

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 15 Two Weeks After The Interview.

Two weeks have passed after the day of Kara's interview.

Kara has been studying hard for the past two weeks and at the same time writing songs for her new album because the preparation for her new album was around the corner.

She had to postpone the release date for her new album when she couldn't handle the stress anymore causing her social media to be flooded by sad comments made by fans. She was finding it very difficult to study and at the same time prepare herself for her upcoming album, therefore causing the postponement of her album release which made her fans upset, but still, they were looking forward to the release date of the new album.

Mr. Phillip her private tutor has been very strict with Kara in terms of her studies, who could blame him?.

He was hired by the mother of his client on the terms of an employer-employee relationship, there was no way he could be jovial with his client lest he lose his job.

Working as a private tutor for one of the most influential women on the planet, and the mother of a Pop Icon is a job he wouldn't want to lose considering his huge salary.

A lot has happened these past two weeks ever since Kara gave her interview with the famous Fear Giver "Alaric Whittman". Her fans have increased greatly this past two weeks, her social media account has skyrocketed to over sixty-five trillion followers adding thirty trillion fans to her formal thirty-five trillion followers.

Meanwhile, her interview broadcast has gone viral these past two weeks, various fashion companies have been calling her manager nonstop, asking if Kara could be their companies' ambassador.

Kara has been rehearsing her song lyrics these past two weeks during her leisure time, she is the type of singer that loves to sing from the heart not from a book or screenplay when it comes to recording her songs.

Rebecca on the other hand has been busy being a publicist to Kara.

She has been meeting with various companies asking for an endorsement on behalf of Kara.

Kara was resting in her room after her study section with Mr. Phillip when her phone rang suddenly.

"Hello, who is this, please?. Kara asked as soon as she picked up her phone.

"Your secret admirer! The voice from the other side said to her.

"What do you mean by my secret admirer?. Who the hell are you?. Kara asked, a little bit irritated.

My name is.......

I'm sorry I can't say my name for now, but I hope in the future my name would be called by your melodious voice, the voice sadly said to Kara.

Okay, I can't promise you that your dream would come true Mr stranger, but I need to know the reason you called me. F.Y.I you just disturbed my rest Mr. stranger!. Kara said to the voice totally pissed off.

I'm sorry for disturbing your rest my love, I just had to see you for myself and also give you this gift!. The voice tenderly said to kara

Who the hell are you calling your love huh?. And which gift are you talking about, there ain't no way you can get past my gate to see me without having an appointment!. Kara said to the voice totally irritated.

You are the one I'm calling my love, you my dear! Is the only oxygen I need to breathe, the fuel I need to keep my fire burning, the salt I need to make my life meaningful, for you, I would do anything to be with you, including getting inside your mansion, looking at you sleeping peacefully, the voice tenderly said to kara.

Keep dreaming Mr! Everything you said right now is totally a waste because I didn't pay attention and I for sure am not going to be in love with any guy soon, you can say those words to another girl Mr!. Not me!. Kara said to the voice with a stern voice.

These words cannot be uttered from my mouth to another girl but you, my love!. The voice said to Kara sweetly.

Fine whatever you say!. So where is this so-called "Gift" you wanted to give me?. Kara said to the voice while looking around for any gift.

The gift I had to give you, is the gift of my heart, the gift of my ever-burning love for you!. The voice said to kara tenderly.

"Hmm, interesting!. How many girls have you said that same speech to huh?. Kara asked the voice irritatedly.

"No one, my dear, has heard that genuine speech from me except you!. The voice tenderly said to Kara.

"Hmm, ain't that sweet?. But I'm sorry to burst your bubble, I don't feel the same way about you, so go find yourself another girl," Kara said to the voice angrily.

"You are the only one I'll ever love!..

"I would not wish any companion in the world but you." The voice said to Kara sweetly and tenderly.

"God damn it!. You never know when to give up, do you?. Kara asked the voice while sighing in defeat.

"Not for you my love!. The voice said to Kara with a seductive tone.

"So where exactly are you?. I wanna see you!. I want to be sure I have not been hallucinating myself having a phone call with a stranger who says he loves me!. Kara said to the voice while surveying the outside view of the mansion.

"Look towards your door, my love!. The voice tenderly said to Kara.

Kara immediately looked towards her door and behold there was a young guy of about twenty years, standing at the dark area of her doorpost smiling brightly.

The young guy was described as someone they call a picture-perfect kind of guy.

He had a sexy height of six point two ft, a well carved and perfectly shaped abs making him look like one of those I.M.G models.

He had a black hair color and had a light blue eyes, his face was perfectly structured making any girl that sights him drool over endlessly.

He was wearing a light red colored "Dior" suit with a diamond wristwatch resting peacefully and perfectly on his left hand, he was looking so hot and stunning.

Holding in his hands was a red jewelry box, he walked into the room slowly but with graceful steps with a bright smile adorning his face, he was looking like one of those Greek gods in the past.

"Oh my God!... How did you????...

"No need to fret or panic beautiful, I told you I can do anything just to see your face!. He said to Kara, interrupting what she was going to say while smiling beautifully making him look hotter.

"Oh, I see!. Kara said to him totally dazzled by the view she was seeing.

"Here this is for you!. He said to Kara while smiling.

"What's that?. Kara asked him totally uninterested about what was going to be inside the box.

"This, my lady!. Is one of the many gifts I'll be giving you if ever you should love me back!. He said bringing out a red diamond necklace with a heart 💓 shaped pendant from the jewelry box, the heart pendant was completely and perfectly customized with red diamonds.

This necklace was made and customized by one of the famous and prestigious jewelry companies in the world. The "TandG DESIGNS" only people with lots of trillions of dollars dares to venture into the company to design their Jewelries.

The TandG Designs is owned by the Imperial royal family of Enchancia Empire, one of their many chains of companies owned by them having over fourteen thousand branches all over the world.

Kara was dumbfounded looking at the luxurious and exquisite TandG necklace in front of her, she knew her networth together cannot afford the cheapest and inferior jewelry of this TandG Jewelry Company.

It is said that the most inferior and low-graded Jewelry in the TandG Jewelry Company is estimated to be over a hundred and fifty trillion dollars, which of course she can't boast of as of now.

"Can I please put it on you?. He politely asked Kara.

"Y...Yeah!!.. Sure!. Kara said to him stuttering.

"Thanks, my love!. He said to Kara while advancing to fix the necklace on her slender neck.

"This necklace is very special and it means a lot to me!. He said to Kara while wearing her the necklace.

"It was the first gift given to me by my mom during my first year birthday, so looking at you for the first time, I knew you were the one for me because I was feeling something overwhelming that day," He said to Kara with a pause.

"Me being restless and totally distracted by my ever-burning love for you, I decided I must see you face to face, not from some magazine on the roadside, like the one I saw you printed on two weeks ago," He said further to Kara while smiling brightly.

"Well, I also wanted to give you this necklace as one of the first many symbols of my love for you," He said to Kara while winking at her.

"I know you don't love me now, but I'm willing to do whatever it takes to win your heart, my love, so you can love me and we can be together forever," He said to Kara with a sincere and loving voice while looking at her with love-filled eyes.

"But we are ages apart, you are far more older than me Mr. stranger!. How can we ever be compatible with your age far more further from mine?. Let's say we started this relationship stuff you are talking about, how will the public see us?. What will they say about me?" Kara asked him worriedly with a pause.

"I'm a singer and I just recently got my fans' faith in me back," Kara said to him further.

"I know, but......

"I've been given role model awards countless times," Kara said to him with a pause, interrupting what he was going to say.

"I have been regarded and seen as a well-behaved Pop Star, and I'm not willing to ruin it anytime soon!. Kara said to him with a worried tone while trying to make him see reasons with her.

"It's okay, my love!. Nobody decides who they fall in love with!. It happens magically just like it happened to me," He calmly said to Kara with a soft voice while looking at her with love-filled eyes.

"But still, people would still say negative things and hey!!!... Stop addressing me with the title "my love," Kara said to him with a high-pitched tone.

"You are my love beautiful!. I just hope I get to be yours soon!. He said to Kara while exiting the room.

"In your dreams, Mr! Kara said to him in return.

"Then I'll love to keep sleeping and dismissing the intention of waking up my lady," He said to Kara while looking at her affectionately.

"That's absurd," Kara replied him curtly.

"For your information, I'll love to be in a world where I can freely call you "My love," Without any reason to hesitate," He said to Kara with a pause while smiling at her.

"See you in the nearest future, my love!. He said to Kara while exiting the room.

Kara couldn't help but wonder if what she just heard from the strange guy was sincere, or she just happened to get punked by his sweet words for her.

She tried to imagine if he was totally serious and sincere with her but she couldn't and who could blame her?. She's a teenager and totally a stranger to love.

Looking at the necklace resting peacefully and perfectly on her neck made her blush a little, reminiscing the mysterious but romantic way he used in confessing his feelings for her.

"Would she ever fall in love with this strange guy?.

"Would she ever see him again?" These were the exact thoughts clouding her mind that very moment.

Looking at the alarm clock on her nightstand, it was two hours remaining before she is wakes up from her afternoon rest.

She was a little bit angry with the strange guy for disrupting her beauty rest, but she was a little bit glad that she got to hear the romantic words from the strange romantic guy.

Sighing deeply, Kara reluctantly went back to the dreamland, so she could have a little rest before she would be going for her rehearsal in advance of her upcoming album.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky