
Rogue's Rebirth

For the past few years Rogue has been treated as a slave by her cruel Aunt's family. They've stolen her inheritance and made her life a living hell, but an encounter with an elderly woman will turn her life from hell on earth to heaven, as long as she is willing to accept the drastic changes she will go through. Will Rogue be brave enough to grab this opportunity and crush the people whom she despises the most or will they end her life?

RougeDraco · 奇幻言情
102 Chs

To be or not to be part 3

"Rogue, may I talk to you for a moment please. Thanks." Michael and Rogue walked to the small waiting area followed by Jonah. Lucifer tried to follow along but Rogue scowls at him and he stops in his tracks, "I believe he asked to speak to me not you Lucifer. Please wait here." Rogue turns around and a little amused smile peeks out for a moment before she schooled her expression. "Mr.Flynn you wanted to speak to me?" Michael takes a breath and quickly starts to speak, "Rogue after seeing the photos that you took today I think you have the talent to join our team. I know I mentioned it earlier and I don't want to rush your decision but I believe you have star potential." Michael was trying to keep his eagerness from showing but he couldn't help from squirming as he waits.

"First, I want to thank you for giving me the opportunity to do the shoot. Second, I know you did speak to me about it but I'm not sure if I'm talented enough to do it for a career. Maybe if I was training to become an actress or model, I would not be so hesitant about it but I'm majoring in Business Management. I plan to take over my family's business when I finish my schooling and it will probably make it difficult for me to study and work at the same time since my grandfather wants me to begin my internship at our company as soon as possible. If and I mean if I decide to do this, I will have to hire a personal assistant. I want to personally interview him or her because I want an employee that's loyal to me not the company. I will also give you a schedule that must be strictly followed, I will not let my studies or my internship suffer because you want to add a job at the last minute. All last minute changes have to be approved by me, if I say no it means no. I will require coaches to polish my skills before I debut. I have the right to turn down any project that I don't like or find offensive or morally inappropriate. If you can get the approval for all this requests I will sign a contract for 2 years with your company. Do we have an agreement Mr.Flynn?"

"Rogue, I don't have the authority to agree to your terms, please give me a moment while I call the boss." He walks away and quickly calls the CEO, "Sir, This is Michael Flynn. I'm sorry to call you like this but I have some news for you and couldn't wait until tomorrow's morning meeting. Remember I spoke to you regarding Lucifer's girlfriend yesterday? You do great! I want to send you the raw images that we took today of her and the boys.* Michael had Jonah send the file to their boss as he kept speaking to him over the phone, "Did you receive the file? Please take a look, sir. If you agree with me and want to sign her she gave me a list of nonnegotiable terms." A muffled curse word is heard by Michael as a deep sexy manly voice answers him, "Agree with all terms. Get that contract signed before she leaves the building today. We have found our future diva. Are you still at the photo studio? I'm coming to meet her, what's her name?"

Michael could hear a lot of movement and a quick muffled conversation as he answered the boss, "She's related to one of the girls that maybe debuting in three months, Lisa Drake. She's going to debut as an actress/model for us but boss honestly Rogue is about a billion times more talented than her. She's a natural, I'm one hundred percent certain that she is capable of debuting in three months." Michael smugly smiled as he heard the boss's shocked gasp.