
Rogue's Ascendance

Betrayed, cast aside, played for a fool and finally cursed. He wants nothing more than to spend the rest of his days grieving but it seems fate has other plans. He was cursed to be nothing more than a stepping stone, a clown, an antagonist. Done with the pain he finally stands up and decides to do something, to become more than what he is supposed to be. What does he do... Toy with the heroes? Grow stronger? Recruit the other villains? Defy the ones who cursed him? Answer: All of the above. Follow the tales of Azel the one who messes with destiny and gives fate the middle finger.

Xand3r · 奇幻
30 Chs

Vena's update

(Azel POV)


I grunted and arched my back out of pain from being unconscious on the cold padded floor.

My neck and other part of my body also ache, like my hand feel hea-

"What is that?"

Was the room always grey and the... the.. I am not dreaming, right?

I could feel a stream of water flow through my face, I always thought I wasn't bothered by the fact I was blind but it wasn't true.

Although I rarely act like it I was scared, lost and very frustrated.

I could still hear the disappointment in Dmitri's voice when he heard I'd be blind forever and that no potion, elixir or magic could cure me.

The tears my mom would shed quietly when I was asleep hurt every bit of my soul.

"Hold mom-"

I wiped my face, clearing away the remnants of my tears and snot.

'This must die with me.'

I looked around the room and began to search for the box and finally found it next to the bench.

I grabbed the box and took a look at it the inside of the box was layered in fine velvet lining.

I shifted the box a bit to get a good look when I noticed a small rolled-up paper.

I picked up the paper and it was blank there was nothing on it.

"... "

I raised my eyebrows and couldn't believe it, I was sure that there must be something on the paper.

I brought the paper closer to my face and sent my mana into the small blank paper.

The paper received my mana and the surface began to change, the edges of the paper began to light up and words began to appear on the paper.

"Tell no ONE!!"

I read the words aloud.

I said nothing after that as I stood in place and contemplated the meaning behind the words, the paper on which I read the words was gradually burning.

"What do you think it means?"

I asked my beloved partner, though I rather she not know I think of her that way.

[... As expected.]

"what do you mean?"

[Start up your status and check it.]

Somehow sceptical I called out.


A blue holographic screen appeared in my view.

<Accessing data, cross-referencing pile.... Does the host wish to update program?>

"Yes, I do."

I said and the screen changed bringing forth new words.

<The host should place his palm in the designated centre.>

The outline of a palm appeared on the screen and I laid my hands on it.

<scanning.... scanning.... done.>

<identity approved preparing to update program.>

<updating program.... 2%.. Connecting to the world's interface..< p>

< 28% connecting to the celestial network.. 35% fetching background information.... >

<41% accessing mana draft...68% establishing access to the World's Will....>

<83% adding constituent [V.e.n.a] to the program....>

<Connected to the soul... 95%.. &@&@&@ERROR!!!!!>

The words continued to appear on the screen.

The words began with one, then five, steadily multiplying and occupying all corners, after filling all corners the words began overlapping themselves.

"Vena.. Vena, shit."

I came to a realisation that, I couldn't do anything and Vena is always down during an update.

<£@#π has established a connection>

<£@#π blocks the interferance>

<£@#π tells you to grow stronger and never betray the one that chose you.>

'Am rooting for you, Matthew.'

A guttural and dark voice resounded in my head.

I was confused and lost about all that is...

'He called me Matthew.... A god or an overlord, but which?'

I stood still deeply reflecting, trying to make a list of gods and overlords, I know that will try to not kill me.

The image and ding on the system drew me out.

<ding! Framework activated>


A slight smile adorned my lips when I realised that I was not the only one evolving.

[So what do you think?]

"Did you do something to your voice?"

[I did]

Vena's voice was not mechanical like others anymore but it was also not humanlike but now it's different, it was emotional and her voice is now alive.

"It sounds good."

I told her honestly.

[Thanks, now call upon your interface.]


I said in my mind.

'Status, status.'

I called out repeatedly but nothing happened.

"Vena, what is the activation word."


She chuckled sheepishly.

[It's ekran¹.]

"Seriously, why not just make it display instead."

[ekran sounds cooler and slick]

She said like it was a matter of fact.

I shared my head at her antics.


I called out in my native tongue.

A screen formed right in front of me, the screen was different from the others, the holographic screen was black with purple text and curved silver edges.

The screen loaded and the text said.


"Well, shit."

¹ Ekfran is a native language which means display.

² I know in the previous chapter I wrote upgrade, but that upgrade was different, the upgrade signifies Vena trying to break down the massive amount of Ather she took in.