
Road to God

Look If you had One shot Or one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted In one moment Would you capture it Or just let it slip?

Frogkun · 漫画同人
119 Chs

Chapter 83

"System, if I want to level up Saeko and the others up to level 15, how many points do I need?"

[If everyone includes Fiona, you need 305 million points. And we have 379 million points.]

"Actually it's enough. If you add the items you need to bought. How many points do we need?"

[The item I need doesn't cost points. But Gilds. So we will lose 305 points and 310 thousand gild. Not much right]

"Then we better do it after all this is over. We also need to build a Hyperbolic Time Chamber as well. Which room do you think we can use?"

[Room? Why just a room? We can make it as big as the entire Mochizuki General Hospital building]

"Wha... Are you serious?"

[What am I kidding for]

"Then, we can have everyone practice together."

[Saeko starts to approach the pawn.]

Yoru rushed to look at Saeko. He then used the sword he controlled to stop Saeko. After that, Saeko looked at Yoru and then lowered her head.

[looks like she's pouting]

"She's not strong enough right now. Even Fiona might lose."

Yoru then activated the Eye of Truth and looked at all the pawns present. And found 5 mutated pawns and 8 regular pawns. Of the five mutated, two of them are Rize and Mumei.

And three new ones are.


Name : Portgas D Ace

Gender : Male

Age : 20

Level : 30 Force Up

Race: Human Devil Fruit User (Fire-Fire Fruit)

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : SS - 1685

Endurance : S - 1290

Agility : A - 994

Luck : B - 691

Mana : A - 898

Stamina : SS - 1298

Mana Regen : A - 420

Stamina Regen : A - 725


- 100% Fire Body


- Fire Fist

- Second Division Captain

- Sworn Brother of Monkey D Luffy

- Son of Pirate King

- Son of the Strongest Human




- Ultimate Fire Control and Conjuring


- Head : Orange hat

- Neck : Red beaded Necklace

- Hand : Log Pose

- Legs : Black Short

- Feet : Black Boots


Name : Neji Hyuuga

Gender : Male

Age : 18

Level : 28 Force Up

Race : Human (Ninja)

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : S - 985

Endurance : S - 690

Agility : SS - 1394

Luck : C - 691

Mana : A - 984

Stamina : S - 689

Mana Regen : A - 364

Stamina Regen : B - 291


- Chakra 100%


- Eye Byakugan Right and Left


- Prodigy of Hyuuga Family

- Team Guy

- Jonin

- Hero Saviour



- Hidden Weapons


- Chakra Control


- Head : Ninja Alliance Headband

- Body : Black Ninja Suit

- Body : Green Ninja Vest

- Legs : Black Ninja Suit

- Feet : Ninja Sandals


Name : Tatsumi

Gender : Male

Age : 17

Level : 26 Force Up

Race : Human

Condition : Force Controlled (Bishop)


Strength : S - 885

Endurance : S - 790

Agility : S - 894

Luck : D - 491

Mana : 0

Stamina : SS - 1189

Mana Regen : 0

Stamina Regen : A - 891


- Dragons 89%

- 100% Incursio


- Blacksmith Takumi


- Spearman




- Special : Incursio (all status+1000 when activated)

- Body : High Collar Brown Jacket

- Body : Sweeter Vest

- Hand : Gloves

- Legs : Black Pants

- Feet : Battle Shoes


"They're not normal either."

[Ace seems to have an elemental body. Neji has a 360 degree view if Byakugan is activated. And Takumi has Incursio, special equipment.]

"It doesn't seem easy. How many symbols can I activate?"

[For now since you're level 10, maybe 20 symbols is safe, 50 if we push a bit. When you're level 50, the symbol isn't needed.]

"But judging by the way things are now, they're probably going to attack soon."

[Then how about I speed up my telekinesis in killing all the zombies]

"How about level 20? How many symbols do I need to activate?"

[10. Don't be too harsh. If the three of them above didn't attack, 10 would be enough. If they attack. We will lost for sure.]

"But, why don't they attack? If they intend to kill humans. Isn't attacking the right choice?"

[I don't know either. Maybe they have plans for tomorrow]

"All this uncertainty makes me uncomfortable."

[We can't do anything.]


[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

"Huh? Four level up?"

[Looks like Saeko is done with her mission]

"Ah... Saeko might be going into a bit of a rampage now. I have to watch her, so she doesn't overdo it."

[Apparently so. She already used the skill]

Saeko then slaughtering all the zombies around her quickly. Seeing that, Yoru directed the zombies a bit more so that Saeko wouldn't leave her place.

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

"Only five more levels."

System then slightly accelerated the telekinesis which he used to slaughter the zombies around the sed grouptake a dip.


One hour has passed. There was no movement from Bishop, Knight, or Rook. Even Pawn didn't move at all even though Saeko came close several times.

[Individual Yoru Kagami Level Up]

"One more level. We're taking down all the pawns."

[Suggestion. Don't kill those controlled by Bishop. We might be able to get information from them.]

"Fine, but how do we do it? Confining them using a barrier seems a bit impossible."

[I will make a new barrier. Later use this one. But we need to make them unable to do anything a bit. The most difficult to fight against is Ace. With the condition of his body, he is immune to physical attacks, magic may also be a little difficult because only water and ice might hurt him.]

"Alright, while waiting or leveling up again, let's think about how to deal with them."


Bishop, Knight, and Rook looked taken aback within the hour.

"W, who is that purple-haired woman? She seem like a human. But why is she a little different now. I feel like she's turning into a bit like an Oni" Knight asked with a serious face.

"I don't know either. Yesterday she looked really weak. And earlier, she wasn't this strong. However, since half an hour ago. Her prowess has increased drastically. And from the katana she wields, I can feel an aura of destruction." Bishop replied.

"Don't joke around. Aura of destruction?! That thing can destroy anything it attacks. If she has that. She can even destroy my shield." Rooks were very surprised.

"Trust me mate. I also don't understand why all this happened. And again, look at our savior. Isn't he's become twice as strong as before." Bishop pointed at Yoru.

"Yeah, I don't know why, but almost every five minutes. His strength is increasing. Exactly what happened to this kid?" Knight looked very worried.

"Ah... My king, maybe we made the wrong choice." Bishop looked disappointed and worried.

"If his prowess continues to increase like this. Maybe only King can fight this kid. I'm not even sure if Queen can fight him." Rook tried to come to a conclusion.

"I think so too. And in the end, our enemy might be those women. For now, there are 4 women who are above everyone else. However, those two men are good too." Knight assessed Saeko and the others.

"That may be so. But remember. There is one day's interval. In just a few hours, they have grown stronger. If we give them one day. Knights, you might lose to that purple-haired woman." Bishop gave a warning.

"I know. You and Rook can't possibly fight that woman. Only me or K2 can. But if it's one on one, we will lose for sure. If we go 2 on 1 we MAY win."

"Are you sure?" Rooks asked.

"Yeah, she's not that strong right now. But she already have the technique and add to that, the aura of destruction. We have to dodge. And the technique that woman used. It's a technique specialized against stronger people. So that woman's body movements agile enough to dodge and attack at the same time. To be honest. If they weren't our enemies, I wish I could learn from her." Knight looked at Saeko without even blinking.

"If you put it like that. You must be right. And that blonde woman. She's strong too. Her technique isn't great. But every punch has a lot of power." Rook looked at Fiona.

"And the white-haired one. She seems to have learned a dual hand technique. She flings her katana left and right with agility, and every slash from both of her hands has the same power. Where exactly are these people from? Are they really humans?" Knight looked amazed at Shirley.

"And look at that little lady, who has been guarded by many people. She doesn't use the dagger she carries. Instead she only gives instructions. It seems she is a commander type. And her every instruction is no error at all. And her dagger skills are not bad, but maybe a whip suits her better." Bishop talked about Ayaka.

"Oh... You think so too? Me too. It seems she learned to use the dagger just to protect herself when she got too close to enemy." Rook added a comment.

"Actually, I've been feeling a bit strange. Don't you guys feel it?" Knight was a little confused.

"Strange how?" Rook had no idea.

"Their numbers haven't decreased at all. I know that our Saviors use telekinesis to control his swords and protect them. But how come they never seem to run out of stamina? What about their mentality?" Bishop explained.

"That's right. For creatures like us, mentality isn't a problem. But for humans, they should have less stamina and mentally weaker. But how come it seems they're comfortable after killing that many zombies in one hour?" Knight added an explanation.

"In other words. Someone at the back can recover their stamina and mentality." Bishop concluded.

"In that case, tomorrow's war will be a bit of fun." Rook looks happy.

Bishop and Knight could only sigh at what Rook said.

But suddenly Bishop focused on Yoru.

"See, our savior's strength has increased again. And it looks like he's about to start moving." Bishop looked very serious.