
Rise of the Chimeric King

Vasili Onassis receives a rude awakening when the supernatural comes pounding, and then bursting through his door. [Just a heads up, this story is mostly a draft. I try to proofread but I am not perfect. Aiming for 5 chapters a week, but usually exceeding.]

Dingleboi · 奇幻
26 Chs

Anyone for Chinese?

Vasili scanned the living room, taking in the bizarre situation. It should have sent any sane person running for the hills, yet an unusual calmness enveloped him. An icy, analytical voice whispered reassuringly that he was safe.

Elias, not one to wait, quipped, "You good? Not gonna eat us?" as he cautiously distanced himself.

Vasili's gaze snapped to Elias's movements, and for a brief moment, his pupils shifted as he assessed the most efficient way to attack and consume his prey. He quickly shook his head and replied, "I feel... different."

Slowly rising to his full height of 5'10", Vasili noticed an uncomfortable sensation in his feet. Attempting to bend over and remove them, his talon effortlessly tore through the fabric and rubber sole.

Internally saying, 'To hell with it,' as he pinched the sole and ripped it away, revealing a paw resembling that of a cat. Curiosity got the best of him as he touched his padded foot, causing razor-sharp claws to extend reflexively.

Standing still on one foot, a realization struck him. It was this unwavering control that seemed to be the source of his newfound confidence—an ancient predator guiding him, maybe more than one.

Dragon. Lion. Ram.

Ancient lineages that were considered too dangerous to mix.

He possessed the body of a Dragon, the skill of a prideless Lion, and the cunning of prey.

Vasili knew there was more to it.

As he returned to the present, Doctor Mathews asked him, "Vasili? Do you feel anything?" Vasili nodded, his stomach growling, and he admitted, "I'm starving."

Vasili couldn't help but smell the fear on the Doctor's as he corrected himself, "I was interrupted during dinner because some idiot came knocking on my door." He found it necessary to infuse humor into the situation, a survival measure against the lurking danger that the Ram sensed. It whispered that the Vampire Father maintained close proximity, because what parent would leave their offspring vulnerable in the presence of a newly born Chimera?

As much as the Dragon part of him wanted to make them fear him, the Ram tempered and controlled the idiotic urge.

Survival was the key to being feared.

With the tension in the room dissipating and the Vampires relaxing, Elias broke the silence, "Man. I didn't peg you for a Chimera at all. You don't fit the stereotype in the slightest."

Elias approached Vasili closely, assessing him fearlessly, eyeing him up and down as he'd do a badass car.

He whistled in admiration, "Man. I have seen some beautiful patterns on Chimeras before, but damn, you have got to be the most complete Dragon body I have ever seen. I mean, not an inch of your skin is Lion, Ram, or anything else." Elias continued his appraisal as the Doctor chimed in, "Indeed, your form is magnificent. I have heard of the legendary Ram Hand, but all of your skin is indeed Dragon, except your talons."

Confused, Vasili asked, "Talons?"

The Doctor explained, "Yes, at first I thought they were Dragon, but they have a unique curvature near the tip, and the edges are more circular." He quickly added, seeing Vasili's disappointment, "They're magnificent! Eagle talons are far superior to Dragon claws. Easier to use in daily life, less accidental destruction, and they're stronger."

Vasili questioned, "How the hell is a Dragon's claw inferior to a bird's talon?"

Glancing toward Sebastian and Elias for help, the Doctor was saved when Elias interjected, "Weapons, buddy, weapons. Never underestimate humanity's 'Power.'"

Sebastian nodded in agreement before adding, "Very wise, Young Master. Many Dragons struggle to flex their hands in their Hybrid Form, the preferred form in this era. It may sound trivial, but 'keeping with the times' is one reason we Vampires have thrived since the Dark Ages. Dragons are incredibly Powerful, young Vasili, but there is always something bigger."

Vasili nodded, stating his hypothesis, "So, I guess those S.W.A.T. Vamps weren't using standard-issue guns?"

Elias grinned, "Ah! No, they weren't. Silver bullets from submachine guns tend to 'resolve' any Shifter issue in the immediate vicinity."

Changing the subject, Elias suggested, "Enough about that. Now, shall we get you something to eat, Golden Lion?"

Vasili's face deadpanned, "You are not calling me that. It sounds like a Chinese 'takeout only' joint." Then a sudden pang of hunger hit him, "But Chinese does sound lovely right about now."

Elias, seemingly unfazed, put a hand to his chin, "Alright, 'Standing Lion, Visible Dragon,' you just need to find a place that accepts Fire Breath as payment."

He giggled to himself as he walked to grab a new set of clothes, "Come on, we can go to 'The Night's Delights.' We have the BEST General Tso's in New York."

Vasili considered his current form and protested, "You want to go outside with me like this? Are you crazy?"

Elias, confident, laughed and asked, "Sebastian, can you ask Father if we can take Maranda? Oh, and we will need a concealment charm, Doc."

Doctor Mathews smiled, "Of course." Then he pulled out a beautiful amulet, walked behind Vasili, and considered the Dragon horns and mane.

As the lock clasp secured the amulet and Vasili's body slowly returned to normal, he asked, "How the hell? What is this?"

Elias, busy texting, replied nonchalantly, "Uh, Black Magic, technically, but that version is rated for full Shifts."

Vasili nodded, muttering to himself, "Magic is real. Welp. Suppose that isn't too hard to believe, considering my scales."

Elias grinned as he sensed the arrival of his favorite bodyguard, Maranda. He welcomed her with a hug, receiving a disapproving glance from Sebastian for breaching decorum.

Maranda's brow was furrowed as she returned the Young Master's hug, "Father said you were attacked." She frowned as a deep bloodlust entered her eyes.

Elias confirmed, "It wasn't THAT bad, but it was pretty bad. I can't sit at home and get lost in my trauma. I called for you because I don't want to be defenseless again. Could you be my guard, like the old days?"

She smiled and pecked him on the cheek, "Of course, Father says you will be pushing for Alpha soon. Is that true?"

He nodded, "My life is in other people's hands. Which is something that has never bothered me until now. If I were an Alpha, I could have torn that pack of mutts to shreds. But instead, I nearly got decapitated and staked. Good thing they didn't know the recipe, or I wouldn't be here with you."

Her eyes flashed in anger, but then she beamed in happiness, evidently waiting for this day for a long time.

Elias smirked, "Come, Brother, let's hit the town!" He led his entourage out of the living room but was halted when Vasili yelled, "I don't have both shoes!"