

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 14 Day OF The Interview.

It is Wednesday morning, the sun has already risen, Kara was still sleeping soundly in her bed enjoying her stay in the dream world.

She had no sign of waking up, looking at the way she was sleeping soundly.

"Sweetie wake up!. It's a new day," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara, as soon as she came to Kara's bedside.

"Hmmmm I.....Is I.....It m........ morning yet?. Kara asked her mom.

"Yes it is, and it is also the day of your interview with Alaric Whitman," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Oh My God! Today's the day of the interview, I totally forgot, am I late?. Mom, please tell me I'm not late," Kara said to her Mom hurriedly while panicking.

"You ain't late yet Kara, but you would be if you don't hasten up," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"I've got your outfit for the interview, I ordered it two days ago alongside your Jewelry, they just brought them in early this morning, it's an L.X DESIGNS light pink gown, and a $75.800,000,000,000 customized diamond necklace and other necklaces and Jewelry from "ICEBOX JEWELRIES" Rebecca added upon her arrival at Kara's room.

"Thanks, guys!. Kara smiled gratefully.

"You are welcome!. They said to Kara in unison.

With that, Kara hurriedly went to the bathroom, had her bath, went to the spa room for a body massage, before heading to her dressing room.

Upon her arrival, two female servants were waiting for her patiently to attend to her.

Spotting her in the room, seated at a chair close to the full view mirror, they quickly started attending to her.

Not much work was needed to be done on Kara because she was already having that natural beauty.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Katherine was talking to Joshua, Kara's head of security, in the living room giving him his priorities for the day.

"Don't you ever wander far from my daughter, you must maintain a close-range view in the interview room, so you can be able to keep a close eye on her, there's no room for mistakes, so you must carry out your orders properly, protect her with your life." Mrs. Katherine coldly said to Joshua.

"Yes, Mrs. Stewart, I'll be sure to carry out your orders swiftly," Joshua said to Mrs. Katherine in a firm tone.

"Good! Mrs. Katherine said to Joshua while smiling.

"Have you prepared her limousine?. Mrs. Katherine asked Joshua.

"Yes ma'am," Joshua replied warmly.

"How many limousines are you planning on using?. Mrs. Katherine asked further.

"Eleven limousines ma'am," Joshua replied warmly.

"How many of you are serving as her security detail today?. Mrs. Katherine asked Joshua again.

"Forty of my men ma'am, I figured her fans would be there because the news of the interview has been circulating around, and the press is gonna be there, so I selected forty of my men to protect her so she wouldn't be overwhelmed by the press and her fans that will be gathered there today," Joshua explained to Mrs. Katherine.

"Good! That's nice, so I'll leave my daughter in your care, bring her back home in one "PIECE!. Mrs. Katherine said to Joshua with an ordering tone.

"Yes ma'am," Joshua replied with a firm tone.

"That would be all, for now, you may leave," Mrs. Katherine said to Joshua with an ordering tone.

"Goodbye ma'am," Joshua replied while leaving the living room.

Back in Kara's dressing room, the two female servants have finished dressing her up at last, after having spent half an hour in getting her ready.

Kara stood up from her chair and looked at her reflection facing the full view mirror.

She looked absolutely beautiful, with the light pink gown embracing her body perfectly, an L.X DESIGN pink shoe to match the gown, an L.X DESIGN customized diamond wristwatch having her face neatly and elegantly printed inside the wristwatch.

Ahe had a pink purse that matched perfectly with the gown, her neck was perfectly adorned with a custom plain diamond necklace having the name "KARA" as the necklace pendant.

The necklace was worth a whooping sum of $75.800,000,000 made by "ICEBOX JEWELRIES," No doubt the necklace was also among the Jewelries that were brought in early this morning.

Looking satisfied with the female servants' work, she thanked them gratefully.

Kara left her room and arrived downstairs at the dining table, her Mom was already seated at her seat, followed by Rebecca her manager.

Mrs. Katherine was seated at the head table, Rebecca was seated at the right side of the dining table while Kara sat opposite the head table, where her Mom was seated.

Immediately they were seated properly, the kitchen staff dished out the meal for their breakfast, Kara was still eating when she finally asked about the necklace she was wearing.

"Rebecca how did this necklace come to exist?.

"I mean when did you order for it?.

"Is it the same two days ago?.

"Why does it have my name written on it?.

"Why is my name carved as the pendant?" Kara asked Rebecca with an anxious tone.

"Relax Kara, there's nothing to fret about okay! Rebecca said to Kara with a calm voice.

"Okay! Kara replied.

"Good! I ordered the diamond necklaces, earrings, and other Jewelries, I ordered them the same time I ordered the one your name was inscribed on as the pendant, and it was two days ago like I said earlier, your name had to be inscribed on the pendant because you had no one before, celebrities usually own unique necklaces that they wear constantly when on public, it serves as a trademark to some celebrities, these unique necklaces gets to be reproduced and designed by other Jewelry companies in smaller and similar versions of the original necklace, these fan-made necklaces would be released into the market, into shopping malls and Jewelry shops, so the fans of these celebrities can also wear while trying to imitate their idols, and these celebrities are paid by those Jewelry companies, because of the unique necklace the celebrity came up with, so I ordered for your name to be inscribed on the pendant, so you can also have a unique necklace," Rebecca explained to Kara.

"So you mean I'll have to be wearing this necklace constantly too?. Kara asked Rebecca.

"Yes! you have to be wearing it constantly always, you should be seen with it on music videos, concerts, and interviews too." Rebecca said to Kara.

"Okay I understand, thanks by the way!. Kara said to Rebecca with a bright smile.

Finally, the three ladies were through with their breakfast.

Leaving the dining room they came out of the mansion and walked to the driveway.

Kara greeted the bodyguards as soon as she came closer to them, they were forty bodyguards standing by the limousines, waiting to accompany her to the interview with the intention of protecting her.

Looking at the limousine parked on the driveway, they were eleven limousines waiting to escort Kara to the interview held at Santa Monica.

These elite bodyguards that has been ordered to protect Kara were looking at Kara seriously with their stern faces.

Faces that someone could easily feel the shivers upon the sight of these bodyguards.

Getting into the limousine, Joshua drove Kara to the interview to be held at Santa Monica with ten limousines containing the forty men in charge of her protection escorting them.

After about one hour on the road Kara and her convoys finally arrived at the interview venue located at Santa Monica.t

At the sight of her limousine, fans and paparazzi immediately gathered around her limousine.

As soon as she stepped out of the limousine Joseph her assistant head of security, immediately mobilized the other bodyguards to form a protective barrier in order to protect her from her own fans who were just asking for autographs and selfies, and the paparazzi were trying to interview her on the spot, bombarding her with lots of questions.

In this fictitious world, celebrities always have their name inscribed on the plate numbers of their cars for easy identification by traffic officers.

Looking at the crowd, there was no space left for her to pass through, security personnels of the Whitman show were having a very hard time controlling the crowd, feeling sympathy for the security personnels, she was left with no choice but to give in to the request of her fans, even though her bodyguards were quick to immediately form a protective barricade around her, she still needed to go inside the TV show house.

It took about thirty minutes before Joshua was able to create space for them to pass into the TV show building.

After about ten more minutes Kara was finally able to squeeze out of the crowd with the help of Joshua, heading straight into the building.

Upon her arrival at the door of the TV Show studio, she felt nervous for a while, inhaling in deeply and exhaling deeply, she was finally able to recompose herself before walking into the TV show studio.

( Inside the TV show studio)

There were many cameras fixed at different locations of the TV showroom, already programmed by the photographers to go live.

Upon the arrival of Kara Stewart, Mr. Alaric Whitman quickly signaled for the photographers and crew members to start the live TV show.

"Miss Kara, welcome I'm very glad that you could make it," Mr. Alaric Whitman said to Kara.

"Thanks, Mr. Alaric," Kara said to Alaric with a smile.

"Miss Kara no need for these pleasantries, you would also exchange pleasantries at the beginning of the TV show, before your interview would commence." one of the Whitman directors said to Kara.

"Okay," Kara replied back

"Good! So here's what you are gonna do for me! you are gonna walk to that couch located at the right corner down there, you are going to remain seated till its time for your introduction, upon hearing your name from Mr. Alaric, you try and smile for the cameras and you greet your fans if you want to, do you understand your script?. The same director asked Kara.

"Yes I do," Kara replied to the director.

Then the director checked his wristwatch to know if it's time to start shooting live, checking the time on his wristwatch, the time was exactly 10 am, the actual time the show normally goes live with.

Turning to Mr. Alaric Whitman, he said:-

"Sir you would be live in 4,3,2 and action!!!..

The cameras started filming the interview while on people's televisions, this was how it was shown:-


Alaric Whitman: "Good morning to everyone, welcome to the "WHITTMAN TV SHOW" live from Santa Monica Los Angeles, I'm Alaric Whittman your host for this show."

"Hahaha...As you people know, I'm the most famous TV HOST in the world.

Don't scream at me yet(hahaha) I'm just kidding (hahahaha)

"This morning, we have a special guest star with us, This person in question is a very special guest star and you might all know her.

Alaric Whittman: "Oh! and just so you remember we are going to be interviewing her.

So Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the pop princess "KARA STEWART!!.

Kara Stewart: "Hi everybody, I'm Kara Stewart and it's nice to meet you, Mr. Alaric Whitman!.

Alaric Whittman: "Yeah it's nice to meet you too as well!.

Kara Stewart: "Thank you very much, Sir!.

Alaric Whittman: "You are welcome!.

Alaric Whittman: "So coming to the reason for this interview, I have lots of questions that your fans and other people would love to know the answer to!.

Kara Stewart: "Okay!.

Alaric Whittman: "So are you ready to answer these questions, I would be asking you?.

Kara Stewart: "Yes Sir!.

Alaric Whittman: "Okay that's great so let's start with the question about you, so what's your name?.

Kara Stewart: "My name is KARA STEWART!.

Alaric Whittman: Your name is Kara Stewart???.

"How are we sure this is not another lie you are telling???.

"You know, like the one you told us before???.

Kara Stewart: "My name is Kara Stewart and I'm not lying to you as we speak!.

Alaric Whittman: "But you gave us lies before, lies about your name and even your hair color was a lie!.

"How do you expect us to believe you now???.

Kara Stewart: "It doesn't matter whether you believe me or not!.

"But I hope you all would be able to see that everything I'll be saying here today would be nothing but the truth!.

"What I wanna say is I didn't mean to lie to my fans, everything just happened so fast.

"I never lied about my name, I just didn't tell y'all the whole truth,"

"And for my hair, I put on that wig, so I could create two identities for myself, a celebrity identity and a normal teenage girl!.

Alaric Whittman: "So, Miss Kara, you just believed in your heart that if you say this to us, we would feel sorry for you?.

"After lying to us in the first place?. I mean Miss Kara you are not the first teenage girl to become a celebrity!. Are you????...

Kara Stewart: "No, there are other celebrities like me who are teenagers like myself, and others who were once teenagers."

Alaric Whittman: "You are right Miss Kara, they are other celebrities like yourself who were once a teenager, and some who are still teenagers."

These other celebrities as you know were known as themselves, as who they are!.

"They were known by their very own identity, they were known by their actual identity not some facade in the name of wanting to leave a normal life."

"They didn't deceive their fans, they didn't lie to the world, they didn't breach their fans' trust, they just posed as themselves and they were admired, they were admired, Miss Kara, they were admired.

"But you, on the other hand, choosed to lie and deceive your fans, you weren't even worried about what if you were caught, you weren't even planning or intending to tell your fans about this so-called secret of yours until that concert night your wig fell off!.

"Why is that???..

"Why did you keep such a huge secret from your fans, Miss Kara???.

Kara Stewart: "Honestly I have been trying to tell my fans about the secret.

"I have been conversing it through my songs, just like one of my songs titled "The other side of me."

I have been trying to let my fans to also know about these so-called "secret" like you called it, through my songs, I was only able to give clues of my secret through my songs lyrics,"

"And like I said in my press conference two days ago, I'm sorry for the lies I told you all, I really am, it was something I had to do as at then!.

Alaric Whittman: "So you are sure that you are remorseful and you didn't mean to hide a secret from literally everybody?. Including your best friends???.

Kara Stewart "Yes, I mean it!.

Alaric Whittman: "Wow! That's amazing!.

"So we have been able to collect more pieces of information about your secret and we'd stop there for now,"

Kara Stewart: "Thanks for believing me at least,"

Alaric Whittman: "You are welcome!.

Kara Stewart: "Thank you very much, and I hope my fans can find it in their heart to forgive me!.

Alaric Whitman: "It's okay, so here's another question for you!.

Kara Stewart: "Okay, bring it on!

Alaric Whittman: "So what's your date of birth?.

Kara Stewart: "5th January,70014."

Alaric Whittman: "Okay! so where were you born?.

Kara Stewart: "St Andrews hospital, Mystic Falls, Virginia."

Alaric Whittman: "So what are your parents' names?.

Kara Stewart: "My parents' names are Mr. Kennald Stewart and Mrs. Katherine Stewart,"

Alaric Whittman: So when did you realize that you were meant to be a singer?.

Kara Stewart: "When I was a little girl!.

Alaric Whittman: "At what age?.

Kara Stewart: At the age of four!.

Alaric Whittman: "Four???. Wow!!

"And how was it possible for a four years old girl to be chasing the entertainment industry at that tender age?.

"You must be very little as at that time, how were you able to get a record deal?.

Kara Stewart: "Well, to be honest, I was a little girl at that time, I had just lost my dad a year ago then, My Mom saw my talent and passion for music and she helped me in nurturing It!.

"She helped me in getting my record deal at the age of five, as at then I had just released a new single titled "Lost in the wind," which became a hit song.

"To be honest it wasn't easy for her,"

Alaric Whittman: "Why did your mom withdraw you from your record deal???.

"You said yourself that it wasn't easy for her!.

"Why would she terminate your contract all of a sudden???.

Kara Stewart: "Well, to answer that question, I'll say she just didn't felt like it anymore, you know what I mean???.

"If she hasn't made that choice that day, there won't be any "K.S RECORDS" now, that lots of artist and people alike get their income from,"

"I'll say she made one very important decision that changed lives, and it's still changing lives today!.

Alaric Whittman: "Wow!. that Miss Kara is a brilliant answer, I don't know about the viewers but I must say I'm impressed by your answer, it was brilliant, really brilliant!.

Kara Stewart: "Thank You, Mr. Alaric Whitman,"

Alaric Whittman: "So tell us, Miss Kara, what would you have done if that song, "Lost in the wind," didn't become a hit song?.

Kara Stewart: "Well, I would have still be doing anything related to music, music has always been a part of me, making music with or without the world knowing about it is enough for me, it's enough for me to be myself!.

Alaric Whittman: "So Miss Kara, who is your favorite singer?.

Kara Stewart: "My favorite singer is Camella Forbes, the Queen of Pop. She has always been my role model since I was a little girl,"

Alaric Whittman: "Wow!! Ain't that nice, people???.

"She has a favorite singer, and her favorite singer is our very own Queen of Pop!.

"While some other Singer's see the Queen of Pop as a rival, she sees her as a role model!.

"Wow! This is so nice, it's nice to hear that!.

Kara Stewart: "Thank you, Sir."

Alaric Whittman: "So who is your favorite actress???.

Kara Stewart: "Ta Eun Sang, She's a Korean actress."

Alaric Whittman: "Ok so what's your favorite color???.

Kara Stewart: "My favorite color is "RED."

Alaric Whittman: "What?. I mean, I thought you would be like other girls who love pink color very much???.

Kara Stewart: "No my favorite color will always be Red!.

Alaric Whittman: "So does that mean you love red roses?.

Kara Stewart: "No!. I don't love red roses."

Alaric Whittman: "So what's your favorite flower then?.

Kara Stewart: "Lillies and sunflowers.

Alaric Whittman: "Okay!. What's your favorite food?.

Kara Stewart: "Bacon and fried eggs."

Alaric Whittman: "How about your favorite drink?.

Kara Stewart": "My favorite drink is almond milk."

Alaric Whittman: "So tell us Miss Kara, who is your Celebrity crush?.

Kara Stewart: "I don't have any crush for now!.

Alaric Whittman: "So tell us, Miss Kara, if you were to go out with any celebrity, who would you like to go out with?.

Kara Stewart: "For now I don't have an answer to that question, maybe time will tell!.

Alaric Whittman: "Miss Kara we understand you are going to be releasing your new album very soon,"

"But why did you call it "DEBUT?."

"You already have a debut album before, why debut again???.

Kara Stewart: "Well those of my songs were sung with the name"K.S" when my secret wasn't out, but now that it's out I'd love to debut again with my actual name, which is"KARA STEWART."

Alaric Whittman: "But Miss Kara, those old songs you've sung before has been changed to your real name which is Kara Stewart!.

The question we are asking is why bother debuting again???.

Kara Stewart: "I'm debuting again because I think it's the right thing to do!.

Alaric Whittman: "What if your fans are against you debuting again?.

Kara Stewart: "Then I won't debut again, I just want them to feel comfortable with me, they knew me as K.S before, now all of a sudden I'm the same person with a different name."

"A name which is actually my real name!.

"I just felt it's a lot to take in at once, so that's the reason I actually wanted to debut again."

"But if my fans are okay with me not debuting again, then I would just release the album without making it a debut album."

Alaric Whittman: "Alright people you've heard the pop princess, if you want her to debut again let us know by commenting at the comments section of our social media the "WHITTMAN SHOW". And also if you don't want her to debut again, instead you want her to release her new album like that, please let us know in the comments section,"

"So we would back after this thirty minutes break, please stay with us and don't go anywhere!.

( Fans immediately started commenting at the comments section of the Whittman Show)

Alaric Whittman: "Ladies and gentlemen welcome back!.

"Upon checking the comments section, those who don't want Kara Stewart to debut are over 995,000,000,000 people, while those who want her to debut are about 150 people, thus making the people who don't want Kara Stewart to debut the majority!.

"So Miss Kara what did you have to say???.

"Are you still going to debut???.

"Or just release a normal album.???.

Kara Stewart: "Considering my fans' wishes not to debut for the second time, I'll just release a new album!.

Alaric Whittman: "Wow!. You heard that people?. She's going to release a new album!.

"So Miss Kara, when are we expecting your new album to be released???.

Kara Stewart: "By three weeks from now, my new album will be released, if everything works out fine."

Alaric Whittman: "You heard her people, by three weeks from now, Pop Princess Kara Stewart's new album will be released!.

"That's if everything works out fine."

"Hahahahahahaha..............So let's pray everything works out fine, because I myself, I'm dying to hear Kara's new songs,"

"So that's all for today, and that brings us to the end of today's show!.

"I'd like to summarize by saying what Kara Stewart told us today!.

"She told us at the beginning of the show, the reason for her keeping secrets from us in the first place."

"She went on to tell us that she didn't meant to lie to her fans intentionally, she explained it's something she just had to do as at then, she also expressed her sincere apologies to her fans!.

"We got to know a little more about Kara Stewart today and just in case you didn't had the chance to watch this live TV Show, you can subscribe to our YouTube channel "The Whittman Show" and watch today's show, as well as other shows on our YouTube channel!. Remember to click the notification bell to get updated whenever we post a new video from our show, so you don't miss out!.

"You can log on to our website WWW.The Whittman TV Show.Com."

"To know more about the Whittman Show or follow us on social media!. "The Whittman Show."

"Alright people!.

"This concludes the end of today's segment, we hope to see you again next time, bye for now, ensure you tune in to the Whittman Show for more captivating and thrilling shows, same time next week on the Whittman Show, showing life at Saint Monica, Los Angeles by every Wednesday at 10 am prompt."

"Goodbye everybody and have a great day!.

Kara Stewart: "Goodbye everybody!.

And with that, the interview was finished.

"You did great today Miss Kara, I was very impressed!. Mr. Alaric Whittman said to Kara while preparing to leave the studio.

"Ehhmm, Thanks, Mr. Alaric Whitman," Kara replied to Mr. Alaric Whitman while preparing to leave the studio also.

"You are welcome, Miss Kara!. And by the way, you can call me "Alaric," Mr. Alaric Whitman said to Kara with a bright smile while extending his hands to Kara for a handshake.

'O..... Okay, Mr. Alaric." Kara said to Mr. Alaric with a stuttering tone while taking Mr. Alaric's hand for a handshake.

"Well, I was pleased to have you on my show today Miss Kara!. Mr. Alaric said to Kara before detaching his hands from Kara's hand, leaving Kara alone in the studio room totally dumbfounded!.

"I can't believe the famous "Fear Giver" was actually friendly to me," Kara said to herself after recomposing herself.

Kara came out of the studio room totally overwhelmed with happiness, she was finally able to get through with the interview and she made a very good impression at the interview.

Joshua immediately opened the door connecting to the lobby of the Whittman Show building for Kara as soon as she came out of the studio room.

Getting to her limousine parked at the lobby of the Whittman building, the forty bodyguards immediately saluted her before forming a wall around her to protect her from the press and the massive fans gathered outside the Whittman Show building.

Meanwhile, Joshua immediately opened the door of the limousine for Kara.

Kara got into the limousine while Joshua turned on the ignition, and immediately he zoomed off heading towards Malibu where the Stewart Mansion is located, followed by the other ten limousines accompanying them as convoys.

After driving for an hour and a half, Kara's limousine followed by her convoys finally arrived at the gates of the Stewart Mansion.

The security guards immediately opened the large gate of the Stewart Mansion and Kara alongside her convoys drove inside the Mansion.

The Security guards immediately lined up at the entrance of the mansion to welcome their young boss.

Kara got inside the Mansion and immediately went upstairs to the bathroom to freshen up, as soon as she was done she came downstairs to the garden to have her lunch.

Six hours later the sun has now left the clouds, Mrs. Katherine and Rebecca came home from the company.

Mrs. Katherine had a lot of work to do as the Chairwoman and C.E.O of K.S Records and she needed assistance, so Rebecca volunteered to help her.

After they got back from the company, the duo had their bath before coming downstairs for dinner.

After having their dinner Kara, Rebecca, and Mrs. Katherine went to the living room to watch some movies.

Kara told her mom about her interview with Alaric Whittman, she emphasized how overwhelmed she was when Mr. Alaric Whitman who is famously known as the Fear Giver, told her that he was impressed with her in regards to the interview and how happy he was to have her on his show.

"I'm glad that you didn't get freaked out by his coldness during the course of asking you questions during the interview." Mrs. Katherine said to Kara with a bright smile.

Remembering today's event, how she sat face to face with a man nicknamed the Fear Giver.

Kara couldn't help but smile in happiness, three weeks from now she would be having a roller coaster ride of celebrity life, a whole lot of them and she was totally looking forward to experiencing all of it.




(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky