
Lost in the storm

Wren's eyes snapped open, her heart racing as a loud boom of thunder shook the room. She was disoriented for a moment, her mind foggy from sleep. Ryoko's gentle snores beside her brought her back to reality. She was in Ryoko's chambers, safe and sound.

But the storm raging outside seemed to be getting worse. The wind howled like a pack of wolves, and the rain pounded against the windows like a relentless drumbeat. Wren's heart raced as she threw off the covers and got out of bed, her bare feet padding softly on the floor.

She approached the window, her fingers tracing the intricate carvings on the sill as she gazed out into the darkness. The storm was intense, the lightning illuminating the sky in brilliant flashes. Wren's mind wandered to Rose, hoping she was safe and sound in the palace.

Ryoko's gentle voice broke the spell, her words soft and soothing. "Wren, come back to bed. The storm will pass soon."

Wren nodded, her eyes still fixed on the stormy sky. But as she turned to return to bed, a loud crack of lightning illuminated the room, making her jump. Ryoko's arms were around her in an instant, holding her close as the thunder boomed outside.

"It's okay, Wren," Ryoko whispered. "I've got you. You're safe."

Wren's heart slowly calmed as she leaned into Ryoko's embrace, the storm raging on outside, but her heart filled with warmth and comfort within.Ryoko's arms enveloped Wren in a gentle embrace, her muscles flexing softly as she held her close. Wren felt the warmth of Ryoko's body, her skin like silk to the touch. Ryoko's biceps were toned and strong, but not bulging, her shoulders broad and comforting. Her chest was firm, yet yielding, like a soft pillow.

As Wren leaned into her, she felt the gentle rise and fall of Ryoko's breathing, her heart beating steadily. Ryoko's body was a haven, a sanctuary from the storm raging outside. Wren's hands traced the contours of Ryoko's arms, feeling the softness of her skin, the gentle curves of her muscles.

Ryoko's fingers stroked Wren's hair, her touch light and soothing. Wren felt herself melting into Ryoko's embrace, her tension and fear dissipating with each passing moment. She was safe, protected by Ryoko's strength and warmth.

As the storm raged on, Wren and Ryoko laid there, wrapped in each other's arms, a haven of warmth and comfort in the midst of the turbulent night.Wren was just starting to drift off to sleep, her eyelids heavy with exhaustion, when another lightning flash illuminated the room. In the brief moment of brightness, she saw a figure stalk past the window, their shadowy form sending a chill down her spine.

"Wren, what's wrong?" Ryoko asked, her voice soft and concerned, as Wren's body tensed in her arms.

"I-I saw someone," Wren started to say, her voice barely above a whisper. "Outside the window, just now..."

But before she could finish, a blood-curdling scream pierced the night air, making Wren's heart race and her words catch in her throat. The sound came from the hallway outside Ryoko's chambers, and it sent a shiver down Wren's spine.

Ryoko's arms tightened around Wren, her grip protective and strong. "Stay here," Ryoko whispered, her voice firm and commanding. "I'll go check it out."

Wren nodded, her eyes wide with fear, as Ryoko swiftly moved towards the door, her hand on the hilt of her sword. The scream still echoed in Wren's mind, making her wonder what horrors the night might hold.

Ryoko disappeared into the darkness, leaving Wren alone in the chamber. Wren waited, her ears straining to hear any sound, but the only response was the relentless pounding of the rain against the windows. Ten minutes ticked by, and Wren's nervousness grew. Where was Ryoko? Why hadn't she returned?

Wren's anxiety got the better of her, and she made a decision. She grabbed a cloak and slipped out into the stormy night, her heart racing with every step. The rain soaked through her clothes, chilling her to the bone, but she pressed on, her eyes scanning the darkness for any sign of Ryoko.

As she turned a corner, a flash of lightning illuminated the courtyard, and Wren's heart skipped a beat. She didn't see Ryoko, but a figure was running away, its dark form disappearing into the night. Wren's instincts screamed at her to chase after it, to follow it into the unknown, but her legs seemed rooted to the spot.

The figure's presence lingered, its malevolent energy hanging in the air like a miasma. Wren knew she had to find Ryoko, to make sure she was safe. With a surge of determination, Wren called out into the storm, her voice lost in the thunder... "Ryoko! Ryoko, where are you?"