
Roslyn’s Mark

Roslyn is 18, she had lived with her grandfather since she was four. Her tribe has always been different. They've been able to shift into wolves. They're werewolves. Roslyn had been isolated from her tribe beause she was different, shes never shifted ever. Many have doubts she even carried the trait to shift. She has no scent, no special abilities. Nothing, she was different and her parents knew. They had given her to her grandpa who lived in Miami. She visited her trbe twice up until her parents death. She never returned again. That all changes when her grandpa dies so she has to move back to Stehekin Washington. Her college is there and so is her uncle so everything will work out. Right?

Sin_Writes · 奇幻言情
12 Chs


I wake up in the middle of the night smelling the scent from earlier. Rolling over in my bed I see the boy from the parking lot sitting in my loveseat. In the corner of my room.

I gasp and sit up quickly. I rub my eyes, he's gone.

Oh, it was just a figment of my imagination.

I throw the covers off myself and go downstairs. All the lights are off and everyone is asleep.

Not surprising considering it's still pitch black.

I go into the kitchen making some iced tea. I sit on the couch when I'm done balled up in the corner.

I hear footsteps and ignore them. The lights turn on.

"What are you doing up?"

I look up to see Chris.

I say "Couldn't sleep."

He says "It's four o'clock isn't that a little early for you?"

I say "I could ask you the same thing."

He says "I have work, I have a reason to be awake at this hour."

I say "So do I, I couldn't sleep."

Chris gets on my nerves.

I roll my eyes and stand up. He leaves the room.

I get up and walk to the back door, sliding it open. The fresh air hits my face. Although it feels good the air is cold.

I step onto the wood deck and set my iced tea down on the table back here.

I'm gonna go by my bedroom window. I walk down the few steps and around the corner of the house.

My bedroom window isn't that high, out in the open, and big.

I hear leaves crunch, and Bo say "Don't tell me you plan on sneaking someone in."

I say "I don't trust me, I just thought I saw something last night."

He walks back inside and I hear the door slide shut.

Why is everyone in this house awake already.

I grab my tea and walk back inside. I sit down at the island and the front door opens.

"Good morning precious Locklear's."

Ugh Hunter.

I flip my hair to one side of my head and groan.

Nolan jogs down the stairs, Jake following closely behind.

Jake grabs my shoulders and shakes them "Well looks who's up."

Soon everyone, including Hunter is in the kitchen. They start talking and I covers my face with my palms.

Couldn't they have chosen anywhere else in the house.

Bill asks "So Roslyn how was your first day yesterday?"

I look up and ask "You talking to me."

He nods and Hunter says "Who else has the name Roslyn."

I roll my eyes and lean back in my chair.

Twirling my finger around the circumference of my cup.

I respond "It was fine, little boring."

Jake says "That's surprising."

I ask "Why?"

They all look at each other.

Nolan says "Well you're a city girl in a not so big not so city town."

I roll my eyes and say "I gotta get going."

Hunter says "Classes start at like 8."

I say "I'm gonna go get coffee."

They all look at me funny as I walk upstairs. What's their problems?

I change into a cropped tight short sleeve shirt, straight legged jeans, and doc martins. I grab an oversized flannel and put it on.

I grab my school bag and walk downstairs.

I wonder if Knox will be at school. I dreamt of him last night and now I just can't get him off my mind. Hopefully he's not, for my sake.

I get in my car, throwing my bag into the passenger seat.

The drive brings me peace. From the windy roads to the forest surrounding them.

I completely lied early, I'm not going to get coffee I'm going straight to school. Since I'm gonna be waiting till 10 I might as well explore.

I get out of my car and lock it. It's 5 am so I bring a book with me, my headphones (multiple), my phone and a Walkman.

Just in case my phone dies I thought my school bag was necessary. I want ti be able ti be identifiable in case of emergency.

I as if I was going into the building but make a right turn. There is woods behind the school so that's where I plan on going.

I make another turn, this time left. Finally entering the woods I make sure not to trip on any branches.

I put my hand on a tree as I step off of a rock. I walk quite a while before reaching a small cliff overlooking a beach. Only being about six feet high.

I sit down, my legs dangling off the cliff. I put my headphones in and play 'Charlie Boy' by the Lumineers on my Walkman.

I close my eyes and lean back on my forearms. Kicking my legs as I lean my head back. The slight breeze flows through my hair I kept down.