
Chapter 5 - The Heaven Bless Upon Him

The dragon was gazing at Drake piercingly. His effort, trying to make him notice, had finally worked. 

It's been a longer time than what heaven promised. They said it's the time for the blessed to awaken their ability. He was sure, that time before, a human called Ragis was the blessed one. 

The dragon stared, bringing wariness out of Drake. But lucky for him, his sharp instinct to read feelings worked for that creature as well. Curiosity, but not intention to kill. "I.. I'm.."

Seeing how shocked Drake was, the dragon minimized his intense glare. He had to adjust his aura in front of people. Because a dragon, just with their dominated aura, could penetrate through the unspoken barrier of normal people's safety zone. It's their nature anyways. 

The dragon spewed some small fire from his mouth. That glazing red erupted to the sky , "Well human, it's just been a long time. I have to adjust the intensity of my aura."

A sudden lighter atmosphere was felt by Drake. He was amazed by how fast the intense air changed. "Wow.. "

Sniffing the human in front of him, the dragon said, "Based on the times, you must be Regin's grandson."

"You know my grandfather?"

"Of course I know, it was me who told him about the chant. I was waiting for him, but it seemed heaven decided to give the blessing to you, son of Adams."

It was the third time Drake heard that name. "Why'd you call me that?" 

That black dragon bowed slightly to Drake. "Son of Adams. You're one of the descendants of Adams. One of the sorcerers."

It's impossible. "Weren't they already vanished? Heaven gave the punishment for their malicious doing."

It's sad that the truth was twisted. The dragon could only see what humans did to their master from a different dimension. They couldn't do anything. "No. They tried to kill Adams, but he hid his only son before died miserably. It was the most hurt betrayal to watch." 

This was different from what Drake had known. "Weren't that what heaven did? Why humans?"

How could the truth of root be wrong for this long. "It's not heaven doing. It's those vicious humans. With greed and envy coating their heart, they couldn't feel heaven energy anymore. They brutally murder every descendant of the sorcerers."

"But how could they survive?" 

"That time, Luis as the chanter from a descendant of Adams, decided to give his son to one of the carpenters. That carpenter's wife, who just gave birth to a child, had to admit the lie of the birth of their twins." 

"Then why, I mean, no one noticed it until now, me, neither my dad or grandfather doesn't have any power from heaven." 

As the dragon thought, there's no way heaven would continue giving their blessing after what happened. He explained it to Drake ."Chanter as the descendant of sorcerers is basically a bridge for heaven and the human world. When they killed them, they also killed those bridges. That's why today humans couldn't access communication with heaven. And no blessings were coming over after that massacre."

Trying to calm himself, Drake clarified once again related this shocking news of his identity. "So you mean, I'm a descendant of Adam, one of the sorcerers. And not only that, I'm also a chanter, those with the blessing of Heaven?" 

The dragon saw piercingly through Drake's soul. It's also a surprise for him, because that young boy standing here timidly, had the same pure soul as Adams. "You can be a chanter, that's why the magic of chanting worked before. And besides, not all of the descendants of sorcerers could be a chanter. Only the blessed one and as the fact you're here, you have that blessing. But before anything, I'm going to ask you some questions."

"What is that?" Drake asked curiously. He sure was scared of the dragon, but the curiosity and his interest feeling had overcome the fear. He respected the dragon who could bow in front of mere humans like him.

"This was the same question I gave to your father before he decided to separate." 

Drake's parents were never on the frame before. His grandmother said that they left the land and never came back. Rumor said they were already dead. No letter and a single message had ever arrived. As he grew, Drake decided to never wait for them or even put a hope in them. 

He was sure right now, not a little bit of interest in his heart came out for his parents. They were already dead for him, and would still be like that forever. 

The dragon, who had an ability to see through his heart, felt that this young boy was a stubborn one. There would be a lot of things to teach him later. "Do you want to be the chosen one? The one with heaven blessing. But as the big blessing poured to you, the big responsibility will follow."

Holding his head high, Drake tried to look more bold. "I am. I am going to be the chosen one. And there will be no one in this world who'll be able to trample me anymore."

It was a simple promise he made. For himself and for her grandmother. He would survive. And he would show it to them.

As the words of him came out from his mouth, there's a change in the sky. The red blooded sky was changed into the glory of white clouds. With yellow light emerge above them.

The dragon finally senses the heavens' presence of energy. "So it was the time."

He flew not far above Drake, Circling the land around. In that position, Drake finally could see what he couldn't see before. The scars covering the dragon skins. As well with the old wounds on the wings. It was sure, one of dragon's pride as the protector of sorcerers. 

Because of the truth, not only the descendants of sorcerers were being attacked by humans. At that time, the darkness of shadow also took the chance of attacking the heaven spirit creature like him. And what drake didn't know, he would surely face that darkness at the end. 

Sensing the heaven energy were closer, the Dragon told Drake to be prepared. "Boy, be ready. That heaven blessing would come!"

As the light that emerged started brightening, the dragon flew through them and just like that, he absorbed the light. The black scale he had turned into yellow light. It was so bright that Drake had to divert his sight. 

The growl of the dragon echoed through the sky. As he finished absorbing all of the light, he flew down toward Drake with a high speed. 

Wind that cloud blew away a normal person. It's almost a surprise that Drake could resist it. As the dragon got closer, the bright light from it made him close his eyes. 

Standing there with closed eyes to welcome the dragon blow, he was astonished how warm his surroundings became suddenly. 

The dragon who flew in speed was stopping directly above Drake, only to transfer the light he carried from above. "Be brave, you son of Adams. Be confident. Never fear for anything as the heaven bless is with you." 

The light, which was too bright before to be seen, suddenly seemed alright. As the warmth covered all of his body, the high vibration of energy erupted from inside. 

Drake opened his eyes, and saw the brightness mana energy he ever noticed. He smirked, "This powerful energy must be the blessing of the heavens."

He never imagined he could have this kind of energy. How powerful he could be. And just like that, a timid stubborn boy gained confidence to live his life. Without being wary of how weak he was. 

Finally done transferring all of the heaven energy. The dragon rested himself not far from Drake's feet. "I've completed my duty as heaven spirit. Now it's up to you to learn. You will find the heaven language easy to read, and understand their meaning. In time, you will also create your own chanting. Chanter's energy mana is the most powerful energy on earth. You have white energy blessed for you, it means that you will get stronger if you stay away from the darkness."

The dragon saw that high vibration came from Drake. "Your high vibration was the most feared by animals. If you learn to use it, you'll find how great the animals could respect you."

"Isn't heaven afraid I will use this power carelessly?" After all, what he would do is revenge and many people would suffer because of that. 

The dragon who lost all of the power, closing his eyes as the tiredness was unbearable. "Let heaven do their judging. As you have to do some tasks for them also. I'm going to sleep now, young boy. But I suggest that you meditate here to balance your energy." 

"Hey wait.. Not yet.. I have to go back…" But alas, the dragon had already taken a rest.