[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
After one hour, the match between Kagi School and School Lotus was going to start and the audience of Kagi School were outside of the stadium for a while.
Ishan and his team were taking rest so that they don't get exhausted before the match begins.
'Ah, what am I going to do now?' thought Ishan with tension.
Whereas Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Cyet and Aid knew that something Ishan is definitely facing hard but can't ask because they don't wanted to make him angry anymore.
"Let me make you introduce them." And the door opens and Sara and one more girl was there.
"Guys! Meet her, she is Yu! She is from our school and has came to watch our match."
Yu bended down and said, "Nice to meet you all."
Jiyu stood and said, "Oh, nice to meet you too."
And Aid, Era, Eiro and Cyet also stood and bended down but Ishan was still drown in his thoughts.
"Um... Are you really ok, Ishan?"
Ishan looked straight upwards, lying on blanket, and saw Sara just just in front his face. He said, "I am alright, let's go, the match is going to start soon." And Sara came back near Yu and Ishan stood and started leaving and walking towards the stadium.
"So he is your team captain? If he is this much rude than definitely he doesn't plays well." Said Yu.
"Uh, it's not like that. He is not rude at all, he is just... Um..." Sara doesn't know what to say next showing Yu that what she said is true.
Jiyu came near Sara and whispered, "There is definitely something bad going with Ishan's body or to better specify, his legs. So keep an eye on him." And with Aid, Cyet, Era and Eiro, he left.
Now the match was going to start in a few minutes and players were already in the court talking with each other. Ro was also there and he was talking with Qu with a smile in both's faces.
Ro and Qu looked at Ishan and he also gave an eye contact. Both of them smiled on seeing Ishan and Ishan came on fire and by just moving his lips, he scared them. He said without voice but with lips, "You-are-now-definitely-dead."
And the game began and with Qu catching the ball and started running towards the hoop.
"Your friends definitely going to be defeated." Predicted Yu with making Sara a little bit sad but then said, "You must not say until you haven't saw them."
"Jiyu!" Shouted Ishan and Jiyu smiled and came on action and in a second stole the ball from Qu's hand and escaped from each block and came in front of the opponent team's hoop and gave a perfect dunk starting with 2 points.
And Yu was a little bit surprised from the beginning.
Now, Ishan's team on defensive and opponents team on offensive and the match again began.
The ball started dribbling and the opponent reached in front of a side of Ishan's team area but he was blocked by Aid, Jiyu and Cyet.
The opponent suddenly passed the ball back towards Qu's team area and Qu caught it and jumped moving backwards and threw the ball towards the goal for 3 points, copying of the 3 pointer of Koyo School.
Jiyu said, "Does he really think it is easy to copy and act like Ishan?"
Ishan smiled and said, "I guess I will have to teach you what a three pointer shot is."
And the ball didn't went inside the ball despite collided with it and Ishan caught the ball from a side and did the same what Qu did.
Sara was now more excited to watch Ishan's throw and the ball perfectly fall inside the hoop bringing three more points in Ishan's team!
"How can he still stand?!" Qu became angry.
The first quarter ended with 26-18, 26 in School Lotus and 18 in Kagi School and it was now a break.
"Now I want to play." Said Ro and everyone was shocked. Eiro and Ishan were a little bit worried that what is his plan now but Aid kept his hand on Ro's shoulder and said, "You are welcome"
Eiro was shocked but Ishan calmed him and said, "Let the game go on and let's see what he actually wants to do."
Qu looked at Ro and smiled.
The match began and Era and Cyet were on rest and rest were in the game.
The ball came in Qu's hand and he started dribbling and ran towards Ro. At reaching till Ro, Ro easily stole the ball like Qu was not even holding it and Ishan ran towards the opponent's team area and Ro suddenly threw the ball towards Ishan with holding the ball in horizontal of hand and took his hand back with holding the ball and threw with a speed towards Ishan, not Ishan but towards his legs!
Before Ishan could do anything, the ball hit Ishan's right leg at perfect knee and he screamed with pain.
Everyone was shocked and Jiyu, Aid, Cyet, Era and Eiro ran towards him in rush and Sara jumped from the audience sitting place and landed on feet and ran towards Ishan.
Mister Wa and Miss Naya also ran towards sitting and feeling lot of pain Ishan.
"Are you alright or not?!" Said Sara with being too much worried.
Ishan with a lot of pain in his right leg's knee and said, "The... Knee. It is hurting like hell."
Mister Wa said, "Let's first take him to a side of the court."
And Jiyu and Aid gave their shoulders and took him to a side and made him sit with making his right leg straight.
"What, huh, Ishan? By just a ball, you screamed with a pain? How are you supposed to be a captain?" Laughed Qu.
'So the incident finally occurred, huh? This was you both's plan?' thought Ishan with anger.
The referee said, "Please return back to the court so the game continues. And you, Ishan, you can take rest."
Jiyu was not going to leave Ishan but Ishan said, "Just go, I will come in the match back soon." And patted on his back and Jiyu has to go.