
Chapter 5 Adoption

"So you would like a child that is Smart nice and can follow directions and has black hair? Then we have just the orphan for you Please come this way My lady" Marcy said with a smile on her face "Delanie Please bring 05 here"

"Yes Ma'am Right away Ma'am" Delanie replied quickly and left to fetch Edwin. They call him 05 because orphanages do not name their children and it is only when they are adopted that the children are given names by their new parents.

At the courtyard of the orphanage a small young boy at the age of five is surrounded by a group of kids. Nope they aren't bullying him but instead they are there listening to him telling them a story. "And the dark figure said "Luke I am your Father"

The children gasp obviously shocked by the news.

"05 please come with me, a family would like to see you" Delanie said with a smile filled with joy filled her face.

05 or Edwin froze 'Holy crap this is happening im finally going to get out of here' he thought

Without missing a beat he walked towards Delanie "I am ready Ma'am please take me to see my new family" Edwin said this with a smile this time obviously sincere.

'Man i hope their rich or atleast have a lot of money, and this is my chance at magic the orphanage doesn't have one and apparently only the military and the royal family have books about it'

Walking with Delanie Edwin turned around and said his goodbyes to his entourage.

'A Bit early to celebrate but i'm going to charm the hell out of them.

Arriving at the main office Edwin is greeted by Marcy the woman who found him five years ago and a couple the man is fit and young and the woman too with defined curves. 'Holy shit that's my new mom' both of them had blonde hair and blue eyes.

Edwin greeted them. "Hello Sir, hello Ma'am" while bowing to show proper etecut. 'Who knew that this world had self help books, thank you Formality practice for dummies he found the book behind the bookshelf at the orphanage covered in dust.

"Oh and he knows his Manners as well, Hello there young man my name is Carl and this is my wife Vera" The man named Carl said.

"Wow i might just get you right away with your manners and all, Ahh i love it" the woman Vera said hugging Edwin her breasts basically choking him, this time he did not resist. 'Ahh man kinda sucks that she's my mom now, but… were not blood related'

Before Edwin could finish his thought he was interrupted by Marcy saying "Well we can get the papers if you so wished?"

Vera lets go of Edwin and talks to Marcy about the paper. 'Sweet so im adopted now'

After a few more minutes of talking Marcy nods and tells Edwin to pack his things. Which was easy because the only possession that Edwin has is his clothes, some money he made from visitors and that was it. 'Plain and simple just like how i like it' Edwin though quickly packing his things and fast walked to the main door.

Walking out Marcy and the orphanage staff was there to see him off.

"Congratulations Edwin"

"I'm so happy for you"

And the usual farewells.

Edwin turned to the two couples who introduced their last names as Carvoni. And seeing their Carraige did not disappoint. It was expensive Edwin doesn't know much about carriages but he can tell this one was big money.

'Jackpot' Edwin thought and hopped in with his new family.

They explained to him that they have to stop by somewhere first Edwin didn't care he was happy as is.

"Oh I forgot, your name we have to pick one out for you now right?" Vera asked, pulling Edwin close.

"I will be most happy with whatever name you all chose for me" EDwin replied with a smile.

"Alright then how about…." Carl trailed off.

'Here it comes a new name' Edwin was anticipating a new and cool one probably like Julius or cassius.

"Oh how about Edwin? You look like an Edwin to me" Vera jutted in.

Edwin a;most just about jumped out the carriage.

"Yeah that does sound nice doesn't it?" Carl agreed.

Regaining his composure "That sounds most wonderful Sir, Ma'am"

"Oh stop with the Sir's and Ma'am's call me dad" Carl said

"Oh and me mom mkay?" Vera added

"Yes Mom and Dad" Edwin said happily.

He noticed that they have gone deep into the woods.

"Umm Mom, Dad where exactly are we going again?"

"Oh you'll know soon enough" they both said in unison with the same smile almost creepy like.

'This doesn't look good' Edwin thought 'What have i gotten myself into'.

Boom a surprise chapter. Now here read it to your hearts content. and if you haven't noticed ive hidden some popculture references all over the novel. try to point them out lol. and i might do a bacth of chapters probably like 5 once you do. Good luck!!!

FnaticOtakucreators' thoughts