
Riser Phenex: Flaming Chicken to Burning Phoenix

A story of a man from Earth reincarnated into Riser Phenex, the cannon fodder of a villain. With the help of the Company that put him into this world, he will become the strongest and get as many Waifu as he can. !!! This is Waifu Catalog Fic !!!

LuxVonDeux · 漫画同人
7 Chs

Chapter 4

I can see a massive building in front of me, a smile on my face. We are now visiting the Gremory Family, and this will be the first time I have met Rias. I take a deep breath and follow my parents inside the building.

As we enter, I notice numerous servants standing on either side: twenty butlers to the left and twenty maids to the right. Bloody hell. They are even more extravagant than us. I understand that a rich and powerful noble house will have many servants, but forty just for standing to the side and welcoming us seems a bit excessive, in my opinion.

One of the butlers walks toward us and says, "Please follow me, Lord Phenex, Lady Phenex, and Young Lord Phenex."

We follow the butler to the massive room, and when the butler opens the door, I see three people already waiting for us: Lord Gremoy, Lady Gremory, and Rias Gremory. When we arrive, Lord Gremory gets up from his seat and says, "Welcome! Welcome! Please take a seat. Lunch will be served shortly."

I take a seat next to Rias and greet her with a smile. "Hello. My name is Riser Phenex."

Rias looks at me for a second before saying with a bright smile, "Rias Gremory! Nice to meet you!"

"Rias! Please introduce yourself properly."

I smile at Lady Gremory and say, "Don't worry, Lady Gremory. I don't mind. She can be herself."

"Fufufufu~ Then I will let it slide this time."

After that, the food arrives, and we decide to focus on the meal first.


"This is my room!"

I look around the room, full of plushies, posters, and game consoles. She has all kinds of consoles inside her room, from the oldest ones to the newest model of 2008. She even has all the limited edition ones. As expected of a rich heiress.

"What do you think?"

"Impressive. Do you like Japan that much?"

"Yes! I love Japan! One day, I want to go there and grow up there!"

"I see."

I then look at the small library to the side, where I can see many kinds of manga and anime Blu-rays.

"Fan of anime, huh?"

"Yup! Are you a fan of anime as well?"

"Well, I watch them from time to time."

"Really?! What kind of anime do you like? Which genre do you love? I like Shounen! I like action movies! Dragon Ball Z is one of my favorites! Sometimes, finishing a fight takes a long time, but it is great!"

I smile at her and pat her head. She looks at me and moves my hand away from her head while pouting.

"Hey! What is that for?!"

"You really love anime, huh?"

Her face changes once again when she hears my words.

"Yes! I love them."

"Then, do you have something you can show me? I want to watch them, but I don't like watching something alone."

"You want to watch anime with me, Riser?"

She looks at me with shock and happiness.

"Of course! Is there any anime where you did not mind rewatching with me?"


She runs toward the drawer and takes out a stack of DVDs. I know that title. I watch it every now and then to keep up with the storyline. I once watched a marathon of this anime but stopped when I reached the latest arc. I did not like watching it every week and would rather watch it by the story arc.

"Here! One Piece! You will love it!"

I smile at her and cannot help but be eager to watch it once again. Rias puts on the Blu-ray and sits next to me. I put my hand around her and activate my [Sticky Finger] perk at work. However, I make sure to keep it to a minimum.

I just want her to be comfortable with me and addicted to my touch. Not my sexual touch, of course, but rather addicted to me petting her head and holding my hand.

I can see her release a content sigh as I pat her head. It is working. Let's keep this going.


|3rd POV|

Venelana knocks on the door to Rias' room, and when there is no reply, she opens it to see Riser watching the anime while Rias is sleeping on his lap. She smiles and giggles a little, attracting Riser's attention.

Riser looks at the door and sees Lady Gremory standing there. He looks at her with an apologetic expression and says.

"I'm sorry for not greeting you, Lady Gremory. Someone currently is using my body as a pillow."

"Fufufu~ You do not have to worry, Riser."

She walks toward him and sits next to him, to his surprise.

"Lady Gremory?"

"Fufufu~ Please call me mother, dear. We are about to become family in the future, right?"

"However, we are not yet a family."

"Fufufu~ I don't mind. Seeing you like this, I know that Rias will fall in love with you sooner or later."

"You know about that, huh?"

"Of course. Your father is already informing my husband, and do you want to hear something, Riser?"


"I am glad that you are asking for time to get close to my daughter."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because I know that you are mature enough to know for my daughter. My daughter is a bit childish and needs someone mature to accompany her. I know that I am asking a lot of you, Riser, but can you take care of her from now on?"

Riser looks at Venelana right in the eyes and says.

"I will. You can leave her to me."


She gets up from the ground and walks out of the room.

"Ah! Lady Gremory! I'm sorry to ask you this, but can you carry Rias to bed?"

"Fufufufu~ That is your job as her fiance, Riser~"

Venelana giggles as she walks back to the meeting room, where her husband and the Phenex Family are already waiting for them. Her husband looks at her and says,

"How is it, dear?"

"They are so cute! I regret not bringing a camera with me. Rias is sleeping in Riser's lap as he rubs her head gently! Kya! I cannot help but imagine the wedding already."

Zeoticus Gremory can only shake his head helplessly. She is a strict parent, but there is a side of her that not many people know. She loves cute things. He still remembers how she dresses their oldest son in cute clothes even after he reaches his teenage years. The other side of her that she hides is that she loves babies and wants many of them to take care of. Sadly, because of their race, they cannot have a lot of babies, even if they want one.

"That is good to hear. It is a shame that we cannot announce it immediately."

"Hahahaha!" Lord Giovanni Phenex laughs. "Me too, my friend. Me too. However, my son wants to make your daughter fall in love with him enough for her not to protest our decision."

Zeoticus nods his head and says.

"And that is a good decision. I know my daughter well, and she will not agree with our agreement. She will easily accept this decision if he gets close to her."

Vanelena nods her head and says.

"She can be hard to handle, but I know that Riser will be able to do it."

Zeoticus nods his head and says.

"Now, let's talk about the wedding. When do you think we should do the wedding?"

Giovanni and Sienna look at each other for a few seconds before saying.

"What about when Rias reaches fifteen years old? She is almost ten years old, and another five years should be good."

Zeoticus nods his head and says.

"That is a great year to have a wedding. With that out of the way, let's talk about the dowry for Rias."

Giovanni nods and says.

"As per the agreement, the Phenex family will give the Gremory family forty-five Phoenix Tears for the dowry."

"As the Lord of the Gremory Family, I agree with this dowry."

"Thank you. Then let's get into another agreement, shall we?"

"Yes. Let's get this over with so we can celebrate."

"As long as our family is tied together, the Phenex family will give an indefinite discount of forty percent for each phoenix tear the Gremory family buys from us. Not only that, we will also give one Phoenix Tear per year as long as our family is tied together."

Zeoticus nods and says.

"As long as our family is tied together, the Gremory family will give the Phenex family four of our mountains and one of our farmland. Phenex family can use that and whatever they like. Not only that, we also give the Phenex family a fifty percent tax cut as long as our family is tied."

The two lords give a firm handshake, and their family crests appear above their hands. The two family crests touch each other, indicating their contract is sealed.

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