

Godsent_Banky · 奇幻言情
57 Chs

Chapter 11 Press Conference (3)

(Inside the conference room)

The reporters were neatly and orderly seated in the conference room while waiting for Kara to come out.

They were already with their pens and jotters ready to jot down any useful statement from Kara for their articles on magazines and newspapers.

Meanwhile, Kara was in her mom's office not even showing any sign of coming out any time soon.

She was still freaked out because of the way the reporters and paparazzi swamped at her like angry bees trying to protect their honeycomb.

"Kara you know you are gonna face them sooner or later? Mrs. Katherine, Kara's mom said to Kara.

"Mom I know, okay, don't you start lecturing me now, your lectures are the last thing I need now," Kara said to her mom.

"I could cancel the press conference if you want, that's if you don't want to face them now, but sooner or later, you are gonna have to face them," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"I know mom, Kara sighed deeply.

"Hey it's okay baby girl, your mom is here for you alright?. I'm gonna call Chloe my assistant right now, and she's gonna cancel the press conference," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"No mom, I don't want you to cancel the press conference........ Kara said with a pause.

"I just wanna recompose myself and make sure I'm ready to face them, I'm still freaked out from the ordeal made by the reporters outside the company, just give me a few minutes and I'd be fine," Kara reasoned to her mom.

"Okay if you say so," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara while sighing in defeat.

"Just take your time and recompose yourself, Okay?. Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Thanks, mom," Kara replied to her mom, Mrs. Katherine.

"You are welcome baby girl, just remember if you need anything I'm here for you," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara with a smile.

"Okay mom I'd be sure to let you know if I need anything," Kara replied to her mom.

And with that Mrs. Katherine left the office, leaving Kara alone inside the office to get hold of herself.

After about fifteen minutes, Kara was sure that she has composed herself enough to face the media, she then came out of her mom's office and walked straight to the conference room.

Smiles immediately grew on the reporters' faces as soon as they saw her entering into the conference room.

Some of the male reporters were dumbstruck when they saw the goddess Kara entering the conference room, some were wishing in their minds for her (Kara) to become one of their daughter in law when she grows up fully while some were busy matchmaking her with their sons in their mind.

Kara was indeed an epitome of beauty and her smile can capture the hearts of many who sees her, no wonder she left the reporters dumbstruck, but that was only for a short while before the reporters recomposed their selves.

Escorting Kara to the podium located at the front of the reporters were Joshua and Joseph her personal bodyguards alongside Rebecca her manager and publicist.

Finally, Kara came to the podium located at the front of the reporters, with Joshua standing by her right side and Joseph standing by her left side, and Rebecca standing close to her.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this press conference," Kara greeted the reporters.

Immediately all the TV stations' cameras were turned on, she is to be shown live on all TV channels in America and across the globe.

"It is a great pleasure to have you here with me, Kara continued.

"As you all know, me wanting to live a double life was ruined on my "lost in the wind" concert at the Malibu city stadium, a month ago," Kara said with a pause and sighed before continuing.

"So the girl you saw that night before her black wig fell off, and the girl you saw after the black wig fell off... IS ME, "KARA STEWART" Kara said to the reporters.

"I want to apologize to my fans out there, I never meant to betray your trust or lie to you all.

It's just that I wanted to have the taste of living a normal life, and also I tried telling you all through one of my singles "Just like you". So please, I hope you all would forgive me, and give me a second chance." Kara said with a sad smile.

"Miss Kara, were you planning on telling your fans about this secret of yours??

"Or you were still gonna keep it a secret and probably never tell us the truth if that air vent hadn't blown your wig off?. One of the reporters asked Kara.

"Well to answer that question, I wasn't planning on keeping it a secret forever, I was gonna reveal the truth to my fans when the time was right to do so!. Kara explained to the reporters.

"So Miss, Kara do you regret holding the concert that revealed your secret that night?. a female reporter asked Kara.

"No, I don't regret holding that concert, it was one of the best things that happened to me that night," Kara replied to the female reporter.

"Besides, that one secret I was holding in was really a huge burden for me, it pained me to the core when I kept lying to my close friends and my best friend, so ever since the truth was revealed, I felt that huge burden was taken away from me, I felt light that instant," Kara continued.

(Somewhere in Tennessee)

Tracy, Kara's best friend was in the kitchen doing the dishes when her aunt called her.

"Tracy, Tracy, Tracy!!!. Tracy's aunt called

"Yes aunt," Tracy replied from the kitchen.

"Come out here right now! You gotta watch this press conference," Tracy's aunt said to Tracy.

"Do i have to?. Tracy asked her aunt.

"Yes of course," Tracy's aunt replied sharply.

"I'm doing the dishes aunt," Tracy replied to her aunt.

"Leave the dishes! you can do it later," Tracy's aunt replied.

"Fine, Tracy grumpily said and came inside the living room.

"I'm here what's up?. Tracy asked her aunt while cleaning her hands with a clean rag.

"Look! can't you see?. Tracy's aunt asked her.

Tracy looked at the television and saw her best friend on TV.

Her best friend Kara was having a press conference.

Tears immediately flowed out of her eyes when she saw her best friend defending herself, and making a speech.

(On TV)

( Kara was having her press conference)

"So miss Kara, do you regret holding the concert that revealed your secret that night?. a female reporter asked Kara.

"No I don't regret holding that concert, it was one of the best things that happened to me that night, Kara replied to the female reporter.

"Besides, that one secret I was holding in was really a huge burden for me, it pained me to the core when I kept lying to my close friends and my best friend, so ever since the truth was revealed, I felt that huge burden was taken away from me, I felt light that instant," Kara continued.

Tracy started to cry upon hearing Kara's statement," while her aunt consoled her.

"I...I...I miss her aunty, sob, sob, sob Tracy said while sobbing.

"It's okay, everything is gonna be okay," Tracy's aunt consoled her.

"I really do miss her aunty, apparently we are from different worlds, so our friendship wasn't meant to be," Tracy said to her aunt

"Don't speak nonsense, Tracy! even in her press conference she still talked about you, that alone shows that your friendship meant a lot to her," Tracy's aunt said.

"You think so?. Tracy asked her aunt

"I know so," Tracy's aunt replied.

"Now it's time for you to work hard, and become something useful to the society so that one day you can be able to open the door to her world." Tracy's aunt continued.

"I'm gonna do my best to make sure i and Kara reunite again, I'm gonna study hard." Tracy firmly said to her aunt.

(Back to the conference room at K.S Records)

"So miss Kara, you are saying that it was a huge burden for you to bear the weight of your secret?. a male reporter asked Kara.

"Yes it was a very huge burden," Kara replied.

"So why didn't you reveal it sooner to get rid of the very huge burden you were carrying?? The same reporter asked Kara.

"I just couldn't do it," Kara replied to the reporter.

"Now that my secret is out, I want to let all my fans to know that I'm remorseful, and I'm asking for a second chance," Kara said to the reporters.

"Speaking of fans, Miss Kara, do you plan on quitting your music career?. It has been circulating around, that you plan on quitting your music career, tell us is this true?. One male reporter asked Kara.

"To be honest I've been waiting for that question to pop up since this conference started, that's even the main reason I agreed to hold this press conference, as your bosses have been disturbing me, trying to know if I'm quitting my music career......... Kara said with a pause.

"You reporters shouldn't just report news based on your assumptions or rumors, without the evidence that what you are reporting is true," Kara said to the reporters

"As reporters, your duty to the public is to dig up the truth about something or someone, not fabricate lies because of competition, it is absolutely wrong, it isn't right!. Kara said to the reporters making them to be loss for words.

(Meanwhile, a gathering of civilians, that were watching the press conference on TV immediately stood up and gave her a clap, satisfied by her statement to the reporters)

"Well this is my official statement, when I was known as K.S, I didn't have the intention of letting my fans down........ Kara paused again.

"And now that I'm now known as "Kara Stewart" I'm not going to let my fans down, not today not tomorrow." Kara continued.

"So to make it short, I am going to continue my singing career, I'm going to continue using my voice as an inspiration to reach out to those who desperately need to be inspired," Kara said to the reporters with a bright smile.

"And also, I now have a new manager and publicist, My New manager and publicist name is "Miss Rebecca Anderson," Kara said to the reporters.

"This press conference is now over!. Kara said to the reporters with a smile.

Immediately flashes and clicking of camera sounds were heard as Kara left the conference room.

Kara was immediately escorted by Joshua and Joseph alongside Rebecca to the lobby of the K.S Records building, where the limousine was waiting for her alongside the other bodyguards.

Kara quickly got into her limousine and Joshua who was also serving as her chauffeur immediately drove off with the three other limousines containing the other bodyguards escorting her limousine as convoys.

After about one hour and forty minutes, Kara and her convoy finally arrived at the Stewart mansion.

Upon arriving at the driveway inside the mansion, Joshua immediately came out to open the door for Kara.

"Thanks, Joshua," Kara said to Joshua

"It's my pleasure," Joshua replied back with a smile.

Coming out of the limousine again was Rebecca, Kara's manager.

"See you guys around," Kara said to the bodyguards.

And with that Kara and Rebecca went inside the mansion.

As soon as Kara got inside the mansion, she quickly had a shower, had her lunch before going upstairs to catch up on her sleep that was deprived of her because of the so-called press conference.

The next morning Kara woke up looking radiant, she quickly washed her teeth, had a morning shower before coming down for breakfast.

"Good morning Rebecca!.

"Good morning Mom!. Kara greeted the two most important people in her life while taking her seat at the dining table.

"How was your night baby girl?. Mrs. Katherine asked Kara.

"It was fine," Kara replied happily.

"Hope you slept well, Kara??" Mrs. Katherine asked Kara.

"Yes mom, I slept like a baby," Kara replied to her mom.

"How about you Rebecca, did you sleep well?" Kara asked Rebecca.

"Yes, I did Kara, thanks for your concern," Rebecca replied to Kara.

"You are welcome, but no need to thank me, you are family now, you are now my senior sister, the senior sister I've never had," Kara said to Rebecca happily.

"Thanks, Kara, I'm very glad you see me as your sister because I've already taken you as my junior sister, the junior sister I never had but had always wished for," Rebecca said to Kara with happiness.

"Awww! That's so sweet, and I'm glad I got to meet you and also get to know you," Kara said to Rebecca with tears of joy flowing down her face.

"Me too! Rebecca said with the same emotions as Kara's.

Wiping her tears Kara asked what's for breakfast.

"It's bread and toasted egg with your favorite almond milk, the chef had overdone himself today." Mrs. Katherine said to Kara with a smile.

"Well, that's great! And I can't wait to start eating," Kara happily said while she started eating.

"Kara! They have been an uproar in all social media because of your press conference yesterday....... Rebecca said to Kara, with a pause.

"And I also wrote a statement that your fans should expect a new debut album with the name "KARA STEWART" so the talks about your secret can dissolve. Rebecca continued.

"I thought with that, your fans would now have a new headline to discuss about instead of your secret, and it worked perfectly, your social media accounts have been flooding with positive comments! Rebecca said to Kara happily.

"Here! look at them." Rebecca brought Kara's apple phone, logged in to Kara's social media account, and showed her some of the fans comments that were as follows:-

(1) Hi Kara Stewart you rock!!!..

(2) Kara when are we gonna be expecting your new album, I can't wait!.

(3) Wow, Kara, I loved what you said in your press conference.

(4) Hi Kara I'm Josh, I love what you said in your press conference about reporters fabricating lies, you are absolutely right, thanks for letting them know about their mistakes, your biggest fan Josh from Canada.

(5) Hi Kara my name is Fernando William, I'm from Germany, I love you so much, and I love your songs, I can't wait to hear your new songs.

(6) Hi Kara I must say you are a rare gem!.

(7) Hi Kara, you are my role model, I love you so much, my name is Lily from Texas, and I'm eight years old.

(8) Hi I'm Bianca from new york, I'm one of your biggest fans, please, please tell me when your new album is gonna be out, and I love your light blue gown, please tell me where can I get a gown like that?.

(9) Hi I'm Rodrigues from Portugal, I must say you are very smart and outstanding, we love you very much here in Portugal.

(10) Hi Kara I'm Louis from England, I'm one of your biggest fans, can't wait to hear your new debut album.

"Kara you see it worked!. Rebecca said to Kara with a bright smile.

"Well that's great, now I gotta prepare for my interview with Mr. Alaric Whitman," Kara said to Rebecca.

"Yeah! You have to prepare for your interview with Mr. Alaric Whitman, I hear he is a very strict man, and he doesn't hold back when asking celebrities questions during his interview," Mrs. Katherine said to Kara.

"Now you are just scaring me." Kara pouted making her Mom and Rebecca to laugh at her cuteness.

Meanwhile, in magazines vendors and newspapers vendors, various Kara Stewart magazines and newspapers were neatly arranged, in the newspapers, they were headlines like:-

(1) Kara Stewart apologizes to fans.

(2)Kara Stewart is remorseful for keeping secrets.

(3) Kara Stewart appoints a new manager and publicist.

(4)Rebecca Anderson, the new manager and publicist of Kara Stewart the princess of pop.

(5)Kara Stewart says guilt has been lifted off her shoulders

(6)Kara Stewart still continuing her music career.

(7) Kara Stewart accuses reporters of fabricating lies.

(8) Kara Stewart states that she will still continue her music career.

(9) Rebecca Anderson, the new manager and publicist of the princess of pop Kara Stewart has stated in her social media account, that fans should expect a new debut album, with the name Kara Stewart soon.

(10) Kara Stewart to release debut album soon, says Rebecca Anderson.

(11) Kara Stewart secrets revealed in concert

These were the headlines of various newspapers found in various news vendors, and a lot of crowds were coming and going out of the news vendors, each of them trying to buy any newspaper or magazine related to Kara Stewart.

One of them was a certain C.E.O who is also a Prince.

"Wow! just look at her looking so hot for a girl of her age." The strange C.E.O said while looking at the magazine of Kara in his hand.

Smiling at the picture of Kara printed on the magazine he said:-

"I'd surely see you again "seniority,"

"You would one day become my wife, goodbye for now," The strange CEO said to himself while walking away from the crowd and the newspaper vendors, towards his Lamborghini.





(Author's Thought)

Hello Guys, Hi again!

It's Me Godsent Banky, the author of this novel.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this novel so far just as I have enjoyed writing it!

Once again I want to thank those who have been supporting me so far with their ratings and comments, I really appreciate it.

You guys are all awesome and I love Y'all so much!

Creation is hard, so please if you have enjoyed reading this novel so far, please give it a thumbs up by rating the novel and give your thoughts about this novel in the comments section of this novel.

Your ratings and reviews encourage me to write more so please rate and drop a review if you find this novel interesting.

You can please follow me on my Facebook Page at "G.S BANKY STORIES," or message me on WhatsApp at +2347016224785 to get notified as soon as I update "ROYAL LOVE I ACCIDENTALLY FELL FOR A PRINCE."

Thank You very much for your past support and your future support to come!


Godsent Banky