
Chapter 27- Serrina

When the third bell struck, Serrina shot up from her position in bed and found herself alone. Despite the bed being king Edgar’s, he never actually slept in it. He spent most of his nights in places she did not bother to know, but the first half of each night was the time he spent with her.

She’d gotten used to it, the pain and the torturous touch. It was enough that he tormented her with his presence, being left alone as she slept was indeed nothing but a blessing.

After she woke up and figured that her side was once again left empty, a smile formed on her bruised lips. Dormer had granted her a meeting with Azriel and Logan the previous day and she’d been stupid enough to think it came without a price.

He’d taken out his torment on her body instead.

But Serrina did not and would never regret her request. It had calmed her heart to have that conversation, however short it had been.