
Back to school

I have to admit the car ride into the neutral territory was awkward and tense. My father made reference to the atmosphere a few time, but neither Laura nor I did or said anything about it.

I kept my head tilted toward the window watching the trees go by as we drove threw the wooded pass between lands. I couldn't help the anticipation that made a knot in my stomach, making me cross my arms hugging my stomach hopping to God it would go away. Fucking new school, I hated being the new girl of course. I quickly chanced a glance at my sister, she was adding another thick layer of paste (make up) to her face and I quickly averted my eyes feeling slightly disgusted.

Pulling my phone out I hadn't even checked to see if I had gotten any messages or text from my former pack mates. But then I halted my motion and remember why I probably wouldn't get any texts or calls. Sighing quietly to my self I pouted slightly jutting out my bottom lip just a tad.

Just then my father rounded a corner and the school came into view.

Four stories high on a cliff side that dropped twice. Both levels had a four story building, and maybe 5 bungalows to go with it. The school it self was butt up against a cliff face making the school blend in just right. I couldn't believe how perfect it look from the outside. But I had to rein in my excitement because I knew not all things were rainbows and sunshine.

Pulling up to the gated parking lot my father dropped us off letting us know that he would come by when school was over to pick us up. A lot of kids from our new pack were here and watched as our father drove away. My sister hadn't waited and took off with out saying good bye to our father.

I gave my old man a quick goodbye before turning on the spot and walked towards the school. It was human free just built for wolves and I was glad for it, we didn't have to worry about premature shifting, because whoever shifter would be among those who had already shifted and such.

Letting my sense take over, I could smell the different packs scents, as well as scents that there were others besides my new pack members here. My father had said both packs sent there kids to school in the neutral area, so inturn they hope to find their mates.

A mate....I still hadn't found mine and neither had my sister. But I didn't hold my breath for Laura, even if she found a mate I doubt she would stay with them unless it was someone high up on the food chain. I remember how in our last pack she was dating the Betas son and screwing the Alphas son at the same time.

Shaking my head I started my journey to find the front office while quickly covering my head with my hoodie. My father had said the alpha set everything in order all we had to do was pick up our schedules and we would be fine.

As I walked on searching for the office I kept my head down my hoody pulls tight around my head, so I wouldn't draw any attention to myself. But my attempts were flawed, I could feel eyes on me with every step I took. I can't blame them, I would wonder who I was too, being the new kid every person had to be nosey right. Especially with my silver blonde hair, not that it was anything special but I always felt left out because everyone around me had brown hair and I was the odd ball with my father of course to have light blonde hair that looked almost silver.

Hunching my shoulders slightly I found the main building where the office was. This whole place smelt like woods and pine and mint....that ever present mint smell...actually peppermint. Pulling the door open to the office and stepping in side I ran into a foreign body who had been walking out.

Both of our bodies bounceing back I looked up to see Laura. She hissed at me before flipping her curled hair and shoving past me. A small growl rumbled in my chest, as I watched her walk off. Turning my attention back to the office a plump lady sat behind the front desk, ignoring our exchange as if it were nothing new to her.

"Name." Her voice was so monatoned, you could tell she hated working.

"Dallas Don" I spoke pulling my hoddie down, while combining my hands threw my hair.

Pulling her brows together she wrote something down, her chubby fingers typed viciously on the keyboard. "Ok Miss Don. Your last school said you past all high school courses and were stuck with electives and on your own studies."

"Correct." I leaned over her desk trying to see where it was she was reading all of this.

Clearing her throat I stepped back and she handed me a small square sheet of paper. I thanked her and walked out, pushing the door open only for it to clatter and rebound a little due to me hitting someone.

Sighing in defeat I groaned out, my day can't get worse can it. Peering around the door to see who I had caught off guard, caught me by surprise. Martin Moon sat on the floor his books scattered and his glasses slanted on his face. I took a small breath and his scent was like peaches, sweet, but not sweet to make your mouth water. I wanted to die right then and there, I had just dropped the Alphas son/ soon to be Alpha on his ass.

Quickly moving to his side I started picking up the fallen and scattered books. "I'm so so so...really really really sorry."

Clearing his throught of a chuckle and reverting his glasses to there normal position, he stood up from the floor and dusted himself off. "It's fine, honestly it was my fault I wasn't paying any attention." Grabbing his bag he finally looked up at me.

His big blue doe eyes widened when he recognized me. "Dallas," he blinked a couple times before pursing his lips in a thin line and taking the books I offered back to him. "How are you?" He watched me as I shifted on my feet, looking down at the floor.

"I'm fine thanks..."pausing for a second then remembering I had just dropped him on his ass. "I'm sorry for n_."

"Don't apologize, it was my fault." He smiled, before motioning me to walk with him. "What's your first class?" His tone of voice changed to one of curiosity. Lifting my schedule up at an angle to show him, he nodded to me. "We have similar classes, if you want I could show you around?" Instead of saying anything I just nodded in response.

I followed him to my first period which was classic art. On the way we talked about how I had finished my actual high school courses and since there was nothing more to do I took electives. He was the same way, the only difference in our schedule was he had independent studies for 4th and 5th period, where as I had training and weapons those periods.

He was a nice guys but for being an Alphas son he didn't radiate power nor draw attention to himself. He was different, he seems almost fragile so to speak.

Once we got to the class room we both sat down in the back. The bell rang and I noticed not too many kids were in the class. Inhaling deeply I caught different scents, some which belonged to our pack others that smelt like rain that I could only imagen was the midnight pack.

The teacher walked in and the session began. I closed my eyes and released a deep sigh....so far my day was going down the drain.

Oh Goddess what more can be done?