[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
And Cyet and Era, if anyone of you can play then please."
"Well then, I am going." Said Cyet and with Aid and Eiro, he moved towards the court.
Yu was watching the scene and thought what would have happened and said, "Um... Wait, was his bone..." Yu was shocked.
"So... What is the matter?" Asked Sara.
After a few seconds
"What?! Your right leg was paining from the morning and you didn't told us?! How many times did I and your Jiyu and other asked that are you alright or not but you?!" Scolded Sara on Ishan.
"Yes! You must have at least told us!" Mister Wa also scolded him.
"Ishan is a very clever and smart guy, he must have a reason behind all this. So... Will you face some problems to tell us?" Asked Miss Naya.
"Um, I actually wanted to play with them and if I would have told you all already, everyone would be panicked and started thinking about me only despite of the game so I didn't told." Said Ishan.
"Ah, this could be the only reason I guess." Said Miss Naya with a sigh.
After the third quarter, the match was gone worse for School Lotus, the scoreboard was, 50-72, 50 by School Lotus and 72 by Kagi School.
Qu was smiling and Ishan's teammates were in a tension of the game.
The game again started and the ball started dribbling.
Somehow Era finally managed to steal the ball in the starting already but suddenly his three opponents blocked his path.
"What a small guy can even do?" Era's opponents started insulting Era but he was focused and pressured on the game.
Era's opponents became annoyed and tried to steal the ball but whenever they try to do, Era dodged it and protected the ball.
"Era, just give up already. You were never made for basketball, just leave it."
This was not the voice of any opponent but this voice easily weakened Era because it was of Sia, who cheered him but never expected a lot from him to win. She always said whenever Era failed to throw a perfect for a goal, "What else can I even expect from you, Era?"
Now, psychology says, higher expectations from someone and showing it leads to the person's better performance but lower or no expectations leads to make a topper to a loser and this is the only thing which made Era always insecured in playing the game.
Era now started losing his trip of holding the ball and it started dribbling with some problem because Era was now too much pressured that he can't even think or see what can happen next.
"Era!!! Stop listening of good for nothing girls and focus on the game!!! I expect from you a lot than anyone! Do your best!!!" Screamed Ishan cheering Era.
Jiyu, Cyet, Eiro and Aid understood the problem and they also started cheering him loudly.
"You can do it, Era!!!"
"Don't lose your hope!!!"
"Just focus on the game!!!"
"If you goaled for me than I will definitely give you a lot of sweets and chocolates, Ear!!!" This was definitely Cyet.
"Just shut up!" Shouted Era on Cyet and Era finally came on senses.
"Do your best, Era!" Sara also cheered up for Era.
"Yes! Don't give up so easily!" And this was Ahi.
Whereas Sia was totally angry on what Ishan said but controlled her anger.
'You... You all? Thank you, thank you so much of your cheering up, I have got a lot of friends and even two sisters. I am happy and I will not easily give up, at least for you all.' thought Era and came in whole senses.
'Thank you.' and Era jumped throwing the ball, not towards the hoop but towards Cyet who was in the opponents area.
Cyet jumped and caught the ball and holder it with one hand and threw with a hook attack and it was a perfect shot scoring 2 points.
"Now I am going." Said Ishan and stood.
"But what about your pain?!" Sara scolded again to Ishan.
"I must help my teammates first and health is next, you see I didn't told anyone of you until then." And Sara was speechless and she let him go.
"Cyet, take some rest. Leave the rest to me." Ishan entered in the game again.
"But what about you?"
Ishan said, "Do as I say, you haven't taken avrest since the first quarter and I am the captain so you can't deny with my order."
And Cyet with silence walked outside the court for rest.
"Are you seriously going to be alright?" Asked Jiyu.
"Leave the rest to your big brother." Ishan made a smiling face and Jiyu shouted on him saying, "You are not my big brother!"
"So... This is his and his team's spirit?" Said Yu with curosity.
"Yes yes. Let's start the game." Said Ishan and all the five came on their positions.
"Are you seriously going to be ok, Ishan?!" Asked Mister Wa.
"I am not going to fall again sir. Don't worry about me."
And the game started with Ishan's team on defensive and opponents team on offensive.
Qu started dribbling the ball and thought that how would even Ishan play and smiled and ran towards Ishan's team area.
But suddenly a flash came from a side of Qu and with stealing the ball, he disappeared. Qu looked back and Ishan was now already in Qu's team area and gave a hook attack which was not able to be stopped and they got two more points.
"He... Still has this much of potential?!" Sia was shocked and continued, "Then it is not possible to defeat them!"
The game continued and Ishan's team again came on dominance again.
Just in the last quarter, Ishan's team again came on the momentum and now the scoreboard was 73-74, 73 by Ishan's team and 74 by Qu's team.
Now only a single minute was left, everyone holded their breaths with curosity to know who will win.
"Now what will happen...?" Yu becoming too much curious.
The game again started with the ball in Qu's hand and he ran and tried to hold the ball in his hands only so that Ishan's team can't even try to goal.
40 seconds passed and Qu managed to hold the ball but suddenly Jiyu finally stole the ball and rushed.
Now 15 seconds were left, he ran towards the opponents side hoop but suddenly his four opponents blocked him from front. He tried to jump but they also jumped at the same time which was not good to throw at that time so he directly threw the ball backwards and Ishan, in the team's area, caught.
Now just last 7 seconds were left and Ishan took a deep breath and jumped and threw for three points.
Everyone's eyes on the ball going towards the hoop.
And the ball almost reached the hoop... But unfortunately it ended up with colliding the hoop but not went inside the hoop.
And the time's up!
"The game ends!!!" The referee declared.
And suddenly Ishan fall on face towards the ground.
And finally this arc ends! I thought that at chapter 50, the Class 11 would end but till now I have only ended at this trip arc!!!
Anyways, if the story becomes of 200 chapters also, I will not leave it until it ends. I have a rule of mine, never leave a story left. The characters will end with no end and readers will end up with having a lot of questions in their mind which never get an answer. Anyways, enjoy and I am not going to accept the contract because I think the words, sentences and stories belongs to me and blah blah blah. Haha, anyways, enjoy reading my stories and also try some another as well of mine.
Thank you.