrong??? Kara asked in disbelief.

"No! You are not hearing wrong," Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"So you are in love with an eighteen years old Prince Xavier??? How old are you?? Kara asked Princess Annabelle.

"I'm of the same age as you, I'm twelve years old," Princess Annabelle replied warmly.

"Twelve years??? And you are in love with a guy??? ain't you young for that?? Kara asked Princess Annabelle.

"Who cares about age Kara??? Besides, love is a magical feeling, it doesn't know young or old, so age doesn't matter as long as you both love each other," Princess Annabelle said to Kara calmly.

"Haven't you heard about childhood love and teenage love??? Are you telling me those couples were mature when they fell for each other??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara.

"Yeah! (Sigh) "Maybe you are right Anna, love doesn't choose age," Kara replied to Princess Annabelle while sighing deeply.

"So does he know about your feelings?? Kara asked Princess Annabelle further.

"Yeah, and we've started dating already, though we are taking it slow," Princess Annabelle said to Kara happily.

"You are such a lucky girl, at least you get to meet the guy you are in love with," (Sighs) Kara said to Princess Annabelle while sighing deeply, looking at Princess Annabelle with a somber look.

"Why is your face somber all of a sudden Kara??? Is something wrong??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara in a concerned manner.

"It might sound funny to you, so just forget it! Kara said to Princess Annabelle trying to avoid telling Princess Annabelle about her weird feelings for a guy.

"I promise I won't laugh, what is the matter Kara, you look troubled! Please tell me! Princess Annabelle said to Kara in a coercing manner.

"Okay, Fine, Anna! I'm gonna tell you but promise me you won't laugh first," Kara said to Princess Annabelle while walking towards the Queen-Size Bed of the female guest room.

"I swear by the gods of Olympus that I should be struck dead, if I should laugh at you, here or behind your back," Princess Annabelle said to Kara solemnly.

"Anna! That was too much! How could you put your life under an oath??? Kara asked Princess Annabelle, slightly shocked from what she just heard.

"So you will believe me that I would never betray your trust, Kara." Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"Fine Anna! (Sigh) It's about this laundry guy, he works under my mom's Company.... Kara said to Princess Annabelle with a pause.

"What about him Kara?? Princess Annabelle asked Kara anxiously.

"His name is Jeffery and he's twenty years of age and I'm in love with him, Anna," (Sighs) Silly right??? Kara asked Princess Annabelle while sighing sadly.

"I don't think having feelings for a guy is being silly Kara, we are girls Kara, we fall in love with anyone without being able to control it! That's what makes us girls, so don't feel bad for falling in love with him." Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"I don't feel bad, it's just......it's just I'm scared Anna, I'm terrified," Kara said to Princess Annabelle sadly.

"Scared?? Terrified?? "Why are you scared, Kara??? Princess Annabelle asked Kara feeling confused.

"There was this strange guy who came to my room one morning, months back, he said he's in love with me and I thought he was being silly or ignorant, I know I look like a fourteen years old girl but I'm not, so I kept wondering why a twenty years old guy will harbor feelings for a twelve years old girl in his heart," Kara explained to Princess Annabelle.

"So?? Princess Annabelle asked Kara, wanting to know more.

"So somehow I fell for this guy and it pained me so much that he just disappeared, though I got to meet this laundry guy I told you about earlier, who looks exactly like him," Kara said to Princess Annabelle softly.

"So you just felt the strange guy and the laundry guy are the same persons??? Princess Annabelle Kara.

"Yeah! I felt that feeling of your heart wanting to jump right out of its cage when I met him, and somehow, deep in my heart, I know Jeffrey was that strange guy." Kara said to Princess Annabelle warmly.

"Doesn't he have facial features? I mean the strange guy?? Princess Annabelle asked Kara.

"He does.....but it's a wig, just like how I was putting a wig before, trying to live two lives then," Kara replied warmly to Princess Annabelle.

"Oh, I see! Princess Annabelle replied warmly.

"Besides his friend came to my house one day and he confirmed my intuitions," Kara said further to Princess Annabelle.

"So why are you terrified, you said yourself that he confessed his feelings for you! Honestly, Kara, I see no reason for you to be terrified." Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

"Anna...I'm scared because I didn't hear him out when he was confessing his feelings for me, and I'm terrified because I have this feeling for him that I need to let him know about, but.....but I'm not sure if he still feels the same way about me, I don't know if he will be willing to wait for me till I'm all grown up, that's if he still feels the same way about me, which I'm not even sure of, there's a lot of things that I don't know Anna," (Sighs) Kara said to Princess Annabelle while sighing deeply.

"It's Okay Kara, the next time you see him, let him know about your feelings for him, if he doesn't feel the same way about you, then that's his loss because you Kara are an amazing girl that I'll love for a sister if my brother isn't such a log of wood when it comes to the opposite sex," Princess Annabelle said to Kara warmly.

If only she knows how her wish will come true, she wouldn't have called her brother a log of wood.

"Kara, we've discussed a lot, I'll leave you to get some sleep now, remember your mom emphasized the word "Don't Be Late" when she was talking to you earlier," Princess Annabelle said to Kara while giggling softly.

"Yeah, Anna! You are right, I better sleep now, so I won't have eye bags tomorrow morning when I get to the airport, she's so gonna freak out," Kara replied Princess Annabelle warmly.

"See you tomorrow morning Kara! Good night and you sleep well, and dream about me Okay?? Princess Annabelle said to Kara with a wink while bidding her good night.

"Good night Anna! I'll see you tomorrow morning and trust me, I only dream about one guy, and that's Jeffrey! Kara said to Princess Annabelle with a smirk while bidding her good night.

"Now that just hurt my feelings Kara, looks like I have a rival in terms of your dreams," Hahaha!! Princess Annabelle said to Kara with a wink while laughing softly, shutting the door of Kara's room on her way out.

Kara fell asleep in no time, diving into the seas of the dream world while Prince Joffrey on the other hand was in his office, drowning himself with work, trying hard not to think about Kara's presence in the Palace.


Prince Joffrey left the stadium in haste because he was scared of not being able to control himself around Kara, and besides his father was suspecting him and he doesn't want to blow his cover, not yet anyway.

Funny how a twenty years old Crown Prince who was considered a log of wood when it comes to the opposite sex, is terrified of losing control of himself, for a twelve years old girl.

He got shocked when Sebastin told him about Kara's presence in the Palace.

"What! she's here?? He asked Sebastin panickly.

"Yes Joffrey, she's here to spend the night," Sebastin said to Prince Joffrey calmly.

"What will I do if she sees me, and figure out my identity Sebastin??? Prince Joffrey asked Sebastin totally terrified.

"I wonder what you will do now?? Sebastin asked Prince Joffrey while smirking devilishly at him.

"Stop that bastard! I asked you to help me out with an idea, not torment me with that annoying face of yours," Hmmph!! Prince Joffrey said to Sebastin angrily, feeling agitated with Sebastin's behavior.

"Don't yell at me bastard! You are the one who decided to lie to her about your identity in the first place!! Sebastin fired back at Prince Joffrey.

"Damn it Sebastin! Prince Joffrey caused in frustration

"What??? don't yell my name in that manner, I don't like it! Sebastin said to Prince Joffrey angrily.

"I'm sure it's Annabelle who told My Father to bring Kara here, Why is she such a fanatic??? Prince Joffrey said to Sebastin feeling frustrated

"Don't you blame your little sister bastard!! She isn't the one who is lying to her about his identity, she's just a fan who wants to spend some more time with her idol! Sebastin said to Prince Joffrey angrily.

"But she's the one responsible for this mess Sebastin!! If she wasn't such a fanatic, Kara would have been at her lodged suit by now! Can't you see Sebastin??? (Sighs) Prince Joffrey asked Sebastin with a sigh while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, just stay at your office and don't come out till tomorrow, except it's important, besides you have a lot of work to do before leaving for the states," Sebastin said to Prince Joffrey while leaving Prince Joffrey, heading towards the exit door of Prince Joffrey's Office.

Opening the exit door of the office, he turned his back, looking at Joffrey, he said:-

"Don't Let Me Down!! Hahahaha!!! I guess she was talking to you in that song, Oh damn!! How I will love to see the look on her face when she sees you and figures out your identity if you should leave this office and clash with her," Sebastin said to Prince Joffrey smirking devilishly while leaving the office, shutting the door on his way out.

"It won't come to that! Prince Joffrey muttered silently to himself.

(Back to present time)

Joffrey was feeling exhausted at his office, he has drowned himself with work and he desperately needed some sleep.

He decided to retire back to his Chamber located at the west wing of the Palace, so he could have some sleep.

"Kara should be asleep by now, so it's safe to go back to my Chamber now," He said to himself while locking the door of his office.

Kara, on the other hand, woke up from her sleep, feeling thirsty.

She got up from her bed and came out of the guest room, walking to nowhere, in particular, trying to find the Palace kitchen, so she could have some water.

"(Sighs) Why didn't I allow Anna to give me a tour earlier?? Kara asked herself while sighing deeply.

"Shit! I think I'm lost!! (Sighs) She said to herself while sighing in regret.

Joffrey was heading to the west wing of the palace when he accidentally collided with someone, looking at the person he just collided with, his heart skipped a beat, the person standing at his front was no other person than Kara, the love of his life.

Their eyes locked into each other, igniting Sparks all over the hallway.

Kara was losing her sanity at light speed.

"Man this guy is such a hottie!! She exclaimed inwardly.

Her mouth was wide open, staring at Prince Joffrey while Prince Joffrey was feeling nervous, his heart beating fast like it was going to jump right out of his chest.

"Why is she staring at me in such manner??

"Has she figured out my identity?? Prince Joffrey asked himself inwardly, feeling panicked and nervous with Kara's stare.

After about ten minutes, Kara was finally able to get hold of herself, her sanity that flew in light speed came back to her at last.

"Erhm! I'm sorry Your Royal Highness! Please forgive me, I was trying to find my way to the kitchen, I didn't mean to bump into you! Kara apologetically said to Prince Joffrey after coming back to her senses.

"It's Okay Miss! It happens all the time!! Joffrey replied warmly to Kara.

" Why do I have this feeling that this guy is familiar??...He said the same thing Jeffrey said when I accidentally bumped into him at the E.M.T area," Kara asked herself inwardly.

"Yeah! I'm sorry Your Royal Highness! Have we met before??? Kara asked Prince Joffrey while staring at him, she was having this feeling of familiarity.

"Damn it! Is she seeing me as Jeffrey??? Prince Joffrey inwardly asked himself worriedly.

"I gotta play dumb and lie my ass off out of this one, my cover must not be blown, not now, it isn't time yet!. Prince Joffrey said to himself firmly.

"No! We haven't met Miss! Prince Joffrey lied swiftly to Kara.

"Oh! Kara replied warmly to Prince Joffrey.

"Do I maybe remind you of someone??? Prince Joffrey asked Kara pretending to be ignorant of Kara's intuition.

"Yeah.....But never mind Your Royal Highness! Can you please show me the way to the Palace kitchen??? Kara respectfully asked Prince Joffrey, brushing her instincts off.

"It's on your left!. Prince Joffrey replied Kara warmly.

"Thank you very much, Your Royal Highness! I really appreciate your help," Kara replied Prince Joffrey while smiling gratefully at him.

"You are welcome! I'm just happy to help!. Prince Joffrey replied warmly to Kara.

"You should have rung the bell in your room, Miss, if you had done that, servants would have been there to attend to you! I'm just saying anyway," Prince Joffrey said further to Kara.

"Thanks, Your Royal Highness! I'll be sure to make use of your advice next time," Kara replied warmly to Prince Joffrey.

"Good!. Prince Joffrey replied warmly.

And with that, their eyes locked on each other, staring at each other eyes for minutes, unfathomable feelings were circulating around their hearts in a light-speed manner.

Their faces were closing in on each other, their lips inches apart, just as they were about to kiss, Kara suddenly stopped her advancement because of a reason that was only known to her, she couldn't imagine herself cheating on Jeffrey.

"So!......Your Royal Highness! If you would excuse me, I'll love to go now! Kara respectfully said to Prince Joffrey while leaving Prince Joffrey's presence.

And with that, Kara went straight to the Palace kitchen while Prince Joffrey went towards his Chamber.

He couldn't help but sigh in relief as soon as he got inside his Chamber.

Getting to his King-Size Bed, he thanked his stars and the gods of Olympus for protecting his cover.

"I can't wait to see you again as the guy you know me as Kara," He said to himself softly while drifting to sleep.

Kara on the other hand came into her room, sat down on her bed, and sighed.

"For a moment, I thought that was you, Jeffrey, I can't wait to see you again Jeffrey, I miss you so much and I want you so bad," Kara said to herself softly while drifting to sleep.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky