

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 26 Shooting OF The Music Video (3)

Author's Note: Kara would be shooting her music video with Jake in this chapter, but most of her emotional outbursts in the chapter will be due to acting.

Note: Nothing is going on between Kara and Jake, they are just duet singers shooting a music video.

Thank you very much for your past support, I hope you will enjoy reading this chapter.

Godsent Banky



It was morning, the sun had risen, shining brightly illuminating the skies with its light.

Kara woke up that morning looking fresh and energetic for the shooting of her second duet music video.

She quickly got ready and in no time, she was ready to go to the venue of her video shoot.

"Good morning, Miss Stewart, You got ready on time today," Joshua said to Kara as soon as Kara stepped out of the mansion, and arrived at the driveway.

"Good morning, Joshua, and yes, I had to hurry up, so I can do away with that asshole (referring to Jake) as soon as possible," Kara said to Joshua while entering the limousine that was been held open for her by Joshua.

"Alright, fasten your seat belt, Miss Stewart, we are going to be having a bumpy ride," Joshua said to Kara.

"Alright, Joshua, but be careful," Kara said to Joshua.

And with that, they zoomed off into the streets of Los Angeles, heading for the venue of the music video shooting location.

(At the shooting venue of ''Kara's music video.)

The music video director, Director Larry, and the crew members were pacing up and down, setting the props for the video shoot enthusiastically, while waiting for Kara to arrive.

Rebecca, Kara's manager was already at the shooting venue, she was frantically giving orders to the extras that were going to be used for the shooting of the music video.

The title of the first music video to be shot is "Lipstick," and Jake was already waiting at the venue, with his newfound girlfriend from the previous extras of "Could be the one" Music Video shoot, whose name turned out to be "Bianca." They were busy cuddling in each other arms, showing off their public display of affair, to screaming fans, lurking around the shooting location.

A certain pair of eyes, which turned out to be Tyler's eyes were intently looking at Jake from afar, not batting an eye for any reason, he was still not convinced that Jake would give up on Kara easily, perhaps he was wrong about him.

In the shooting location, cameras, video cameras, drones, tripods, video lighting kits, interchangeable lenses, music player, microphones, speakers, external camera monitor, digital audio recorder, video editing software, extra batteries, and memory cards were already placed in order ready for action, upon the orders of Director Larry.

They were now patiently and enthusiastically waiting for Kara to arrive at the shooting location, so they could start shooting.

Fans of Kara were seen outside the shooting venue, looking intently at every passing limousine entering the venue, hoping to get a glimpse of their pop idol princess, their hopes were shattered the previous day because of Kara's bodyguards, but they were still lurking around the shooting location, desperately waiting for Kara to arrive, so they could have another chance of getting to her, asking for selfies and autographs.

After about ten minutes Kara's convoys started arriving at the shooting location, but because of security reasons unknown to her, her limousine was to be the last to arrive at the shooting venue.

One by one, her convoys of limousines were arriving at the shooting venue, making fans who were hoping to get a selfie, or an autograph frustrated with the slow process of their entrance.

After about fifteen minutes, Kara's limousine finally arrived at the shooting venue, making fans frantically screaming her name with so much excitement, clicking their phone cameras in the process.

As soon as Kara stepped out of the limousine, Joshua and ten other bodyguards immediately formed a protective wall around her, shielding her from the multitude of frenzied fans while ushering her into the building of the shooting location, shattering the dreams of many frenzied fans in the process for the second time.

As soon as Kara got into the building, all eyes fell on her, stunned by her appearance, except for one guy (Jake) who was been watched by a hawk(Tyler).

Kara was too beautiful even without make-up but in this case, she was looking like an Olympian goddess of beauty.

She is having this charming and echanting aura around her, making everyone to be comfortable around her and wanting to get close to her.

"Hello, Director Larry! Kara greeted the music video director as soon as she got to where he was standing at.

"Wow, Miss Stewart, You are looking stunning today," Director Larry commended Kara while smiling at her.

"Thanks, Director Larry, that means a lot coming from you," Kara said to Director Larry while smiling gratefully.

"Tell Me, Miss Stewart, are you some kind of goddess posing as a human?? Director Larry jocularly asked.

"No, why would you say that, Director Larry?? Kara asked Director Larry while raising her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, I don't mean it in a bad way, I was just trying to say you look beautiful for a girl of your age, unlike any other girl I've laid my eyes on," Director Larry explained to Kara.

"Oh, ha ha ha ha ha ha! You got me there for a minute, well, I was born this way, and I hope just as you find me pretty, the guy I care about can also find me pretty in the same way," Kara said to Director Larry while laughing softly.

"So, the Pop Princess finally has a crush?" Director Larry jocularly asked Kara.

"Uh-huh, Yeah, I have a crush on someone, it's not just a crush, it's more like I'm in love with him," Kara giggled while blushing deeply with the thought of Jeffrey.

"Ain't that wonderful?" I'm sure in due time he will find you pretty and be all over you like a bee in a honeycomb," Director Larry said to Kara in an assuring manner.

"Thanks, Director Larry, I hope what you just said comes true, because I don't know what I'd do if he doesn't feel the same way about me anymore," Kara said to Director Larry in a hopeful manner.

"It will surely come true, Miss Stewart, now, let's get ready for the shoot, you should probably go and get dressed," Director Larry said to Kara while preparing to go and check on the props, he wanted to make sure everything was ready and all set up for the video shoot.

"Okay, Sir, I'll be back in a jiffy," Kara said to Director Larry while heading towards the wardrobe room to get changed.

A Few minutes later, Kara came out of the wardrobe room and headed straight to the location venue the first scene of "Lipstick," was to be shot.

"Miss Stewart, we will be taking Your first shot now, here's what you are gonna do, remember, you are going to be portraying a girl whose heart has been broken by her boyfriend, you will pour out your pain to your best friend, telling him everything you are going through in the process, meanwhile Jake who is going to be portraying your boyfriend will walk into the house seeing you so emotional, misunderstanding you in the process, Do you understand?? Director Larry asked Kara as soon as she arrived at the scene of the video shoot.

"Yes, Sir, I understand," Kara said to Director Larry firmly.

"Jake, You on the order hand will portray Kara's boyfriend, remember you both have been having misunderstandings lately, so you are gonna be bringing girls to the house to push Kara's buttons, you will be trying to pass a message that she's not the only girl in the world, but you will end up breaking her heart in the process, you are going to walk into the scene where Kara would be seen crying emotionally to her best friend and you are gonna get furious with her, thinking she's cheating on you, yelling at her and slapping her in the process, two hours later she's gonna break up with you, packing her things in the process, while you, though hurt, you are going to act tough, when she's finally leaving your life," am I understood?? Director Larry asked Jake.

"Yes, Sir," Jake replied.

"Remember I don't want mistakes, we should take the perfect shot in one go, understood ?? Director Larry asked Jake again.

"Yes, Sir, I understand," Jake replied solemnly.

"Okay! Now as for you, you are gonna portray Kara's best friend, she's going to be crying her heart to you, while you would be seen consoling her sincerely, your hands patting her back, and this is the scene Jake is going to walk into, he's going to misunderstand your consoling gesture as an intimate gesture, sending you out of the house Immediately, Am I understood?? Director Larry asked the male extra that was going to be portraying Kara's boyfriend.

"Yes, Sir, I understand very correctly, Sir," The male extra replied firmly to Director Larry.

"Alright, You girls are gonna portray the girls, Jake would be bringing home, do you understand?? Director Larry asked the five female extras.

"Yes, Sir," The five female extras replied chorously to Director Larry.

"Good! Now let's do this," Director Larry said to the extras firmly.

"Okay! Roll Cameras, We are ready to take this shot in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and ACTION! Director Larry yelled, his voice echoing all over the hall.

(First Scene of Lipstick music video)

The background of the first scene of "Lipstick," is set in a mansion, Kara and Jake is seen quarreling with each other

Jake: What the hell is wrong with You, Babe?? Jake asked Kara totally pissed off.

Kara: Nothing is wrong with me, infact you are the one something is wrong with," Kara said to Jake angrily.

Jake: How dare You insult me, huh?? (Slaps) Jake yelled while slapping Kara hard on the cheek.

Kara: W...What?? You slapped me?? Kara asked Jake, totally shocked by his sudden behavior.

Jake: Yeah, I slapped You and I'll do it again, you bitch, who the hell do you think you are huh?? Other girls satisfy their boyfriend's sex urge, but here you are, acting like some kind of saint, well, fuck you bitch!! Jake yelled angrily while throwing a glass of wine he picked from the table towards Kara.

Kara: Why can't you just wait huh?" Why can't you just wait till we are married huh?" Kara asked Jake while dodging the glass from hitting her face.

Jake: You know what?? I'm going to show you that you ain't the only girl in this world with a pussy, there are lots of girls willing to satisfy me, you can fuck yourself for all I care!! Jake yelled while exiting the room, heading towards the driveway.

"Cut! That's a wrap, perfect shot, Miss Kara, You did great this time Jake, now let's head out for lunch and rest a little while, we will be back in the evening for the next shot," Director Larry said to Kara and Jake.

"Okay, Sir," Kara and Jake replied to Director Larry chorously.

"Pack up! Pack up! Pack up, people! let's move out," Director Larry yelled at the crew and extras while clapping his hands in the process.

"You were amazing in there," Rebecca said to Kara as soon as Kara came to where she was standing.

"Thanks, Becca! Kara said to Rebecca while smiling gratefully

And with that, Kara and Rebecca got into Kara's limousine while Joshua zoomed off into the streets, heading towards a restaurant to grab some lunch, alongside the other limousines containing the ten bodyguards accompanying her as her convoys.

In no time, they arrived at a famous Mexican and luxurious and ordered some food.

"I can't wait for this duet video shoot to be finally over," Kara said to Rebecca while eating her streaks.

"Why do You say so, is it because of your nausea around him?? Rebecca asked Kara.

"Yeah, I mean that guy makes me sick, only his face makes me feel like I'm gonna throw up my gut," Kara said to Rebecca.

"Seriously, Kara, that guy has nothing on you, he's found himself a new girlfriend, why are you still bothered, it's his girlfriend that's supposed to be bothered, not you, or am I smelling jealousy here?? Rebecca asked.

"Ewww! Ain't no way I'm going to be jealous over that good for nothing guy, don't say stuff like that to me again, please," Kara said to Rebecca slightly irritated from what she heard.

"Alright, I was only just saying! You know what Kara?? You gotta cut the guy some slack, by tomorrow this will all be over, you ain't gonna see him again and he ain't gonna see you again, you both will go on your separate ways," Rebecca said to Kara while sipping her cappuccino.

"Is that what you think?? What about during concerts, what if fans wanna hear that particular duet song of me and Jake, what am I gonna do?? Kara asked Rebecca

"I don't know, You will figure it out and I'm sure of it, you could perform the song on your own, or ask your lover to fill in the blank, I'm sure he can sing," Rebecca said to Kara.

"What if he isn't in love with me again??...or what if I mistook him for the strange guy and at the end, he isn't the strange guy?? Kara asked Rebecca with a worried voice.

"We don't know that yet, you said in one of your songs that we should listen to our heart, so follow your advice, listen to your heart and see if the guy you are in love with is the wrong guy before you can start worrying, if he isn't the wrong guy, then sit back and relax," Rebecca said to Kara.

"Alright then, I'll follow your advice, thanks Becca," Kara said to Rebecca while smiling gratefully.

"Don't thank me, I only just used your song message to advise you that's all," Rebecca said to Kara while signaling the female waitress to come, so she could pay their bills.

"But still, You deserved to be thanked, I could never have asked for a better manager," Kara said to Rebecca while taking her in for a hug.

"Miss, I'm sorry to interrupt You, but you called for me," The female waitress said to Kara and Rebecca.

"Yeah, I did, how much is our bill?? Rebecca asked the female waitress.

"It's $10,000 only Miss," The female waitress replied.

"Here you go," Rebecca said to the female waitress while handing her the money.

"No! no! no! no! no! let me pay for the bill, at least to thank you for your advice," Kara said to Rebecca while signaling Joshua to bring her briefcase.

"Miss Stewart, You called for me?? Joshua asked Kara as soon as he came to Kara's table.

"Yeah, I did, please give the waitress a hundred thousand dollars," Kara said to Joshua.

"Here You go Miss," Joshua said to the female waitress while giving the cash to her.

"But the bill is $10,000, this exceeds the amount, please here is your change," The female waitress said to Kara in a confused state while extending the money in her hands to Kara, after removing Kara's bill.

"No! I want You to have the rest of the change, you can consider it as a tip for your services to us, go now, you can get yourself something nice with it, okay?? Kara said to the female waitress.

"Thank You very much, Miss Kara, I appreciate, now I can be able to pay for Billy's treatment," The female waitress squeaked happily while heading towards the counter.

"You got a sick daughter?? Kara asked the waitress making her to stop in her tracks.

"Yes, I do and she's very ill," The female waitress said to Kara in a somber voice.

"How old is she?? Kara asked the female waitress anxiously.

"She's eight years old," The female waitress replied.

"What kind of illness is she suffering from?? Kara asked the female waitress anxiously.

"She's suffering from leukemia and kidney diseases, the doctors said she needs a blood transfusion and kidney transplant for her to recover.....I've only been treating her with the little money I have because I have no money for her blood transfusion nor her kidney transplant," The female waitress said to Kara in a somber voice.

"Oh My God! I'm so sorry, such a young girl suffering from such a deadly disease, we gotta do something now and fast to save the young girl's life," Kara said to Rebecca and the female waitress.

"Yeah, we gotta do something," Rebecca said to Kara.

"Joshua! Kara called.

"Yes, Miss Stewart," Joshua answered warmly.

"I want You to give the waitress another money for her daughter's treatment," Kara said to Joshua.

"How much are will talking about, Miss Stewart?? Joshua asked.

"How much is left in the briefcase?? Kara asked Joshua.

"Fifteen million dollars, Miss Stewart," Joshua replied warmly.

"Give it to the waitress," Kara said to Joshua in an ordering tone.

"What?? Rebecca asked in shock.

"Mrs.Waitress, I hope the money will be enough for your daughter's surgery?? Kara asked the female waitress while looking at her inquisitively.

"Thank You very much, it's more than enough, I appreciate Miss Stewart," The female waitress thanked Kara while smiling gratefully.

"You are welcome, if it's not enough for her treatment, please contact me through my manager, or just go to any of my social media accounts and message me there, I'll be sure to respond quickly as soon as possible," Kara said to the female waitress while preparing to leave the Mexican restaurant.

Minutes later, Kara and Rebecca came out of the Mexican restaurant, they immediately headed straight to the hotel located some miles away from the shooting venue, to have some rest.

Jake on the other hand went straight to his hotel room with Bianca, his new girlfriend, to continue what they left off earlier while coming to the shooting location for their shoot.

Hours later it was time to shoot the second scene of the music video titled "Lipstick."

It was 6 pm in the evening, Director Larry and the crews and extras were already at the location of the next shoot, waiting for the Pop royalties to arrive at the shooting venue.

Ten minutes later, Jake and Bianca showed up not wanting to be late this time around, they were now waiting for Kara to arrive, so they could proceed with the second scene.

Director Larry started giving orders for the props to be set up, not wanting any delay this time around.

In no time, Director Larry and the crew were through setting up everything in order.

Thirty minutes later, Kara and her convoys arrived at the shooting venue of the second part of the music video, it was a famous hotel and casino located at the outskirts of Los Angeles, the hotel was fancy and exquisite, making it perfect for the second scene of the music video.

Kara walked into the hotel with her manager, while Joshua and ten other bodyguards were accompanying her, forming a protective circle around her.

Kara greeted some of the extras as soon as she got to where the extras were standing, because she didn't get the chance to greet them earlier, now everyone was present and the Director and crew were ready to take the shot of the second scene in no time.

"I hope you all remembered your script?? Director Larry asked Kara, Jake, and the rest of the extras.

"Yes, Sir," Kara, Jake, and the rest of the extras replied chorously.

"Alright then, let's do this," Director Larry said to the crew firmly.

"Okay! Roll Cameras, We are ready to take this shot in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and ACTION! Director Larry yelled, his voice echoing all over the hall.

(Second Scene of Lipstick music video)

The background of the second scene of "Lipstick" was set in a hotel, Jake was seen with a handful of girls, holding them on their waist, kissing and touching their boobs as they head towards their car, heading towards his mansion

(In the Mansion, Kara was seen sitting at the couch waiting for her boyfriend, she was hoping to make up with her boyfriend.

She kept checking the time, looking at the door for any sign of her boyfriend's arrival.

Minutes later, Jake came in with the girls kissing and touching their butt in front of Kara.)

Jake: You see these babies??...They look way more prettier than you and they are going to satisfy me tonight, ain't that right girls?? Jake asked the girls while squeezing one of the girls' breasts who turned out to be Bianca.

"Yes, Master, we are ready to serve you," The girls replied seductively.

Kara: Babe what's the meaning of this??...Why did you bring a bunch of whores here??...This is our house for God's sake! I'm sorry if I pissed you off today, just stop this, please," She begged Jake while dropping down on her knees.

Jake: I'm sorry Babe, you are just too late this time," Jake said to Kara while leading the girls into their bedroom, in no time sounds of pleasure were heard from the bedroom.

Meanwhile, Kara just sat down on the couch, shedding tears profusely.

"Cut! That's a wrap, perfect shot Miss Kara! You did great this time Jake! now let's continue the rest of the scenes tomorrow," Director Larry said to Kara and Jake.

"Okay, Sir," Kara and Jake replied to Director Larry chorously.

"Pack up! Pack up! Pack up, people! let's move out," Director Larry yelled at the crew and extras clapping his hands in the process.

In no time, Kara, Jake, and their managers alongside the crew and extras dispersed the hotel.

"Hi, Baby girl," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara as soon as Kara got into the mansion.

"Hi, Mom, how have you been?? Kara asked her mom while taking her mom for a hug.

"I was about to ask you the same question, I'm sorry I've not been there for you these past two days of your video shoot, I've been totally busy," Mrs.Katherine apologetically said to Kara.

"It's okay Mom, I understand that a lot of people depend on you for their income, so, you are always busy, I'm not mad at you, even though you are very busy, you still make time for me and that's what I love about you Mom," Kara said to her mom with a bright smile while tightening her hug.

"Thanks for understanding, I really am so lucky to have such an amazing daughter like you, let me let you go, so you can have your shower and have some rest," Mrs.Katherine said to Kara with a bright smile while releasing herself from Kara's hug.

"Okay Mom, and just so you know, I'm lucky to have an amazing mother like you," Kara said to her Mom with a bright smile while giving her Mom a quick kiss on her cheek.

"Good night, Baby girl, sleep well dear," Mrs.Katherine said to the exiting Kara while retiring to her own room.

"Good night, Momma, and sweet dreams," Kara said to her Mom while climbing up the staircase.

And with that, Kara went upstairs to her room, had her shower, before going to her bedroom to grab some sleep.

Hours later morning finally came, the sun had risen perfectly, shinning brightly illuminating the skies with its light.

Kara woke up that morning looking fresh and energetic for the shooting of the final scene of her second duet music video.

She quickly got ready and in no time, she was ready to go to the venue of her video shoot.

Ten minutes later, Kara and Rebecca came out of the mansion and headed straight to the driveway, where their limousines were parked neatly, waiting for them to arrive.

"Good morning, Joshua, please let's hurry up we are almost late for the video shoot," Rebecca said to Joshua, as soon as she and Kara got into the limousine.

"Okay, Miss Rebecca, we will be heading towards the location now ASAP! Joshua replied to Rebecca.

And with that, they zoomed off into the streets of Los Angeles, heading for the venue of the music video shooting location.

(At the shooting venue of ''Kara's music video.'')

The music video director, Mr.Larry and the crew members were patiently and enthusiastically waiting for Kara to arrive while setting up the props.

In no time, the cameras, video cameras, drones, tripods, video lighting kits, interchangeable lenses, music player, microphones, speakers, external camera monitor, digital audio recorder, video editing software, extra batteries, and memory cards were already placed in order ready for action, upon the orders of Director Larry.

They were now patiently and enthusiastically waiting for Kara to arrive at the shooting location, so they could start shooting.

After about ten minutes Kara's convoys started arriving at the shooting location, one by one, her convoys of limousines were arriving at the shooting venue.

After about fifteen minutes, Kara's limousine finally arrived at the shooting venue, making fans frantically screaming her name with so much excitement, clicking their phone cameras in the process.

As soon as Kara stepped out of the limousine, Joshua and ten other bodyguards immediately formed a protective wall around her, shielding her from the multitude of frenzied fans while ushering her into the building of the shooting location, shattering the dreams of many frenzied fans in the process for the umpteenth time.

"Good morning, Director Larry," Kara and Rebecca greeted Director Larry as soon as they got inside the shooting location.

"Good morning to you too, we've wasted much time already waiting for you, so I will like us to start shooting now.

"Okay, Sir," Kara and Rebecca replied.

"I hope you haven't forgotten your script for today's shoot?? Director Larry asked Kara.

"No, Sir, I haven't forgotten," Kara replied firmly.

"Good! how about you Jake, have you forgotten your script for today's shoot?? Director Larry asked Jake.

"No, Sir, I haven't forgotten," Jake replied.

''Okay! Is there anyone here that has forgotten his or her script?? Director Larry asked while looking intently at the extras.

"No, Sir," The extras replied chorously.

"Okay then, we will be taking the shot now, everyone get ready, you are going to be portraying the characters we talked about yesterday, Do you all understand?? Director Larry asked Kara, Jake, and the rest of the extras.

"Yes, Sir," Kara, Jake, and the rest extras answered chorously.

"Alright then, let's do this," Director Larry said to the crew firmly.

"Okay! Roll Cameras, We are ready to take this shot in 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, and ACTION! Director Larry yelled, his voice echoing all over the hall.

(Final Scene of the "Lipstick" music video)

The background of the final scene of "Lipstick" was set in a mansion, Kara was seen begging Jake to forgive her but all her pleas fell on deaf ears, Jake left the crying and begging Kara alone in the mansion, he walked to his Bentley, got in, turned on the ignition and zoomed off towards the hotel and casino to pleasure himself.

(A room in the hotel)

Jake: Yeah, you are killing me, Baby, hold on I'm coming, ahhhh!! ahhhhhhhhhhh!! Jake yelled as he released his seeds pouring them into the girl's mouth while continuing to pump his manhood into the girl's pussy.

Whore girl: Baby hold on I'm coming too, ahhh!! uhhhh!! Yeah!! The whore girl cried in ecstasy and pleasure while orgasming for the umpteenth time.

Jake: Ah-ah!! Yeah!! This feels so good, you are perfect baby," Jake yelled in ecstasy after releasing for the umpteenth time.

Whore girl: Am I as perfect as your girlfriend?" The whore girl asked Jake while trying to catch her breath.

Jake: You think you can measure up to her, you bitch, you are nothing but a whore," Jake said coldly to the whore girl.

Whore girl: I'm sorry master if I offended you, please forgive me," The whore girl begged.

Jake: Take! that's your money, take it and get out bitch," Jake Said coldly to the whore girl while putting on his pants and trousers.

Whore girl: Please have mercy on me master, I beg of you," The whore pleaded while holding the legs of Jake.

Jake: Get the hell out of my way, before I squash you to pieces! Jake yelled coldly to the whore girl while kicking her out of his way and storming out of the room to the parking lot, he got to the parking lot, got into his car, and immediately zoomed off, heading towards his mansion to beg his girlfriend for forgiveness.

(In the mansion, Kara was seen crying emotionally to her best friend, she cried for hours while her best friend was seen consoling her.

A few minutes later Jake came into the mansion and saw Kara in that state, he misunderstood them and yelled at Kara for having the guts to cheat on him, beating her in the process.

Two hours later, Kara came out of the mansion with her luggage, heading for the gate when Jake saw her, he looked at her with so much disgust and mocked her profusely, but Kara ignored him and went on her way.

And with that, the instrumental of Lipstick started playing from the music player, signaling Kara and Jake to start singing)

(Lipstick lyrics)

(Kara's Part)

I knew the lipstick won't fix it

But I gotta put my game face on

I wish mascara could mask this

Until all the tears are gone

I gotta paint the pain away

Make like I'm okay

Pretend I don't wanna stay

Act like this ain't killing me

I've tried one, two, three too many times

I've heard one, two, three too many lies


So I gotta pretend that I'm not gonna miss you

Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do

I gotta pretend when I walk out the door

That I don't love you anymore

Gotta play the part, act like it ain't killing me

Gotta play the part when you try stopping me

Hide what's written on my face

Dig deep in the makeup case

And cover it with lipstick

I'm sick of looking in the mirror

'Cause my mirror sees right through

Mac ain't got enough concealer

To hide how much I miss you

I've gotta cover up my hurt

No more getting burnt

I really need to let you go

'Cause my heart can't take no more

I've tried one, two, three too many times

I've heard one, two, three too many lies

So I gotta pretend that I'm not gonna miss you


Gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do

I gotta pretend when I walk out the door

That I don't love you anymore

Gotta play the part, act like it ain't killing me

Gotta play the part when you try stopping me

Hide what's written on my face

Dig deep in the makeup case

And cover it with lipstick

(Jake's Part)

It's the hardest role I'll ever have to play

It's the hardest lie I'll ever have to make

To look you in the eye and not break down and cry

because you meant the world to me

And yet you couldn't notice how much I love you

You kept cheating around all the time and

Because I loved you I turned a blind eye

Gotta play the part and act like it ain't killing me.

I gotta hide what's written on my face

I gotta pretend that this is what I wanna do

I gotta pretend that this isn't killing me.

I gotta pretend when I walk at the door

That I don't love you anymore.

It's the hardest role I'll ever have to play

It's the hardest lie I'll ever have to make.

To look you in the eye and not break down and cry

When I finally say goodbye.

And with that, the final shot of the "Lipstick" music video was taken.

"Cut! Alright, that's a wrap, people! we've got a perfect shot, great job guys, now let's pack up! pack up! pack up, people! let's move out!! Director Larry yelled at the crew and extras while clapping his hands in the process.

And with that, Kara, Jake, and their managers departed the mansion and went to the next location of their video shoot.

The title of the music video to be shot was "Can you keep a secret."

The music video wasn't hard for them to shoot, since it was a simple music, Kara and Jake both gave their best shot and in no time, they were through shooting the final duet music video.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

I want to let My readers know that the song used In this chapter were collected from the web.

I only changed some words and added some lyrics to the lyrics making the song perfect for this chapter.

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky