

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 2 A Difficult Choice.


Twelve years old Kara Stewart (KS) is attending Malibu High School in California.

(Malibu High School cafeteria)

"Hi, Kara are you busy tonight?? Tracy asked Kara while looking at her inquisitively.

"Oh busy! If I'm busy?? Yeah of course I'm busy, why did you ask?? Kara asked back.

"Well, guess what Kara?? Tracy asked her best friend Kara.

"(Sighs) Common Tracy, You know I'm not good with guesses," Kara said to Tracy while sighing deeply.

"Okay, You win, but you gotta promise me that you are gonna come," Tracy said to her best friend.

"Alright, now spill," Kara said back.

"Well I've got two incredible tickets for K.S's concert tonight," Tracy said to her best friend, Kara.

"So?? Kara asked back feeling confused.

"So You are gonna come to the concert," Tracy said to Kara excitedly.

"I'm so sorry, Tracy but I can't come," Kara said to Tracy sadly.

"What!! Tracy exclaimed in disbelief.

"What do you mean that you can't come?? This is a lifetime opportunity Kara, I've been saving this money so I can get to attend My favorite singer's concert with My best friend and now she doesn't wanna come?? Tracy yelled at Kara.

"No, Tracy, You don't understand I wanna come with You," Kara said to Tracy while trying to reason with her.

"But why did you say you couldn't come?? Tracy asked Kara, but little does she know that her favorite singer is looking at her right at where she is, and she is even talking to her.

"It's because I'm not a fan of K.S!!! I don't even like her songs," Kara said to her friend Tracy, trying to lie herself out.

"What?? Tracy exclaimed in disbelief.

"What do you mean by you don't like KS?? Everybody loves KS she's the best, why would you say such a thing, Kara? Or is it because you don't wanna come with me?? Tracy questioned back.

"No, Tracy, I don't just like her," Kara lied swiftly.

"What!! What do you mean by you don't like her?? (K.S) Oliver, one of her friends fired back at Kara.

"Which planet are you from Kara?? Who doesn't love K.S?? She's a goddess, people worship at her feet, and I hope one day I get to become Mr. K.S, so I'd get to shampoo that her beautiful black hair every day," Oliver dreamily said to Kara.

"Snap out of it!! Both girls exclaimed, bringing Oliver back from his reverie.

"If she doesn't wanna come, Tracy, You can just give me the ticket," Oliver reasoned while looking at Tracy with hopeful eyes.

"Yes, You can give it to him, I will just help My Mom in cleaning the house," Kara agreed with Oliver.

"This ain't fair," Tracy sighed in defeat while handing the ticket to Oliver.

( At K.S CONCERT, Malibu City Stadium)





Fans are shouting and cheering.

Five hundred billion people came to attend the K.S concert.

A lot of reporters from prestigious press companies alongside numerous paparazzi were seen outside, hoping to get a glimpse of the princess of pop K.S( Kara Stewart).

"We are here live in Malibu city stadium reporting life the incredible concert of our pop princess K.S! ( Kara Stewart) A reporter said, reporting the concert live.

"As You can see, a lot of people are here for this concert and they are looking forward to seeing the pop princess perform tonight," Another reporter said, reporting the concert live.






Fans kept cheering outside and inside the stadium.

(In The Dressing Room)

"I feel bad mom, Kara said to her mom and manager Katherine Stewart.

"Why do you feel bad?? Katherine asked her daughter.

"Every day I get to lie to Tracy and Oliver all the time, and it pains me, mom," Kara said to her mom.

"Do you want to tell them about your secret?? Katherine asked her daughter.

"No of course, if I tell them they won't treat me the same!. Kara exclaimed.

"Why do you think they won't treat you the same?? They are still gonna be your friends," Mrs.Katherine said to Kara.

"Just take a look at Tracy, Mom, she's K.S biggest fan and Oliver! Don't even talk about him, he's so in love with K.S, he thinks he's gonna marry her in the future, and become Mr. K.S, how can I ever tell someone like that about My real identity?? Kara asked her Mom.

"It's okay, Baby girl everything would be fine Mrs.Katherine said to her daughter Kara while pathing her back.

But little do they know that things are not gonna be the same as they thought.

(Malibu city stadium ( on stage)

"Ladies and gentlemen!

"Boys and girls!

"Behold the Princess of Pop K.S!! The announcer announced loudly, his voice echoing all over the stadium.

"Here she comes," The announcer said again.





"K.S wwwweeeee llllloooovvvveeee yyyyoooouuuu!!!!!. The fans kept shouting and cheering.

Immediately the stage lights turned on and behold standing there was K.S( Kara Stewart)

K.S just smiled and she started performing her songs, she performed up to sixty albums before she proceeded to perform the one song her fans have been waiting for, the song single titled "Lost in the wind," this particular song was a hit and fans couldn't wait to hear it.

(Lost In The Wind Song Lyrics)

I was so heartbroken when I met you

Never thought I'd be healed again

But you came and you healed my pain

Something I never really thought was possible

You came into my life like an angel

You came into my life like a sponge and you absorbed the massive pain in my heart, and for that I'm grateful!.

But there's something about you baby that I don't understand.

When I do try you make me feel like I'm lost in the wind(×3)

I'm lost in the wind

I'm lost in the wind...

The wind of love!!!...

She (K.S) kept singing and dancing and since the music video was made with wind blowing heavily in the video, she wanted to do the same thing in the concert.

There was a lot of air blowing heavily on the stage from the air vent underneath the stage, and she was deep into the song that she didn't realize when her black hair wig fell off leaving her beautiful blonde hair to be seen by the world because it was a live concert and it was streamed live.

Katherine gasped when she saw what just happened, their secret has been blown, standing on the stage singing to over five hundred billion audiences is a twelve years old Kara Stewart but she's unknown to the public.

Meanwhile, K.S (Kara Stewart) finish singing, she noticed that the screaming and cheering fans are just looking at her dumbstruck, she started wondering what went wrong until she saw herself in the large TV on the stage, only then did she realize that her secret was blown not just to some billions of audience but the whole world.

Composing her self she ran out of the stage crying, her mom and manager Katherine came to comfort her, following the private door of the backstage Seth and Rollins her bodyguards led her out of the stadium only to be jammed by lots of paparazzi.

"Miss K.S tell us the reason for tricking your fans!. A reporter yelled at KS(Kara) when she was trying to get to her limousine.

"No comment!. Mrs. Katherine Stewart her manager immediately replied.

"And what's your real name miss K.S?. another reporter fired back.

"No comment guys, my client doesn't have a comment," Mrs. Katherine quickly said.

After what seemed like an eternity, Seth and Rollins (KS/Kara's) bodyguards were able to pull through, out of the crowd to their limousine.

(Meanwhile, Inside the limousine)

"Mom, I can't believe I blew my cover, how can I be so stupid to dance like that under that kind of air coming out of the air vent," Kara said to her mom while biting her fingers due to frustration.

"You are not stupid my dear daughter, it was just some mistake, Okay! and we can fix this I promise," Katherine comforted her daughter.

"Fix this?. How can we fix this? the whole world knows about me now!. Kara yelled at her nom, feeling frustrated.

"It's okay baby girl," Katherine comforted her.

"It's not okay mom, seriously it's not! (sob, sob) wh...what a...am I gonna do now mom?" Kara stuttered while sobbing.

"What aI am I gonna say to Tracy and Oliver?"

"What aI I gonna say is my reason for lying to them?

"How am I even gonna face them huh?. Kara questioned her mom.

"Just tell them that you only wanted to live a normal life, and you were afraid that if they know they won't treat you the same, ain't that what you always tell me iI I try to reason with you that it's okay to tell your best friends huh?. Mrs.Katherine reasoned back to Kara.

"I think I'm gonna quit mom," Kara said to her mom.

"No baby girl you are just tired and you are going through a lot of stress now! Okay?" Mrs.Katherine said to her daughter with a pause.

"First, you explain to your friends and ask for their forgiveness, next you explain to the world and ask for their forgiveness in an interview I'm gonna arrange for you okay?" Katherine said further to her daughter living no space for argument.

"Remember that this is your dream and you've gone through a lot to get to this point, Katherine reasoned back to her daughter.

"Fine I'm gonna continue alright, I won't let my dream crumble down mom, Kara said to her mom.

"Good! So first we gotta think of a way to explain to your friends so they can forgive you, and I will be with you every step of the way, Katherine said to her daughter.

"Thanks, Mom!. Kara said happily while cuddling herself in her mom's hands.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky