

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 18 Taking The Disguise OF A laundry Man.

(Joffrey's P.O.V)

It hasn't been long since the last time I saw Kara looking dashingly beautiful in her room, yelling at me to keep dreaming while I was confessing My love to her.

I felt hurt a little knowing she doesn't feel the same way about me but I wasn't the type to give up on the things I want.

I knew deep down in me that I will be able to win her heart if I could just get closer to her.

I vowed I won't rest until she falls in love with me and I was going to do anything to make that dream come true.

I left her house that day with mixed feelings, I was feeling happy that I was finally able to see her and I was also sad and hurt that she didn't even smile at me once, that smile that captures the hearts of many but still, I was grateful, at least she gave me a hearing and that was okay for me now.

Two days later, after that faithful day, I was getting restless every passing second, I needed to figure out a way to get close to her.

I was completely clueless about what to do, never in my life have I felt this hopeless and now it's killing me that I couldn't even think of a method in wooing my wife to be.

"Should I use my status??" I thought inwardly.

No! Everybody knows who I am and if I should approach her using my status, it would definitely drift us apart the more and that's the last thing I want to even think of.

I can't help but feel terrified with that word "Drifted Apart."

Honestly, I don't know what I'd do if ever such a scary thing like that happens to me and Kara, for me, she's my life, my oxygen, my hotspot connection, and I better get close to her soon and fast if I don't want to lose all the wonderful things her hotspot connection could bring to my lonely life.

One good day I was driving home from the office branch located in Los Angeles in my Bugatti La Voiture Noire series worth a whopping $18,700,000,000,000, one of the most expensive cars in the world when I suddenly spotted a laundry shop across the way.

I got fascinated by the shop that I decided to inquire about how they carry out their jobs as laundrymen.

I felt this was the perfect disguise I need in getting close to Kara, though I knew nothing about laundry, I was still willing to learn if it could help win Kara's heart.

I got out of my Bugatti La Voiture Noire and all eyes were on me, maybe they were wondering what a rich guy like me would be doing in a laundry shop.

Besides, it's not every day they get to see this kind of expensive car without convoys or bodyguards surrounding the car.

I slowly approached the laundry shop when a middle-aged woman drew my attention from my intended destination.

"Hello, excuse me, Sir! The middle-aged woman called out to me.

"Good afternoon, madam! How may I help you??" I answered the middle-aged woman.

"Sir, I was wondering if you were the owner of that luxurious car parked there??" The middle-aged woman asked me while pointing towards the direction of my car.

"Yes, madam! I am the owner of that luxurious car parked there! I answered the middle-aged woman.

"Is there a problem madam??" I asked the middle-aged woman.

"No, not at all! I was just wondering why a big shot like you would come to do his laundry by himself! The middle-aged woman said to me while smiling.

"Oh, I see! I only just wanted to inquire about how they carry out their jobs as laundrymen! I said to the middle-aged woman while smiling.

"Oh my goodness! Hahahaha!!!!...The middle-aged woman laughed at me making me to raise my eyebrows.

"What's so funny, Madam??" I asked the middle-aged woman confused about her sudden outburst of laughter.

"You must be one funny rich dude to be going to that laundry shop to ask them how they carry out their job," The middle-aged woman replied to me.

"So it's wrong for me to go there??" I asked her raising my eyebrows.

"Yes, child! You are damn wrong! She said to me.

"How am I wrong??...I only wanted to know how they carry out their jobs as laundrymen," I defended myself.

"How can I be wrong about such a thing??" I asked.

"You, my dear, you are a rich man, maybe even richer! The middle-aged woman said to me.

"So??" I asked the middle-aged woman feeling confused.

"So, If you walk into that store a lot of them would be excited to see a rich man entering their shop, they would feel you came to do some business with them, If you now blurt that question you were intending to ask them, you would have made them upset, belittled them and If by chance they give you your answer, then you will drop some money for them thinking that settles It, they would end up throwing insultive words at you and your fellow other rich men," the middle-aged woman said to me with a pause.

"You could hear questions like:-

(1) Who does he think he is to come in here asking such questions?.

(2) Just because he is rich, that doesn't give him the right to order people around.

(3) If he needs to know about how we carry out our jobs, why don't he just sign a contract with us and we will be doing his laundry for him!. Why ask nasty questions?.

(4) Is he that greedy to do his laundry by himself?.

"These, my child are some of the many questions they might ask themselves because of the action you would have made if I hadn't stopped you! The middle-aged woman said to me further.

"Oh, I see! Thank you very much madam for telling me these and stopping me," I said to her preparing to leave when she suddenly said something that could help my predicament.

"If you really need to know how they do their job, I have a son that can help you! The middle-aged woman said to me.

"You do??" I asked not sure of what I was hearing, here I was thinking my plans have met a dead end.

"Yes, I do, and infact he's a laundry staff of K.S Records! The middle-aged woman said to me warmly.

"What???...Did you just say your son is a staff of K.S Records??" I asked the middle-aged woman in astonishment.

"Yes! He has graduated high school with good grades four years back but I didn't have the money to further his education, so he decided to be a laundryman and he's currently a K.S Records laundry staff!. The middle-aged woman said to me with sadness all over her voice.

I couldn't help but feel sorry for the middle-aged woman, she must have tried everything possible to ensure her son's sound education but it might have gotten to a point where she just couldn't continue.

"Madam, please can I meet your son??... Please! I asked the middle-aged woman while begging.

"You can see him, child, he should be back home any moment from now! The middle-aged woman said to me warmly.

"Thank you very much, Madam, I am very grateful for your help!. I said smiling.

"You are welcome! But first, you gotta tell me why you want to gain the ideas and skills of a laundryman! The middle-aged woman said to me firmly.

"Okay! I will tell you everything but first I need to introduce myself and please don't freak out okay?. I said to the middle-aged woman.

"I'm not a child boy!..

"Why would I freak out?.

"Trust me when I say I'm not going to freak out, I'm not going to freak out.

"So, I'm giving you my word that I'm not going to freak out.

"You may proceed with your introduction! The middle-aged woman said to me firmly.

"Okay, my name is Joffrey! I said to her.

"Joffrey??...You mean Crown Prince Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean of Enchancia Empire??...Is that who you are??" The middle-aged woman asked me firmly, not batting an eye.

"Yes, that's me! I said to her.

"I was right when I said you were one funny rich dude, but never did I think you would be so much amusing!. She said to me.

"Hmmm???? I asked her while raising my eyebrows.

" Nevermind, I'm Mrs. Juliet Kendrick and my son you are hoping to meet is Caleb Kendrick! She said to me while extending her hands for a handshake.

"Nice to Meet You, Mrs. Kendrick, and I'm looking forward to meeting your son ma'am! I smiled while taking her hands for a handshake.

"So, tell me, what is the reason for a Prince like You to be looking for someone to teach him the ideas and skills of a laundryman??" She asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"I have fallen in love with a certain young girl, and I can't win her heart using my status!. I answered her warmly while smiling brightly.

"Wow! So, who might this girl be??...I've heard you don't like associating yourself with girls!...How come you are now in love with one and you are trying to win her heart??" Mrs. Kendrick asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"The girl is so special hence my falling in love with her! I said to Mrs.Kendrick while smiling brightly.

"So, was it, love, at first sight??...or you slowly fell in love with her after being with her for some time??" Mrs.Kendrick asked me.

"It was love at first sight, Ma'am! I answered her while smiling brightly.

"Doesn't she have a name??" Mrs. Kendrick asked me while looking at me intently.

"Yeah, she has a name, and her name is Kara Stewart! I said to Mrs.Kendrick warmly while smiling brightly.

"Kara Stewart???...The Princess of Pop???..Mrs.Kendrick asked me feeling surprised.

"Yeah, that very one! I said to Mrs.Kendrick while smiling.

"Now, You must be very crazy! She said to me angrily.

"I beg your pardon! I said to her slightly irritated by her insults to me.

"Forgive me, I didn't mean to insult you but can't you see that the girl you are in love with is way younger than you??...She's still in high school and it's going to be bad for your image if you both are seen dating with such huge years difference! She convincingly said to me.

"You think I don't know that??" I asked her angrily.

"Maybe You do but do You even love her??"Mrs.Kendrick asked me while looking at me intently.

"With all my heart and soul! I replied Mrs.Kendric solemnly.

"Can You wait for her??" Mrs.Kendrick asked me again while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yes, and I already have that intention! I replied Mrs.Kendrick while smiling brightly.

"Then why stress yourself in winning her heart now??...You could always win it later!. Mrs.Kendrick convincingly said to me.

"No, I don't wanna win her heart later, I just wanna win it now! I said to Mrs.Kendrick.

"Then do what??... After you might have won her heart, what are you gonna be doing??" She asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"We will be dating and making our love for each other stronger till she's ready for marriage! I said to Mrs.Kendrick firmly.

"Wow, You, my friend are a keeper! Come let me take you to my place, Caleb should be back by now!. Mrs.Kendrick said to me.

"Why don't we go in my Bugatti La Voiture Noire??. I asked her.

"Can we??. She asked back.

"C'mon don't be silly, it will be fast driving than walking! I said to her while walking towards my car.

"I didn't think you would want a nobody like me in your car, that's why I asked if we can drive in your car!. She said to me warmly.

"Alright! I said to her while entering the car and turning on the ignition.

"You coming or what?? I asked her from inside the car.

"I'm coming! She said to me in a hurry while coming towards the direction where my car was parked.

"Wow, it's nice inside! She said admiring the Bugatti La Voiture Noire's interior as soon as she got inside the car.

"Thanks!... Please fasten your seat belt!. I said to her warmly.

"Oh, right!. Seatbelt!. She said to me while fastening her seatbelt.

"Here done! She said to me warmly as soon as she was done fastening her seatbelt.

"Are you ready?. I asked her.

"I am! She replied

And with that, we zoomed off into the streets of Los Angeles.

After driving for about thirty minutes we finally arrived at Mrs.Kendrick's house.

It was a small house fit for a normal family that wasn't rich.

I got out of my Bugatti La Voiture Noire and opened the front passenger door for Mrs.Kendrick to come out.

We got into the house and I was ushered into the living room to wait for Caleb.

I turned on the TV to watch some news while waiting for Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb to arrive, the newscaster was casting news about me and I could hear her say:-

"It's been over a month since Crown Prince Joffrey Mountbatin Tagaryean of Enchancia Empire appeared in public.

"People are beginning to wonder where he might have run to this time as he has missed lots of events lately this past month.

"The people of Enchancia Empire are wondering if their Crown Prince would even show up for their unification day ceremony.

"Stay tuned for more news as we take a break for this commercial.

I sighed thinking about what the newscaster said, "The people of Enchancia Empire are wondering if their own Crown Prince would even show up for their unification day".

The unification day is a very special and sacred day that as a Crown Prince I must attend, I must be seen patrolling the streets of "Chadcia," our Empire's capital with the rest of the Imperial Royal Family that includes my dad, my mom, and my sister.

"How could they even think that I'll miss the day that marks the unification of eight kingdoms into an Empire by the gods of Olympus. How can I even think of missing such a day?. I thought inwardly.

I was still in my own thoughts looking at the TV when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Ain't that, You, they are talking about on the news?? Your highness," I could hear the voice say, turning my attention to the voice I saw Mrs.Kendrick and a guy I thought should be Caleb smiling.

"Oh, You are back! I acted like I was startled

"Forgive My Son, child, he didn't mean to startle you! Mrs.Kendrick apologetically said to me.

"It's okay, Mrs.Kendrick! I said to her.

"So this is?? I asked her not wanting to say out the wrong words.

"My son I was telling you about!. She completed my words.

"Oh! Nice to meet you, Caleb! I'm Prince Joffrey but you can call me Joffrey! I said to him extending my hands for a handshake.

"Nice to meet you too, Joffrey!. I have heard a lot about you, Your Royal Highness! He said to me while taking my hands for a handshake.

"Wow, I hope it's the good part?? I jocularly asked Caleb.

"Yeah, of course! He said to me while smiling brightly.

"And I have heard a lot about you from your mother! I said to him while smiling brightly.

"Oh, I hope it's the good ones?? He jocularly asked me.

"Yeah! Just the good ones! I said to him while smiling brightly.

"You guys catch up while I go prepare dinner! Mrs.Kendrick said to us while leaving both of us men to chat.

"So, what's it like being a Crown Prince?. Caleb asked me anxiously.

"A lot! You have to always live an exemplary lifestyle so your subjects can imitate, making you some kind of role model.

"You are always under pressure every time, it could be from the press, the media, tabloids, name them!

"It could be like what you just saw on the news, whereby your every action and decision is released to the public for the public to think about.

"And it could be frustrating sometimes especially when you are of age and they want you to get married, they start matchmaking and shipping you off to some spoiled princesses, like you are some kind of must-be-sold goods! I answered Caleb with cold-looking eyes, just thinking about those spoiled princesses.

"Wow, You must really hate those princesses very much! I am already feeling the shivers! Caleb said to me while shivering.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that! I just felt annoyed thinking another girl would have the guts to dream about being the love of my life! I apologetically said to Caleb.

"It's okay, I'm not mad! Caleb said to me while smiling brightly.

"Speaking of the love of your life??...I heard from my Mom that you are in love with my boss's daughter, the Princess of Pop Kara Stewart!

"Is that true??. He asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yeah, it's true and I intend to get close to her by becoming a laundry staff of K.S Records! I said to him warmly.

"But, you got no idea or skills of laundrymen, how are you gonna become a laundry staff when you don't even know what laundry men do or how they work?? Caleb asked me while smirking mischievously.

"I don't know but......

"It's okay, I will teach you everything you need to know and even get you a job there on one condition! He interrupted me while smirking mischievously.

"What condition?? I asked not sure if I could meet with them.

"Can I have a ride on your Bugatti La Voiture Noire??...Please! He said to me while joining his hands together as if he was praying.

"Okay!. But promise, you are gonna teach me everything you know! I said to him while looking at him intently.

"I promise! Besides, I wouldn't want your cover to be blown because of infidelity, whereby your chance with your true love gets ruined, I wouldn't want that!.

I felt touched that very moment by his words, he just met me today and he has already made my love life his priority.

I couldn't help but feel joy all over my heart, this was the first time someone has genuinely cared about me other than Sebastin and My Family.

"What year did you finish your high school?? I asked him while looking at him inquisitively.

"Year 70023, I was seventeen years as at then, I'm currently twenty years! He answered me while looking at me feeling confused.

"Okay! I said to him warmly.

"Sorry, please, but If I may ask??...why did you ask me about the year I finished my high school??...It wasn't even related to what we were discussing!. He said to me feeling confused while looking at me inquisitively.

"If You were to proceed further with your college, Which University would You like to school in?? I asked him warmly while looking at him inquisitively.

"Well, If peradventure I'm allowed to proceed further with my education, I'd love to study at Harvard University Or Tagaryean University! He said to me warmly while smiling dreamily.

"That's great! But which specific University would you love to study in if you are given a one-choice option between those two universities you just mentioned to choose from, which one would it be?? I asked him while looking at him inquisitively.

"Well, I think it's Tagaryean University, they are one of the world most prestigious Universities and they have professors as lecturers in the university to Impact sound knowledge to the students, Infact going there would be a dream come true for any students who are craving for sound education like me! Caleb said to me while smiling brightly.

"That's great to hear Caleb! I said to him while smiling brightly, I was very impressed by his passion for education.

We chatted with each other for some hours before going out for a ride in my Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

Hours later, we came in and had our shower before coming to the dining table for dinner, the meal was little but completely nutritious.

"Are you, going to spend the night with us??Caleb asked me while we were still eating at the dining table.

"Yeah! You got a problem with that?. I asked while smirking at him.

"No, I don't have a problem!

"Infact, I am glad you are gonna be passing the night here with us, we could play video games together, that's if you are ready to take on a pro! He said to me while smirking devilishly

"What's the name of these video games we will be playing?? I asked Caleb anxiously.

"Well, It's Mortal Kombat!

"I know it's a little bit of old school game to you but that's just the one I have in my console! He said with a low voice indicating that he was ashamed.

"Mortal Kombat you, say??...You shouldn't have called yourself a pro that's my game expertise! I said to him while smirking.

To be honest, I just wanted to make him feel better, not that I was interested in the game.

"Then we will see who is worthy to be called a pro in the game between us! He said to me while smirking back at me.

"You, are so on! I said to him while smirking devilishly.

"What does the winner gets from this??...We gotta make a bet you know?. Caleb asked me while smirking mischievously.

"Fine! Who wins gets to be the owner of my Bugatti La Voiture Noire throughout tomorrow! I said to him knowing what he was hoping to hear.

"Wow! You are so on! Caleb said to me while exclaiming in total happiness.

And with that, we started playing the video game, I used the game character called "Scorpion," in the video game while Caleb used the game character "Shao Khan," in the video game.

We battled seriously in the game for two hours, and I emerged victoriously.

Looking at Caleb, he looked sad, maybe he was looking forward to riding my Bugatti La Voiture Noire throughout tomorrow, and now his hope has been shattered by me coming out as the winner of the bet.

Looking at him so downcast made me felt a sting of pain in my heart, I couldn't bear to see him looking like that, I preferred his happy face to this sad face I am currently seeing.

"It's okay, Caleb, even if you lost the game, that doesn't mean you won't still have a ride in my Bugatti La Voiture Noire throughout tomorrow! I said to him warmly.

"Really??...Are you serious?. He asked in amazement.

"Yeah, I'm serious! I said to him warmly while smiling brightly.

"But I lost the bet! How could you still want to let me ride your car?? Caleb asked me feeling surprised.

"I don't know! Maybe it's just me who suddenly grew the feeling of wanting you to be happy always," I said to him warmly.

"Thanks, Joffrey! He thanked me while smiling gratefully.

And with that, Mrs. Kendrick came in and asked us to go and sleep due to the fact that it was already late in the night.

We bid each other good night before heading to bed, my bed was small not like the one I'm used to in the Royal Palace or My Penthouse but it was comfortable at least.

Just before I could sleep, I started thinking about Kara again, wondering how she was doing, I took out my Apple Phone and surfed through my phone gallery admiring her beautiful photos.

"Good night, My love, sweet dreams, and please wait for me, I'm coming soon! I said to the photo of Kara before I was finally able to sleep, traveling through the dimensions of the dream world.

The next morning I woke up feeling energetic, I brushed my teeth, and had my shower before going to the dining table for breakfast.

I greeted Mrs. Kendrick and Caleb upon my arrival at the dining table and we had our breakfast happily, this moment made me remember my home, how we do have family breakfast, lunch, and dinner like this.

There was one word my dad loves saying after we finish eating together as a family, he often says:- "A family who eats together stays together."

A Few minutes later, we were through with breakfast.

I stayed to do the dishes as a way of appreciating Mrs. Kendrick for sheltering and providing meals for me to eat despite her low financial status.

We had agreed that for the duration of my plan I'll be staying at their place, I had already told them about my plans and they were delighted with it.

I and Caleb were to go to the shopping mall to shop for outfits for himself and his mom, I became scared thinking about showing up in public, so I immediately called Tyler my head of security and captain of the Enchancia Royal Guards, like Sebastin he was also my trusted friend and he was very loyal to me and to the Crown.

I asked him to send ten Enchancia elite Royal guards under my command to my current location and he insisted he was going to join them too.

Anytime I'm out of the Empire, My dad the Emperor insists I take at least a thousand guards with me for my protection, and anytime I'm on board any of my private jets, I have fifty to sixty aircraft containing our airforce as my escort or convoys as they say.

About ten to fifteen cargo planes containing my various types of luxurious and exotic cars including choppers would take off ahead of us, so I don't have to worry about my transportation in any of my intending countries to travel whenever I arrive.

Thirty minutes later I was answering a call coming from Tyler my head of security, he was informing me of his arrival, so I stood up to go and welcome him, but just as I was about to open the door, Caleb opened the door and walked in in a panic state.

"What's the matter, Caleb??...Why are you panic-stricken?? I asked him anxiously.

"There are eleven men outside with well muscular shape bodies and no smiles at all standing outside the house.

"They have on their black suits the Royal Crest Of Enchancia Empire and dark glasses on their faces, to be honest, they look way more cooler than the U.S Secret service in those suits but I think they want to take you back to Enchancia! Caleb panickly said to me while breathing heavily.

"You could tell because?? I asked Caleb warmly while looking at him inquisitively.

"I could tell because they have been demanding to see you!

"We told them you ain't here but they said their surveillance coordinates indicate your presence in this house.

"My Mom has been trying to inquire why they are suddenly looking for you but they said it's highly classified and confidential! Caleb panickly said to me.

"It's okay, I asked them to come! I said to Caleb warmly.

"You asked them to come??...When??...Why?? Caleb asked me feeling surprised

"What are the duties of bodyguards?. I asked Caleb nonchalantly.

"They protect their assigned people, Wait a minute! You brought them here for your protection?? Caleb asked in astonishment

"Yes, I did and we don't have much time left before they move your mom aside, I guess they are wasting this much time because they're being respectful to your mom and Tyler is a short-tempered kind of guy, so we have to hurry and get out there or he might lose his temper soon! I said to Caleb while opening the door to the front yard of the house.

"Okay! Caleb said to me while following me towards the front yard.

Arriving at the front yard, I saw Mrs.Kendrick blocking the path of Tyler, My Head of Security.

"Step aside Madam, or I'll make you! I could hear Tyler threatening Mrs.Kendrick

"Ain't no way you are gonna pass through that door except you tell me what you wanna use Joffrey for! I could hear Mrs.Kendrick talking to them coldly.

"Madam with due respect, you don't address His Royal Highness like that, and what we want with him is highly classified! I could hear Tyler talking to Mrs.Kendrick firmly.

So with that, I quickly stepped in to stop the bickering between Mrs.Kendrick and Tyler.

"What's all this fuss about?? I asked Tyler and the ten other guards with a commanding tone.

"Your Royal Highness! Tyler and the ten Royal Guards saluted me

"As you were! I ordered with a cold tone, sending shivers all over the Royal Guards' body.

"We are sorry Your Royal Highness, we didn't mean to create a fuss, please forgive us! Tyler and the ten other Royal Guards apologized to me.

"I'm not the one you should seek forgiveness from, now apologize to Mrs.Kendrick!. I ordered, and Immediately they fell on their knees.

"We are sorry Madam, please forgive us!. They apologized to Mrs.Kendrick.

"Mrs.Kendrick I'm also sorry for not letting you know about their arrival sooner! I apologized to Mrs.Kendrick while getting down on my knees in unison with the Royal Guards.

"You all are forgiven! Please stand up," Mrs.Kendrick said to us warmly.

"Thank You, Madam! Tyler and the ten Royal Guards thanked her while smiling gratefully.

"Thank You, Mrs.Kendrick! I thanked her while smiling gratefully.

"But why did You send for them?. Mrs.Kendrick asked me anxiously while looking at me inquisitively.

"We all are going shopping, and I'd be appearing in public, which I don't want yet so I ordered them here so they could restrict other customers from entering into the shopping mall! I said to Mrs.Kendrick warmly

"So, You mean you want to close the mall to the public?? She asked me anxiously while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yeah! That's exactly what I wanna do! I said to her while smiling brightly.

"Well, You could have told me earlier, if you had told me earlier, there wouldn't be any fuss now, would they?? She asked me while looking at me intently.

"No, I guess not! I said to her warmly.

"Are you guys done with apologizing to each other?? Caleb asked us nonchalantly

"Yeah! I replied Caleb warmly.

"Then let's get going! Caleb said to us while walking towards my Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"Alright then, let's go! I and Mrs.Kendrick both replied to Caleb.

And with that, I and Caleb got into my Bugatti La Voiture Noire while Mrs.Kendrick got into one of the three limousines brought by Tyler and the ten Royal bodyguards, and then we zoomed off into the street heading towards the shopping mall.

An hour and a half later, we arrived at the lobby of the shopping mall.

"Wow, this shopping mall is incredibly large! Mrs.Kendrick said out while smiling as soon as she came out of the limousine.

I and Caleb came out, and we went into the shopping mall with Tyler and the Royal Guards accompanying us.

"Everybody listen up! You have ten minutes to shop whatever you want to shop and leave this shopping mall, so I suggest you hurry! Tyler said to the shopping customers with a commanding tone.

"Who the hell are you to close down our business?? The mall manager yelled at Tyler.

"My boss wants this place closed to the public till he is done shopping! Tyler said to the mall manager calmly.

"Fuck you! Fuck your damn boss! The mall manager cursed while looking at Tyler coldly.

"We ain't closing down the mall for him! You know what Mr?. Tell him to go fuck himself somewhere else! The mall manager said to Tyler rudely.

"Do you even know who you are abusing??Tyler asked the mall manager slightly irritated.

"Who cares??...Who the hell he is??...He can eat my ass for all I care, I ain't closing down this mall for him! The mall manager cursed while glaring daggers at Tyler.

If only he knew who he was referring to, he wouldn't dare insult me, and with that thought in mind, I stepped into the mall, not worrying about being seen in public anymore.

"It seems Your ass his heavy for you to carry about, Oh, how delighted I'll be, eating those fat asses of yours! I said to the mall manager while smirking devilishly at him as soon as I entered the mall, making everyone to look in my direction in astonishment.

"Go and tell your boss to get his sorry ass out of my mall, just look at you, spouting rubbish out of your mouth because of some peanut change your boss throws at you! The mall manager said to Tyler in a mocking tone.

"My one month salary will buy this mall ten times! Tyler yelled back at the mall manager completely pissed off while landing a blow on the mall manager's face.

"Hahahaha! Is this what you got?? The mall manager mocked while spitting blood out of his mouth.

Just as he was about to spout rubbish from his mouth again, he noticed Tyler saluting to a certain direction, looking around he started hearing hush voices from the customers like:-

(1)"Oh My God! Is that the Crown Prince of Enchancia??.

(2)"What's he doing here??

(3)"He's so hot and handsome in person,"

(4)"Is he here for shopping??

(5)"Does he have a date with him??...Never has he been to a mall before,"

(6)"I wonder which girl is here with him now, that girl would be so lucky if they were to advance in their relationship,"

(7)"He is having that look on his face when he's pissed off,"

(8)"Could it be he was the person the mall manager was insulting???

(9)"I hope he isn't the boss of that guy, the mall manager was insulting, if he is, may God have mercy on that foolish mall manager's soul,"

These were the hush voices he was hearing and he was freaking out every passing second without seeing who the customers were talking about when suddenly, he heard a cold voice sending shivers all over his body.

"Didn't someone here beg for his ass to be eaten?? I said to him while smirking devilishly.

"Oh My God! You are.....

"Save your thoughts to yourself bastard, because of You I won't be closing down this mall temporarily but permanently! I said to him coldly while interrupting him.

"Please Your Royal Highness! Have mercy on me, my family depends on my salary from this mall, please pardon me for their sake! The mall manager begged while kneeling down and shedding tears profusely.

"You should have thought about them before insulting a customer, even a child would use his initiative to know that someone asking for a place of business to be temporarily shut down might either own the place or can shut down the place! I said to him coldly with a pause.

"How are you even fit for the position of a manager, if this little knowledge can escape from your mind easily because of your rudeness?? I coldly asked him while kicking his hands away from my legs.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Boys and girls!

"Please in respect of the fuss created by the mall manager and my Head of Security, I'd like you to pick anything you want in this mall and go!

"Consider it as a way of me expressing my sincere apologies for this fuss!. I said to the mall customers while smiling brightly.

"You should join too! I said to Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb.

And with that, everybody started shopping but Tyler did not fail to tell the mall customers that they heard and saw nothing regarding me being there.

In fulfillment of my earlier threat, I immediately took my Apple phone and called Sebastin, My personal assistant.

"Sebastin I want you to close our deal with Vikram Holdings as soon as possible! I said to Sebastin as soon as the call got connected.

"As for our unpaid investments in his company, tell him his shopping mall will be closed down because of some certain rude mall manager who happens to be rude to all his customers!.

"Do you understand me?. I ordered Sebastin through the phone call.

"Yes, Joffrey, I understand, I'll be closing our deal with them immediately! Sebastin answered me through the phone call.

"Be sure not to make any mistakes in what I just told you!!! I ordered Sebastin sternly through the phone call.

"I'll be sure not to make any mistakes, I promise! Sebastin answered me warmly while disconnecting the phone call.

The mall manager was still begging me but I paid no attention to his pleas.

Thirty minutes later, Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb were done shopping their desired outfit and other stuff, the mall customers were also done with their free shopping.

One by one they slowly dispersed leaving I, Caleb, Tyler, Mrs.Kendrick, and that asshole (referring to the manager) alone in the mall.

Just as we were about to depart Mr. Vikram ran into the mall like the devil was chasing after him and immediately dropped on his knees begging me profusely.

"Now this is gonna be fun!. I said to myself while smiling inwardly.

"Please Your Royal Highness! Prince Joffrey! Please have mercy on me! Please spare my company I beg of you! Mr.Vikram begged me while shedding tears profusely.

"I'll get the bastard fired(referring to the manager) just don't cut my company's funds by closing the deal, I'll go bankrupt if you pull back your investment in my company by closing the deal! Mr. Vikram begged while shedding tears profusely but none of his pleas or tears moved me.

"What do you think I wanted before?. I asked him while smirking devilishly at him.

"Please have mercy on me! He begged while wailing hysterically

"I'm sorry, Mr. Vikram, but I'm a man of my words, by this time tomorrow, your company including this mall will shut down and the press will be all over you demanding to know the reason for your sudden downfall plus you will be on debt considering the huge amount of money I've invested on your company! I said to Mr. Vikram while smirking devilishly at him.

"Please Your Royal Highness! Have mercy on me! Mr. Vikram kept wailing and begging profusely.

"Mr. Vikram, It was nice being partners in business while it lasted, I'm sure you will enjoy your time begging on the streets with your family, you look great at begging hahahaha!!! I said to Mr.Vikram while laughing mockingly at him.

Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb were just staring at me in shock and disbelief.

They didn't believe I was capable of doing something like that because of some minor insults, well that's me the "Demon King," of the business world, I can be this ruthless if I am being merciful to my enemies.

"Let's go! I said to Tyler, Mrs.Kendrick, and Caleb

"O.....Okay!. They both stuttered except Tyler who was already used to my ruthlessness.

"Are you guys scared of me?? I asked Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb while looking at them intently.

"No, we are not! We are just shocked that's all! Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb answered

"Well, please don't be scared of me, that's just how I deal with people who offend me!. I said to Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb sadly.

"But the C.E.O guy didn't even offend you! Why punish him?. Caleb asked me while we were about to leave in my car.

"In the business world, you don't dare to leave loose ends while punishing an enemy, You could have the upper hand today and tomorrow you don't, so never you risk giving your enemies a chance to get back at you! I explained to Caleb warmly with a pause while opening the front door of my Bugatti La Voiture Noire.

"You might have forgiven them by giving them that chance, but when they come back for revenge, they would make sure not to spare you, so it's either you punish your enemies without mercy or get punished by your enemies without mercy! I explained to Caleb further.

"Besides, When I threatened that asshole of a manager, how did you think I was gonna actualize that threat I made of closing the mall if I hadn't extended his punishment to his C.E.O huh??. I asked Caleb while looking at him intently.

"Well, remind me to be careful not to mess with you in the future! Caleb said to me.

"Well, You should have at least asked the mall manager to be punished instead of putting the poor C.E.O out of business! Mrs.Kendrick said to me while scrunching her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry, Mrs.Kendrick, but when a finger touches an oil, it sours the others! So, in the manager's case, his actions affected his C.E.O! I said to Mrs.Kendrick warmly.

"Oh my! You really are the Demon King they rumor you to be! Mrs.Kendrick said to me while sighing.

And with that, I and Caleb got into my Bugatti La Voiture Noire while Mrs.Kendrick got into Tyler's limousine.

I zoomed off away from the mall into the street heading for the Kendricks' home with Tyler and the other ten Royal Guards accompanying me as my convoys.

An hour and a half minutes later, we finally arrived at the Kendricks' home.

Tyler and the ten other Royal Guards retreated back to the Echancia consulate on my orders.

It took three days before Mrs.Kendrick and Caleb were able to be themselves with me again.

They were terrified because of my behavior two days ago, but on the third day, they were finally able to let go of their hostility towards me.

It took me a week before I was finally able to call myself a laundryman after much practice from the teachings of Caleb.

Unknown to Caleb, I have ordered Sebastin to work his admission process to Tagaryean University and prepare the apartment he would be staying during and after his studies, and also work his papers, so he would be able to be on the next plane to Enchancia if he could get me a job at K.S Records without being disturbed by those custom and immigration officers.

One Monday morning, I was brought to the ChairWoman and C.E.O of K.S Records office for an interview, and I was assigned to laundry unit 2 after Caleb was able to successfully get me employed.

I was doing the laundry assigned to me when Caleb barged into the laundry room breathing heavily from running I suppose.

"Caleb, Is anything the problem??. I asked him anxiously.

"Problem??...I don't know about that but if you still want your girl to love you in return without having second thoughts, then you better head to the E.M.T area now! and fast! Caleb said to me while trying to catch his breath.

Without thinking, I immediately ran to the E.M.T area.

Looking toward the E.M.T area, I saw Kara the love of my life walking with someone.

I felt jealous that instant, I should be the one walking with her, not anyone else!! I thought angrily inwardly.

But from what I could see, I could tell she was giving him a tour but she looked bored.

She was not even paying attention to the guy or even giving the guy a space to touch her, not to talk of laughing at his weird jokes.

I felt happy that she was trying to keep herself till she meets her true love which turned out to be me.

I knew that instant that she might have been forced to go on that tour with that weird guy who turned out to be Jake Lotandex by someone she couldn't say no to.

And with that thought, I felt the need to save my love from the clutches of that Jake of a guy who turned out to be flirting with my love.

She herself happened to be in a daze looking at one place in particular thinking about something I suppose.

"What is she thinking about??...Is she thinking about that Jake of a guy?? I asked to no one in particular while looking at Jake with a murderous eye.

I vowed that I was going to ruin his career for having the thoughts of flirting with my love, he deserved to be punished for daring to look at my love with the eyes only I could look at Kara with, an eye filled with love.

I felt the urge to pluck out those eyes of his, so he wouldn't be able to look at Kara like that in the future again.

I immediately walked to their direction holding a laundry basket and bucket I picked from a nearby corner and bumped into her, I made it look like she was the one who bumped into me.

"Oh, My God! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to bump into you like that!

"Damn it! I have ruined your outfit!!

"I'm so sorry! I wasn't.......

"It's okay, Miss! It happens all the time! I interrupted her while smiling brightly.

I felt amazed looking at how guilty she was feeling, accidentally bumping into me her subordinate, ruining my clothes in the process, and still, she was apologizing instead of scolding me for not watching the road.

If it was those spoiled princesses back home, I would have been slapped countless times for causing the accident.

I couldn't help but feel proud of my love, she was indeed a rare gem, a gem that needs to be treasured properly.

"Thanks for understanding me! Some people would have thought I did it on purpose!! She said to me while smiling brightly.

"Haha, it's okay! Besides I'm not some people, I'm one guy you know?? I jocularly asked her.

"Yeah, you really are a guy! She said to me while smiling brightly.

I couldn't help but feel proud of my love, she was indeed a rare gem, a gem that needs to be treasured properly.

Hearing the sweet sound of Kara's voice, and seeing the beautiful smile on her face, the smile I have been yearning for made me felt hot all over my body.

This burning sensation was new to me and I felt my heart beating fast like it's gonna jump right out of my chest.

Unfathomable feelings started rushing into my heart at super speed.

I was feeling happy, excited, overwhelmed, relieved, anger, sadness, and fear.

These were the feelings I was having as soon as I heard her voice and saw that beautiful smile that captures the hearts of many, including my heart.

I felt happy that I was finally able to hear the sweet voice of my love, the same voice I have been yearning for these past few days.

"Hello, Please, You remind me of someone I know! But I can't quite remember where we've met! Can you please jog my memory?? She said to me with a pleading tone while looking at me inquisitively.

"Miss, I don't think we've ever met before! I lied swiftly.

"But you strike me as familiar as some st......

I knew she was about to bring the strange guy up thinking that we are the same people, so, I quickly interrupted her before she could say anything else.

"A lot of people do think I'm familiar to them, maybe the person you knew look alike to me. but we are not in any way related to each other, Perhaps I am his doubleganger, that's why we look alike and if I may ask??.

"Do we in any way have the same hair color?? I asked her while looking at her inquisitively.

"No, I don't think so, and I am sorry for mistaking you for someone else! She apologetically said to me.

"It's okay! I'm Jeffrey by the way! I said to her, introducing myself while smiling brightly.

I wanted her to figure my identity as the strange guy, if she had fallen in love with the strange guy.

"No, I don't think so, and I am sorry for mistaking you for someone else! She apologetically said to me.

"It's okay! I'm Jeffrey by the way! I introduced myself using the name I created for my quest of winning her heart.

"And it's a privilege to me for being able to meet the Princess of Pop who is a goddess in terms of beauty! Your beauty knows no bounds, My lady! I said to her further while smiling brightly.

"Nice to meet you, Jeffrey! I'm Kara! She said to me, introducing herself while smiling brightly.

"You work in this unit?? She asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yes, I do Kara! I answered her while smiling brightly.

She was having that same smile that could met my heart in seconds.

I was starting to feel hot all over my body. Never have I ever been this hot! I thought inwardly.

I knew there was some reason for my hotness in the body, maybe it is as a result of Kara's smile, maybe my body was reacting to her smile causing the hotness of my body.

I knew if I don't escape I might end up doing something that might end up making her to hate me and besides, that was the last thing on my mind so I immediately excuse myself.

"I'm sorry but if you could please excuse me??...I would love to get back to work, the last thing I want is to be spotted with you chatting when I'm supposed to be working and end up getting fired. I said to her while smiling brightly, preparing to leave.

"Yeah, You are right! So, I'll see you another time right?? She asked me while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yeah, You will be seeing me at this unit the next time you visit! I said to her warmly with a pause.

"It was really fun and nice talking to you, Miss! I said to her warmly while smiling brightly.

"Yeah, Me too, today, I was having a burden, and I was desperately yearning for someone I wanted to see badly, meeting You made me felt relieved! So, I don't know if it is fate or coincidence that I bumped into you here today! She said to me while smiling brightly.

"I hope you figure out then, Miss! Anyway, I'll be going now, bye! I said to her warmly while smiling brightly.

"Bye! She replied while smiling sweetly at me.

And with that, I left her and went inside the laundry unit, to get changed.

I was beyond happy knowing she must have been dying to see the strange guy who happens to be me.

But I was still upset and angry thinking about that asshole (referring to Jake) who was trying to covet my love away from me.

After having a cold shower in the laundry bathroom, I changed into the suit I wore earlier this morning before changing into the laundry staff uniform upon the orders of the head laundry staff.

After changing into my suit, I took out my Apple phone and dialed Sebastin's mobile number.

"Hello, Your Royal Highness!. Sebastin playfully said to me as soon as the call got connected.

"Have You done what I asked You to do?? I asked him coldly not in the mood for chit-chat.

"Yes, I have done it! His papers, passport, and Visa have been sent to the Enchancia Embassy located at the U.S Capital Washington DC! Sebastin said to me through the phone call.

"Who is bringing them to me?. I asked Sebastin coldly through the phone call.

"Tyler has already gone to the Enchancia Embassy to retrieve the documents, he should be at Your location by now to give them to you! Sebastin said to me warmly through the phone call.

"Okay, thanks, but I want You to do something for me again! I said to Sebastin through the phone call.

"What is it??...What do you want me to do??Sebastin asked me anxiously through the phone call.

"There's this guy called Jake Lotandex! I said to Sebastin through the phone call.

"You mean the Prince of Pop?. Sebastin asked me anxiously through the phone call.

"Yeah, that's him! I replied Sebastin through the phone call.

"What does he have on you Joffrey?? Sebastin asked me anxiously through the phone call.

"He was trying to covet the love of my life for himself! So, You know what to do?. I asked Sebastin through the phone call.

"Yeah, I know! I have to make sure he isn't in the position to disturb or associate with the love of your life any longer! Sebastin said to me warmly through the phone call.

"Yeah, that's what You are going to do but You should wait after the releasing of her music album, perhaps that asshole (referring to Jake) was here for some duet, or something else brought him here! I said to Sebastin through the phone call.

"Thanks, a lot, Sebastin! I said to Sebastin while preparing to disconnect the call.

"Hey, Your old man wants you here "ASAP"! Sebastin said to me firmly before disconnecting the call.

I knew what he meant about my old man wanting me back at home, it's a week to the unification day, and I'm expected to show up in public for the parade.

I felt sad that I wouldn't be able to spend more time with Kara now, but I vowed to spend more time with her as soon as I get back from Echancia Empire.

Ten minutes later Tyler, my Head of Security and captain of the Royal Guards arrived at K.S Records building, he gave me the whole documents he retrieved from the Echancia Embassy and left.

I immediately called Caleb and told him we were going somewhere and we needed to hurry.

Caleb and I got into my Bugatti La Voiture Noire and drove straight to the "TAGARYEAN INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT," where my Private Jet was already waiting for me.

"Joffrey why are we in the airport?. Caleb asked me as soon as we arrived at the airport.

"We are both going to Echancia Empire! I replied Sebastin warmly

"What am I going to be doing there with you??...Does My Mom know about this?. He asked me anxiously while looking at me inquisitively.

"Yes, I know, and You are going there for your studies at the Tagaryean University! Mrs.Kendrick said to Caleb warmly while smiling brightly, and coming out from Tyler's limousine.

"I'm going to be studying at the prestigious Tagaryean University?? Caleb asked me, still, not believing what he was hearing.

"Yes, You are! And You will also have Your brand new car! Your very own Bugatti La Voiture Noire! I said to him while smiling brightly.

"Mom, can you believe it??...Not only will I be studying at the prestigious Tagaryean University, I will also have a car of my own, I'm so very excited Mom!. He said to his mom while smiling happily.

"Thank You very much, Your Royal Highness! Caleb thanked me while bowing down and smiling gratefully.

"You are welcome! I responded to him while preventing Mrs.Kendrick from doing the same thing like her son.

And with that, we got into the Jet and took flight heading for Echancia Empire.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

I'll love to let you know that your ratings and reviews mean a lot to me because It encourage me to want to do better and satisfy my readers by writing more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

And also if you feel I'm having mistakes with my way of writing the novel and you'd like for some things to be improved on or amended, please kindly let me know in the comments section of the novel, thanks very much for your support, I love you all.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky