
Rise of the Villainous Emperor

A Normal Story of reincarnation with some unexpected twist.

UnluckyMortal · 奇幻
3 Chs

Chapter III

The atmosphere in the dean's office was tense as we gathered to discuss the duel that had taken place two days prior. Miss Sharen, the powerful Colonel who taught Weapons Mastery and Wilderness Survival at DSA, sat beside Dean Frederick White, the head of the Combat Arts department. Dean White, known for his formidable physical fighting skills, held the esteemed rank of Brigadier.

Seated across from us were Arthur Andreas, Elen Williams, and Amela Frostchild—the individuals involved in the fateful duel. The conversation revolved around the events that led to the challenge and the subsequent confrontation between Vincent and Arthur.

"He started it. Vincent's behavior was threatening, and Arthur had to step in and challenge him to a duel," Elen asserted, her voice carrying a note of justified concern.

Arthur nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was clear that Vincent's actions left us with no other choice but to address the situation. I had to step in due to his behavior."

The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon me, especially considering Vincent's familial ties to Dimitri von Rutherford, who held a prominent position as one of the seven high commissioners of Derme. It became apparent that Dean White and Miss Sharen belonged to a faction opposing Vincent's grandfather, which added an underlying layer of complexity to the proceedings.

Dean White, his voice filled with authority, addressed the group. "Regardless of the circumstances leading up to the duel, it is crucial for us to find a resolution that ensures the safety and harmony within our academy. Vincent's actions have had consequences, and we must now determine the appropriate measures to be taken."

Miss Sharen, known for her sharp intellect and strategic thinking, interjected. "Indeed, Dean White. It is imperative that we uphold the principles and values of DSA while dealing with this matter. We must consider the impact it may have on the broader dynamics within the academy."


So this is how my morning started, first getting lost while trying to find the dean's office in this humongous maze-like academic building. You may ask, how could I get lost when I have Vincent's memory? Let me tell you, Vincent, along with others, joined DSA last month as a cadet, and you can guess how many times Vincent had to go to the dean's office during that time—zero. So, you can imagine that with some borrowed memories, navigating to an unknown place can be a pain.

As I wandered through the gray polished marble walls and corridors with high ceilings and dim lighting, it felt like I was in a horror movie set. After multiple wrong turns and dead ends, I finally reached the dean's office, only to face this predicament Next.

Now, from Vincent's memories, I had gained a glimpse of the world's politics, but as an average Joe from Earth (well, I think I'm from Earth, it's a bit hazy now), finding myself entangled in such a situation was nothing short of nerve-wracking. As everyone present hurled accusations in my direction, I rummaged through Vincent's memory banks, desperately searching for clues about this bizarre predicament.


Dimitry, who had tragically lost his son and daughter-in-law, found solace in Vincent, his only remaining family. Showering him with love and attention, Dimitry fulfilled every desire Vincent had. And with his elevated status, Vincent quickly became one of those stinky rich kids who thought they were invincible. But there was one little problem—he was also a bit of a jerk, fueled by his newfound wealth and an unhealthy dose of arrogance.

When Vincent joined the DSA, he continued his usual routine of bullying and insulting the weaker students while lusting after beautiful girls. And then he laid eyes on Amela, a classmate who could only be described as breathtakingly beautiful. Now, everyone in this world is generally more attractive than on Earth, but Amela was on a whole other level. With her white, cotton-like hair, she could entrance you with just a glance. And by her side was Elen, with her captivating tomboyish charm and a figure that could make heads spin.

But hold on a second, there's something I forgot to mention. In this seemingly improbable reality, people have the power to perform magical feats—things you'd normally see in video games. They can shoot magical blasts, fly through the air, and even obliterate mountains with a single punch. These individuals are ranked based on their power and utility, and only the most talented (or influential) get the chance to join the prestigious DSA and specialize in their magical abilities.

Now, back to Vincent and his bird-watching routine in the vast cafeteria. One fateful day, he spotted Amela entering with her group of friends. Among them, he noticed a handsome boy named Arthur Andreas. Arthur was a surviving member of the infamous Andreas family—a prodigy with a sword. He was said to be a once-in-a-lifetime genius destined to reach the rank of "Field Marshal." Vincent's jealousy flared up like a raging inferno. After countless rejections from Amela, how could this lowly bastard get along with her so effortlessly?

Consumed by self-righteous rage, Vincent stormed over to confront them. Harsh words were exchanged, insults were hurled like fiery projectiles, and threats were flung around like magic spells. And then, in a dramatic flourish, Vincent threw a glove in Arthur's face, challenging him to a duel. It was a classic case of wounded pride. Little did Vincent know what awaited him in this clash of egos.

Ah, reminiscing about that moment still brings a smile to my face. How could Vincent, the supposed prodigal son who had joined the academy through connections, triumph over Arthur who was talented and hard working and considered to be a prodigy.