
Rise Up: A System Love Story

Evan had been beaten up and beaten down in his world for being weak. He wanted a form of escape. Any kind of escape One night, Evan gets an enticing offer from a floating, glowing sphere. He has the option of restarting his life in a new world of his choosing. With a new life and a new look, he lands in a world full of magic, monsters, and a chance at love. This is a system-themed BL story. Inspired by the song Rise Up by TheFatRat

BeckyAnimeGirl54 · LGBT+
29 Chs

Chapter 22

Mac could tell that Ulric was on the verge of exploding. "Why wasn't he wearing the ring that you got him?" he asked.

"He usually takes it off when we bathe or when he is asleep," Ulric said. "Plus, it only resists 30% of magic attacks," he added.

"Promise me that you'll stay here," Mac said. "I'm going to have a chat with Thomas," he said.

"Mac, if I lose him," Ulric started to say.

"You won't," Mac said. "Chad will be punished for this crime," he said.

Mac got into his car and headed over to the north side of town. He parked in front of a two-story house. He walked up a concrete walkway and up some steps. He reached the wooden door and knocked on it. The door opened, and a short, elderly woman stood before him. Her short brown hair had gray patches in it.

"Hi there, Professor Mac," she said.

"Hello, Aimee," Mac said. "Is Thomas home?" he asked.

"The young master is in his office," the brunette said.

The woman opened the door wider and stepped aside to let Mac enter the house.

***clack clack***

The sound of booted feet was heard. A tall, muscular brunette rounded the corner.

"Aimee, who's at the door?" he asked.

"It's the headmaster from the school," the brunette said.

"Hello, Mac, long time no see," he said with a smile.

"Hello, Thomas," Mac said.

"To what do I owe this pleasure?" Thomas asked.

"I need to talk to you about Chad," Mac said.

Thomas's cheerful demeanor changed instantly. "Follow me," he said, turning around and heading down the long hallway. Mac followed closely behind him. Jax, the butler, walked into the office right after Mac and Thomas.

"Jax, can you fix us a drink?" Thomas asked.

"What would my master and his friend prefer?" the blonde asked.

"Peppermint tea," Thomas said.

"Black coffee for me," Mac said.

"Coming right up," Jax said before leaving.

Thomas closed the door and motioned for Mac to sit down. Mac took a seat and sat down in front of the oak desk.

"What has my little brother done now?" Thomas asked, sitting in his chair.

"Have you heard about why he was expelled for a month?" Mac asked.

"Not much," Thomas said, shaking his head. "Only that he had issues with a newbie at the school," he said.

Thomas noticed a stern look on Mac's face. "Thomas, Chad beat up a boy that Ulric took a liking to," Mac said.

"So that's why he got expelled," Thomas said.

"It happened again," he said. "I think he's using his powers again." "Ulric's mate is in the hospital," Mac added.

"Hurting someone that an alpha has chosen is dangerous," Thomas said.

"Thomas, where is Chad?" Mac asked. "This jealous streak needs to stop," he said.

"If he is using his power to hurt people, you'll need my help because I'm the only person who can counter his attacks," Thomas said.

Thomas opened a drawer, pulled out a notepad, and scribbled some information on it.

"This is the club that he's been spending lots of time at," Thomas said, handing it to Mac. "Let me prepare before we leave," he said. A 5'5" tan-skinned woman entered the office.

"Thomas, there's a disturbance in the atmosphere," she said, walking up. "What's going on?" she asked. "Oh, sorry, I didn't realize that you had company," she said, bowing her head.

The brunette sat down in a chair next to Thomas. "Pam, this is my friend, Mac," Thomas said. "Mac, this is my girlfriend, Pam Hardy," he said.

"Nice to meet you," Mac said.

"Pam, Mac needs our assistance," he said.

"It's because of the young master's behavior, isn't it?" she asked.

"Yes, it is," Thomas said. "Let's go to the hospital first, then deal with my brother," he said.

On the way, they stopped by the dorms and picked up Jesse's ring. They arrived at the hospital and headed to Jesse's room.

"This person is being bombarded by negative energy," Pam said as they stopped in front of the closed door. Thomas noticed Pam breathing heavily.

"Are you sure that you can do this?" Thomas asked.

"I'll be fine," Pam said, nodding her head. "I'm a mage after all," she said.

As they opened the door, Pam gasped and covered her mouth. "Your brother's evil stench is overwhelming," she said, coughing loudly.

"Maybe bringing you was a bad idea," Thomas said, helping her to the bathroom.

"Let's get this started," Pam said, entering the room, feeling better. Thomas and Mac prepare to leave. "Be careful, love," Pam said.

"I will," Thomas said, kissing her on the cheek. "You keep yourself and these two safe," he said.

After they left, Pam cast some protection barriers around the room. Ulric gently slid the ring onto Jesse's finger.

"Will your enchantments stop Chad?" Ulric asked.

"Not entirely, but they'll slow him down," Pam said. "While the barrier is up, I'll heal what I can," she said.

"Good, because the sight of his bruises concerns me," Ulric said.

Pam used the supernatural power surrounding her to heal Jesse's wounds, which were in desperate need of healing. When she finished, Pam stepped up to Ulric.

"Are you injured anywhere?" she asked.

"No, I heal rather quickly," Ulric said, shaking his head. "I just want to make sure that Jesse is safe," he said.

"Don't worry," Pam said. "Thomas's brother will be dealt with," she said.

"I sure hope so," Ulric said. "Jess has been through a lot since he arrived here," he said.

Mac and Thomas arrived at The Wolf Club and walked up to the bar. A blonde, 5.5"-tall, pale-skinned young woman stepped up to them.

"Hello, sirs," she said, greeting them with a smile. "How may I help you?" she asked.

"You can tell me if my brother is here," Thomas demanded, showing her the photo of Chad. The woman stood there silently. "I wouldn't lie to us if I were you," Thomas stated, narrowing his eyes.

"He's upstairs, first door to the left," she said quietly.

Thomas laid a one hundred dollar bill onto the counter and turned around. "For your trouble," Thomas said as he and Mac walked away. They ascended the stairs and faced the first door on the second floor.

"What the fuck?" Chad exclaimed when the door was kicked in, and Thomas angrily stepped inside.

"Chad, stop this craziness right now!" Thomas commanded.

"Why should I?" Chad asked. "That stupid human took my man!" he yelled.

Thomas stepped up to the table and snatched a photo of Jesse off of it. "If you kill Ulric's soulmate, he'll come after you and kill you," Mac said. "Ulric has already told you that he's not interested in you," he said.

"Stop this foolishness, or I'll be forced to bind your powers," Thomas said.

"You wouldn't dare," Chad hissed.

"Test me and find out," Thomas challenged.

Thomas felt a burning sensation on his right arm and glanced at it. A bright red mark had appeared out of nowhere. Thomas sighed softly, closed his eyes slightly, and concentrated on the wound. Within seconds, the redness disappeared. Chad was about to use his attack when a raven-haired woman teleported between him and Thomas. Zeo floated inside the room seconds later. With a wave of her hand and a glare, Chad was flung against the wall.

"Who the fuck are you?" Chad asked rudely.

"I'm Evan's grandmother, and you're on my shitlist," she snarled. "If you're going to bind his powers, do it now," she said, facing Thomas and Mac.

Chad tried to move but was forced back by an unseen force. Thomas took out a photo and started enchanting the spell. Mac glanced at the glowing sphere with a puzzled look.

"Master, watch out," Zeo said, noticing Chad starting to use his power. With the flick of her wrist, she slammed Chad against the wall. He slumped unconscious on the floor.

"Finish the spell," she ordered.

Two military officers arrived just as Evan's grandmother clasped a black chain around Chad's neck. "Nobody is to take this off because it disables his powers," she said. Chad was transported to the prison for those who misuse their powers. "My name is Cynthia," she said, noticing their puzzled looks. "I'll explain everything after I see my grandson," she added. The four of them left the club and headed to the hospital.


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