
Road To ROBhood

I went to sleep and now I am in front of a ROB who says he needs to send me to the destroyed DC multiverse and that there is only one universe of it left remaining. At least I get wishes Wait, I don't but I get a request Inspired By Marvel: Starting From The Bottom, In Marvel As Superman, Traversing The Multiverse. Disclaimer: I don't the rights to the creations of others. Note that it will get incredibly dark Mentions of very dark themes ahead

DarkHelixDragoon24 · 游戏衍生
26 Chs

God Of Isekai Chp 23



"This is nice," I say while drinking some soda and watching some anime

I am rich in this new universe as well so there is nothing bad about it

I have been here for 2 weeks already sightseeing and just enjoying myself

I am in the world of Big Bang Theory

I did meet the cast but other than that I have just been enjoying myself

No worries

No conquests

Just me

I look for other animes that I haven't watched before and just enjoy watching them

I made sure to download the osts that I like though so yeah

I put down the soda and open a new bag of chips

I have a literal house's worth of junk food and I love it

I smile as I relax

This is what I needed a breather

I lean back and enjoy myself


"Here is your order," says a lady handing me my Starbucks

"Thanks have a nice day," I tell her as she gives me my card back

I drive away and drink my Starbucks on the way

Today is my last day of vacation

I am already dreading it but at this point, I have nothing to do anymore

Thanks to bringing a computer that can keep up with my perception I watched every single anime that interested me

Heck, I watch 300 hundred episodes of One Piece in less than 10 minutes and I still remember everything that was said due to my incredible brain

Its time to go back and deal with everything

After a few hours of me just going around Loc Angeles and going to eat at many different places, it was time for me to leave

"This was awesome," I say looking at the house that I bought using the money of a few mind-controlled corrupted politicians

"I will keep it, I need a place for when I want to return," I say teleporting back to DC making sure to bring all of my tech with me

I sigh as the familiar metallic white walls appear around me

I connect to the Kara hive and see how everything is going

("How was everything master?") asks Kara on her position on the moon

("It went fine") I answer while putting on my equipment and I put in all the information I obtain in a sun crystal and let it be downloaded into the main database

"Huh," I say while getting Kara's memories of every person of interest left in DC

Nothing of importance actually happened, and more of the targets on my list have been turned to my side

Raven has been spotted fighting some demons and losing badly due to her inexperience

I get her location and quickly bring her here and turn her to my side as well

She immediately caves in due to how exhausted she is

Another down

I take her to the HQverse in order to avoid her father looking for her on the Hidden Ocean

Going back to DC, I realize that I am basically done with everything here

Batman is a non-issue since I am not looking for a confrontation and I can just wait for him to die

Eobard Thawne has also been turned to my side and being a pain in the ass for Barry Allen while also keeping an eye on him in case he tries to time travel

Circe was found and turned to my side

Honestly, at this point, I won

I just have to wait a few decades and boom

I have no idea what to do now except go to the forge of worlds and take all the remaining Tenth Metal from it

Brainiac will also be dealt with soon enough

I have an army, hot chicks at my disposal, and more power than I clearly know what to do with

I guess I could train my magic and find a way to strip Ares of the divinities that he stole from the gods he killed

Oh right, in one of the dark multiverses he created a helmet that increased his power a hundred times

That could be interesting


"It is done," I say looking at the last people on Earth that are not under my influence pass away from old age

I handled every enemy of the Justice League ever had to face

Beings like Darkseid and Triggon plus Dominus had no idea what hit them

Raven took over her Father's domain after I made sure she could defeat him and since I literally own her very existence, I now own all of Triggon's forces

Grail was easy enough to bring under my control

She is currently kneeling between my legs alongside Hyppolita, Atlanna, Starfire, and Hawkgirl

Maxima is rubbing herself next to me

Making them immortal was easy enough

Grail took over Darkseid's power and throne on Apokalips

Whatever remained of Darkseid is now my loyal lap dog watching over my empire across the universe

The Guardians of OA bow down to me

I have gone to other worlds on occasion in case I find something of interest to me but otherwise, I have stayed as much as possible in DC

I went to the world of Naruto to eat the Chakra Fruit that was left behind when Kaguya took the Shinju into herself

The general boost it gave was incredible, combined with my own natural powers and magic

I trained obviously but every time I do something like that it just gets more and more annoying since I have no one to test it but whatever

I went to Hogwarts in the 17 century to avoid all the bullshit of the main story and carved my name as a wizard far surpassing Merlin

It was fun

I did the same thing for a few years going to other universes to have a bit of fun and grow stronger little by little

Heck, I went through a phase while racing against Toretto

I haven't gone to Marvel yet as there is so much bullshit going on there that the crystal is still red which means I not going there yet

Surprisingly, the world of Dragon Ball is still colored black

But, thanks to the Omniversal Key which I managed to actually use, it informed me of all the stuff going on there

I am not going there and fighting begins capable of destroying Multiverses by simply blinking too hard and I am not talking about Zeno

There is a lot going on behind the scenes that were never shown

I mean if I use the Key, I can pretty much do whatever I want

I can even create multiversal clusters if I want to

Which I did

For a good reason

I am sick of people getting fucked over on purpose

In the world of Big Bang Theory, everyone has shit luck or rather has negative luck and the main cast has a very small amount of good luck

If I were to put it in simple terms, normal people have a luck stat of -20, the main cast has a value of 1 luck

It's not just them either

It's the same thing throughout the Omniverse

The 'protagonists' have a luck stat of 1 while the rest are in negative

This is why I have designed a basic karmic system that combats this

Especially since Lady Luck was being a total bitch about this

She gets off on people's suffering

I left out her influence on my new multiversal cluster

I fought her and won due to the Key and making her my bitch due to everything that she has done

The multiverse cluster that I created is strictly under my control

I can even order the gods of the cluster to destroy themselves if I want to

They will listen

I am going to Isekai someone for the first time

He will be going to a multiversal cluster that has DXD, Fate, Elder Scrolls, Dawn of the Dead(2019 my version at least), One Punch Man, Lord Of The Rings, Naruto, Overlord(Anime), One Piece, Harry Potter, RWBY, MHA, PJO, Witcher, and Limitless (2011)

I am not sending him off to die

I am not an asshole

But, he was chosen at complete random out of everyone that I am going to Isekai he is the first

Many people don't deserve what they got in their life

Events are happening throughout the Omniverse right now

Due to my fight with Lady Luck, I was discovered by everyone and they are waiting for a moment to strike

Those like the Scarlet King have begun to assault their multiverse in order to escape and begin to conquer other multiverses

I keep them contained as much as possible but there are a lot of beings out there

The person I am going to Isekai is nothing special

Honestly, if he wants to go to his afterlife I am going to let him

I remember when I met Aiden the second-strongest in existence

He gave me advice about Isekai

Make it fair

Don't give them wishes as they will bring them nothing but regret later due to their choices

As many will ask for a system or to be a Kryptonian or something like that

Instead, I have made different wheels with different stuff for them to spin and I will be dropping him off

The first wheel is for weapons from the Multiversal Cluster that I made

Second, an item

It can be from a Daedric artifact to the Elder Wand or the Chakra Fruit

There is a small workaround as well due to stuff like the Elder Wand which requires mana to use, I will give him Mana/Magicka to use the wand, this is a bonus though and he will get the bare minimum to use it

Third, is of course race, but due to how many races there are, I will allow him to choose 10 races that are from the multiversal cluster, and he can spin to get 1 of them

Fourth, a power source, for example, he can get Magicka or Chakra to even Aura from RWBY

Again only stuff from the Multiversal Cluster

Fifth, a perk wheel although this one is a work in progress, if he wants to spin it, I may offer him to to spin the weapon wheel and the item wheel or give him something that matches what he gets from anything of the wheels

I bring his soul over and wake him up

"Where am I?" asks the soul

"I am pretty sure you can tell already," I answer chuckling a bit

"No fucking way," He says after a while

"Yup, you are being Isekai although you have a choice if you want to or not, then you will just go to your afterlife," I tell him

He stays silent for hours but I don't mine

Hours are nothing to me

"Isekai, I want to be Isekai'ed," He answers and I slightly smile

"Well, here you go spin the wheels," I tell him

"The first wheel is for weapons and also you can blame everyone in Marvel because they didn't tell Steve Rogers that shields are for defense," I say

"How do I spin it? Wait, why am I so calm?" He asks

"Oh, just imagine yourself holding the lever and pulling it. You are calm because I am keeping you calm. Also, I have taken away the emotions from your memories, before you get angry, keep in mind that you will be able to regain the emotions attached to them in your new life as you experience it. Also, no I am not taking away your memories, just the emotions associated with them," I answer him and he pulls down the level after a few minutes

The wheel spins for a full minute before stopping at the Sun Blade from One Punch Man

"Well, Well aren't you quite lucky," I tell him as that particular weapon is pretty overpowered although the restrictions on it are very harsh in order to use it, but I have faith in him

"Where is the Sun Blade from," I give him a brief overview of it and he is happy with it

"Now for the item wheel," I bring it over and he spins it

Again it takes a full minute in order for it to stop

"Hahaha," He laughs and I smile at his draw

There is no Lady Luck to interfere

Although, he is quite lucky to get it if he got something like a potion of stamina I probably would have given him the potion and another draw of the wheel

He got the Boosted Gear

"Now, it is the race wheel," I explain to him that he has to choose 10 races that he would be happy with from the Multiversal cluster

If he gets a human from Naruto naturally he will get Chakra, If he gets Faunus he gets Aura

After, a few minutes of consideration he finally chooses the races



Breton Dragonborn(Skyrim)






Elf (LOTR)


He spins it and after a minute he gets

"Well, I will be damned," I say as He laughs in joy and I smile


"Also, since this is a race that naturally has Magicka, means that you also have Magicka and you haven't even gotten to the power source yet. Although, keep in mind that if you get Magicka again you can either spin it for another power source since you already have it or keep it and your Magicka reserves will be bigger," I tell him and bring him the other wheel and he spins it and he laughs again and my smile threatens to rip my face open


"Congratulations, I have the fifth wheel which is basically perks. Don't worry there is nothing bad, the absolute worse you can get is that anything you plant will grow three times faster," I tell him and he thinks about it for a moment

"Also since this a work in progress if you don't like it, you can just choose not to take it alright? Also, for that same reason, I will let you spin the weapon wheel and the item wheel or give you something that matches what you got from the wheels and one spin

He thinks about it for an hour and I just look at him

"I will take it," He says and he spins the wheel

"Interesting," I say looking at what he drew

Survival Instinct

"What does it do?" He asks

"It is exactly what it does. It gives you an instinct for how to survive in the wild. For example, it will help you survive in a forest, but be aware that it is not exactly battle oriented," I tell him

"Ok, umm from the weapon wheel can I get the moon blade as you said anything that matches what I got," He asks and I let him know that it's fine but he will have to find it around the world

"Don't worry, you will have the Sun Blade, it will help you find the Moon Blade," I tell him

"I would like to spin the item wheel," He says I motioned toward it and he spins it

"Gate Of Babylon (Rank E), what does that mean shouldn't it..." I cut him off

"It's empty, keep in mind that you will have to fill it out with 'valuables' in order for it to increase your own power, although the Sun Blade is a good start," I tell him

"About the Chakra, do I get any elemental natures?" He asks to which I say no

"Could I get any?" He asks to which I think about it

I sigh

"How about this, I will give you all five chakra natures, but your starting chakra will be less than a civilian from Naruto," I say and knowing what he is planning due to having Booster Gear

"Yes, I will take it,"

"For the race can I get starting novice spells from Skyrim?" He says and although I am bending it a little, I agree

"Awesome, I would like the..."

"Nothing from mods," I tell him

"Awww" He whines but I roll my eyes

"Alright look, I will give you three novice spells," I offer, and knowing him he agrees

"Healing, Bound Sword, and Oakflesh," He says and I nod at him

"Now as I told you the worlds, you can either choose to be reborn in either the world of Limitless 2011, or Dawn Of The Dead but instead of happening in 2004 it happens in 2019 also you would be the only one sentient as the humans would have been wiped out. Also, you don't have to worry about the virus as your dragon blood is capable of eradicating it," I tell him

"What age would I be?" He asks and I smile

"You would be eight years old," I tell him

"Why?" He asks

"You would be capable of movement and it will allow you to grow your reserves easier unless of course, you..." He cuts me off

"No, send me to the Zombie world," He says and I am staring at him

"If that is what you want," I say squashing down my concern

"Yes," He says and I smile slightly as I am still going to check in on him from time to time

"Goodbye and good luck," I tell him as I create his new body and make his soul that of a dragon sent him off and finish creating his body

"Wait, how will I travel to those other worlds..." He begins before his eyes widen as I change to the way I was before

"I love you brother and I am sure going to miss you," I say to him

"Nooooooo wwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttttttttttttttttt,"

"Take care," I say

I watch him as he arrives in shock at a safe place in a new world

He is my brother

I will watch over him

I went back to my home universe and saw what happened to him

He was killed by some thugs on his way back home to school

He had a mental disability which was the reason those 'purists' killed him

I cured him of it

I shake my head as I watch him

I did give him a way to travel

I gave him a Portal gun which was made by Rick but he can only travel within the multiversal cluster

It refills itself at a very slow pace though so yeah

It is inside the Booster Gear

He can bring it out once he achieves Balance Breaker

I look out of the Multiversal cluster and quickly kill several beings that want the Key

"This is gonna be fun," I say as I unleash my power and fight them

(N/A: Check out from Nothing to Godhood for the new story

There I am going to explain the connection between Trevor and the MC from the fic

Yes, they are brothers and I will explain it later on in that story

From Nothing To Godhood)

The End