
Romance of Blind Billionaire

He has everything he wants and love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield....  This is a Love story of Vincent Lennon and Skylar Whitfield. The one you wouldn't want to miss!   To be blind isn't easy and to fight for love is another hard thing entirely but here Vincent Lennon fight it all.  He stood up to fame at the age of twenty years old. He owned the JB company, biggest Company in the city of Mexico despite being blind.  He has everything he wants but love is something he thought he wasn't destined for not until he met Skylar Whitfield.  Skylar whitfield, She will do anything for money to survive and save her sister and this is what brought her into Vincent Lennon's life. she is on a mission to tame his heart but she got her heart tamed instead.  She lit up his dark world and they both fell madly in love with each other but the fate wouldn't let them be together.  As they had to fight hard for their love and change the fate to be together.  Read this interesting Romance of the Blind billionaire 

Baby_Mediagirl · 都市
70 Chs

Visit to the Spa.


"Hey, you're gonna pull my arm down" She winced as I dragged her into her office.

"Tell me what was that I saw in the office earlier? " I asked curiously, I was just wondering what might be going on between her and Mr Vincent, Mr Vincent is not the type to go easy on Workers after His last girlfriend left him, I haven't see him with any girl nor will he ever let anybody touch him, but what I saw this morning left me in awe.

"What is it you saw?" She shrugged, pretending she didn't understand what I'm talking about.

"Hey, You know what I'm talking about, why are you and Boss holding hands? The Mr Vincent I knew will not let just anyone touch him" I added and she chuckled.

"Okay Nothing is going on between us, I just help him with something that is why we held hands, nothing! '' She said loudly and I chuckled looking at her suspiciously.

"Evelyn, Nothing, See you need to go to your office, he said I should finish the file quickly" She said and pushed me out while I chuckled.

"I will soon find out by myself" I mumbled before walking away.


I chuckled after succeeding in pushing Evelyn out of my office, she is just like Anita, pain in ass.

I took my seat and Started working on the files he asked me to proofread. My sight ran into his office and he looked so cute while working in his office. His tainted hair made him more cute.

Damn! Hope it's not what I'm thinking?

I knew he was already falling for me. He held my hands when He didn't allow anybody to touch him and I even hugged him.

But I hope I'm not falling this way also.

I shook my head and started proofreading the files.

After some minutes the landline rang and Mr Vincent summoned me to his office.

"We are done for today, I told you we are going out right? " He reminded me and I nodded.

"Yes sir" I replied.

"Good, Let's go!" He said, standing up and picking up his white cane.

I quickly went to get my bag, I wondered where we were really going.

I hopped into the car and the driver ignited the engine immediately.

"Miss Skylar, I just want you to keep me company since Ben is not around" He said and I nodded.

"I would love to do that, sir," I said with a smile.

"Do you have a Boyfriend? '' I was surprised when he asked that question,

" Pardon sir? " I asked and he chuckled.

" I asked if you have a boyfriend? " He repeated his question.

"No sir, I'm single" I chuckled and he nodded with a smile,

"But why is he asking me? " I was baffled.

The car pulled over after some hours and I helped him down. I looked up at the Beauty Spa and I scoffed. Why are we here?

"Mr Vincent" A young lady walked out of the Beauty spa and as soon as she walked closer. Mr Vincent already knew who it was.

"Miss Rose" He smiled and the lady who seemed to be Rose by name chuckled.

"It's been awhile Mr Vincent '' She said and escorted us inside and we walked past the beauty salon, different people were there, Getting facial services.

I've never been to a place like this in my life. I could see some people mumbling, staring at Mr Vincent as he walked past them, Some were even taking pictures of him.

Now I'm jealous, he looks too cute and that makes him a celebrity.

It's so beautiful. Some people are getting their hair stylish also. I looked ahead of me to see Mr Vincent and the lady were fast ahead of me already so I quickly fastened my steps to catch up with them.

Where are we really going? Why did he come here?

We passed through a door and My mouth dropped as soon as we entered the Massage suites. Damn! It looked so enticing,

"Mr Ben didn't come with you? " Miss Rose asked as we entered the Place.

"Yeah, I came with my Assistant, Ben is busy" He replied and his white cane was taken from him.

" Miss you need to stay here" She said and my face dropped, I looked at Mr Vincent before nodding. Why should I stay here?I rolled my eyes.

"She should get her body massage too" Mr Vincent speaks up and I blink my eyes, I've never done this in my life, he wants me to get my body massage too?

"Okay, come with us" She said and I followed them into the small suits where we met two girls dressed like Miss Rose and they came to me while I blinked as they were about to strip me off my clothes.

" What… . What are you trying to do? " I asked guarding myself with my arms

" You need to take your clothes off" They said and I looked over at Mr Vincent who was already lying on the small bed with his shirt off leaving him with his trousers only, Goodness! I've never done this before.

I allowed them to take off my clothes and they led me to the small bed beside where Mr Vincent laid.

This is so weird, I look at his body and Damn! Did he fall down from heaven? I wondered if he is also working out, how come his six pack is so cute, I feel like running my hand down his body but I'm not ready to get my ass fired, I need to take things slow.

The two girls started massaging my body and it feels so good.

I don"t know what they use but my body becomes oily and I smile at how good it feels against my skin.

"Miss Skylar, are you feeling good? " Mr Vincent asked and I chuckled.

" I'm feeling damn good, I never thought I would do this in my life," I said and he Chuckled.


We are done with the massage, I smile as my body feels so much better than before.

"Mr Vincent, It's nice to have you here today" Miss Rose said with a smile and Mr Vincent nodded.

"You are good at what you are doing" He compliments and that got her smile widely.

He has a way of moving someone's heart.

"Thank you" Miss Rose replied and he nodded.

"Miss Skylar let's go," He said.

We walked out of Beauty Spa and hopped into the car. The driver started the engine and hit the road.

"Hmm Sir, thank you so much for today," I said and he smiled.

"Come on, it's nothing" He chuckled and I smiled. He is so nice too obviously, he is an angel. I look at the time and it's already 7pm, I can't wait to get home.


I don't really know why I'm doing this but I love it. She is making me smile lately so i wanted her to keep my company since Ben isn't around and it worth it,

"Sir, where is Miss going to drop? " The driver asked and I cleared my throat.

Yeah, that is right, we don't know where she lives.

"Miss Skylar, your house Address" I asked but no response until the driver speak up

" Sir, she is asleep" He replied and I scoffed.

Like that? I couldn't help but chuckle.

" Continuing driving, we will take her to my house," I told him.