
Rise of a New Valyrian Dragonlord

This is a story about Arthur Smith, a very clever and successful businessman who finds himself in the body of a 7 year old dragonlord named Aegor Vaelyreos, 40 years before the doom of Valyria. Join Aegor on his journey to escape the doom and face the long night. Note : This is my first time writting so please go easy one me. If you have any cool ideas which can help make it more interesting please let me know in the comments. Also in case I am having writers block I will let you guys know in advance and keep you update so I do not leave you hanging.

Ash_born01 · 电视同人
14 Chs

Chapter 5: Stage 1 New land

Year 40 BD 2nd month

After spending a month of training in weapons, information gathering, learning, dragon riding and tool making Aegor was finally prepared to set off on his expedition up north in the new continent. He first made sure that there was no talks of a new continent in the north of Essos, he used his mind reading skill on his father and found no such talks. After that he made sure to calculate the amount of food needed to feed him and his dragon and packed other things needed for this trip like paper, pen, ink, dragon saddle and a bastard sword and stored all the items in the ring except the bastard sword.

Also during the month he spent time learning magic and using his 'Magic tools maker'. During that time he learned that the blood magic which was believed to be the only way valyrians conquered the known world was false. The truth is the magic used by valyrians was to channel life energy or magic from living sources or fire to do the wielders bidding similar to how witches in Witcher channel their magic we act as a guide and use our minds or incantations/spells to achieve the end result. A person can cast magic outside of valyria with ease as long as they have a source which they can draw energy from. So for sorcerers they use a crystal which is a combination of dragon glass and rubes and sea salt which is all melted together to form a reddish crystal known as blood mist stones which acts as a rechargeable battery and can be reused a good amount. The blood magic story spread was used as a scare tactic for enemies. So after learning more about magic and spells he began creating tools which he could use to help him in his journey. First thing he made was a magic heart which is a blood red crystal(high grade blood mist stone which stores a large amount of magic compared to ones produced in valyria) encased in brooch which was created using 5 blood mist stones and a piece of valyrian steel. Once created he placed the blood mist stones and magic heart a few feet away from the mouth of the volcano and it began to draw in the energy into itself and after a few hours it started to glow which meant that it was fully charged with magic. Once done he put the stones away in his inventory and the magic heart near his chest once placed inside of him. Once the stored magic was used up he would have to place his hand on his chest and place the jewel near a volcano again to use it.

After that he made a Sling ring from Doctor strange for easy transport and a dragon which was smaller than the other standard one which was the size of a water bottle. It is able to bend any dragon including bonded ones to his will. Once he was done with all the preparations he walked up to his parents and told them that he would be taking Arrax for a long flight and would be back in a few days. His mother Caleris Vaelyreos was little concerned but since he had proved himself to be a good rider she allowed and said " You can go on your trip but make sure to carry some money and carry a glass candle with you and let us know where you are." His father did not object to his plans and had let him make the journey.

After getting Arrax ready for flight and adding all the essentials his mother told him to carry he bid them farewell and commanded his dragon to fly. Arrax took to the sky and flew high, they kept flying till they made their first stop in Volantis there he was greeted by the nobles of the city and being a member of the 2nd most powerful house in Valyria they made sure to give him grand greeting one of the nobles Jaegel Dalanyon greeted him " Welcome to Volantis my lord we are so glad to have you here how may we be of service." Aegor returned his greeting and said to him " Greetings magister Jaegel Dalanyon I am just passing by and would like to stay in Volantis for a day and would be on my way could please ensure that I could get place for me and my dragon to rest and also ensure that he is feed." After that Aegor was taken to his room and Arrax was given an area to rest and meat was served to him and just like in the TV show the dragon cooked to the meat using his fire breath and began eating his fill and both of them slept through the night.The next morning Aegor and Arrax had their fill and begin their journey again and made a stop at Qohor and then Morosh and kept informing his family of his whereabouts after that he flew north west as he was flying across the sea he was able to see a huge land mass and being overjoyed and commanded Arrax to land in the nearest clearing once he was down he got of his dragon and began to set up camp and made sure to feed his dragon and himself after that he called it a day and slept.

The next day Aegor cleared the camp site and got back on his dragon and flew around the continent to get a full idea of the land, its geography, notable features, rivers, mountains etc. After circling around the continent Aegor was able to make a rough map of the land was glad to know that the land was mostly very fertile and spacious with 5 volcanoes in the heart of the content and mountain ranges on both sides of the continent east and west which acts a barriers to keep the cold out and are rich in mineral and small islands around the continent which could act as good naval out posts." If I use my tool maker skill right I could make a perfect barrier which could cover the whole continent and enable me to regulate the temperature" though Aegor. After that he noted that native population mostly consists of 4 clans of freefolk on its north west side of the continent and flew Arrax there and landed in another clearing after that he used his illusion skill and changed his appearance to that of a free folk with red hair and blue eye like a younger version of Tormund Giantsbane and infiltrated the closest clan. After making contact with one of the local free folk he was able read his mind and was able to learn about the current political climate. The free folk consists of the river clan, mountain clan the forest clan and the Thenn's just link in the TV show all the other clans hate the thenn's since they are cannibals and have enslaved the other clans similar to how Harren Hoare and how he enslaved the riverlands and would happily make a deal with anyone to kill them. Also he found out that the population of all 3 clans combined was around at least 20 thousand which would not affect his plans to take over this continent since he planned to fill the content with more valyrians so that the majority would not object to his rule and that it would be hard for the locals to dethrone his family god forbid a rebellion takes place. Because of it will be his people and the chance of rebellion will be low.

Once he was done gathering information he was able to learn that all the 3 tribes hate the Thenns and would not mind bending the knee and pleading allegiance as long as the Thenns are dead. Secondly the continent is large enough for his people to grow and thrive. Lastly there is no disease which could wipe them out. And now Aegor has succeeded in gathering information and now it was time to go home and get an audience with his family and begin the next stage of his plan to start building an outpost.

After packing all the charts, maps and campsite he began his journey back home and was ready to face his family and start his quest to conquer the new continent.

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