[The story has been completed.] A failure guy who failed in everything and gave up from his dreams. He once dreamed to be a great basketball player like his big brother but from wrong people, he left from it and walked on the wrong path on which he even left those people who loved him. With a lot of sadness and regrets, he decides to end his life at once and for all and he finally died. But wait... The boy gets 12 years back from which everything started and he has got a chance to fix the things!
'... Lisa was right!' thought Sara with joining all the dots and continued, 'Ishan has changed Aid as compared to last year school beginning days, he made Sia and Era good friends even if they looked at each other up and down, but... Now all of them wants to leave Ishan because... He lied? Because he plans all alone and never wants others to join?'
And Sara turned back at Ishan talking with Miss Naya.
'... So... When everyone will be gone where Ishan wants them to, then he will leave and even... We will leave him...?' and Sara finally found the final goal of Ishan which he actually himself will never know but he will do the same without knowing it.
And a tear came in Sara's eye and said, "... So this is what will happen?"
"What happened Sara?" Asked Sia looking at Sara.
And turned towards where Sara was looking, at Ishan and said, "Hey, Sara. Why don't you leave Ishan? He lied to us, he doesn't needs us. So why don't you find someone who wants you and you wants him?"
And Sara wiped her tears with a smile and said, "... You will never understand him, Sia. He is always going to be beyond our minds."
And Sia didn't understood the answer and just ignored it.
"So... You are going to fate festival with Sara?" Asked Ivan after hearing what Ishan said.
Ishan feels free to tell about these things to Ivan because he knows that Ivan will not make fun of interrupt in it, despite he will cheer him if it's a good thing and if bad, he will stop Ishan from doing.
"Yeah." And Ishan got ready.
"Oh, I also want to go with Elisa. We have actually planned about it earlier only."
And Ishan stopped and said, "So... Cyet can also go, and if he can also go then Jiyu, Era, Eiro and Aid can also join him!"
"Hey, why would Cyet join us?" Said Ivan with feeling sad that his little brother has a small brain.
"I didn't mean by that... But can't he go seperately if he is not exhausted."
And Ishan and Ivan imagined that would be Cyet exhausted.
And they both smiled with a sweat and said, "No, he will definitely go to festival for sure."
"If you want it to make it private, buy masks in the festival and don't react whenever anyone comes in the view." Recommended Ivan.
"That's my only plan."
And Ishan continued walking in the evening to pick up Sara and go for the fate.
Ishan came in front of Sara's house and said with low voice, "Sara--"
Suddenly the door opened and, "Can't you shout out louder?! I knew that, mama, Ishan will never shout in front of our house!"
Sara was already ready and was going to wait in front of her house but her mother said that when Ishan will arrive, he will call but Sara knew very well that Ishan will definitely never shout, but to prove that, she was sitting in front of the door inside the house.
But Ishan was stunned by looking how beautiful Sara looking today.
"I apologise." Said Sara's mother and pushed Sara out of the house and said, "Enjoy kids." And closed the door. She doesn't wanted to spoil each second of them.
But Ishan was still stunned.
Sara looked at Ishan and got a huge smile and said, "How am I looking?"
And Ishan completely blushed with coming in senses and turned away his face immediately.
Sara laugged and said, "Come on, we are going to get married years later for sure but if you kept blushing by looking at me, I will have problems with my friends. They will be teasing me that my husband can't even see my face by shyness."
And Sara started laughing and Ishan also started laughing that how far is Sara thinking.
"... Fine, let's go."
And Ishan and Sara, with hand in hand started walking towards the festival.
"So you mean they can also come?"
"Most probably yes, but we should not worry about that, we will just buy masks and enjoy all alone."
And Ishan and Sara reached the festival and focused on the first priority, buy masks to keep themselves secret.
Sara chose a beautiful ninja mask whereas Ishan purchased the most scariest one. And they both wore it and started enjoying the fate.
And Ishan and Sara tried many new things, from shooting to cotton candy and much more.
And, unlucky Ivan and Elisa, Cyet with Jiyu, Era, Eiro, Aid, Sia, and Yu came to the fate! Ivan's expectations were broken that he expected that Cyet will not interfere in their fate but this time not just he, but his whole gang has arrived.
And Ivan suddenly got another expectation and he said seriously, "Cyet, and everyone... Are you all here to meet Ishan?"
And Elisa didn't understood that what's the matter but everyone started sweating.
Eiro said, "Uh... Yes."
And Ivan gave a sigh and said, "... But why? He also has a private life, I am too much disappointed from you all."
And Elisa asked from Ivan that what's the matter and Ivan explained by whispering and Elisa also got the same disappointed face and said, "This is not good. Now..."
Elisa poked at everyone and continued, "You all are not going to chase or find Ishan or if he is with anyone. You all enjoy your fate and let Ishan also. And also me and Ivan!"
Everyone with apologizing said, "Yes, we are sorry."
Ishan and Sara finally sat on the sloopy greenery ground with seeing the beautiful moon.
And Ishan and Sara smiled together.
"Hey... Ishan... I wanted to tell you something..."
And Ishan turned towards Sara.
Sara was hesitating but still said, "... I.... I am... I am going abroad when my 12th final exams will be done. In Feb."
And Ishan was stunned for a second but then took his head down with a smile and said, "... I see... And when you will come back?"
Sara also looked down and replied, "... Maybe for 3 to 5 years... I am just going to study literature and training chess."
"... Oh... That's fine, I can wait for you or even come to you sometimes... Will it be fine?"
And Sara laughed and said, "Of course... And we will still be in contact by phones as well, so it will be not an issue either."
And Sara took off her mask and turned towards Ishan and said, "Ishan... Take off the mask for a second."
Ishan didn't understood why but he removed his mask--
And suddenly Sara caught Ishan's face and kissed him. And Ishan closed his eyes and never broke the kiss.
And the fireworks bursted with making scene more beautiful.