[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
Ivan suddenly punched harder to Ishan and caught his cheeks by his both palms and pressed it and shouted, "What's wrong with you?! What's making you so much depressed?!"
Elisa, Cyet, Era, Eiro, Aid and Jiyu were shocked because they saw Ivan being angry on Ishan on the first time and ran towards them.
"Why do you want to be alone?! Why are you doubting on yourself without seeing yourself that how good you are in things and you think you are never deserve?!" Shouted Ivan on Ishan.
And Ishan suddenly realized that how much is he depressed on himself because he couldn't move on from his previous life! He was also surprised that for the first time he made Ivan angry!
Ishan's eyes started dropping tears and he said, "I... I don't know. But... I can't move on. I... I am really not a deserving guy."
And by this, Ivan was totally angry and in anger, he threw Ishan from the very top of the audiance place.
"What the hell are you doing?!" Shouted Elisa but it was already late.
Ishan fell and got first hit and was going to fall more badly with hitting more but suddenly, on the first hit, Ishan came in his survival mode and saved himself from second hit by landing on another upper seat on his arms and suddenly landed on the ground on his feet.
And till that time, all the audiance have left except them. Yu and Ahi were with Sara, talking and congratulating.
"What's... Wrong with him? I was feeling pity for Mahi... But... He's out of his mind. What's making him so depressed?" Said stressed Ivan.
Elisa, Jiyu, Aid, Era, Eiro and Cyet were relieved that Ishan landed safely and ran towards Ivan.
"What's wrong with you?! I have never seen you angry, but this time, you threw your own little brother from this high?" Said shocked Elisa.
"Ah...! He is a troublemaker! I took him to vacations to another country, but day by day, he is becoming more depressed." Said worrying Ivan.
"He definitely needs a mental therapy." Said Elisa after getting to know that what conversation Ishan and Ivan had.
"Uh... I guess our words hurted them." Said Aid with feeling guilty and regretting.
"No, you all's words were just trigger of it, I guess. There is something too much big regrets in himself making it worse. And about mental therapy, it can do nothing because I am sure that Ishan will definitely not tell anything about himself and how does he feels. Just see him, he started crying just before I threw him." Said Ivan.
And Ishan was turned back in normal and talking and laughing with Sara since he landed on the court, like he hide everything in seconds.
"If this will be continued, his mental state will become worse. And who knows that he will end up..." Elisa couldn't say anything further because she couldn't.
"I guess there is only way. Let's stay with him and when time will come, we will leave him all alone. In that case, most probably, he will find or make someone close to spend all the time and if it doesn't works... Then it means that he can only get happiness in loneliness." Said Eiro and everyone was shocked by his statement but Ivan agreed with his statement.
"I guess, you are right. Anyways, by these things, don't make your mind disturbed." Said Ivan.
"But what you told the whole story... I am surprised that Ishan got another girl who loves him." Said Jiyu and all the eyes of teasing came on Jiyu.
"Are you jealous of him?" Asked teasing Era.
"Why would I? Although I am seeing love triangle for the first time in real life." Replied Jiyu.
"If that's the case and how Ishan sees love, it will not be. Ishan loves us all, whether it's me, you, and his all friends, everyone of us. He believes that you will always be loved more than you expect." Replied Ivan and everyone realized it and started trying to understand philosophy of love in Ishan's view.
"Anyways, too long chit chat. You all have to apologize to them as well." Said Elisa and everyone remembered.
Ishan caught some signals from Ivan indicating to meet at a specific place with Sara. And Ishan understand everything perfectly.
"Where are we going?" Asked Sara and walking with Ishan towards somewhere.
And Ishan with Sara finally reached at a silent spot. And suddenly Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid, Cyet and Yu arrived in front of them.
And Sara realized that why they are here and made an angry face whereas Ishan was smiling and laughing and shaking his hand saying hi.
Suddenly Jiyu, Aid, Era, Eiro, Cyet and Yu suddenly bended down and said, "We apologize to both of you!"
"Oh my, my. Apologizing? To us? I have already forgave you. Sara, you also forgive him." Said happy Ishan to end the fight once and for all.
But Sara was still angry and not giving forgiveness.
"You are the one most hurted, Ishan. Big brother took you outside the country but you are still depressed. It's making me sad and regretful." Said Aid and Sara realized that there is something going wrong with Ishan and suddenly forgave everyone and started questioning to him.
"Uh, it's something I can't move on currently. But don't worry about me." Said smiling Ishan and everyone started feeling more worried about Ishan.
"I still can remember that day, when you saved me from killing me." Said Cyet with a smile on his face and everyone was shocked except Eiro, he knew that there must be a thing in Cyet which he discovered it at the match of Ivan vs Ishan.
"You don't need to tell! Don't dare--"
"On the last second day of Sports Event, at evening, I was going to jump from terrace of the school until Ishan arrived. He didn't stopped me to kill myself but he just wanted to hear and give some advice." Said Cyet and laughed on remembering the day.
And everyone was shocked and all eyes at Ishan.
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