
Rise of the Pokémon Daycare: A Journey to Greatness

Fabio, a reborn soul in the captivating world of Pokémon, unexpectedly inherits a daycare facility. With a fresh perspective and a newfound purpose, he embarks on an extraordinary journey of nurturing and empowering both Pokémon and their human companions. Guided by compassion and driven by his vision, Fabio bridges the gap between trainers and Pokémon, inspiring a wave of change that reshapes the world they inhabit. As Fabio pours his heart into the daycare, he becomes a beacon of inspiration, bridging the gap between trainers and Pokémon. English isn't my first language so I don't have a plethora of vocabularies in my head. The grammar will possibly be very bad. So please cut me some slack. Hope you will like the story. Disclaimer: This is a fanfiction novel. So, the basics of the Pokémon world is not created by me. It belongs to "The Pokémon company".

Leo_Black_3690 · 漫画同人
17 Chs

A new Companion and Unexpected Encounters

The sun cast its warm rays upon the tranquil training grounds, where Fabio and his Pokémon had gathered for a day of growth and connection. Amidst the excitement and start of the training, Sewaddle, the youthful and curious Pokémon, remained nestled in Fabio's arms, not yet ready to embark on physical training.

Fabio carefully cradled Sewaddle, ensuring its comfort and safety. With gentle strokes, he caressed its soft, green exterior, feeling the delicate texture beneath his fingertips. Sewaddle responded with contented coos, its tiny form radiating warmth and innocence.

Understanding that Sewaddle's training would come later, Fabio sought to foster a strong bond and provide the nurturing care the young Pokémon needed. He reached into his bag and retrieved a bottle of Moomoo Milk, specially prepared for the newborn Sewaddle. Gently, he tilted the bottle towards Sewaddle's mouth, allowing it to drink the nourishing liquid.

As Sewaddle suckled on the bottle, its eyes sparkled with delight, appreciating Fabio's attentive care. The bond between them grew stronger with each passing moment, an unspoken connection forged through love and tender care.

While the other Pokémon engaged in training exercises, Fabio engaged Sewaddle with playful interactions. He gently tickled its tiny antennae, eliciting soft giggles and chirps of joy. Sewaddle's tiny leaf-like arms wiggled in response, creating an endearing sight that warmed Fabio's heart.

Fabio whispered encouraging words to Sewaddle, assuring it that one day it would join the others in training. He shared stories of bravery and accomplishments, planting seeds of inspiration within Sewaddle's budding spirit. Though Sewaddle couldn't understand the words, it sensed the love and support in Fabio's voice.

Throughout the training session, Sewaddle observed the other Pokémon's exercises, its eyes wide with curiosity. It marveled at Liepard's agility and Simisage's strength, its own aspirations taking shape within its innocent heart.

Fabio took breaks from training to engage in heartfelt conversations with Sewaddle, speaking as if Sewaddle could comprehend his every word. He shared dreams of grand adventures and triumphs, promising that they would conquer challenges together as a team.

As the day progressed, Fabio's dedication to Sewaddle's well-being never wavered. He provided a comfortable resting place—a soft bed of leaves—where Sewaddle could rest and observe the training sessions. Fabio's presence alone brought solace to the young Pokémon, filling its heart with a sense of security and belonging.

When the training session drew to a close, Fabio cradled Sewaddle once again, whispering words of love and encouragement. He admired Sewaddle's tiny form, recognizing the potential within it.

As the sun set, casting vibrant hues across the sky, Fabio and his Pokémon basked in the warmth of their interconnected spirits. The day had not only been about rigorous training but also about nurturing bonds and fostering a sense of unity within the team.

On Sunday, Fabio planned to take things slow and relax before work started again on Monday.

As Monday rolled around, the daycare bustled with activity. Half a dozen trainers, each with their own aspirations and dreams, visited the establishment to acquire various supplies for their journeys. The popularity of the homemade Pokémon food soared, leaving Fabio with a sense of satisfaction and inspiration.

Encouraged by the positive response from customers, Fabio contemplated expanding the selection of goods available at the daycare. He decided to bring in healing items such as potions and antidotes, recognizing the importance of supporting trainers' needs beyond just Pokémon care.

Just as the day neared its end and Fabio was about to close the daycare, a shy and unsure young trainer stepped inside. With glasses perched on his nose and a hesitant demeanor, he bore the appearance of a typical anime nerd.

Ethan: "U-Um, excuse me... Is the daycare still open?"

Fabio: "Ah, yes! We're still open. You made it just in time. How can we help you?"

Ethan's voice quivered as he introduced himself, stumbling over his words in his shyness.

Ethan, a young trainer with a timid disposition, stood before Fabio and Jennifer, his appearance matching his shy demeanor. He had a lean build, standing at an average height for his age. His dark, neatly styled hair framed his face, and his glasses perched on his nose emphasized his studious nature. Ethan's eyes, behind the spectacles, were a soft, warm brown, reflecting his kindness and curiosity. His attire consisted of a comfortable t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, showing a practical yet unassuming style. Despite his initial uncertainty, there was a subtle sparkle of determination in his eyes, hinting at the potential and hidden strength within him.

After Ethan introduced himself, Fabio warmly welcomed him into the Everson Daycare Center.

"Welcome to the Everson Daycare Center, Ethan!" Fabio said it with a friendly smile. "I'm Fabio, the owner of this place. It's great to have you here."

He then gestured towards Jennifer, his employee, who was standing nearby. "And this is Jennifer. She's an integral part of our team here."

Fabio turned to Jennifer and quietly instructed her, "Jennifer, why don't you have a chat with Ethan? Find out what brought him here."

Jennifer approached Ethan, engaging him in a friendly conversation. As they spoke, Ethan shared his predicament, explaining that he had unintentionally started his journey a week early before the official season began.

In that moment, Fabio couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation, his curiosity piqued. He turned to Sol, seeking answers within his own thoughts.

"Sol, what does Ethan mean by 'season'?" Fabio asked internally, eager to unravel the mystery. As he pondered, a memory activated, providing him with the information he sought.

Within the memory, it was explained that the normal season in Unova typically spanned from August to April. During this time, the Gym Leaders would open their gyms, allowing trainers to challenge and earn their eight Gym badges. These badges held value for three seasons, and upon completing a difficult challenge, a Gym Badge would be accepted at any Vertress Conference held after that.

The memory continued, mentioning that May marked the time for the annual Vertress Conference in Vertress City. June and July were considered the "Off Season" for trainers, as Pokemon migration occurred frequently during those months. To ensure safety, trainers were advised to use official routes with established safety levels. It was during this time that trainers often returned home, pursued other activities, made money, or went on vacations.

Realizing that the first Monday in August, which was just a week away, marked the official start of the Pokemon season in Unova, Fabio felt a sense of clarity.

After Jennifer and Ethan had exchanged a few more words, Jennifer suggested that Ethan wait for a moment while she consulted Fabio, acknowledging that he was the one in charge and could make decisions regarding Ethan's situation. Jennifer approached Fabio and explained Ethan's predicament, seeking his guidance and assistance.

Fabio listened attentively to Jennifer's account of Ethan's troubles. He recognized the importance of helping young trainers like Ethan navigate the complexities of their journey. With a nod of understanding, Fabio agreed to speak directly with Ethan and find out more about his problem.

Making his way over to Ethan, Fabio approached him with a warm smile. "Hey, Ethan. Jennifer mentioned that you could use some help. Why don't you tell me what's going on? I'll listen, and if there's something I can do to assist you, I'll do my best."

Ethan took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts, and began to share his story. "Well, you see, I'm from Driftveil City. My father owns a shipping company there, and he's also a business partner of Clay, the Gym Leader. But, to be honest, my heart is set on becoming a Pokémon trainer."

He continued, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. "I was one of the top students at the Trainer's School in Striaton City, but I didn't manage to secure a spot among the top three students sponsored by Professor Juniper. You know, the ones who get to choose a starter Pokémon."

Ethan paused, briefly glancing down at his hands, before continuing. "I had a long conversation with my father about my dreams, and surprisingly, he agreed to give me a chance. However, he made it clear that if I wanted his support, I should ask Professor Juniper for a Pokémon. He believes that her Pokémon are generally superior to those obtained through normal means. Then this morning, I received my starter Pokémon from Professor Juniper in Nuvema Town. However, the Professor suggested that I head to Accumula Town to start my Pokémon journey. She mentioned that there's a Pokémon Center there, which makes it a better place to begin. Now here comes the problem: while my mother secretly gave me everything I need for my Pokémon Journey, I don't have enough money to stay here as the Pokémon Center is only free to use during the season. I hope you understand that unless there is no other way, I don't want to ask for money when I just started my journey."