

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 19 Arriving At Echancia Empire.

(Prince Joffrey's P.O.V)

It took about three hours flying on air in my Boeing 747-8 VIP Private Jet worth a whopping sum of 790 Trillion dollars before we finally arrived at the Chadcia international airport located at Chadcia the capital of Echancia Empire.

I came out from my Private Jet with Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb accompanying me followed by Tyler and the thousand Royal Guards sent by My Father to me while I was in the states for my protection.

They were ten thousand Echancian Army Officers and five thousand Echancian Royal Guards lined neatly and orderly on the tarmac with their smart uniforms waiting for us to alight the Jet.

At the sight of me alighting the Jet, they immediately saluted, and I nodded in acknowledgment.

It was great to be back home again and I was looking forward to seeing My younger sister "Princess Annabelle" who is of the same age with the love of my life, it's been long I last saw her, though a month, it was long enough for me to miss her, and I couldn't wait to meet her and give her the biggest hug of a senior brother.

"How I missed My Family so much, especially My Parents! I thought inwardly.

I was still thinking about My younger sister when I heard a voice bringing me back from my reverie.

"Greetings Your Royal Highness! The Future Lion of Echancia Empire! General Agravain greeted me while saluting.

"Greetings to you too General Agravain!. I greeted back warmly.

"It's great to have You back, Your Royal Highness! General Agravain said to me warmly while smiling brightly.

"It's great to be back!. I said to General Agravain warmly.

"How is the Empire fairing this past month I wasn't around?. I asked General Agravain anxiously while looking at him inquisitively.

"Things have been great so far, Your Royal Highness! The economy has been booming! Thanks to the Emperor! General Agravain said to me warmly while smiling brightly.

"Are these your companions?? General Agravain asked me while pointing towards the direction of Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb.

"Yes! They traveled here with me! They will be accompanying me to the Royal Palace! I said to General Agravain warmly.

"Very well then! Your limousine is already waiting for you, I think we should use the VIP Private route to avoid the press! General Agravain said to me warmly.

"What do you say, Your Royal Highness?? General Agravain asked me warmly while looking at me inquisitively.

"I think that's a great idea General! I'm not sure if My companions (referring to Mrs. Kendrick and Caleb) are ready to face the press! I answered General Agravain warmly.

"Okay, then let's take the VIP Private route then! General Agravain said to meme while leading Me, Mrs.Kendrick, and Caleb to the limousines.

They were about forty limousines parked neatly waiting for me on the far end of the tarmac.

I, Mrs.Kendrick, and Caleb got into one of the limousines and we drove through the VIP Private route of the airport heading for the Royal Palace with the rest thirty-nine limousines and fifty military vehicles accompanying me as my convoys.

We were being greeted and cheered by the Enchancian Citizens while passing along the way to the Royal Palace.

It took about an hour and a half minutes before I and my convoys finally arrived at the large gate of the Royal Palace of Enchancia Empire.

The gate had the Royal Crest of Echancia consisting of two golden lions with golden crowns on their heads standing on both sides and facing each other, there was also a large golden sword standing vertically between the two lions and an inscription written below the two lions feet circling around the lion's feet.

It was written with gold lettering as thus:-

"SIMUL FORTIOR," meaning "Stronger Together in Latin.

The route to the large gate had about thirty security checkpoints of Echancian Armies where visitors and tourists alike are been interviewed and screened before they are given access to pass through the large gate of the Royal Palace of Enchancia.

As soon as we arrived at the large gate of the Royal Palace, the gate was immediately opened and they were tons of Echancian Royal Guards lined neatly standing upright and in a salutation manner.

We drove through the center of the Royal Guards and packed at the lobby of the Royal Palace.

I came out of the limousine with Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb accompanying me while Tyler and the rest of the Royal Guards were protectively standing behind me.

"Brother! You are back! I could hear My Sister saying while I was approaching My Parents who were standing gracefully at the entrance of the Royal Palace.

"Annabelle! How I missed you so much! I exclaimed with a bright smile while taking My Sister for the big brotherly hug I promised myself that I was going to give her earlier.

"How was America brother??? Princess Annabelle, My sister asked me anxiously.

"It was great, amazing and lovely! I answered My Sister with a smile while reminiscing the moment I bumped into Kara.

"Wow! I hope Dad and Mom could let me go with you one of these days! Annabelle said to me while squeezing me into her arms.

"Maybe when You are all grown up you could get to travel around the world as you wish! Not just America only, but the seven continents of the world! I said to Annabelle while releasing her from my hug.

"Wow! That would be so cool and I can't wait! Annabelle said to me while shrieking in happiness.

"So, did You buy any gifts from America for me?? Annabelle asked me anxiously while looking at my eyes hopefully.

"No, I'm so sorry, I was too busy to buy you some gifts from America! I came home because of the unification day and that was on the orders of Dad!. I said to Annabelle apologetically.

"Ahem Ahem!!.. I heard My Dad clearing his throat on purpose, trying to remember me that he was still standing there with us.

"Greetings to His Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lion of Echancia Empire!

"Greetings to Her Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lioness of Enchancia Empire! I greeted my Dad and Mom while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to You too Son! They responded warmly while opening their arms for a hug.

"I missed You all so much! I exclaimed while accepting their hug.

"We missed You more! My Dad said to me on behalf of the rest family.

"So, how was Your business trip?? My mom asked me warmly while leading me into the Royal Palace halls.

"It was amazing, lovely and wonderful! I said to My Mom warmly while smiling brightly.

We were walking down the hallway to the Palace living room when Dad suddenly summoned the Royal Guards, I paid no attention to why he suddenly summoned the Royal Guards because I was still jet-lagged and my body was aching badly demanding for a quick body massage and some nice sleep.

"Guards! Take those Intruders(referring to Mrs. Kendrick and Caleb) away from here at once! I could hear My Dad ordering the Royal Guards but I just kept walking towards the living room, not even turning my attention back to see what was going on.

"Maybe they have an appointment with you seeking for an audience with you! I could hear My Mom reasoning with My Dad.

"This is not the place those seeking for an audience with me normally come through, this hallway is restricted to non-royalties and commoners! I could hear My Dad talking to My Mom coldly.

"Guards seize them! I could hear my dad ordering the Royal Guards coldly.

Just as I was about to open the door connecting to the living room, Caleb panickly called my name making me to stop in my tracks.

Turning my attention back to his voice I saw that he and Mrs.Kendrick were held roughly and they were being dragged by the Royal Guards.

"Stop! I ordered the Royal Guards coldly.

And Immediately the Guards stopped dragging Caleb and Mrs.Kendrick.

"Why did You ask them to stop Son?? My Dad asked me feeling confused.

"They are not Intruders! They are with me! I said to him warmly.

"They are with You?? My Dad and Mom asked together feeling surprised.

"Yes they are with me, we traveled here together, I'm sorry I didn't inform you about their presence earlier! I said to My Dad and Mom apologetically.

"I think I saw them with brother earlier! Annabelle said to My dad and Mom in support of my claims.

"Why didn't You say something earlier?? My Dad asked Annabelle with a scolding tone.

"Please forgive Me for My mistreatment towards You both! I didn't know You were with My Son, I'm very sorry for the Guards man handlement! My Dad said to Mrs. Kendrick and Caleb apologetically.

"It's alright Your Imperial Royal Majesty! Mrs.Kendrick said to My Dad while smiling brightly.

"Dad! Mom! Sister!

"This is Mrs.Juliet Kendrick and her son Caleb Kendrick! I said out while introducing Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb to My Family.

"Mrs.Kendrick! Caleb!

"This is My Dad, Emperor Jethro Mountbatin Tagaryean!

"This is My Mom Empress Margareth Mountbatin Tagaryean!

"And this is My only sister, Princess Annabelle Mountbatin Tagaryean! I introduced My Family to Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb.

"It's an honor to be in Your presence, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb said to My Parents while funnily curtsying to My Parents.

"I trust You had a comfortable journey?? My Mom asked Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb.

"Yes, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb answered while amusingly curtsying to My Parents.

"Okay very well then! My Mom said to Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb.

"Lilian! My Dad called.

"Your Imperial Royal Majesty!

"Greetings to the Lion, Lioness, and the future Lion of Echancia Empire! Lilian immediately answered while curtsying to Me and My Parents.

"Take Lady Kendrick and Lord Caleb to the guest quarters and attend to their every need! My Dad said to Lilian in an ordering tone.

"Yes, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! Lilian answered My Dad while curtsying respectfully to My Dad.

"Should I take You to your quarters My Lord?. Lilian asked Caleb warmly.

"Yes, please! Caleb answered politely.

"How about You My Lady?? Lilian asked Mrs.Kendrick warmly.

"Yes, please and thank you! Mrs.Kendrick said to Lilian while smiling brightly.

"Can we be excused Your Imperial Royal Majesty?? Mrs.Kendrick asked My Dad politely.

"Yes, You may! And please ensure You get some rest, then You can join us for dinner later this evening! My Dad answered Mrs.Kendrick while smiling brightly.

And with that, Lilian led Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb to their guest rooms while I, my sister, My Dad, and mom went to the living room to catch up on lost times.

My Dad told Me about everything concerning the matters of the state, he told me about the current state of the Empire's Economy, while I told him about my plans of opening a charity organization that would be sponsored by Me.

I told him about how it could help the lives of those less privileged Citizens and he insisted he would also be sponsoring the organization.

I also told him about my plans of building an amusement park for kids that could become a tourist site and add to our State Economy.

In the end, My Dad and Mom both insisted on sponsoring the charity organization and the amusement park I intend to build in two months.

We chatted for some time, teasing and laughing ourselves before I finally went to my Chambers to get some rest after getting a proper body massage from the servants.

Hours later, I woke up from my long rest, upon checking the time I realized I have slept for six straight hours and I frowned at myself for sleeping like a log.

I slowly went to the bathroom and had my shower, after having my shower I slowly put on one of my blue L.X Designs trousers and a blue shirt and jacket to match, adorning my wrist was a T and G blue diamond watch.

Looking at the full view mirror, I was looking handsome like a Greek god, I smiled at myself in admiration looking at my handsome reflection on the mirror.

"Your Royal Highness! His Imperial Royal Majesty just asked me to fetch you! His orders were to bring You to the dining table for dinner! A male servant said to Me from outside the doors of My chamber.

I will be down in five minutes!. I said to the Male servant while ringing the bell signaling the maids to come in and arrange my chamber.

"Your Royal Highness! You sent for us?? The ten female maids asked me while curtsying to me respectfully.

"Yes, I did! Make My bed and arrange My chamber! I said to the ten female maids.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! They said to me while curtsying respectfully.

And with that, I went downstairs to the dining room to have dinner with My Family.

Upon getting to the dining room I saw that Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb were already seated opposite My Sister, Princess Annabelle at the left side of My Dad who was seated at the head table.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! I'm sorry for the delay! I greeted my parents while apologizing to them.

"It's okay, Son! I knew you must be tired from the flight hence your delay! My Dad said to me warmly while smiling brightly.

And with that, I sat at the right side of My Dad and we started to have our dinner, the dinner was quiet and peaceful only the noise of spoons, knives, and folks could be heard in the dining room.

Twenty minutes later, we were done with dinner and I immediately went to Annabelle's room to play some video games with her.

Ever since I played with Caleb days ago I was eager to play some video games again, but to my amazement, Caleb and Annabelle were already playing seriously as soon as I opened the door to Annabelle's chamber.

Hey brother!. You wanna join us?. Annabelle asked me as soon as she noticed my presence in the room without taking her attention away from the video game.

Yeah! I said to her while picking up a chair to join them.

Hours later we switched off the video game console and retired to our bedrooms to get some good night sleep after bidding good night to each other.

The next morning quickly came and I woke up feeling fresh and energetic after having a sound sleep from last night.

I went to the gym room and worked out before heading to the bathroom, minutes later I came out from the bathroom and went straight to my walk-in closet, and selected an outfit before heading for my dressing room.

Slowly I put on My TandG Designs blue suit with a blue shoe to match, adorning my wrist was another fresh blue diamond TandG Designs Wristwatch.

I loved wearing Outfits and Jewelries from TandG Designs because it's owned by my parents, it's a subsidiary of the "Tagaryean Group of Companies Worldwide". So as the CEO of "Tagaryean Group of Companies Worldwide' and one of their brand ambassadors, I'm expected to promote the TandG Designs company's market by putting on their designs and showing them off in public.

A lot of wealthy men want to be seen as royalty so they often do everything in their power to dress like one, hence promoting my company's market.

Today I was going to take Caleb to the Tagaryean University and help him register his courses, not that it's important but I felt I needed to be there for him as a senior brother would be there for his junior brother, after all, it was going to be his matriculation day today.

My mom had just informed me about the matriculation ceremony last night, I had asked Sebastin to secure an admission slot for Caleb at the last minute of admission, now they are going to be matriculating the new students today, but of course, Caleb has no idea about the matriculation yet, and I was planning to tell him this last night, but I forgot about it due to the video games we played last night, so, I decided to inform him about the matriculation ceremony this morning.

I quickly rushed down to the dining room for breakfast not wanting to be late again this time around, as a prince You have to be always disciplined at all aspects of life.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Royal Majesties! I greeted My Parents as soon as I arrived at the dining table.

"Good morning, Son!. How was your night?? My Dad and Mom asked me warmly.

"It was fine! I responded warmly.

"Greetings to You brother! Annabelle greeted me warmly while I was taking my seat.

"Greetings to You too, Sister! How was Your night?? I asked her warmly while smiling brightly?

"It was peaceful and calm! Annabelle said to me while grinning from ear to ear.

"Good morning to you too Mrs. Kendrick!. I greeted warmly while smiling brightly.

"Good morning to You too, Your Royal Highness! She greeted Me back while smiling brightly.

"I trust that You had a pleasant night?? I asked Mrs.Kendrick warmly.

"Yes, I did, Your Royal Highness! Mrs.Kendrick replied Me warmly while smiling brightly.

"The room was peaceful and lovely, and the servants were nice too! Mrs.Kendrick said to me further while smiling brightly.

"Alright, enough chit-chat! Let's eat! My Dad said out and with that, we started eating our breakfast.

A few minutes later, we were done with breakfast.

I quickly called Caleb to My direction wanting to inform him of his matriculation ceremony.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness! You called! Caleb said to me as soon as he got to where I was standing.

"Yes, I did! It's about Your New University! I said to him.

"What about My New University?? Caleb asked me anxiously while raising an eyebrow.

"We are not only going to be registering Your courses today, but You will also be having your matriculation ceremony. I answered Caleb warmly with a pause.

"My Mom is the Chairwoman of the University and she just informed Me about the matriculation ceremony last night, I was intending to inform you last night but we played video games and I forgot about it," I sId to Caleb further.

"I'm so sorry! I said to Caleb apologetically.

"It's okay, so what do we do now??...Can we still meet up with the ceremony?? Caleb asked me with worry totally showing on his face.

"Yes, we can! But we have to hurry! I said to Caleb while trying to calm down his nerves.

"Okay, let's go then! He said to me while sighing in relief.

And with that, we came out of the Royal Palace building and headed straight for our Bugatti La Voiture Noire packed at the driveway of the Royal Palace.

"You think you are up for a race?? Caleb asked me while smirking.

"Sure, why not?? I answered him while smirking selfishly at him.

And with that, we zoomed off into the streets of Chadcia.

We had to branch the apartment I bought for Caleb and Mrs.Kendrick his mom first, we needed to check if everything was in place, I checked the garage of the apartment and saw the brand new Lamborghini I bought for Mrs.Kendrick and ordered to be kept at the garage of the apartment.

After surveying the apartment, we went inside the apartment and I was pleased to see everything I ordered were carried out diligently, the living room was in perfect shape, the bathroom and bedroom were fully equipped and it was also in perfect shape, the walk-in closet was fully equipped with various outfits and casual wears of different prestigious fashion brands, and the dressing rooms were also in perfect shape.

I smiled seeing that everything was perfect and ready for inhabitation.

We left the apartment and drove straight to the Tagaryean University located at the outskirts of Chadcia.

Upon our arrival, we headed straight to the Chairwoman of the University's office.

As soon as we arrived at the office, I walked inside the office with Caleb accompanying me and I saw that My Mom and Mrs.Kendrick were already there discussing.

"Greetings, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! The Lioness of Enchancia Empire! I greeted My Mom while curtsying respectfully.

"Greetings to you too, Son!. Come please sit! I and Lady Kendrick have been discussing about the course of Young Lord Caleb! My Mom responded to me while offering me and Caleb a seat.

"Which course would You like to study Lord Caleb?? My mom asked Caleb anxiously.

"Business administration and, management science, Your Imperial Royal Majesty! Caleb answered my mom warmly.

"Wow! That's a very good course to study Lord Caleb! My Mom said to Caleb while smiling brightly.

"Thank You very much, Your Imperial Royal Majesty. Caleb said to My Mom while smiling gratefully.

"Study hard and You could have a chance of becoming a C.E.O of a powerful company! My Mom said to Caleb smiling warmly.

"You choosed a good course, Caleb! I added while smiling brightly at him.

And with that, My Mom started the course registration process of Caleb.

A Few minutes later, Caleb was given a blue graduation-like gown to wear in respect of the matriculation ceremony.

The matriculation ceremony came and went swiftly, everything was perfect that day, we even made photo albums of places we photographed while we were sightseeing and exploring different tourist sites of Echancia Empire.

After a week Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb moved out of the Royal Palace to the new apartment I bought for them.

My Dad who was still feeling guilty for his actions days ago gifted Mrs.Kendrick the sum of eight hundred billion Echancian Dollars ($E.C 800,000,000,000) for the purpose of starting a business of her choice and promised to respond to them if ever his help is needed in the future.

Two weeks later, the streets of Chadcia started preparing for the upcoming annual unification day.

I myself was looking forward to that day, after fulfilling the promise that I'll be making that day to the people of Enchancia, I will finally be free to continue the quest of winning the heart of the love of My life.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky