
Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord

This is a story about Arthur Smith, a very clever and successful businessman who finds himself in the body of a 7 year old dragonlord named Aegor Vaelyreos, 40 years before the doom of Valyria. Join Aegor on his journey to escape the doom and face the long night. Note : This is my first time writting so please go easy one me. If you have any cool ideas which can help make it more interesting please let me know in the comments. Also in case I am having writers block I will let you guys know in advance and keep you update so I do not leave you hanging.

Ash_born01 · 电视同人
14 Chs

Chapter 8: Shopping

Year 37 BD

(MC age 11)

(Map of valyria)

As usual Aegor was going on the usual schedule of training and resource gathering. When he decided to go shopping for construction charts in the city of Roys which was like the old town of valyria where the grand library and scholars come to pursue research on magic or other fields of study. Here it was like the heart of everything the valyrians have gathered and learned over the centuries there were few reasons why he came here

Construction blueprints

Check out for new books

Try to recruit Scholars

And to make sure to find out all the blind spots of security in this place and city so he can steal all the books, artifacts and documents months before the doom turns it all to ash.

While he was in the city he paid a visit to the Grand library of Tessarion it was named in honor of the goddess of music, arts, knowledge, healing, plague, prophecy, poetry, beauty, archery and booty. It was a huge towering structure that touched above the clouds and wide enough to fit 2 castles in it.

"This place has a shit ton of books and artifacts."said Aegor as he walked around the library. He kept walking till he reached the section on Architecture and he was greeted by the Librarian of that section. " Greetings my lord, how may I help you," said the Librarian. " I would like to get copies of construction charts of port cities, outposts, cities, fortresses and strongholds." said Aegor. After listening to his request the Librarian took him to the section where all the blueprints are stored and left Aegor to his devices.

During his time in the library Aegor checked out all the blueprints he wanted and collected all of them in one place. After that he walked towards the counter down the hall where he was able to hire 40 scribes to make copies of all the documents he selected. This includes Sewage systems, canals, Strongholds, fortress, port cities and towns and cities all around valyria.

After spending getting what he needed form Roys he moved to the next city, Oros. It is a city known for its markets and commerce. All types of good from slaves and rare animal to high end items like potion, relics etc. Here he was able to purchase a lot of spell books and large number or Arhitect, Carpenter, crafts men slaves and also a few Valyria steel swords.

Once he was done shopping he made way to find bankers. Once he found them he used his illusion skill to make himself look like an employee of the bank and sound like one all he had to do was touch them and he was able to learn all of the banking practices used by them.

After that he had visited all the other port cities Tengro, kypra and Malmos and had taken time to observe how the cities function and make note of all the designs, structure and defenses used.

Year 34 BD

(MC age 14)

During his travels around the freehold cities he came across a particular slave who had grey eyes and brown hair and was of a similar age and was put for sale. Aegor had a feeling that it would be wise to buy so he did and he asked him his name and was able to find out that he was Rickon Stark, 4th son of king Edric stark. He was captured by Ironborn and was sold toValyria as a slave since he was young he was sold a mining slave.

He had also made sure to learn how to speak the common tongue of Westeros so that he would be able to trade across the narrow sea. After some time Rickon stopped being and began to feel comfortable around Aegor. "I release you from your bondage and make you free and will help you go home since we are friends " after Aegor said that Rickon was happy and very thankful. "Thank you so much my friend". After that he brought Rickon home and during their conversation he was able to learn that Rickon is a warg and has the abilities of a greenseer. He felt that this was a must have in his new kingdom since he knew that his descendants would be of great help during the long night.

After making his way home he introduced him to his family "Father and mother this prince Rickon Stark , 4th son of king Edric Stark lord of the northern kingdom of westeros. He is a friend." He made sure his family treated him well during his stay in Valyria.

During his stay in Valyria, Rickon Stark had managed to get the attention of Rhaenyra, Aegor's younger sister. At first it was just a small nod and smiles but later they started to get close but sooner he could see it grow to something more. So he first asked his sister if she liked him and initially like any other Teenager she denied until he got it out of her and finally she admitted so after a long talk he told her that he would arrange for their marriage if he would join me on my quest to conquer the Nortos and pledge loyalty. One morning in the training ground " So Rickon, what are your plans once you go back to your family in the north." Aegor possessed this question to start a conversation. " I am not sure since I am the 4th son my options are to hope my father gives me some land to lord over or I would join the night's watch." said Rickon.

"Do you like my sister? I know that you she likes." Aegor said. Rickon was a bit shocked and was unable to speak but after some time he admitted he liked her so Aegor made him an offer that if he is ready to swear fealty to him and his family he would give him lands to rule over in the new continent and let him take his sisters hand in marriage.

Rickon accepted Aegor's offer and immediately swore his fealty. Now with that done the next thing to do was to get the council of the freeholders to let them set up an out post.

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